Hive, part 1

Story by chickenboy on SoFurry

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Man, been a while since I've uploaded anything.

Anyway, this was the potential start of a new series, and so far I've only done two stories. Maybe will continue it in the future. Hope you like it.

K.L.HiveHigh Schoolseemed a lot like most other schools. The large two story building seemed plain enough. One thing that some thought odd was that the students excelled both academically and physically in what they applied themselves to. Some had talked of cheating or foul play, but what investigations had been done had all turned up with nothing. It was a strange thing, but the students seemed to be at a level far above those of the other local schools. No one could explain it, discover the secret everyone was sure lurked within its walls.

Aaron was an average teen, going to high school, average build, small group of friends. He never suspected what lay dormant in his genes. The day it happened started like any other. He woke up, grabbed breakfast before catching the bus to school. As he sat on the bus, however, he began experiencing intense cramping sensations from all over his body, mostly from his lower stomach. During the ride to school he suppressed the urge to groan and to writhe in pain. The cramping elevated to a sort of pressure, like things were straining to push out of him. He felt bloated, on his sides he felt his flesh continue to knot, his arms and legs felt numb, there were intense itches on his back and his head and jaw felt like they were on fire.

When the bus pulled into the school parking lot Aaron bolted inside and rushed to the bathroom. He felt nauseous and light headed and leaned over the toilet in his locked stall waiting to see if he'd loose his breakfast. After a few minutes he felt the strange feelings all over his body began to subside. Rubbing his sides, Aaron found what felt like solid objects under his skin along either side of his abdomen. The knots of flesh on his back made him feel stiff and sore. His pants felt tights and, lifting his shirt, Aaron saw his stomach bulging out against his pants. Taking off his belt and pulling down his pants he sat on the toilet and just sweat out the next few minutes in silence until the bell rang, feeling strange churning sensations inside his body.

When the bell rang Aaron stuffed his belt into his backpack, fastened his pants with a bit of difficulty, then headed to class. Throughout his first period Aaron felt like he was going to explode with the pressure and cramps returning. He just sat in the back of the room and wasn't able to focus on what the teacher was saying. Aaron also began to feel an intense urge to go to the bathroom, like he hadn't crapped in days. As soon as the bell rung, Aaron rushed to the nearest boy's room and took the stall farthest from the door and locked it. Aaron quickly undid his pants and sat down on the toilet. He felt hot and confined, and quickly removed his shirt, hanging it on the hook in the stall. His breathing was labored and his brow was covered in sweat.

As the minutes ticked past Aaron began feeling more and more aroused. His mind was clouded and he wanted nothing more than to relieve the tension he felt in his groin. When the bell rang and the last stragglers exited, Aaron slid off the toilet and sat on his knees, his pants still around his ankles. Reaching down he grabbed his rock hard member and slowly began to pump. The pleasure began relieving the tension and Aaron just leaned back against the toilet and shut his eyes as his hand worked over his flesh while strange yet gentle tugging sensations started to build in his crotch.

A few minutes later when he had yet to cum, Aaron snapped out of the stupor when a series of cramps hit his now even more swollen belly. Aaron bolted to his feet, naked except for the pants around his ankles, and leaned against the stall door. His breathing was heavy and he felt something inside his belly starting to push downwards, and the solid objects on either side seeming to exert pressure on his skin from inside him. Aaron began to operate on instinct as he felt his ass beginning to open. He huffed and groaned as his anus dilated and something began to emerge. Viscous clear fluid dripped from his opening as it opened wider and wider, his muscles clenching around the solid mass forcing its way out. Aaron felt his ass cheeks being forced further and further apart, his opening being stretched to almost painful extents.

His body suddenly felt numb, especially in his arms and legs. Aaron slumped back down, sitting on his knees and his head hanging limply forward. Whatever was emerging from his body, he felt it as it began to hit the floor and slide along it as it continued to emerge. As it did so, Aaron felt it continue to get wider and wider, lubed by the fluid dripping out of himself. As Aaron look down, Aaron saw his cock standing up, begging to be pleasured. As he looked at it, the boy felt an incredible urge. In a move he never would have thought he could make, Aaron leaned forward and wrapped his mouth around the end of his shaft.

