Hunting shadows P:4

Story by Onyx-panther on SoFurry

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BOOM Plot twist. Told ya so >w>

Stumbling his way into the Dining room, Onyx discovered that The wolf was already seated. The room was a simple brown-cream with a huge Dining table in the middle and a fancy overhead chandelier. Baxley sat at the end, looking nervous and defeated. When he saw Onyx his ears perked, Then drooped. The small kitten padded over to the seat next to baxley, And with a little help from his vulpine Companion, Was soon seated to. Baxley gave Onyx a quizzical look and Onyx simply shook his head, his eyes Just begging baxley not to mention his current form.

The large lupine at the other end of the table smiled calmly, folding his paws together in a business-like way. A few wolves padded out with Huge, steaming dishes of vegetables and meats. Porkchop, Steak, Mahi Mahi, steamed broccoli, And tomato soup. Finding himself famished, The shaded cub dug in, Ignoring baxley's insistent nudging at his shoulder. Finally snatching a napkin and dabbing his muzzle, onyx looked up to his friend.

"What happened to you, onyx?" Baxley whispered, Referring to his cub form.

Onyx cringed before answering, His ass still being stretched, and his memory raw. "That...that MONSTER found a way to shift me into cub form....and he..he..." Onyx broke off, his eyes downcast towards his empty plate. Baxley mumbled something under his breath and glanced toward the wolf, who had his eyes closed and seemed to be smirking.

When he opened them, The Irises were a pure, glowing gold. Baxley gasped and almost fell out of his chair. Onyx looked up and yelped, Shielding his eyes in fear.

The wolf stood and calmly put his paws behind his back. "You might be wondering why I brought you two here. Please, ask any questions you feel need answered. Be aware, some I may not answer."

Onyx was the first to speak. His original questions burst forth in his mind, But he decided to prioritize. Find out the most important things first. "Where are we?" Onyx meowed, His gaze scrutinizing.

The Gray canine stepped sideways and motioned towards a small window, A watery scene showing through, And casting a blue shimmering glow on the floor before it. "On the ocean floor. This is my base."

"And who are you?"

"I am wepwawet, The Egyptian god of the wolves." Wepwawet smiled warmly.

"N-Not possible...." Onyx murmured, His eyes wide as saucers.

"Really now? Then how do I know your magic? The answer is, It was invented in ancient Egypt. Your people, Onyx, Were a denomination from the Egyptians, More reclusive. More like my sister, the first in your ancestry. Yours to, Baxley."

"But Baxley is a fox!" Onyx exclaimed. "How is he related to me? And who is first in my ancestry?!" He was so completely caught up in trying to figure this out now, That when he stood from his chair he knocked the plate to the floor. Baxley Stayed silent and watched his surroundings, But his ears were cocked towards the conversation. Wepwawet Fiddled with the symbol, An ankh, Onyx realized now. "Bast, The cat goddess." He stuttered, Looking away nervously.

Onyx caught his breath, Shuddering. His tail fluffed out and the name sent shivers down his spine. "B-But that would mean-"

"Yes, you're descended from a goddess. Now I think it's high time I took you to her. She wants to meet you two, And I'm sure she can explain things better than I can." Wepwawet Padded off down the hall, Motioning for Onyx and baxley to follow.

Onyx leaned over and eyed baxley. "That would mean you're my half brother. I knew we were close, but Not THAT close. That would explain the black fur..." Onyx mumbled, Stroking his new relative's Armfur. Baxley looked dumbfounded, staring off into space. "Come on, baxley. I guess it's time we got to meet our A-million greats' Grandmother.." Onyx attempted to joke to break the stunned, solemn mood, but failed.

So the two left down the hallway, Finding wepwawet in a huge temple-like room, With a symbol for each of the Egyptian gods above a doorway. Basts's stood slightly to the right, The golden cat head looking towards the ceiling thoughtfully. Muttering a few words, Onyx realized a slight difference, But he could translate roughly. "Open, O' Door of the cat mother, The portal lights the path." He recited A line from the lullaby his mother had once sung him, Realizing it was a chant, A spell. The portal flew open in a swirling green haze, Lighting the room.

Looking to baxley, Onyx nodded. "well, this is it..." And stepped in.

Hunting shadows P:5 End Ser:1

Onyx was thrown through a whirlwhind ofswirling lights and dizziness. He felt his body slam something solid and was suddenly on the floor of what looked like the inside of a pyramid. Looking around, he discovered there were torches all around the room,...

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Hunting shadows P:3

~~~WARNING: CUB ACTIONS~~ don't say i didn't warn you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onyx Sat upright With a gasp. Opening his eyes, he blinked a few times before recalling what had happened. He'd been...

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Hunting shadows P:2

Pushing his footpaw to the gas pedal, Onyx sped off down the road, The trucks close behind. He pushed the 'up' window button and sealed it, Taking a sidelong glance at his friend. The fox was staring at him in shock, Like he'd just been smacked . Onyx...

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