
Story by The Great Furdini on SoFurry

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What happens when a normal vacation gets extended against ones own will?


By: The Great Furdini

All characters, material, and blah blah legal crap are all copyright of The Great Furdini. Any unauthorized use of said material will result in a punishment consisting of wearing an unkempt fursuit from Anthrocon 2004. Stinky!

How...? How could this have happened? I haven't seen civilization or light in days. I really don't know how long it's truly been, if anything it's been about a good week now. Every time the truck stops, I fear that it might happen again. It's all gone so painfully slow for me. I haven't showered in quite sometime, my orange and white fur is matted with dirt and dried semen. I look horrible. These wolves have no consideration for me. It saddens me because one of them was supposed to be my so-called friend, how could he just sit back, watch, and even participate in such a lewd act? Things are looking hopeless for me. For days I've tried to snap the ropes that bind my hand and feet paws, they've even gone through lengths just to gag me. They've got some kind of cloth like substance jammed inside my muzzle and to keep it sealed off, they have it duct taped. It's so uncomfortable. Every time I try to scream for help, its no use, it just gets muffled and if by some force I manage to get free, they have this door locked tightly. Thoughts of them leaving me for dead run through my head all the time. I try not to think about it, but the pain that I'm suffering has no way of ending. I just want to go home, back to my family, friends, everything; unfortunately it doesn't look like it'll be happening, this fox is a prisoner to these fiends. Oh Dog!! We've stopped! Please let this be a red light! I'm shaking in fear again. Tears are running from my eyes drenching my white face fur. Just then, the engine cuts out and goes dead... NOO!! I'm screaming as loud as I can! Who am I kidding? No one can hear me. I hear the doors to the truck fling open, then close. The rustling of twigs and dead leaves can be heard from the outside, they're moving toward the door. I bang my head against the side of the truck hoping that someone will hear it, nothing... It was a valiant effort. The lock to the door is being fumbled with and in an instant the door to the truck flings open. Looks like its night again and we are in some sort of desolated woods out in the middle of nowhere. These assholes are quite cunning, I give them that. My eyes tingle in pain as I look upon the nightlight. I only see this light when they're ready to have their way with me. They dare not do this in the middle of the daylight in fear of getting caught holding and raping a hostage. A handpaw grabs my left leg and starts to drag me along the floor of the truck. I try to scream one last time to get some sort of attention, but even I know at this point that I shouldn't waste my breath. Tears continue to fall from my face, wetting the dirty wood floor of the truck. How...? How did this happen to me...?

(The previous week)

"Frank are you sure?"

"Trust me Nick. My dad has no problem giving us a ride back tomorrow night."

"I don't know... It just seems like a lot of trouble that he would come all the way out to South Carolina just to pick us up."

"Listen Nick, its no problem. Besides he has a storage locker in Virginia and he wants to drop some stuff off."

"Well ok... If you say so. I had a blast here on vacation, but I can't wait to get back. I really miss my family."

"Yeah, I hear you on that one. It'll be good to finally sleep in my own bed again. Just think about it, when we wake up tomorrow, we'll be on our way home."Said Frank, ensuring me.

"Can't wait! Night buddy."

"Night" Replied Frank.

(Cell phone ringtone playing)

"Uggh... what the hell is that? Frank! Wake up your phone is going off!

"Wha...? I got it." Frank said, as he struggled to hit the talk button. "Hello? Ok... Ok... Just give us a second. My dad's outside Nick. Time to go." He says as he turns to me.

"Ok I'll get dressed really quick and check us out." I grab clean clothes and head for the bathroom. I quickly put on every article of clothing and head out to the hotel lobby. At the desk the hotel receptionist waits.

"Room 226 checking out"

"Ok no problem." says the receptionist, as she types away on the computer. "Alright everything seems to be in order. We've hope you enjoyed you stay and hope to see you very soon!" She says with a smile.

"Thank you. It was our pleasure." I say to her as I smile back.

I quickly head back to the room where Frank is surely waiting for me. Just as I predicted Frank is fully dressed and waiting outside the door/

"Hey! I grabbed your bags. Are we good?"

