The Devils Daughter, Chapter 1

Story by Polly25 on SoFurry

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this is story about how the devil knocked up a demon and sent there child to earth not knowing until later that on the childs 25th birthday she would have the power to over throw him unless she had a child before her 25th birthday so he sends his second daemon to capture christina but when daemon falls in love with her from the moment he kisses her they are running from the devil and there intense attraction is a distraction that could cost them there lives

This is the story I'm writing if you do not like it don't read it i will accept your feedback i will not take it down I WIL NOT CHANGE IT because you don't like it i will not conform my story to make the people who read this feel better i will take suggestions and consider them but i will only take positive minor suggestions


(Update Version)


When Christina was born she was sent to live with her father's worshipers. Her father was the devil and through him she had all these little powers that she didn't know how to control. When Christina turned 18 her satanic parents told her about her real parents. Christina went into a rage at knowing she was the devils daughter and burned the house down killing the only parents she ever knew. Her parents never got to explain to her about her powers and the stipulation that if she had a child before she turned 25 she would lose all her powers to her child. She fled the burning house running until she couldn't run anymore. When she stopped running she found herself in Hicksville, Kentucky, she didn't want to believe the truth.

Her father was Lucifer the devil and he wanted her back in hell, a place she doesn't remember ever going. When the first demon attacked her she wasn't prepared causing her to get injured. The karate classes her parents had made me take had come in handy. She knew she was going to have to fight her way to her freedom from her father but she wasn't sure if she could....

The people of Hicksville shunned her as if they knew what she was forcing her into the woods. When she came upon the abandoned cabin in the woods she was weary about going inside afraid that there might be another demon. Cautiously she entered the cabin realizing it was all right. The cabin had a working kitchen and bathroom with a nice fireplace for her to keep warm, the bedroom upstairs was a decent size it already had a mattress that she could use. She dragged the mattress down stairs in front of the fireplace so she could keep warm without a blanket. She would never survive the cold without a fire, she went out into the woods to find some wood for a fire.

When she had enough wood she went back to the cabin to light the fire with her powers of fire manipulation. She curled up on the mattress and used her jacket as a pillow he knew she has to be here for a long time but for how long she didn't know. Tomorrow she will go into town and get as many supplies as she can with the money she stole off her parents before the fire consumed everything. She slept hungry that night dreading the future to come.

Chapter 1

If Christina Briggs had a choice she wouldn't be here in this small town. She would be normal and she most definitely wouldn't be on hiding from her father and his minions. Christina had known different since she was a little girl and she set the house on fire in an act of rage because her adoptive satanic parents told her she was the devils daughter. She had run away and had begun living in an abandoned cabin in the woods much to her luck was still in working condition. She hated remembering what it was like in the beginning. She was stronger now and her father hadn't caught her yet. She only wished she knew why he wanted her so bad. Of course she planned to over throw him but not yet she wasn't nearly ready for that and he could just kill her he was stronger by far. So why is he trying to capture her? She pondered this question more often then she would have liked. She could never come up with an answer. So until then she was stuck in Hicksville, Kentucky in her home in the woods away from people that had shunned her like a stray dog.

Christina was on her normal walk through the woods looking out for demons trying to capture her. She was Afraid that the demons would kill anyone to get to her, even if she hated the towns people she wouldn't put them in harms way. When she felt in danger, she quickly switched into her demon form she hated with a passion. She knew she was being watched, she sensed the power of the demon she was soon to be facing and knew she was no match against the demon at this time. In her demon form her ski latterly turned red and her entire body was set to fire he emerald green eyes glowed in anticipation of a fight. She had 4 inch horns come through her skull and a tail with a spiked tip that could cause serious damage to anyone within range.

Daemon watched silently at the beautiful demon in front of him the one he had to search for to bring back to his master. He watched in amazement at her beauty. She was slender not more than 5 and a half feet she had piercing green eyes that glowed in her demonic form. Just looking at her he wanted to have her in his bed. Daemon shook his head he couldn't be having thoughts like that she was the master's daughter for crying out loud his master would kill him for the thought alone if he knew.

"Show yourself demon, so I can be rid of you" she shouted to the empty air Daemon He chuckled and took a step into the clearing behind her she whirled around poised for attack. "You know already that I can defeat you so come willingly and you won't get hurt" he said mockingly.

