Drink up

Story by Timrahil on SoFurry

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#13 of My days with Alex

Our story goes on...

Hello everyone! It's been quite some time since I last uploaded anything. If you want to know why, then I suggest reading my journal concerning it: http://www.sofurry.com/view/406704 Not that we got that out of the way, here's the next chapter. It's on the short side as I'm getting back into things after the abscence. It's a little bit different than previous ones (although nothing to different). Remember to comment, vote, fav and all that good stuff! Have fun!

"I don't really think I'm what you're looking for."

I saw from the corner of my eye how the cute little cat gave a quick disappointed look before giving me a nod and then turning to go and try to flirt with someone else. I turned to look at him as he walked away, giving a little chuckle as he reminded me a little bit of myself at his age. That cat didn't look like he was a day over eighteen and the only way I figured he must've managed to get into this club was by flirting with the doorman. Or maybe even bribing him with a blowjob or two.

Hell, I knew that that's what I did when I was his age and wanted to get into the good gay clubs with all the nice looking hunks!

I think he had been watching me ever since I stepped in the club, and he wasn't the only one. I knew I had a good looking body and I wasn't really one to hide it. I mean, what's the point in hiding your body when you work so hard to keep it looking good? Why not let people enjoy the sight of your nicely shaped body and your good looking muscles?

I hadn't really been wearing anything that would show it off tonight though since I didn't actually come here tonight to find myself someone to spend the night with. I just wanted a nice tasting beer and maybe a few chats with some of the other furs I knew came here.

I guess the cat could still tell though that I was fairly buff. Hell, it was probably hard to hide no matter what clothes I chose.

I took a sip of the beer I had ordered and watched as the cat didn't waste any time in finding someone else to flirt with. He chose a bull this time that had bulging muscles and probably a cock to go with that massive body.

And that's exactly what the cat wanted. A strong man with a nice cock that could stuff him full all night long.

Well, I couldn't blame him for wanting that. There was nothing quite like riding a dick and just feel it poke and rub against your most sensitive spots. And if it was a really big one then it all just felt even better!

I didn't really look like it, what with me being hunky and all that, but I wasn't really much for being the one doing the thrusting. I was often approached by boys like that cat that just wanted someone hunky to fuck them so hard that they'd walk funny for a few days, but I'd always decline their offer since that was also more or less what I wanted when it came to sex.

Well, I guess I wasn't quite as submissive as they were though. While they'd love nothing more than to have a big guy force them down on their knees or down on all fours, I'd much preferred to be more "in charge" during the sex. I wanted to set the pace of the fucking and be the one deciding when we'd do what, not have my partner tell me what to do.

And it wasn't exactly hard for me to get what I wanted. Even though I often got approached by boys like him I also didn't have any problem finding the ones I wanted. If they didn't approach me then I had ways of approaching them. And since I had been with quite a few furs in this club by now I guess I sort of had... well, not exactly a "reputation" but I guess a group of furs that would sometimes suggest me to newcomers that were looking for a power bottom.

There had been none of that tonight though. No newcomers wanting a piece of my ass and no known faces wondering if I was free tonight.

And that was fine. I just wanted to enjoy this beer for now and be left to my own thoughts.

I guess, in hindsight, it was stupid of me to approach him like that. I can tell that he probably didn't want anything to do with me anymore, and to be honest I don't blame him. I had hurt him, badly, and there was nothing I could do to make things right again. Nor do I think there was any way I could make him understand why I had been... doing things behind his back.

Honestly, sometimes I was disgusted by myself and my cock chasing behavior.

I had never really had a good relationship before I met him. Sure, there had been guys I had been together with for some months or so every now and then. But due to my craving for sex and other guys nothing had ever really lasted. Which, you know, wasn't very surprising considering most furs don't want to hear that their boyfriend have been fucking other guys behind their back.

I just had a hard time to settle for one guy when there were so many more out there. Being together with someone and create a loving relationship was great and made me feel great, but I still couldn't help but to indulge in other men as well.

