Wolf guardian 2

Story by DukeOfAwesome on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolf Guardian

a continuation of Wolf Guardian

Every day was the same: the guardian chained her outside, she'd get stuffed by a wolf and the guardian chained her back into the tent. After the third week Jenny was sick of it, she tried to attack the werewolf but it was no use, he was stronger, bigger and faster than her. He blocked every attack she did, pushing her head to the ground with his powerful arm. "It'll be over soon." he said, but Jenny didn't listen and still tried to fight her way out of his grasp. One of her hind legs hit his, making him loose his balance and shift his weight so he wouldn't fall down. This was the moment Jenny was waiting for, the weight shift meant loss of grip and she pushed herself off the ground to run away, but the guardian was more experienced in the art of fighting and pinned her back on the ground. Jenny was squirming on the ground with the werewolf on top of her, pushing her hands down with his paws and her back legs were between his legs. She could feel the fur on his belly rubbing her back. He was fully covering her now. Suddenly she felt something sharp stabbing the fur in the neck. This made her freeze instantly, the guardian had grabbed her by the neck with his powerful muzzle. She didn't know why but all her will to fight him off ebbed out of her body, the grip was so relaxing to her she stopped trying to push him off her and laid there on the ground in the tent.

When he let go of her the nice, relaxing feeling passed almost immediately, but she didn't start a fight, she was too tired. Jenny just laid there on the ground with her eyes closed. "That's better," The guardian said, "I didn't want to do that, but you gave me no choice." He lifted himself from Jenny and stood back up. "You got me good this time" his hind leg was bleeding from the kick Jenny had given him. Jenny could smell the coppery scented blood dripping down his leg onto the floor. She felt bad she'd hurt him but quickly came to her senses, he had imprisoned her here and made her fuck a wolf. This thought made her growl at him again. He snarled back at her.

The guardian strapped her outside again and she knew what was coming next and hated it. This time was going to be different, she would not let him ride her, she would fight with all her strength to prevent this from happening. As the guardian guided the wolf to Jenny she started to growl and tucked her tail between her legs. The guardian nor the wolf were impressed by her growling. The wolf positioned himself behind Jenny and lifted himself onto her back, his front legs locking her hips and his back legs pushing to find the entrance. But before he found the right spot Jenny had thrown her head to the side and grabbed the wolf's paw with her teeth, making him yelp, loose his grip and he fall off her. The guardian ran to the wolf's, preventing him from snapping back at Jenny. "Look what you've done." said the guardian holding the wolf's bleeding paw in his. Jenny couldn't care less. "Let's try this again, and this time I'll keep a close eye on you."

The wolf got back behind Jenny and lifted himself onto her again. Part of her body wanted it but a bigger part wanted to get away from here. As she wanted to bite the wolf again, the guardian grabbed the scruff of her neck and pushed her down to the ground. Jenny gave a small whimper as she felt most of her body go limb beneath the strong grasp of her scruff. The wolf had no trouble mounting her this time. The locked himself tightly around her hips and started to prob. She yelped as she felt his erection parted her vulva and buried itself in her tight warm depts. She tried to get away but the grip on her scruff was too strong. His warm stiff cock was rubbing her insides in the most pleasant way. The feeling of his balls bouncing against her clit made her give up the fight. She now growled in pleasure as the wolf slammed himself harder and faster into her, lifting his back legs off the ground in enthusiasm. Her instincts took over. Whimpering, she tensed her muscles and pushed back on his thrusts. This felt so good and drove her near her climax, she lifted her hips to give him better access. This was all what the wolf needed to push his knot deep inside her. Her whimpers turned into lustful whines, each thrust of the wolf's cock stimulated her insides towards her orgasm. As the wolf pushed himself deep inside her with one last powerful thrust she could feel his cock twitching, spraying deep inside her. Jenny howled as this made her reach her orgasm.

Even though the wolf had stopped thrusting, she swayed her hips around and found that his cock felt amazing inside her, squirting his sperm into her womb. She knew what would come next: after a few moments the wolf got off her but they'll be locked together for some time. Jenny pushed back a little and could still feel his erection spraying. After a few minutes she realized the werewolf was no longer holding her scruff and had disappeared. As expected the wolf dismounted Jenny but his knot was still buried deep inside her.

The following days nothing happened, Jenny wasn't let out of the tent to be taken by the wolf and she hadn't seen the guardian all morning. He usually wakes her up to give her some meat and water but today there was no sight nor smell of him. She looked around the tent. There was a pile of hay for her to sleep on and a mattress for him next to the entrance, each on opposite side of the tent and with the chain around her neck she couldn't get to his side. Once she tried to get under the tent but it was no uses, it was firmly attached to the ground. In his absence she tried to talk, but all efforts turned into growls and howls. How did he learn to talk, she wondered, or maybe he wasn't talking but also growling and howling and she somehow understood him. But why couldn't he understand her? Or could he?