"Yep! All good. Let's get a move on it. Don't want to keep your dad waiting any longer." I say to Frank.

I grab my belongings and we head down the stairs to the lobby. Outside in the parking lot I can see a yellow truck what seems to be an old moving truck. Sitting on the bumper is a older grey wolf that looks similar to Frank, but taller. We exit the hotel and head towards the yellow truck.

"Hey dad!" Frank calls out to the older wolf.

"Morning boys. How are we this fine morning?"

"Just fine dad." Frank shares a hug with his father.

"Your brother is in the truck already. Go say hi." Frank walks away and leaves me with the elder wolf.

"You must be Nick right? My Frankie talks a lot about you." Frank's dad extends out a hand and I shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr...?"

"Please just call me Frank. Have the same name just like my boy and my daddy." Says the elder Frank. There was a moment of silence before Frank Sr. spoke again. "Well let's get a move on it. Want to get you back to your folks as soon as possible."

Frank returns from the front of the truck with a younger grey wolf. It must be his brother. He looks like both Franks, except with glasses and a patch of black fur on top of his right ear.

"Nick, my brother Jason. Jason, Nick.

"Pleased to meet you Jason," I say as I extend my hand out for a shake. He doesn't do the same thing back. Instead he says something that puzzled me for a second.

"So this is him Frank? Ok... I guess." He says as he walks away.

I stand there in silence trying to make out what exactly that meant.

"Oh don't mind him Nick." Frank says reassuringly. "He's kind of a jerk."

"Alright boys, lets get a move on it!" Frank's dad calls out to us. "It's quite the ways home. The more time we waste, the longer it's going to take. Also guys unfortunately there isn't enough room in the front of the truck for the four of us. You guys wouldn't mind sitting in the back of the truck?"

"I guess that's fine." I say a little worried. "Will we have enough air to breathe back there?"

"You'll be fine. No worries. Answers the elder wolf. "In you go!"

Frank and I enter the back of the truck and sit down on the floor. At least there's a blanket so we won't get dirty from it. Frank Sr. shuts the door and locks it behind us. Frank Sr. knocks on the door giving us a signal that we'll be taking off now. The front door of the truck opens and closes within a matter of seconds of each other. The engine cranks on and the truck starts to roll backwards. Finally we are homeward bound.

I rest my head on the side of the truck and look at Frank. He's sitting across from me on the other side looking down at the floor. He must of known I was looking at him because he tilts his head up and looks back.

"We're finally going home Nick." He says. "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again."

"Me too buddy." I answer him back. "It'll be nice to see he folks again. I'm sure by now they miss me something fierce."

"Would you mind if I nodded off for a bit? I'm still a little sleepy after our wakeup call this morning." He asks me.

"Not at all. In fact, I'll join you. I'm a bit tired myself. A nap would do wonders for the both of us." I lean my head back on the truck. The vibrations from the floor are soothing and aid in the process. My eyes get heavy, I black out.

I awake hours later and check my phone. It's 2pm. The truck stopped moving. The door of the vehicle opens up.

"Let's get some lunch guys." calls out Frank's dad. Frank awakens too by the call.

I exit the truck and stretch out. We are parked in a lot with a McDonald's. The four of us enter the restaurant and get our orders taken. After grabbing the food we sit down and enjoy our meal.

"I'll be right back, gotta go to the bathroom." I excused myself from the table and entered the bathroom. I released the liquids I'd been building up for some time. I finished, flushed the toilet and I washed my handpaws. As I'm walking back tot he table, I remember what Frank's brother, Jason said. What could he have possibly meant by that? I try not to let it bother me. I rejoin the other wolves back int he table, seems they've finished their meals before I did. Since we're pressed for time, I eat as fast as I can. Then I realize, I don't know where we are. I ask.

"Umm.. Where are we exactly?"

"McDonald's, Nick" Frank's dad responds with a laugh.

"I'm just kidding, we are in Virginia right now. We're about 6 hours away from home."

"Ok, sounds good."

"I got to text my mom that I'll be home by nightfall." I notice that my phone has minimal amount of battery left. I don't bother sending it. They really don't mind when I come back home, they've always been like that since I was little.

