Saving the Species Ch. 5 From the Ashes

Story by Guarddog8149 on SoFurry

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#5 of Saving the Species

This story is a compilation of responses to a Roleplay between myself and MoneyWonder. The roleplay took place over a course of about 5 months and was all done by email. When I decided to post it to this site, I copy/pasted all the raw text from the emails and put it in a word processor, but with so much, it was hard to catch all the mistakes within the story, so please, if you catch any mistakes, keep the comments to yourself, unless of course it is a serious mistake that needs fixing. This is just one chapter of a very long RP, and I will be working on preparing the rest of it for upload as soon as possible. Hope you all enjoy.

Linda awoke to find herself in a hospital with a horrible hangover, The nurse there told her that she'd passed out from drinking too much and that she was brought to the hospital to make sure she hadn't done in her liver. She had a horrible headache and felt ill, What she didn't know was that it wasn't all from her hangover, and yet some of those feelings were induced from something growing inside her tummy. She had to stay in the hospital for three days till they felt comfortable about discharging her, and during that time all her friends from the club had come to visit her, but she never saw Rasthnal. When she finally got back to her room and saw a white piece of paper on it, she cried reading it, She couldn't help but wonder if she'd been too harsh on him in the heat of the moment, but it was clear to her now that he was gone, no number, no address, no nothing, it seemed as though she'd driven away her only shot with a Red wolf, and only now did she regret it, she regretted driving him to leave, and cried into the pillows wondering if he'd even want to come back, it seemed as though the whole 'revenge' think went too far. Though she still couldn't forgive him for raping her, she just wanted him there with her, he may have made a mistake, but mistakes can be forgiven. She spent the next couple of days in depression as she soon realised that she had been knocked up by him, and seemed to take no comfort in it, a whole week later she lay on her bed, sleeping and dreaming about him, she yearned for him to return and wished he would.

Rasthnal had felt horrible for leaving the way he did. After reflecting upon it, he realized that she had been right, that he had raped her, not giving her a choice in the matter. That made him not want to face her again, knowing that if he did, he may elicit more anger from her. But he missed her, and he started to feel disparagingly worse as the days went on. Finally, after a couple of weeks had passed, his conscience grew too loud to ignore anymore, and he decided to go see her, and apologize the correct way, to her face. He walked into the club and asked if Linda was available and waited as someone was sent back to her room to get her.

Linda was awoken by one of her bouncers as he told her that 'a guy named 'Rasthnal' wanted to see her' she simply nodded her head as he went back to the bar to escort him to her room, she just lay there on the bed facing into the pillows as she prepared herself to see her lover again.

Rasthnal thanked the bouncer and tentatively stepped into the room, fearing the worse from Linda as she saw him again. "Linda?" he said quietly, "I know you are probably still angry with me. I just came to apologize for the way I treated you. You were right, I had raped you, and I was wrong to do so. I'll understand if you don't want to forgive me, but I want you to know that I would go back and change what I did in a second if I had the chance." He stood there in the silence for a minute, then hung his head and turned towards the door, "I am sorry Linda, good bye."

"Wait..." She said, still having her head buried in the pillow, hiding her tears from him as she said "Come here, dont go... Dont leave me again..." She said trying to hide the fact she'd been crying about him.

Rasthnal turned and took a couple steps toward her bed, his head still hung, "I-I had no other choice. I was ashamed of what I had done, and I couldn't face you again. So I left, I thought it would be better than you kicking me out later if I was still there," he explained, "I never meant to hurt you the way I did, and I can't change what I did."

"Rasthnal... Anger, is temporary it comes and goes, hurt however, stays forever, it never goes, Although you may have hurt me when you raped me, and no, I can't forgive you for that, but you hurt me more by leaving me, I never thought you'd do that, no matter how mad I got at you... well... I was wrong... Rasthnal, Im Pregnant." She said as she turned over on the bed to face him, clearly revealing the dried streaks on her face where she had been crying, and the tears in her eyes as she was still crying, you could also see her belly had grown a bit in size since they both met and she continued to speak. "Rasthnal, Why didn't you stop me from drinking myself to hospital? Why weren't you there at the hospital? Why weren't you there for me? When I needed you to protect me from myself... I may have said a few things, or done some things that I regret, and feel guilty about, but we all do, mistakes happen, but we learn from them and move on. I actually feared I'd blown my chance with you, drove you away with my outburst, I worried and cried over the fact you left nothing but a note, I thought you'd left me for good, I worried that I'd have to raise the pups without a dad..." She sniffled "I've been an emotional wreck without you... though I hate what you did, and I cannot forgive it, I Dont hate you... I NEED you... I cant function right without you... please... dont go..." She said with teary eyes.

Rasthnal moved to her side quickly and pulled her to him, "I'm sorry dear, I had no idea that you had been in the hospital. I left cause it seemed you didn't want anything to do with me, you left first, leaving me on the floor in a ball. I had no way of knowing what would happen if I was still there when you got back. I never wanted to hurt you, you were the best thing in my life, and it suddenly ground to a halt that night. When were you in the hospital, I never knew anything about it?" he asked, still holding her close. He decide to dote on her, and wait to bring up the pregnancy later. Besides, he loved her for her, not because she was pregnant with his pups.

"Well I'm sorry too Honey... I cant help my... 'outbursts'" She said as she hugged him "And I went to hospital because I drank so much strong wine in such a small time that it made me pass out, the bar called an ambulance and it took me to the hospital, I woke up with a bad headache, a bad hangover, a constant feeling of wanting to vomit, and all the pregnancy symptoms on top of that. It took them 4 days to discharge me, and all through that time all my friends visited me... but the only one I wanted to see was you..." She said crying into his fur as she was happy to see him again.

