D'Nai Part 1

Story by ChryssHart on SoFurry

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A slow throbbing ache at the base of her skull radiated outward, encompassing her whole head. She tried to open her eyes but they felt like they were glued shut. Cold . . . stone? . . . against her breasts and belly. . . Where were her clothes? Voices. . .

"Good catch Teran. I am sure he will be pleased." A calm voice, but deep like a mountain.

Pain seared her mind anew as her ear twitched toward the sounds of movement around her. She cried out and tried to clutch at her head but found she could not move her paws. At this, she forced her eyes open and looked blearily around her. There seemed to be a dim light coming from above her, but she could make out very little through her hazy vision. There were dark shapes moving just outside her line of sight. She struggled to turn, to see, to discern what had happened to no avail. Rough ropes lashed her arms behind her back, her hind paws drawn up, bound together and tethered to her forepaws.

Her vision began to clear. She could see an iron door about six feet away set into what appeared to be a stone wall. Yes, this was the stone upon which she lay. Gingerly, she turned her head to the right, whimpering softly at the renewed pain. The room she was in seemed to be fairly small, only about ten feet across, and she was on a table in the middle of it.

Again she heard that mountainous voice, "She awakens."

Claws clicked against stone, moving toward the left wall. She turned her head again and saw a black lupine male open the door. He beckoned and two furs entered but they walked out of her line of sight before she could get a clear look. All she knew was that they were big. Much larger than the wolf who had let them in.

There was more movement behind her and she suddenly felt something cold and sticky being rubbed into the back of her head. She winced at first, but as the rubbing continued, her pain subsided. She turned her head back to the right to thank her benefactor only to find herself nose-to-nose with a lion! She yipped in fright and tried to pull away but only managed to roll onto her side, straining her shoulder and exposing her naked breasts to this strange male. He reached out one huge paw and pulled her back over, easily rolling her by her hip.

"What's going on? Why am I here. . . " She asked, her voice trembling. She was afraid she already knew the answers for she had been walking home and had taken a path marked with a red flag. . .

"You are here. . . " rumbled the lion beside her, "because you trespassed on D'Nai lands. You are a Pactbreaker and are, therefore, now my property."

She gasped. Every V'Kan knew of the pact and could recite it word for word by the time they were two. The D'Nai and the V'Kan lived in neighboring territories and, to prevent all-out war, had made a Pact: any tribe member caught on the other tribe's lands was forfiet; to be dealt with however the leader of the offended Clan deemed suitable. But she was the daughter of the V'Kan chief! Surely this did not apply to her!

"I am Jenna K'nara V'Kan, daughter of Chief Soren K'nar V'Kan and I demand you release me!" she cried haughtily, struggling against her bonds.

The lion chuckled. "I see," he said mockingly, "And how old are you little foxy?"

"Fifteen. . . " said Jenna cautiously

The great male continued laughing for a moment before answering "Fifteen! So you are old enough to know the Pact?"

"Well yes, bu-"

"NO!" he roared as he gripped the edges of the table and brought his face down to her level again. His fiery orange eyes commanded her attention, his gaze piercing through her pride and into her soul. He lowered his voice until it was little more than a whisper. "No one is exempt from the Pact. You will spend the rest of your life HERE!."

As if to emphasize her powerlessness, he gripped her snowy muzzle in one huge tawny paw and as his other paw flashed down, claws extended, she knew a moment of sheer terror. He and the others laughed once again as the ropes that held her were cut and her limbs flopped back to a more natural position. She screamed. Pain shot through her whole body now. Cramped muscles and stiffened joints protested the sudden movement. All hope of escape fled from her. She knew she wasn't going anywhere like this and, as the gravity of her situation finally hit her, she began to weep. Tears streamed down her muzzle and she felt herself being lifted from the table. Huge arms held her as if she weighed nothing, but there was no tenderness as they waited for the table to be moved. She cried even harder when she was laid down on the floor, this time on her back.

She saw through her tears that there were four males standing over her: The lion who had spoken before stood at her head and was motioning and saying something to the others. She couldn't hear him over the sound of her own sobbing. To her right stood the one who had moved her: a massive bull with a shiny black coat and sharpened metal caps on the ends of his long horns. To her left stood an equally enormous equine, though he seemed somehow diminished next to the bull. He had thick, deep chestnut fur that faded into white fetlocks and a shaggy black mane that fell into his eyes. She looked down her body to see the black wolf again kneeling between her legs. He held a jar in one paw. She knew what was coming. They were going to mate her. But she didn't know what the jar was for. She cringed as he dipped a paw into the container and drew it out covered in a thick ointment. He leered at her and, without warning, began slathering the balm all over her pussy and tailhole. She arched her back as fire raced across her nether regions, cried out in renewed agony as her still-sore muscles pulled at her aching joints.

Suddenly she felt her muzzle being pried open, the lion's strong digits pressing at the hinge of her jaw. He reached up and the equine handed him something which he then forced into her mouth. It was a metal cage that fit just behind her front teeth, making it impossible to close her jaw.

By now the males were hard, their cocks all different shapes and sizes; but all big, and all meant for her.

"I think that is enough, Teran," rumbled the lion to the wolf.