As he sucked and licked at his own meat, his changes seemed to kick into overdrive. What was emerging from his ass accelerated its progress, the stretching sensations growing into pleasure. His arms and legs began to change, seeming to loose mass and become thinner, lither. His hands changed as well, fingers fusing to leave him two digits and a thumb on each hand, each resembling more of a claw. He felt his feet changing as well, and could only guess what was happening with the various stretching and compressing feelings. His chest expanded out, becoming more rounded and pronounced.

Aaron felt the pressure in his sides intensify as whatever was under his skin seemed to start moving, pressing harder and making his sides poke out. The itching on his back returned as four lumps appeared. The skin on these lumps began to flake and fall away as they poked out farther and farther. His back expanded a bit to give him a bit of a hunch and with a series of ripping sounds the skin on these growths spilt open and four membranous wings erupted out of Aaron's back. The thing emerging from his ass had become so wide that with two loud pops his hips dislocated, quickly spreading apart and repositioning into a wider configuration. With his remodeled hips and legs the mass pushing out of his behind began to emerge more quickly. Aaron moaned in pleasure as he felt the widest part of it pass out of him and then begin to become slightly less wide.

As the widest part of the protrusion passed, the objects in his side burst forth. The skin on his sides gave way and tore, as another set of arms slid out of Aaron's sides. These were smaller than his primary set and had their joint right at the bottom of his now more rounded and pronounced chest, they ended in small hands with only two clawlike digits. When the arms emerged Aaron felt the object from his ass suddenly stop pushing outwards. When this happened his insides felt empty, but before he could process the thought, his body began to change yet again.

The excess tissue around his belly pulled inwards as his lower torso lengthened. His build now looked like he could be anorexic, except that his chest still protruded greatly, as did his hips, and both expanded areas were well rounded and not bony in appearance. His whole body had become lither, along with gaining a few inches in height. At the same time all his hair receded into his body, all skin blemishes disappeared, his nipples were absorbed and his skin took on a bit of a bit of a sheen. His skin then began to segment and harden slightly, turning into chitinous plates interconnected with more flexible tissue at the joints. This happened across every inch of his body as the transformation progressed.

As all these changes were going on the boy had continued to furiously suck at his own penis, its head easily engulfed in Aaron's mouth. Copious amounts of pre leaked from his member and he savored the taste, letting the fluid coat his tongue and roll down his throat. He teased his slit with his tongue, stimulating the sensitive head as best he could. He moaned in delight as the remaining changes began to accelerate. The feelings quickly became so intense Aaron was forced to release his mouth from around his shaft, leaning back and letting the feelings wash over his body.

His groin was first to change. Aaron's balls began to grow, swelling to the size of plums, tangerines, then oranges as they gradually continued to swell. His scrotum began to tighten, drawing his orbs against his body. His genitalia actually seemed to begin to sink into his flesh as another chitin plate covered his groin, covering his stiff shaft and his now grapefruit sized testicles. The base of his abdomen swelled and reshaped slightly, merging completely with his crotch and his lower back. He felt his changed manhood, and many other organs, shifting around in his new abdomen, taking their new places. The sensations from his transformation were so incredible that Aaron could only smile in contentment as the final changes began to take hold on his head.

His face pushed forward, taking on a pointed triangular configuration. His nose flattened out and then totally disappeared, leaving his face smooth. His eyes were forced to the side of his head were they began to grow in size while their color changed from white and green to complete black. His eyelids vanished as his eyes grew larger and larger. Aaron soon saw double as his eyeballs split in half into separate orbs. He then saw four, then eight and so on as his eyes continued to split. Soon he was left with large compound eyes on either side f his face. His teeth merged and his jaw developed a deep cleft on his chin which became more and more pronounced until with a loud cracking sound his jaw split in two. Free of their confinement the two halves of his lower jaw changed shape and position, quickly transforming into a set of mandibles that covered his mouth. Two welts formed on the top of his head and quickly split open as two antennae pushed out.

