Blind Passion

Story by DrBlackrose on SoFurry

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Please give me your input. This is the second story I wrote. I am continueing to write and plan posting another one I wrote soon.

Blind Passion

By Dr. Blackrose

Copyright: 04-22-2011

Light fled from my soft blue eyes as the blind fold was placed over them. The last piece of the stage was set now and the act would soon begin. My nostrils flared and my ears twitched, each one making up for the lack sense of sight. The sound of the scuffling feet of the attending house slaves leaving off in the distance told me that who ever I was being prepped for would soon becoming in. Excitement filled me as imagined his or her reaction upon seeing my bound beauty. The person would see this zebra fully helpless before and at his or her mercy. With my white and black stripes all over my body wriggling with movements I make as I fight playfully with my bonds. Nipples ached to be toyed with as I arched my back as best I could so my more than amble bosom would be better presented to whom I was displayed for. Contained within the arm binders my arms stretched as best as they could, making sure my body would be limber for what ever pleasure this mysterious person would seek from it. As I felt some of my white and night tipped colored hair brush across my face I shook my head side to side allowing my long flowing hair settle back down out of the way of my face. A shiver traveled up my spine as I rocked my hips back as to better expose my finely shaped ass, causing the dildos resting both in my tight wet pussy and aching ass to stimulate me further. Oh how I wished they were already turned on, but at last the dildos on this wooden horse rack were off. I swung my tail out of the way being careful not to cover the heart, with word "submit", tramp stamp permanently tattooed above it. The silence of waiting was torturing me as my tongue flicked its piercing across the ball gag in my mouth as if it were a clock keeping time. There was not much more adjusting I could do as my long slender legs were kept spread by the rack. Know that I was perfectly posed erotically there was nothing left to do, but wait for the unknown master or mistress to come claim me as their prize.

Ears focused in like radar dishes as I heard my name, Alista, being given by one the house slaves to the person who would be my master or mistress for this event. Even though I could not see them my head turned toward the general direction the voice came from. How cruel was that he or she did not reply to the speaking slave his or her voice would have at least told me this individual's sex. There was another way yet, my nostrils worked hard drawing in any smell I could find. A faint masculine musk scent finally greeted me giving me the clue that this person, who would have me at his or her, mercy, at least had a cock. This increased the odds that the person was male. My ears gave me some other info as I caught the sound of the individual's foot steps. They were firm, but very regal in movement. This was defiantly interesting as who ever this is, is of noble upbringing. The clacking of his feet told me too, that the individual was hoofed. I so badly wanted to rip my hands from the binder tightly wrapped around my slender arms and pull of the gag, but at last I was helpless to do so. My body was at his or her mercy and I would have to wait until other clues arose to identify this person any further.

Coming to grips that it would take time to identify this person any further my mind moved onto even more important matters. Adjusting myself in my bonds I made last minute changes to my position to better pose myself for his or her enjoyment. After all my purpose is to serve them by any means necessary and my body's beauty was one of many tools to do the job. Nerves fluttered in my stomach in the form of butterflies as I hoped my positioning and exposed body pleased the person. Fully adjusted as best I could do in my bindings I awaited for what ever the individual desired of me.

Unable to see, my ears were doing what they could to help me identify what else was going on. I could hear the person's hands picking up and messing with all kinds of strange things. He or she must be playing with the tray of various bondage and sex toys that was placed near me. Oh how this tortured me and interested me at the same time. There are all kinds of fun devise on there, and I had no idea which one the person would chose first. To tell you the truth the mystery off it all made my black pussy lips wetter and my thick gray colored nipples to stiffen even harder.

Mystery was soon solved as the sound of a quick flicker of a small flame was the only warning I got before I felt the several drips of hot wax splatter across my thrust out ass. Immediately the targeted areas began to goose bump and thrilling shivers leapt from the spots up my spine. The cries that ripped from my mouth were instantly muffled from the gag firmly placed within it. This might have been for the better for if the person was to close, my screams of ecstasy might have hurt his or her ears. As more drops fell across my ass I wriggled tightly in my bonds, moving my body as best I could. The bindings held me back tight leaving me helpless to the individual's mercy. Were voices were muffled my nostrils flared to bare my aroused nature for him or her to see. That is when I caught the scent more intensely. His masculine scent was strong, and there was no hint of feminine smells mixed with it. So I conceited in my mind this person was indeed a man.

Hot wax did not drop for a while, as my ears and nostrils tried to figure out what was going on. I could still hear the soothing flicker of the candle near by. His body heat melting onto my body also told me he was still close by, yet no hot wax dripped on my patiently waiting butt cheeks. A disappointed grunt was muffled by the gag, but I am unsure if mattered. For he may not even cared how I felt. Again my body was displayed for his amusement, which is something I thoroughly enjoyed very much. Thick fingers then delicately brushed across my belly causing me to wriggle wildly in my bonds. As I could not help but giggle for it tickled very much. It stopped with him grabbing my belly ring and playing over its surface. He must have enjoyed the vision of my body for he seems to be taking his sweat time with me. Not that I am complaining as the slow intense pleasure is very intoxicating. Knowledge told me this male, who ever he, is very patience and loves to enjoy all the female body offers. Experience also told me that this is going to be one hell of ride.