"You're ready to go boys? If we want to make it back before midnight we must leave now."

"I'm ready" Frank responds.

"I as well." The four of us exit the restaurant and head back to the truck. Frank and I once again entered the back of the truck and the door behind us gets locked tight.

I lean my head in the side of the truck.

"Geez Frank, I have no idea what's wrong with him. I've been tired ever since we left the hotel. I slept fine last night. I have no idea what's wrong."

"I'm sure you're just worn out from packing and the drive. It's nothing buddy, take a nap if you like."

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna do that. Hopefully I'll feel much better when I wake up soon." I lean my head back once more, the movement of the truck slowly lulls me to sleep. Before I knew it, my eyes tightly close and I black out.

"Nick... Nick! Wake up Nick!" I open my eyes slowly, still heavy from my slumber. I discover Franks has woken me up.

"Come on, let's go." Franks exits the truck. I soon follow after. I rub my eyes to shake the haziness. I look up the jet black sky. I turn to Frank to ask him a question.

"How... How long was I out for?"

"A good five hours I think."

"And where are we again?" Frank senior answers this time around we are still in Virginia. Yeah I know. sadly it goes on for a while. We've also stopped for dinner as well.

I look at the lot we're in. "A chinese restaurant... nice. I can go for some chinese."

"I guess my dad's a good decision maker." Frank says.

We walk up to the restaurant and go inside. An array of food stood before my eyes. It was a buffet of all different sorts of food. The aroma made my muzzle water. Frank Sr. pays for the whole meal and we are guided to our table. In broken English, the waiter tells us to enjoy our meal.

"Alright guys, go for it." Says Frank Sr. signaling us to get our food. Whatever looks good winds up on my plate. From chicken and broccoli to dim sum. My plate fills up fast. The slumber leaves my stomach empty. I hope my eyes aren't bigger than my stomach. After filling my plate to the brim I retreat back to the table. There, all three wolves are sitting enjoying their meals.

"Woah! You think you had enough Nick?" says Frank.

"Kinda sleepy after sleeping." I respond back.

"Now Frank let the kid eat. After all he'll need it."

I ignore what Frank Sr. had said to me. I'm too busy shoveling food into my maw. The saltiness of my food makes me take sips out of my drink. I finish the glass and ask the waitress for another. She obliges, I have to pee now since I drank too fast. I excuse myself from the table and head to the facilities. I emerge minutes later after completing my business and head back to the table. It seems the wolves have already started on seconds while I'm still finishing up my first plate. I take a sip of my drink and dig back in. ten minutes later I finish all that's on my plate. I'm stuffed like there's no tomorrow. I couldn't possibly have seconds, even if I tried. That plate was piled too high. I rest back on the chair and rub my inflated stomach.

"Good right?" Frank turns to me and says.

"Really good." I reply.

"I'm gonna grab some ice cream. Want some Nick?"

"Thanks, I'm fine."

Frank gets up from the table and goes to the ice cream machine. After a hearty meal like that I shut my eyes and take some air in.

"Boy Chinese! Must be some kind of sleep aphrodisiac because I'm starting to... get sleepy again..."

"And there he goes" That sounded like Frank Sr. speaking.

"Don't you think it was a little too much dad? I mean too much that it could have killed him." That was Frank speaking.

"No worries, let's get him to the truck."

Those were the final words I heard before my body went numb and I passed out.

I woke several hours later in a daze, this time, something felt different. I couldn't feel my legs or arms. When I finally came to, I realized to my horror that I was bound. My legs and handpaws tied up behind my back. I tried to fidget loose but to no avail. I tried yelling for help but my screams were muffled. I was gagged with some cloth and duct tape. I could feel the cloth in my mouth with the duct tape on my muzzle. I took notice that I was stripped of all my clothing. I'm starting to shake and tear up. I'm scared, I don't know what's going to happen to me. Most importantly, who did this to me?

I try to remember, but my thoughts are clouded at the moment. I'm panicking now. I start to shuffle my body and banging it against something. Something to make the slightest noise for someone to hear. As I continue, a familiar voice speaks up.