"I'd rather fight to get away then be taken willingly back to whatever my father has planned for me."

"As you wish princess I'll enjoy getting to touch your body as you try pathetically to defend yourself' he teased with a smile forming on his lips yes he certainly would enjoy touching her. Frowning he remembered his orders from his master not to kill her.

She charged at him baring her claws, her whole body set ablaze. He swiftly grabbed her wrist and twisted it around her back. The flames engulfed her body not burning him. With the blink of his eye he had transported them back to his master's throne room where his master sat eagerly awaiting his daughters return.

Lucifer smiled at his daughter, laughing at the notion of her over throwing him. He would squander that before it ever came to fruition he was going to make her bear a child that would take all of her powers from her. He didn't have much time though; the child had to be born before her 25th birthday. She had just turned 24 a few weeks ago. Lucifer was seething with rage knowing that his daughter was not pregnant. In fear that she would not give birth before her 25th birthday and that she could and would over throw him. He only had a few months for her to get pregnant and if she refused he would have to have one of his minions rape her until she conceived. His grin widen knowing his pathetic daughter would never kill an innocent child

"Daughter how is you this evening?" he said sarcastically I see you met my second daemon, quite powerful isn't he? "

"Tell your minion to let go of me and you won't get hurt "she snarled at her father.

"Now dear we both know you don't have the power for that and you never will. "Said Lucifer

"I will have the power in a few months from now your throne will be mine. "Christina said.

"No you won't, you see daughter if you bear a child before your 25th birthday all your powers will transfer to your child at birth and if you won't willingly have a child before then I can and Will have you raped by Daemon over there until you are pregnant and if he can't do the job one of my other demons will!" he laughed cruelly at the raw disgust showing on his own daughters face.

"I will never bear a child until I overthrow you and have your throne all to myself." She replied as she spit at him.

"Very well Daemon take her away and don't come back until she's with my grandchild." Lucifer commanded to Daemon.

"Yes my Lord" Daemon muttered before he whisked Christina away to his room. He did not want to rape her, he wanted her to come willingly into his bed but if necessary he would do his masters bidding to prevent other demons from raping her and humiliating her to no end.

Christina wasn't shocked at her father's cruelty. She knew very well that they were coming to this but she hope she had more time so she could think of a plan. She wouldn't let this happen. She would die first but she couldn't deny that she was starting to have a sexual desire for Daemon. The demon was hauling her to his room, his touch set her on fire and she knew very well that there was no gun in his pocket as his hard erection pressing into her lower back. She was captivated by the muscular 6 foot demon his eyes were stimulatingly blue, his black wavy hair begging her fingers to grab a hold of it. She shuddered at the physical attraction she felt

"I won't rape you just yet. I want you willingly to come into my bed but if it comes down to it I will rape you and get you pregnant so to not disobey my master." it was mostly the truth he told her. He didn't need to tell her he felt protective of her and he wanted to hold her in his arms and take away the pain she kept bottled inside. He knew she had never been with another, afraid they might hurt her or worse that she might hurt them.

"I won't go willingly into your bed I will not bear your child I will bear the child of the man I love when I find him" she growled her response to him. But in her mind images of her in bed with him naked started to creep in her mind.

"We shall see about that my dear we shall see" he said menacingly

He pushed her into the wall, his hands on her waist dipping his head low to hers kissing her lips ever so softly feeling her body react to his lips on her feeling her try to resist him. When he pulled away he thought he heard a faint whimper escape her lips. Knowing she wanted him he knew he would have her and she would come to him. He was concerned though, that sex with her might lead to more than just sex. He already felt his heart race when she was near; he just hoped his master didn't know it would be the end of him. He knew he would fight to protect her even if it meant running away with her forever defying his master.

She almost died when he kissed her; Christina was trying to fight the urge to wrap he arms around him. She was shocked that she whimpered as his lips left her, even more shocked at the fact she missed his lips as soon as he pulled his lips away from hers. She moved away from him and onto the bed he had in his luxurious bedroom. She curled under the covers in a ball resisting the tears that fell from her eyes scared for herself and the unborn child her father was going to force her to have. She couldn't kill any child she conceived. The man was cruel; it was why the humans called him the "devil".