When his hand left my belly ring it went straight for its attended target. Pulled in like metal to magnet the man could no longer resist the tender flesh my large breast promised him. Passion swam through the waves of pleasure surging through my head as I felt a big firm hand grip tightly into my tit flesh. Oh how it felt so wonderful for him to dig his fingers so deep into my tender breast. I felt his hand manipulate my flesh as he moved it around for his pleasure. Suddenly my lips quivered over the ball gag trying to express what my muffled words could not. Hot wax dripped across my other breast temporally quenching its jealously as the waxed dripped like fallen rain. Nipples stiffened, like begging dogs for a treat, as more of my body became envious of the attention my large bosom received.

Sad whimper crept from my lips and ears lowered upon my head, as the man's hand pulled away from my tender flesh. There was not much time for my breast to grieve. As soon it found happiness, as it too felt the sting of the wax dripping up it. Much like it other sister did not to long ago. Though each drop of wax initially stung , the tingling pleasure that soon arose after brought a euphoria of pleasure that more than made up for it initial bitter contact. That is why it saddened me so when the wax ceased to drip and my ears heard the flicker upon the flame die out. Then the smell of the flames death filled my nostrils confirming my fears. For now the tender kiss of the wax would be withheld from me.

New sensations arose to replace lost ones. As I felt the mysterious man slip his finger between my stiffened nipples and ring piercing that held them firm for all to see. Chills traveled through my spine as I felt his own flesh brush across my sensitive nipples. If only this gag would not muffle my cries. It excited yet frustrated me so that I could not express my arousal loudly to this man. I wanted him to know how pleasing his touch was to me in hopes he give me so much more. Although it would appear my word were not needed to entice the man into action as curled his fingers around my rings and used their hold on my nipples to stretch them. A loud clack rang in my head as my tongue piercing slammed into gag and my eyes shot open in darkness. There was an explosive sensation that began in my nipples and like tumbling dominos fell across my body. With an instinct of its own my body reacted arching my back even further as to offer chest to him even more. Words may have been stifled, but my body had more than one way of communicating its enjoyment brought upon by this unknown man.

Goose bumps grew from my skin were the delicate touch of his lips graced themselves across my neck. With my nipples pulled still firmly by his fingers my mind fought to keep up with the overwhelming passion swelling deep inside me. The battle with my mind was lost before it even began. First my body trembled and then intense spasms shook my body. The battle of wills lost as I began to shake in my bonds as a powerful orgasm ripped itself through my body. Somehow I knew this was going to be only the fist of many yet to come.

Here I am displayed before this male and completely at his disposal. My body made available for him to do with as he wished. This created all kinds of tingles down my body in itself. Now the man was slowly enjoying the pleasures my body had to offer him. He knew how and where I liked to be touched. More than bonds held me captive to his will, especially since he made me orgasm so quickly. Now left trembling on the rack as my mouth tried over and over to force pleading words for him to use me even further, pass the barrier of the gag. Not even my own ears could make out the words coherently, although I am left to wonder if that was from the gag or my own state of affairs. I was left panting behind my gag as if I were left in the strong heat and yet my body shivered as if I was in the freezing cold. Sweat from my body began to trace down my stimulated body as if fresh rained had fallen upon me. All the man had to do was look at me to know more then my body was at his mercy.

Suddenly another orgasm surged across my body leaving me to tremble as the two dildos on the wooden horse rack suddenly leaped to life. My body did not understand how to express itself other than to spasm as best as my confining restraints would allow me. Once silence and now alive the dildo began to thrust, buzz, and even wriggle inside me from two different, but very pleasurable places at once. They would each thrust in different patterns. First one would thrust within my moist wet pussy walls and as it would thrust back down just as the other would force itself deep inside my intense anal passage. Both must have been working on very skilled pistons as they thrust into their intended targets was very forcefully, which something I was not about to complain about either.

At first my head shot toward the sky and my body pulled away from the two thrusting dildos. This was only until my brain was able to coupe with what was going on with my body. Once the shock cleared I sent my hips back down barring those wonderful toys deep inside me as I could get them.

For a while there the intenseness of the dildos made me forget about the mysterious master using me. That was until the strong lash sting and loud crack of his whip across my exposed ass brought him quite clearly back into my memory. With out any thought my ass always did some thrusting of its own by pressing its shapely self back toward him after each strike of his whip. The sweet sting it brought with each thunderous crack was something I was more then thrilled to feel. A kiss from a whip across my ass was something I always found very intoxicating. Now add my predicament and the dildos thrusting themselves madly deep inside my body. You can see know why I was lost in a sea of endless passion and overwhelming pleasure. My senses left my brain and took a very long extended vacation.

More than black marks now decorated my ass cheeks as the whip left various tender red marks of its own. These marks I would wear proudly as if they were meant to always be there. They would proudly display the pleasure my body received and be the marks this master has blessed upon my body.