Suddenly she could smell the guardian's scent, but something wasn't right, there was a new scent in the air and she didn't know how but it smelled...threatening. There were murmurs in the distance and she distinguished two voices, the guardian's and a new voice. As they came closer Jenny could hear what they were saying. "All efforts were futile" she heard the guardian say. "At least we gave it a try," the other voice said "and now we know that our kind can't be bred with wolves. But I wonder: how did you get one of us to go down on all four to be bred by a wolf?" Before the question was answered the curtain at the entrance of the tent was pushed back and Jenny saw a huge werewolf standing next to the guardian. His presence made her cower. His fur seemed to be thicker than the guardian's, his arms were scarred and his faces was angry. "A human?" he snarled at the guardian, "you transformed a human, do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" The guardian looked at Jenny and back at him. " none of our kind would even consider doing what she's been going through" he answered the larger werewolf. "You've endangered all of us for nothing! By exposing us to her you've put our lives at risk! What if they come looking for her?" The larger werewolf was now pacing around in the tent. Jenny didn't quite understand how he knew she was human, maybe he could smell it or something. The guardian grabbed the larger werewolf by the shoulder to halt him, but he pulled his shoulder back. They looked at each other for a second and the guardian sighted "I had to try everything to save the species, you know that. Our search-parties haven't found a single female wolf yet and they are running out of time. Maybe I can erase her memories, lead her out of the forest and just..." "Just what!" the werewolf snarled, "just let her be free and get together with her family that will probably come after us! It took us years to convince the humans that these woods are dangerous and that no one gets out of here alive. NO, Mun, she can't be free again, thanks to you!" Jenny looked at the guardian. This was the first time she heard his name. She tried to say it, but again, only growls escaped her mouth. The guardian, Mun, looked at her in surprise. "We can go deeper into the forest for now," Mun said, "but it wil only be a matter of time before she figures it out." The larger werewolf growled at Mun and grabbed his throat. "Our pups figure it out after about one month, how long do you think she'll take to find out." His teeth were showing and as he jelled at Mun Jenny could see his spit flying all over. He pushed Mun back. "You've really messed up now, Mun. I'm starting to wonder why they chose you to become a guardian. You've brought a human into our woods, turned her into a werewolf to be bred by." The werewolf stopped abruptly and turned around to look at Jenny. "Gesters don't turn." He whispered. Jenny had no idea what that meant but by the look on the guardian's face it wasn't something good. Mun positioned himself between her and the werewolf. "That's out of the question, I only planned to keep her a few months to preserve the species, not years." The werewolf tried to get closer to Jenny but Mun blocked his path. "The only thing that changes is that we're having this conversation now and not in a few months." Said the werewolf. "Maybe," said Mun, "maybe she would have stayed here by choice to help preserve the species." "Now she'll have to stay here by force." The werewolf made a move to get to Jenny, Mun pushed him back and snarled. "No!" he yelled at the werewolf who was determined to get to Jenny.

They growled and in a blink of an eye the two huge werewolf were fighting each other. After a short struggle the werewolf was laying on top of Mun, biting his shoulder and throwing him across the tent, landing him next to Jenny. Mun stood up and charged at the werewolf. Jenny saw flashes of teeth and claws lashing at each other, blood flying all over the place and it wasn't long before the werewolf got the upper hand again. With one final yelp the guardian fell to the ground, the werewolf standing over him. "It's for the best." The werewolf said and turned once again towards Jenny who was sitting on her pile of hay trying to get away from the fight. Was he going to kill her? The werewolf grabbed her muzzle in his large paw and licked his bloody lips. "He did a great job changing you, you're one fine piece of tail." He said while inspecting her face. "If it wasn't for you fur, I would have believed you were a Trueborn werewolf." In contrary to Mun and the werewolf, who both were black, she had brown-greyish fur. "Killing you would make everything much easier for my kind, but now that you're here we can make good use of you and keep the killing for a later date." The werewolf was caressing her face with his enormous paws, his nails still covered in blood. Jenny pulled her head away from his grip and showed him her teeth as a threat.

I all happened really fast. After Jenny had growled at him, he had grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her head to the floor. She tried to get up but he was too strong for her, stronger than the guardian. "Let's find out if you're able to carry a Trueborn's offspring, my pups." Jenny whimpered in fear as the large werewolf positioned himself behind her, still holding her head down with one hand. She could feel his breath between her legs, sniffing her like the wolf did. He let her neck go and she tried to pull herself away from him, but with nothing but hay around her escaping him was impossible. His large paws grabbed her hips and pulled her back towards him. She looked over her shoulder at him in fear.

She yipped as she felt a sharp pain between her legs. Unlike the wolf, the werewolf found his target in one strong thrust. The pain of his entering was far worse than what she felt when the wolf mounted her, his cock was much bigger, stretching her to her limits. Upon entering he waited a few seconds and placed himself over Jenny, one paw on the ground, one still holding her hip. Slowly he started thrusting his hips back and forth, burying his cock deep into her. Jenny couldn't do anything else but bow to his whims, she tried to relax her body and pushed her tail out of the way. The werewolf pulled her back onto his cock, picking up the pace and violating her deeper and deeper.

With every thrust his cock brushed against her clitoris, but not nearly enough to make her reach her climax. She began pushing back against him, trying to make him touch the spot, but this only resulted in one powerful thrust from the werewolf, burying his knot into her; he had tied her. Jenny could feel her body tremble with pleasure. How could him raping her feel so good, better than the wolf ever was. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure through her entire body. She yelped in surprise as she could feel the werewolf's warm fluid filling her. The werewolf howled as he filled her with cum. Jenny howled along with him. The thrusts reduced to twitching, releasing one flow of semen after another, so much that Jenny couldn't take it all and some poured out of her onto her back legs.

The werewolf collapsed on top for her, making her loose her grip and fall down to the ground. She could still feel his balls twitching and this cock spraying his fluid deep inside her. Trying to get from under him was impossible, his knot tied them together and he wasn't letting her go until every inch of her was coated with his semen. After a few minutes he whispered "that's a nice bitch" in her ear. Her eyes widened in shock and she wanted to cry but a sound in the tent threw her off. She looked around to find the guardian laying on his side, looking at them.