"Yes Jarek." The wolf stopped applying the fiery salve and tucked the jar away in a nearby bag. Jenna could hardly stand the burning sensation. It aroused her even though it hurt, making her more sensitive so that even the slightest touch heightened her arousal. But she didn't want this! She had no time to fight the growing hunger in her pussy because Jarek was now above her preparing to stuff his cock down her throat. The other males simply continued to watch and stroke their members as Jarek began to fuck her muzzle. He pressed himself in all the way holding his cock down her throat until she gagged then pulled out for a moment before pushing in again. Jenna began to moan and buck her hips up as her hot cunny became hotter and wetter. She wanted that big lioncock inside her, needed to feel release. But Jarek continued his pattern, enjoying teasing her.

Finally he pulled out of her muzzle and, to her surprise, released the metal cage holding it open. He positioned himself over her, his cocktip just brushing her pussy lips and leaned down close to her.

"What do you want, Jenna?" he whispered teasingly.

"Please. . . don't make me. . " she cried, still trying to fight the aphrodisiac burning through her, her hips bucking in spite of her protests.

"What do you want, Jenna?" This time louder, his cock rubbed against her clit causing her to buck harder.

"Please. . . i don't. . . want. . . " she panted hard, her small breasts heaving, her nippled painfully hard.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, JENNA!" he roared at her as he gripped her breast tightly in his paw, squeezing hard.

She couldn't fight it any more. The part of her that knew this was wrong was locked tight in the back of her mind, bound by the chemical-induced desire.

"fuck me" she whispered.

Jarek laughed and said "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"fuck me" she cried, repeating herself louder and louder as he continued to tease her.

"fuck me. . . fuck me. . . Fuck Me. . . FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She finally howled.

And he finally complied, slamming his cock in, ripping past her hymen, driving past her G-spot and hitting her oh-so-tender cervix. She yipped and howled loudly when he grabbed her legs and pressed them back as far as they would go and began pistoning in and out of her pussy, the barbs of his cock tearing at her inner walls.

"Khrys, shut her up!" Jarek said to the waiting equine. It seemed this was all the other males had been waiting for as she immediately had a muzzle full of huge, blunt horsecock. She licked and sucked as best she could while the horse drove in and out of her throat. Jarek roared and Jenna screamed around Khrys' enormous member as Jarek's knot stretched her and his load of cum sprayed inside her. Jarek unceremoniously pulled back and popped his cock back out, ripping yet another howl of pain from Jenna's full throat. Her snowy white fur was matted with lion cum and her own blood and juices. Khrys continued to fuck her throat as the wolf lined himself up at her abused pussy hole. He wasted no time in beginning, though his meat was much smaller than Jarek's and did not fill her the way she needed.

Jarek motioned to the bull saying "Damien. . . " The bull stepped behind Teran, who paused in his jackhammering.Jenna howled anew as the blunt cockhead pressed against her tailhole. She tried to wriggle away but the three males held her down until Damien pushed inside. Jenna groaned in pain but Khrys simply began fucking her muzzle once more. He had positioned himself over her chest with her legs pulled up and pinned under his. Jarek stood, arms crossed, against the wall watching. Soon Jenna's howls of pain turned to moans of pleasure as the three males fucked her ever harder. Waves of ecstasy rolled through her body, but orgasm eluded her. Khrys began to whinny loudly and, with one powerful thrust, buried his full length down her throat and began pumping his hot, thick seed into her stomach. Even when he pulled out and stepped back the other two never stopped, establishing a rhythm and sticking to it. This was what finally drove her over the edge, her pussy and tailhole clamping down hard then pulsing and throbbing in the ecstatic rhythm of orgasm. But the males never slowed down and kept her there, riding the crest of her orgasm until, finally, with a combined howl and a bellow, the two thrust into her and filled her full of their own cum.

Teran pulled out almost immediately, but Damien was huge and was truly locked in place. He continued to rock back and forth inside her tailhole and fingered her cunny while he waited for his knot to go down. Jenna rocked with him and kept moaning "more. . . oh gods please I'm so empty. . . ". Damien began to work his paw into her sloppy wet pussy one digit at a time. Just one of his thick digits was the size of Teran's cock, but she needed to be filled, stuffed, stretched to the limits. She thrashed wildly as he worked his way past the knuckles. She grew desperate and began to rub her own clit frantically as the gigantic bovine knotted her tailhole and fistfucked her cunt. This was what she needed. She began to cum again, but this time was like a tsunami compared with a kiddie pool. She yipped and howled her pleasure into the night, her back arched hard, her eyes rolling back, her breathing stopped as she was lost in the storm of intense and mind-numbing feeling.

Teran took a step back in surprise but Jarek, Khryss and Damien smiled and knew they had accomplished their goal. Damien pulled out when Jenna's body finally relaxed and she fell into a post-coital stupor. Jarek stood over her and put his face close to hers. "I told you you would be ours. . . " and with that, her eyes closed and she drifted away, unconcious.


Already continued, though I'll be re-writing that one too. I hope not to take so long this time. Please feel free to give me feedback. I'd like to know how my readers like what I've done. It's still very yiffy, but I tried to add a bit of story in too :D You can contact me via PM here or via email at Chrysshart (at) gmail (dot) com.