Only a few more cracks of the whip and my body would be pushed over the edge once more. Again my body spasm in the bonds helplessly as yet another orgasm trembled across my body. Like the others before it, it was by no means small. Nearly taking the wind from lungs as my chest heaved heavily and my nostrils flared wildly. My body would find more than vocal means to express its gratefulness of this master's use of my body.

Greatly spent and overly simulated my body ached not to just to have him toy with me, but to serve him too. It was not right for me to feel such wondrous pleasures from him and for him to not reach an orgasm of his own. I would not allow such a greedy action as that to take place. Therefore I must get this guy to cum. All I have at my exposal is my body and that would have to be weapon in which to please this male into giving into his own bliss.

As his lashes continued I used my amplified senses to determine this male's state of being. The very strong musk emanating from him told me that he was more than aroused at the situation. With the sound of his strong fast beating heart thumping an up beat tempo into my ears, told me that he was definitely worked up himself. With knowledge in hand it was time to go to battle. I will not rest until the man seed is released from his surely swollen heavy sac.

My weapon is my body and my strength is beauty it posses, especially bound and displayed so. With that in mind I began my war to make this male cum by arching my body in various erotic poses. All the while my ears listening and nostrils flaring for any hint on which pose withdrew more of a reaction from the unknown master. My plan now deep into its first phase it was time to begin the others. With a big breath my chest swelled immensely as I used the large supply of air to force moans past the gag that even it could not stop. Moaning and positioning my body would not yet be enough. Not to ensure this man's eruption. So next I lifted myself as best I could from the rack to expose the hard working dildos pumping themselves vigorously and mechanically into not just one hole, but both holes. With my body propped up I maneuvered my body in hopes he could see my wet pussy drip it lubricating nectar over the dildo so gratefully taking it. Then I arched my body forward for him to get a better view of my back door being so deeply penetrated by this thick dildo relentless shoving deep inside the passage. Fully enthralled by the whipping across my ass, it no longer did pull from strike. Now it wriggled before him daring him to bring yet another. That is when the strikes paused and finally my ears caught something he could not hide. Ears homed in on the sounds of his firm hands stroking his aroused cock. The noises coming forth like a sweet song of victory for my ears. All there was now was to offer my body pleading to him in hopes he would let loose that gift upon me.

Each stroke of his cock was heard by my ears as I wriggled in my bounds awaiting the final conclusion I so desperately hoped would come soon. Each stroke seemed to take minutes versus the seconds it really took. Indescribable sensations fluttered across my full body as I felt the sudden splash of his warm eruption sooth over the stings the lash of the whip left, like a thick cream. With a mind of its own my ass wiggled in show to display it gratitude to the still mysterious male. When I felt his thick cum flow through the cavern of my ass cheeks, I was done for. Unable to cope with the intense sensations any longer my body was wrecked with not one but several spastic orgasms that left me breathless.

Fear gripped my as I wanted to play some more with this generous master. So badly it ached, however my body fought me as the last bout of orgasms took its toll and my body began to give out. Already my body went limp and only the restraints held it place. Ears flatten to express the frustration my gagged mouth could not. That is when the nightmare struck for the master must have seen I was spent or was done with me.

First I thought he might be walking back to the cart of toys, but then his footsteps kept getting further and further away from me. Confirmation was then given when I heard many footsteps of the helping slaves enter the room. Curses stifled by the gag were sworn against my body as I did not want it to stop, but my body had nothing else to give.

I had to admit defeat the master had used my body until there was nothing else to for it offer. With that accepted in heart, this made very pleased to know that I gave him everything I could.

They step of many feet surrounded my body as many hands touched my sweat glistened body. It was the attending slaves who have come to remove me from my bindings and help me clean up. Immediately when the gag came free from my mouth words shot out pleadingly saying, "Please hurry my blind fold I want to see who it was that used me so well. " I heard a familiar chuckle, that sounded much like my real master, was it him that used me?

Shivers traveled down my spine as I was left pondering it if it was indeed him. Over and over I pleaded with the serving slaves to hurry up remove my blind fold, so I can see who it was that I served. It felt like I pleaded with them for an eternity before the blind fold was actually removed. Once the blind fold was removed a bright light filled my eyes forcing my site to once again leave me. Slowly my vision turned to a blur as I could barely make out a dark figure exiting the room. When my vision finally returned to normal all I could see were the young serving slaves attending to me. The master who had used me so well has already left. Words could not form on mouth and this time it was not because of the gag. Clues formed in head trying to complete the puzzle as I tried to figure you who this mysterious master was. At last there were too many pieces missing and my mind to tire to form a complete picture. It would appear I have to leave this to be enigma never to be solved. When I asked the serving slave who it was they just lowered their heads and went about their business.

This did not disappoint me to much as I found the mystery just to be almost more exciting. Just as came to grips with his I then saw a gleam of hope for my eyes spotted one the magical recording balls being escorted out the room. There inlay my salvation, for later if my true master will be gracious I will be able to watch the recorded show and see who this person was. For now it was time to rest and get cleaned up as I would relive today's events over and over in mind. Who knows the event just recently taken place may still unfold some private orgasms out of me later, after I catch my breath a bit of course.