Breaking up with him had been hard on me since I had really felt something for him. Sure, I had been sleeping around and making excuses to go somewhere where I'd get to enjoy yet another man. Hell, sometimes even more than just one. But despite all that I had actually felt something for him. Something strong. I even wanted to try and put a stop to my own behavior and become that faithful guy he needed me to be.

But, thanks to the man that I was, I managed to fuck it all up.

Had I not returned that cougars flirt and actually done what I was supposed to do back in Vegas then maybe things would be different. Maybe we would still be together and maybe I had managed to straighten myself out and stopped being such an unfaithful guy.

I sighed a bit and took another sip of the beer. I glanced over at the cat and the bull and I couldn't help but notice the cat giving the bull a few strokes in certain private regions. Well, I guess we all know what those two would be doing tonight.

My ears flicked a bit as I thought back again at the days when I too was very much like that cat. When I was eighteen it was sometimes hard to get into clubs, but that was nothing a good blowjob or even, in some very rare cases, a good fuck in the backrooms wouldn't remedy. I guess I was a little bit of a slut back then. Hell, one could argue that I still am! But those had been good and happy days.

Quite different from how things were today.

I was still the tail raiser I was back then, but much of the happiness and teenage energy was gone. I wasn't walking around being depressed all the time, but I sure didn't feel as happy as I used to.

I had even started to see a therapist about my problems. She thought I might be a bit of a sex addict, which was why I slept around so much.

Well, I do think there might be a little bit of truth to that.

She was also the one that had suggested that trying to talk things over with my ex would perhaps help me start to feel better.

At first I had laughed at the idea of trying to talk with my ex again since I knew he didn't want to see me. But the more I thought about it the more it sounded like the right thing to do. He deserved a proper apology and deserved to know the full truth behind it all and an explanation for why I behaved the way I did.

Even if he'd still hate me he deserved to know.

It took me some time before I could muster up the courage to try and approach him though. I didn't know how to start contacting him or how I'd even try to get him to listen to me. It wasn't like I could just show up at his home and ask him to listen. As soon as he saw whom it was knocking on his door he'd just make sure that it was locked and secured. I couldn't call him either since he'd just refuse to answer the call.

Yeah, trying to approach him would be... difficult, to say the least.

By some freak coincidence I met his brother the other day while on my way to a friend and, as expected, it didn't go to well. I had tried to ask how my ex was doing but his brother, being the protective older brother he was, had pretty much told me to piss of.

Yeah, I didn't think it would be easy to approach my ex since it didn't seem like I could maybe get help from those he knew.

And yet, it ended up being much easier then I'd thought it would be.

"Hey Zach, gimme another one."

The german shepherd behind the counter gave me a nod as I asked for another beer before finishing this one.

"Thanks" I told him with a polite nod as I handed him a few bills in exchange for the beer. I took a quick sip before letting myself fall back into my own thoughts.

I hadn't planned on talking with him today, it had just happened. I was off to meet a client in an office close to the building where my ex worked, and I admit that I had felt rather nervous about walking by that place.

And that's when I saw him through a window.

He had been sitting there in the café next to where he worked and he'd probably been having his lunch. I just stood there for a few moments and watched him while feeling my heart beating faster. It looked like he was in a good mood, and I couldn't help but to wonder for a moment if it maybe was because of... someone else.

I guess jealousy was still apparent even when we hadn't seen each other for a long time. And, considering what I was like the thought of me being jealous at him felt a bit disgusting.

I didn't plan on approaching him right then and there and I was just gonna walk past the café and try and not pay any attention to him. I had a meeting to get to after all. But when I took that first step I couldn't help but to walk up to the café doors and then step in.

I put on a smile and I tried to... play things cool, I guess. But it had all ended just as bad I knew it would. He had hurried back to his work place and I had been left standing there, looking like a moron. I remembered that I had a meeting to go to and shook my head and made my way there.

The day had been pretty bad after that. I managed to keep my cool during the meeting and while I was still at work, but once work was over I had quickly made my way home.

I hadn't been ready to meet him, and he sure as hell hadn't been ready to see me.

