2. Axe and Moss: the rest of our days

Story by The_Snow_Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Axe and Moss

George and Blake return in life after school

Hi, my name is George, George Axe to be precise. I still remember the day I met my highschool sweetheart. He was being beaten up by some thug just because he is a husky, well I took care of that thug and almost started kissing the poor pup then and there, but I couldn't, it would have caused far too many problems for him, and even I, the king of the school hierarchy, wouldn't have been able to save him from that.

Every day after that I watched him, smiling at him whenever I caught his eye, he always looked away and ran off like I was some sort of filth, it hurt so much that my pup would act like that. The next two years went by and I hadn't spoken to him once, I felt so shit about myself that he wouldn't, no couldn't, want me, but after a particularly slow practice I decided to take my time in the showers and I ran the shower so hot the whole place was filled with steam, and just as I was getting out a bright pink husky with glasses ran into me, it turned out that it was my love and I started to lick him clean, he tried to protest so I made my move, I took his gorgeous pink cock into my hand and started to lick, but then he said it, the words I had never wanted to hear. "What are you doing? What would people say if they saw us like this? Please stop, you are only gonna cause me trouble with this." Those were the words that hurt most, I just couldn't keep myself under control, I told him just how much his existence was hurting me because I couldn't be with him, and then I professed my love for him.

I was so happy when he admitted to loving me since that first day we met, I finished cleaning him and then with a burst of courage, I asked him out. He looked so shocked, he seemed as though he would say no or just not answer at all, but he did answer in the way of a kiss, we sat there in the gym locker room kissing for an hour before his clothes dried. And that was how it all began between me and Blake Moss.

On graduation I proposed to him up on stage and to my surprise the crowd went wild. He didn't speak to me for two weeks after that, I was so scared until he turned up at my doorstep and said one word, "yes." then he kissed me and I took him upstairs to my room. As soon as we were in the door I started removing his clothes as he removed mine, kissing all the while, when we were both naked I pushed him down onto the bed and started kissing my way down his body until I got to his cock, I licked it until it was all the way out of its sheath, then I began to suck and boy did he moan. Then without warning he pulled me up to his face and said "I want you George, I want you so bad!" "Are you sure you are ready Blake?" he responded by flipping me onto my back and sitting on my face while he took my cock in his muzzle. Of course I could see what he wanted me to do, so I began licking his tight tail-hole until I could get my tongue inside, then I brought up a paw and slowly started to prepare his hole for what was to come. He then got up and stood over me, lowering himself onto my cock, I couldn't help but buck my hips and I had half my cock in with one go. Blake winced with pain and I got worried "sorry love, I couldn't help it, are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine, just don't do that again please." He lowered himself until he got to my rapidly expanding knot, then he raised himself up and slammed back down, moaning with pleasure, it was then that I picked both of us up and bent him over the bed as I started thrusting wildly into him, I felt my knot start to stretch more and more into him with every thrust, I felt myself getting close and with one final thrust I pushed my knot all the way in, howling as I shot my load into him, shortly after I started he howled and came all over the bed sheets. It was then my dad walked in.

He looked at us and the state we were in and he just looked at me coldly, "Downstairs, now!" "Umm dad I am kinda stuck for the moment, unless you want us both to come down like this, I could easily carry him." He just shook his head and turned to leave, "Just come down when you are ready then." And then he walked off.

We didn't separate for another hour but I was fine with that, of course Blake was incredibly embarrassed at having been walked in on while we were tied but he seemed to get over it once dad had left the room. We both got dressed and I saw Blake out of the house before I went to the kitchen where dad would undoubtedly be waiting. As soon as I got into the kitchen he grabbed my by my shirt and slammed me against the wall, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Are you a fucking faggot son?! Are you gonna tell me that you love him?! You disgust me! Now pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house!"

And just like that I was homeless, my mother wouldn't take me in after dad told her I was gay, and none of my "friends" from school cared, the only place I could go was the local park. It was about two weeks since I had been kicked out when Blake found me, he had been to my house and taken a beating from dad for "turning my son into a faggot" I once again started cleaning the blood off his face when he said "George you're coming with me, my family has a spare bedroom and have always been accepting of me, of course they won't let us share a room but you are welcome to stay as long as you need." I pulled him into a huge hug and kissed him "Thank you so much Blake, I was so scared that I would spend the rest of my life living in the park!" and then I started crying into his chest and he held me close, and now he was the one protecting me. After college we got married and moved in together and soon we had adopted two beautiful little husky twins, Blake became a famous novelist and I became the stay at home dad with the twins, Max and Josh. Life went on blissfully and nothing could have been better.

*authors note, there is another chapter coming soon but this is the last one starring Blake and George, the stars of the next chapter should be pretty easy to guess but it's gonna be a secret till then*

****Authors post note, evidently the third chapter will have to be about Blake and George, I just re-read chapter one and realized I left an epic plot hook open, so next time you guys get a taste of married life and not in the rushed sense this story went through (I apologize for that by the way, I like to get into character when I write first person and this is just George's way of writing) Next time will be back to Blake :)