The Rainbow Flag...: Chapter 6

Story by DamienLutrinae on SoFurry

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#3 of The Rainbow Flag That Hung From A Tree

A fox teen's life is turned upside-down, when he comes out of the closet in a city filled with prejudice and hatred towards gays. The situations he's caught in become unbearable, and he starts to question whether his troubled life is worth living. Will he ever be able to find peace?

Chapter 6

I've longed for the summer, and I feel a great relief now that it's finally crept along. It's my escape from the drama, and more importantly, it's my safety.

I remember Kat, saying she would like to meet in our secret hang-out during the summer. She said I could bring along Mattie, and Kalen as well. But I still can't shake off when I saw that shadowy figure of a fur, standing outside the hangout, that scurried away when I noticed it. Could it be possible our secret hang-out has already been discovered? Should I tell the others about what I saw?

I pull myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes, and flattening down my fur. I look out the window, and smile. It looked wonderful outside. The sky, a beautiful, pure shade of blue. The flowers dancing gracefully in the light breeze, and when I open the window, believe it or not, I could smell the sweet, tender scent of the summer air.

I immediately take to the outdoors. The goodness from the window was almost tripled, the first few steps I took outside. I walk over to Mattie's house, and tell him to get Kalen. He texts Kalen, and I text Kat. She had given me her cell phone number, back when she first took me to the hangout.

When we get to the clearing in the forest, the four of us talk, and meet each other. Kat tells Mattie and Kalen about her view on gays, and why we have to meet in secret.

We all get along great, and have a good time. We meet here quite often throughout the summer, and for once, I was happy. Things were great at home, and things were great outside of it too. I was enjoying the safe caress of the summer, but something unexpected happened one day.

We sit in our clearing, doing our usual stuff. We talk about life, and whatever comes to mind. The sun warms up the soft dirt, under our fur. It was a beautiful day. But the bushes from around us rustle, and we divert our attention to them. "Let me go in first." A rough voice says. A voice so vaguely familiar, a voice that sends shivers across my body. Fear.

The bear who had earlier raped me, pops into the clearing. He stares at us, our faces showing fear, but not for the same reasons. He sends a nod to me, frowning. I could easily tell it was a silent apology. I gently return the nod, and he turns his back to us, and faces the bushes. "Alright, assholes. If you wanna hurt these guys, you'll have to get through ME!" He shouts, and purposely makes himself look bigger. Our eyes are wide, as we stare at the events happening in front of us.

The group of the five bullies step into the clearing too. "What, are you gay too?!" One shouts. "Yes, I am! And are you seriously going to try to hurt me?" He towers over the bullies. One of the bullies charge at him, with a clenched fist. Then, with one swift movement, the bear throws a heavy punch into him, right in his face. His body's sent flying, and he is out cold. The others charge at him too, but the bear just keeps effortlessly knocking them out with a single punch or kick. He trips the last one, and he ends up face-first into a tree. "Let's leave." The bear says, and we all run to our homes quickly.

We never come back to the hang-out, for the remainder of the summer.

The next few weeks are just spent chilling at home, doing nothing at all, but texting my friends. Although, I'm not relieved when something big finally happens. Late one night, I hear the window smash, a few stomps, and bangs coming from the living room. I creep out of my room to see what is going on. My expression turns to horror, when I see my extremely drunken father, holding a knife. I assume my Mom is sleeping, and for her safety, I am not about to wake her up. "Hey, how's my faggy son doing? Is he ready to die?" His words are slurred, and he stumbles towards me.

I am not afraid to get physical with him, after what he's done. I grab one of the chairs from the kitchen table, and smash it over his head. "Aww, you fucking bitch!" He yelps, and takes a swipe with his knife, before he passes out unconscious. "Idiot." I mumble, and drag his body to the window he came in, and throw him out of it. His head is bleeding from the chair but I don't care. Drunk or not, he's still a complete prejudice asshole.

I crawl into bed, and start to think about things. School is approaching fast, and I swallow hard. I don't want to deal with any of that anymore. I can't take the bullying, I can't take any of this shit anymore! My Mom is a very heavy sleeper, so I've learnt from the whole fight with my Dad. I creep outside quietly, despite how heavy of a sleeper she is.

I climb up the fence, some window sills, and make it onto the roof. Suicide does seem like the best option right now. I find a spot where there's pavement where I would land. There's a slight possibility I would actually live, but our house is very tall, and I doubt the possibility to be likely. I hang over the edge and have second thoughts. What about my friends? But what about everyone else? I frown. With the stupid school in mind, I cringe my face and take a big leap off of the roof towards the pavemented area.

The ground gets bigger and seems to surround me and then all I see is black. Everything's gone. My mind, unaware of everything.