I thought quite a bit when I got home and memories and feelings quickly caught up to me. He was a great guy and I had a lot of great memories featuring him and they all came back to me as I sat in my apartment.

I felt like shit.

But just sitting there alone didn't feel very good and so I had decided to come here. I wasn't talking to anyone or being very social at all, but being around a bunch of furs felt better than just sitting alone in my apartment with some bad TV show running in the background. I didn't like being alone, and just sitting there felt like torture. And while I kept to myself here I still at least saw smiles and friendly faces greeting me, friends waving at me.

Wednesday night wasn't usually the most busy night here, but there was still a good amount of furs here and a fair few familiar faces. If nothing else then at least Zach was a familiar face. He didn't seem to do anything else but work since he could always be seen here behind the counter. He knew when you wanted to keep to yourself though, which was why we weren't talking to each other. I guess that you learn how to read people when you work as a bartender.

I just sat there for another ten minutes or so and kept myself busy with my own thoughts. I didn't expect that I'd be able to figure out any good ways of talking to my ex, but just sitting here and enjoying a cold beer while surrounded by furs had felt... good. I wasn't feeling great by any means, but I didn't feel like a complete sack of shit anymore.

Maybe it was just the beer doing that to me.

I had a sip of what was left of my beer and, since I was feeling a little bit better, was getting ready to leave. I had work tomorrow after all, so just spending the whole night here drinking wasn't such a good idea. Especially not considering I met a lot of clients in my job and had to make a good impression.

"Hey Scott, whatsup?"

My head turned to my right as I saw the familiar face of Thomas, a big horse that I had spent quite a few nights together with and a regular face in this club. I flashed him a smile and had some more beer. There was probably just a mouthful left in the bottle now.

"Not much, I was actually just getting ready to leave."

He looked me over for a moment and I couldn't help but to wag my tail just a little bit. There had always been something about his eyes and the looks he'd give me that made me feel good. Feel warm inside.

"Oh yeah? Slow night?"

I shrugged a bit at his question, not really feeling that he needed to know the reason for why I was sitting here alone.

"Something like that."

He gave a nod and we went silent for a moment. He wasn't maybe the smartest guy I knew but he was nice and gentle. He also had an affinity for canines which, I guess, is why we had been in bed together quite a few times. The fact that he was pretty good looking too also certainly helped.

I could suddenly feel something stroking my leg gently and I looked up at him and saw him smiling at me.

"You uh... want some company, tonight?"

I thought about his question probably much longer than he had expected me to. I can't say I was really in the mood for fucking. Not right now. But... it was always nice to have someone you could cuddle up against during the night. Someone to share the bed with.

I knew that he, first and foremost, was feeling horny and wanted some fun. And if I let him come home with me then that's what he'd be expecting to get. There'd be cuddling and that kind of stuff too, but only after he had gotten to relieve some tension.

Well, then again, I didn't actually mind doing it with him even if I wasn't fully in the mood. And hell, he knew how to get me in the mood anyway. And even if I maybe didn't end up enjoying the sex as much as I normally would, at least I'd have someone to cuddle up against.

I definitely spend more time thinking about it then I guess I should've, because I could see his smile slowly fading away.

"Yeah, sure!"

I smiled at him as I responded and I watched his own smile return.

"Well, drink up then and we will be on our way!" he said with a wink.

Once I had downed what was left of my beer we didn't waste any time to get out of there and head to my place. As we headed out I noticed the cat and the bull being on their way as well and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit as the cat reminded me once again of myself when I was eighteen years old. Eighteen, full of energy and with an ass that was just asking to get it good.

It wasn't far to my place but we ended up fetching a cab to get there anyway. It would be nice to spend the night with some company, even though I wasn't fully in the mood for sex. Just the company alone would feel nice, and with Thomas often being the gentle and snuggly horse that he was after blowing his load, it would feel definitely feel nice.

Any thoughts about how I'd contact Robert would've to wait. I'd try to come up with something some other night.

And there we are! Remember to comment, vote and fev as usual! Toodles!