Sisterly Surprise #4

Story by Peregrine19 on SoFurry

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#5 of Tales of Seven Moons College

Sisterly Surprise part 4

Enough with the surprises.

Usual disclaimer about ages...and remember the cardinal rule, take a shower don't wipe it on anything. Help with grammar and tags. The usual stuff.

When we last left our hero he was shocked at waking up in strange surroundings after a night of debauchery and running in a snowstorm.

"Umm...Tyler? You in there man?" Sam says jolting Tyler out of his shock. The first thing Tyler noticed was the food Sam was holding and the stains on his apron showing he clearly cooked it himself. The second thing was the fact that he was naked and wrapped in a quilt.

"Uh dude? Why am I naked?" Tyler asked thinking of Sam undressing him.

Sam laughed as Tyler blushed profusely . "It's okay I didn't ravish you, you're clothes were wet". He said and still chuckling he pointed back to the fire, Tyler noticed his clothes sitting next to it.

"Well...I'll uh...just sit here until my clothes dry." Tyler said blushing even more at the thought of Sam ravishing him while he slept, the blushes turning his black fur almost burgundy in color.

"Nah man it's alright mine should fit you. I'll go get you some." Sam said. Tyler watched Sam's ass being hugged by his jeans as he walked away, watching it sway, Tyler felt his manhood slip out of his sheath and grow as he thought about how those cheeks would feel beneath him. Tyler realised that the hard-on was quite visible, he started freaking out as he thought of Sam finding him laying on his couch fantasizing about him. As Tyler shifted around trying to hid his erection he heard a chuckle from the doorway. He looked up to see Sam in the doorway his eyes locked on Tyler's tent in the quilt.

"Would you like some help with that my friend?" Sam says, his eyes glittering with lust. Without waiting for an answer he walked over and kneeled on the floor next to the sofa. Sam slowly pulled the quilt off Tyler, Tyler just sat there gentlemanly letting the host of the house take the lead. Sam licked his lips as the meat sprang from the covers, slapping against Tyler's stomache before settling in place, Sam sat there staring at the 7 inch member examining it, he noticed the knot by the slight thickening at the base and he also noticed the slight curve that kept the hard wolf meat from pointing straight up.

Sam looked up and made eye contact with Tyler, still looking at Tyler he leaned in and gave Tyler a long suductive lick from the base of his length to the tip. Tyler groaned both at the lick and at the look Sam was giving him. Sam closed his eyes and savored the salty sweet taste. Sam wrapped his lips around the tip, he started sucking on the tip while his tongue played with Tyler's slit.

Tyler moaned his climax approaching quickly due to just waking up.Sam ran his finger across Tyler's tailhole remembering Tyler with his sisters. Tyler squeaked at the unexpected contact with his tailhole, that squeak turned into a moan when Sam slowly inserted his middle finger through the ring of muscle into Tyler's tailhole. Sam was startled when Tyler shoved his head down instinctively as he came, Sam gulped down the cum happily when the first streams were finished Sam started sucking, milking the rest out of him, he backed off just as the last spurts came landing on his nose and his shirt, he sat there with a look of utter surprise on his face. He wiped the cream off his face and licked it up from his palm, when he was done he gave the meat one long lick from knot to tip.

"Sorry hun but it seems you will have to wait for you're knot to go down to put on clothes ,not that I mind." Sam said with a laugh.

"Dude that's not funny I can't do anything with it like this and I'm starving, what happened to the soup?" Tyler said.

"It's in the kitchen give me a minute to change and I'll bring it to you." Sam said. Tyler sighed but with his knot out he couldn't even get up without his hard member swinging madly and possibly spilling leftover drops of cum all over the floor.

"Alright." Tyler grumbled, Sam nodded and turned to leave, as he was leaving the room he looked back to see Tyler's eyes riveted on his swaying hips and tail. Sam grinned evilly as an idea occurred to him.

Tyler watched Sam leave the room again once more imagining that firm rump underneath him, once Sam was out of the room Tyler rolled over to face the ceiling. Tyler could not stop beaming as he went over the events of the past 24 hours in his head. First he had enjoyed sinful bonding with his sisters as he had always fantazised about, then the panther he had fallen in love when he first saw him run, returned his love.

Tyler was still lost in remembering when Sam walked into the room, when he saw what Sam was wearing he snapped out of it immediately, and his member stopped retreating into it's sheath and stood at full attention again. Sam walked into the room carrying the soup, and dressed in nothing but an apron. The apron was tight on Sam showing off his abbs and the fact that being almost naked in front of someone was exciting him. Tyler gulped his eyes locked on the rather large bulge in the apron.

Sam walked over enjoying the sight of Tyler being so affected by him and set the soup on the coffee table with two oven mitts underneath it, now with all that in his hands he couldn't bring bowls so of course he had to walk back into the kitchen and get them.

Tyler watched Sam walk back into the kitchen for the first time he actually saw Sam's backside with no clothes on, the sight and the fact that Sam was in his fetish made him so hard it hurt. Tyler whined as Sam walked away, he got up and followed him in the kitchen, not caring anymore if he made a mess.

Tyler walked into the kitchen and saw Sam bending down to reach into the cabinet under the sink, he groaned at the sight, the firm muscled cheeks the tailhole he could just see between them, and the hanging set of furry balls. Tyler walked up to him as he straightened.

Sam jumped a little when he felt hands circle around his waist from behind.

"Looks like someone was a little happy at my show." He said feeling the hardness poking his cheeks.

"Yes I am, and now you get to releive it. Right here." Tyler breathed into Sam's ear.

"Since I caused it I'll fix it of course." Sam said turning his head to look at Tyler. Tyler looked into Sam's eyes and saw his love returned, Tyler leaned foreward and gave Sam a deep loving kiss, as their tongues wrestled he slowly pushed his member into Sam's tailhole groaning at the tightness.

Sam groaned as Tyler entered him, he broke the kiss and braced his hands on the counter sticking out his rump so Tyler would have better access.

Tyler rested his hands on Sam's hips as he hilt inside him. Tyler slowly pulled out and thrust all the way back in with no warning.

Sam gasped at the sudden thrust.

"That was for being a tease." Tyler groaned in Sam's ear. Tyler pulled out again and settled into a normal pace of thrusting in and out.

"I...guess...I...deserved that." Sam said between thrusts. Tyler picked up speed thrusting in and out of the warm tightness, soon both of them were moaning to much to say anything. Sam reached underneath the apron to his own hard member but he only gave it a few strokes before Tyler's hands pushes his out of the way and took over stroking him paying one hand stroking the other playing with the tip and the barbs.

Tyler starteed thrusting faster and faster his knot forming and straining Sam's tailhole trying to knot him, Sam was approaching his own climax as Tyler stroked in time with his thrusts.

Tyler howled in feral lust and clamped his teeth on Sam's neck as he thrust deep in him, his knot popping in through the tight ring of muscle spraying streams of his seed in Sam the knot keeping it from coming out. Sam gasped at the pain then pleasure of being knotted, the knot stretching him to his limit and the warm seed flowing in him set off his own climax. As Tyler felt Sam's climax hit he moved one hand in front of Sam to keep him from making a mess on the floor.

When they finished climaxing they both slumped to the floor, Tyler carefully pulled his hand out of the apron and give the kitty cream in it a tasting lick, after deciding he liked the salty taste he licked the rest out of his hand.

Sam looked at the two of them drenched in sweat and cum. "We should get cleaned up, care to join me." He said with a teasing grin.

To Be Continued