With that the sensations of transformation subsiding, the feelings of intense arousal returned with a vengeance. Standing, Aaron instinctively swung his swollen new abdomen between his legs before kneeling down again, leaving it resting on the floor in front of him. He looked at it, his mind still sorting out the strange images from his compound eyes, noticing the large, oblong, chitin covered mass resting there. He ran his claw-like hands over it, feeling pleasurable tingles coarse through his body. As he fingered the vent opening at the end of it, he felt erotic stirrings inside himself. The vent began to open as a long, dark ebony shaft pushed out inch after inch. As it emerged the shaft curved forward, angling towards the changed male's head, finally ending at nearly ten inches long that tapered to a thickness of an inch and a half, its veiny exterior glistening with pre-fluids.

Leaning forward he took the shaft in his clawed grip, feeling jolts of pleasure shoot through his new anatomy. Slowly at first Aaron began to pump up and down along the long, thick shaft, feeling the texture of the slick, jet black pillar of flesh. He was so horny that it didn't take long for him to reach his limit. With a load cry that came out as a series of fast clicks and buzzes, Aaron threw his head back as his member erupted. Sticky white seed blasted across his changed body and on the walls of the stall.

The transformed youth sat there for a few moments, catching his breath as the feelings of pleasure subsided. Looking around, Aaron scooped up one patch of seed and brought it to his mouth, sucking it down hungrily. He continued to do this, operating on instinct alone, until he had cleaned every splatter he could find both on his body and within the stall. As he cleaned off his fingers, Aaron felt his mind begin to return to him. He remembered who he was and to some degree what had happened. He was different, however, feeling driven by some deep internal drive that he couldn't explain.

Aaron slowly stood up, wobbling a bit at first but soon finding his balance. As he did he felt a strange sensation. Looking down he saw his long shaft receding into his body, soon vanishing completely into himself as fleshy lips closed around it, his abdomen swinging back behind him. Taking a couple steps forward his feet slipped easily out of his shoes and bunched pants, now leaving him completely naked and allowing him to see his feet. From his thighs his legs narrowed down to being extremely thin, like there was nothing but skin and bones by the time they reached below the knees. His legs were now digitigrades and his feet now each consisted of two clawlike toes. Aaron also noticed the small set of arms folded tight against him and, focusing on them, found he could move them. The stall began to feel claustrophobic, and he undid the lock and stepped out. What he saw in the mirror should have surprised him, but it amazingly didn't.

Aside from the color of his skin the insect face staring back at him, that he recognized from his biology class, was that of a wasp. His body structure was like a mesh between human and wasp with his form clearly divided into body portions connected by narrow bands of flesh. His skin was a bit shiny and seemed to be more rigid, like a shell. As he stepped, his four wings fluttered a bit behind him, allowing Aaron to see them in the mirror. As he cleared the stall he felt something sticking out behind him as it brushed against the door. Turning sideways to see the mysterious object that had pushed out of his ass, he was amazed to see a large insect abdomen extending out behind him. It was about as long as his torso and by far the widest thing on his body. It was also covered in skin that was a perfect match to the rest of Aaron's body.

Aaron spent a few minutes examining himself in the mirror, not sure whether to be amazed or horrified. After a moment he was snapped out of it when he heard hurried footsteps out in the hall and the door to the adjacent girl's bathroom open. He realized that if anyone saw him they were likely to freak. Looking around the room Aaron soon caught site of a vent on the ceiling. Without even thinking he leapt into the air and clung to the ceiling. He grabbed onto the vent grating and pulled it loose with a loud creak. Climbing inside was difficult, folding his wings against his body let him slip in but his new abdomen got hung up in the opening. Wriggling around in the cramped shaft Aaron was soon able to pull himself inside right as he heard the bathroom door swing open.

The wasp-boy quietly pulled himself through the vents, passing rooms filled with students who didn't notice the creature moving through the vents above their heads. Aaron made his way through the maze of passages, gradually making heading upwards, until he reached a dead end. Slowly opening the grate, the insectoid looked around the dark room and recognized where he was. The second floor of the school was mostly offices and supply rooms, and there was one large section that had been completely shut down due to budget cuts. The only light entering the large room was through a small skylight in the ceiling. Various dust covered crates were strewn about the room and there was only a single door at the far end of the room. Moving over to it, Aaron latched the door then moved several crates against the door. He then quickly moved all the other boxes against the walls, making the room seem almost cavernous from the amount of space. Instinct seemed to be driving him on, setting to work carrying out the orders his subconscious demanded of him, to begin the construction of the hive.