"I missed you dear, everyday I wondered how you were doing and if I could ever bring myself to face you again. I love you, and if I would have known you were hospitalized, I would have been there until they decided to release you," Rasthnal said, nuzzling her lovingly. "I won't ever leave you again unless you specifically tell me to.

Linda murred and said "Dont ever leave me, not even if I ask, stay by my side till the day I die Rasthnal" she said before taking a deep breath and looking up at him as she asked"Rastnal... Would you marry me?" she said with a weak smile "I want you to be mine forever" she said kissing him.

Rasthnal looked down at her with surprise. He hadn't expected that, but slowly a smile crept across his face, "of course my love. I will marry you," he said before he leaned down and kissed her gently, murring loudly.

Linda's smile grew wide with joy as she practically pulled him on top of her on the bed and deepened the kiss, adding her tongue to his mouth and kissing him like this for 5 minutes before breaking it and saying "Show me you mean it, tie with me and fill me, no funny business, no teasing, just fuck me properly, the way nature intended" She said as she turned around to be on all fours

Rasthnal murred happily and began to use his tongue as well when he felt hers in his mouth. He meeped slightly when she broke it at looked at him. He nuzzled her and said, "No worries about that dear, you you won't get anymore funny business from me. No more teasing or revenge from me." As she turned over on all fours, he stripped and got back on the bed, his muzzle under her tail, sniffing her sex. It had a different scent to it now, but one that he didn't find unpleasant at all, as he licked her lightly before moving in closer to her to mount her.

Linda murred and said "Warming yourself up big boy? It may not be so potent without my heat fuelling my scent but it should still get you up and hard..." She mewled as she waited patiently to be impaled.

She didn't have to wait long at all, as he quickly mounted her, his member hard as he moved it into position, slipping in slowly a little ways, and then again moving himself to better his stance before he thrust all the way into her. His shaft buried deep into her warm slit, he pressed hard before withdrawing again, picking up pace as he went.

Linda moaned as she felt him slip in and she gripped the sheet tightly as he slipped as deep as he could as she mewled out "Ohhhh Rasthnal... Fuck me... Fuck me hard... please..." She begged, willing to be pounded this time.

Rasthnal thrust as hard as he could into her, each thrust pushing his knot further into her before he pulled it out. He didn't want to tie her yet, he wanted to please her as long as possible, after having been away from her for so long.

Linda moaned out and mewled in pleasure as she felt his hard hot prick ram her sacred temple over and over as she cried out in ecstatic pleasure like the bitch she was, begging for more and orgasming all over his red prick.

Rasthnal felt her orgasm soak his crotch as her walls tightened around his shaft, squeezing him, trying to milk him. He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck with his jaws, and thrust himself into her as hard as he could, his knot slowly slipping into her until it finally did with an audible pop. It swelled immediately, tying them together as Rasthnal continued to thrust, his orgasm sending streams of his pent seed into her.

Linda cried out as he bit her neck and slammed his knot into her tight sex. But collapsing on the bed murring when he'd finished as felt his warm seed spill into her already pregnant womb, filling her up and showering the newly formed pup in his seed as he unknowingly fertilised another egg and had given her another child to develop.

When Rasthnal finally finished his involuntary thrusting caused by his orgasm, he released her neck and lovingly licked the same area. At least he hadn't drawn blood from her this time. He tried to get off her, but forgot they were tied and ended up in an awkward position with his arms and one leg on one side of her, and the other leg, slightly cocked into the air. He meeped loudly as he realized his mistake, trying to keep from falling over and possibly hurting her........again.

Linda giggled at his predicament and gripped him with her right paw, pulling him back into balance "Careful dear" she said

Rasthnal smiled at his mate and licked her muzzle. He really did love her and was glad that she wanted him as well. He couldn't think of anyone he would rather spend his life with. "Thanks Linda. I promise, I won't ever leave you again. Never again," he said as he licked her again.

"Your welcome Honey, and I will always stay faithful to you dear, no one else will get my ass other than you" She said with a giggle as she rubbed her belly "mmm Your seed always feels so warm and nice..." she said murring.

Rasthnal chuckled as he tested the knot again, finding that he was able to pull out now. After doing so he laid next to his mate, and pulled her close to him. "Hows the little one doing," he asked as he rubbed her tummy with his paw. He was extremely proud, knowing that he was going to be a father soon, a father for the next generation of red wolves. The thought made him grin in satisfaction.

Linda murred and says "Its Doing well now its got a nice warm bath of your seed... and maybe another in there, I dont know how many, but I can assure you this wont be our only litter, I Want to have as many pure-bred pups as possible with you. How does 50 kids or more sound to you?" She asked with a grin.

Rasthnal laughed loudly, "Why not go for an even 100," he said jokingly, still rubbing her pregnant stomach. He was murring loudly, and uncontrollably. "I want as many as possible as well, so long as they are with you. I will definately marry and remain faithful to only you dear. That much you can count on," he said nuzzling her.

"Well I dunno about you but im still just 20 so I've got about 30 years of reproductive life left, so I'm sure we can get 100 if you sex me up every day for the rest of my fertile life" She said with a smile as she murred too.

Rasthnal licked her again as his paw slowly moved down between her legs and slowly rubbed her slit. "I am sure that won't be a problem at all my love," he said, gently rubbing her clit, "Though, not sure if you would really like the prospect of that in the future."

Linda let out a moan as as he started to tease her cum filled slit as she said "Well I have a willing horn dog... but is the bitch willing? Hmm that is the question posed... and I dont know the answer..." She said smiling.

Rasthnal slowly moved his paw away and back up to her swollen tummy. He would be content to lay there all day with her, not even worrying about the sex. He was so happy to be back with her, and his developing pup inside her. And he sure didn't want to make the same mistake twice with her, so he decided to wait till she decided to take him again.