He knew when she had fallen asleep, when she had stopped crying, he wanted to wipe those tears and hold her against his chest. When he laid down in his bed he pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on her forehead. He had made up his mind he would defy his master he would save her from her father. He would keep her safe until her birthday.

"I'm going to help you. I won't let anyone harm you." He whispered softly into her ear as a vow to him and a silent promise to her.

When she woke up she felt his embrace not to mention his hard cock pressing into her. Realizing where she was she felt serene. It wasn't until she realized where and who she was with did she tense up she tried to pull away when she felt the arms around her slowly let go. She felt them release her reluctantly and she almost missed them.

"What did you do to me?" she demanded

"I did nothing I swear it to you but you must be quiet if we are to leave safely." Daemon said looking into her eyes.

"What do you mean leave? Why should I go anywhere with you? You were ordered to rape me by my father and you want me to trust you." She bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything else.

"I'm going to protect you by getting you out of her; I'm not going to let any harm come to you but we must hurry and if you don't trust me fine, I will leave you when your birthday comes." He said the last part to reassure

"Fine I'll go with you but at the slightest trouble I will kill you." She wasn't kidding she would fight to escape if she had to.

Daemon took Christina into his arms and flashed them out of hell to the one place Lucifer could never get them they had gone to Alaska, a remote area that was on holy ground. It would be too cold for Lucifer and his demons. He could come here because of his angel mother mating with a demon he was by far extremely powerful but to Lucifer's disadvantage he had a soul and a heart. He could be swayed by kindness he had kept this from Lucifer to save his life.

They were on the outskirts of the abandon church lot. He had known were to take her, maybe he truly wanted to protect her. She could only have false hope. She shook her head at the thought to make it go away. She was wondering how he could stand being here. He was a demon and demons can't stand holy ground it burns them there was something more to Daemon and she was going to figure it out.

"We'll be safe here until your birthday. He told her softly and walked off toward the church to sleep in the building. They had spent one night in hell and already 11 months on earth had past and she only had two weeks until her 25th birthday. To think only yesterday she had barely turned 24.

"Wait!" she yelled before she could stop herself, she had only said it because she wanted him to touch her again. She ran after him switching back into her human form and looked him in the eyes.

"Yes princess what is it you want" he said finally seeing her for the first time raking his eyes over her entire body from her long black hair to her gorgeous slender body. Her cleavage was spilling out of the top she was wearing with plenty more still in the black lacy bra under her white shirt. He would swear she was a d cup and her perfectly rounded ass in her tight jeans, with long legs he wished they were wrapped around his waist. His mouth practically watered at the sight of her, and before he could stop himself his hands were on her cheeks and he was kissing her. He groaned when she parted her lips, so his tongue could explore her mouth. Her arms were around his neck, his hand reaching down to grasp her buttocks as she wrapped her legs around him. The physical attraction had brought them here and even with all of Christina's mental protest she wanted this. She wanted him and even if it meant her life. She knew she would give anything for one night of hot lust filled sex.

Daemon had walked them into the church and sat down on a pew her legs straddling his waist. She was already pulling his shirt over his head wanting to feel his bare skin touching hers. Daemon had blinked their clothes away before she could start taking her own clothes off. The feel of her skin against his was unbearable his hard cock was pressing against her pussy. His cock was throbbing at the thought of plunging into her.

"Do you want me to fuck you? "He asked breaking there kiss and breathing heavily. Hoping she would not change her mind or mood.

"Yes yes oh gods yes fuck me Daemon." She practically moaned his name grinding herself against his cock.

As he slowly sucked on her nipple he got her nipples the hardest they could go and using one hand to pinch her other nipple, with his other hand, he fingered her clit. Slowly he moved off the clit into her opening, with his finger slowly thrusting in and out at an increasing speed. While he was finger fucking her she knew he was bringing her to her first climax and when it happened, she burst into ecstasy. Daemon pulled her legs apart and got into position. He plunged his cock deep inside her pussy, letting her adjust to his thickness and slowly thrusting and picking up his speed with her meeting his thrust, screaming in sheer pleasure, thrusting inside her a final time as he blew his hot seed deep inside of her groaning in her ear as he relaxed himself and leaned back on the pew. Christina leaned into him her head resting against his shoulder; she had fallen asleep from there spontaneous hot lust filled sex.