"Shh.. shh... calm down now. You're going to tire yourself out again." It was Frank's voice. I fully come to now. I notice that I was still in the truck that was hauling us back home. The was a lit campfire a few feet back. Around the corner came Frank. He was completely nude.

"Hey buddy" he says with a smile.

"We're going to have fun in a little bit. Are you ready?"

How? How can my own friend do this to me? After all we've been through. I'm about to become his plaything. I still can't speak. The words monster are muffled by the cloth and tape. He seems to not have a care in the world. He's staring at me with a toothy grin. Frank Sr. and Jason emerge from the other side of the truck. They too are nude.

"Well son looks like you pick out another fine friend for us to enjoy. Not to mention he is on the cute side." Said Frank Sr.

The wolves stared in lust at my naked, defenseless body. All I could do is lie there... defenseless, shaking in fear. I keep screaming out "Why?!" but alas my words are only muffled by the gag.

"Sounds like he wants to speak, give him a chance before we have our fun with him; Oh and Frank... If he yells for help, kill him." Says the older wolf as he throws a pocket knife for Frank to catch.

Frank catches the knife and walks over to me. He runs his handpaw through my chest fur and makes his way up to my muzzle. He carefully removes the duct tape on my muzzle yanking out fur along with it. With each pull I yelp a little. The tape is finally off. I spit out the cloth gag and speak.

"Why Frank? Im your friend... How could you do this to me?"

He laughs and replies. "Trust me your not the only one who's become our plaything. There have been others before you. Don't worry if your a good boy like the rest of them were, we'll return you back home. Tell anyone what happened and we'll come back for you, but this time you won't make it back home."

You're all sick!" Frank's heard enough of me. He re-gags me and tapes my muzzle back up.

"I think we are ready now dad. I'll take him first as usual since after all he is my "friend." Says Frank to the elder wolf.

"That's fine son. Make sure that you give your brother a turn as well. I can take him last."

"Make sure you take it easy on this one dad. Remember the last time you had fun with a toy?"

My eyes lit up when I heard Frank says those words. I started to cry more now. They're going to kill me, I just know it. That's all I could think of. Frank grabbed my legs and dragged me to the edge of the truck. He unbound the rope securing my legs together, exposing my tailhole.

"Try to run and you die. Got it" Said Frank as he held the blade to my face. "Legs in the air now!"

I obeyed the wolf, fearing for my life. Frank sucked on one of his fingers, making sure to get it nice and wet. After it was lubed up to his liking he forcefully crammed it into my tight virgin hole. I yelped in pain as the finger protruded inside of me, feeling my pink, soft insides. I was in so much pain that I felt as if my hole was bleeding from the force. I looked over to the side, trying not to look at Frank as he took advantage of me. Frank Sr. and Jason were having they're own little fun before they too took advantage of me. Jason was sucking on the elder wolf's red, stiff cock. The younger wolf bobbed up and down on the member making sure to take in each inch into his maw. Looks to me like they've done this before. Frank Sr. pulled his son's head closer, moaning in pleasure with each suck.

"Enjoying the show over there I see? Don't worry you'll get something much better soon enough. Jason! Get over here now!" Frank yelled out for his brother who obeyed his command. "You know what to do." Jason got on his knees and started to suck off his brother. Frank's cock was much longer and wider than both his brother's and his dad's. Frank let out moans as his brother sucked down to the base of his meat. Having been prepped correctly, Frank removed Jason off his cock.

"There we go. I should be all nice and lubed up now. Thank you brother". Jason got up and walked back over to his father, continuing where he left off.

"Are you ready for your treatment Nick?" I shook my head no, but of course that wouldn't have much effect as Frank was going to do as he pleased. The wolf took his wet member and rubbed it against my tailhole, teasing it before actually putting it in. With one thrust he shoved every inch of his massive member into me. I jumped and let out a yell from the pain. It hurt so much. Tears rolled down my face due to the massive pain I now had to endure.

"Awww...Poor little foxy. Did that hurt?" Frank said taunting me.

He's getting his sick kicks from the torture he's putting me through.

"I must say for a bitch fox you sure are a tight one. That'll change once each of us has had a turn with you."

Frank started to pump his hips, moving his long, thick member in and out of me hitting my prostate with each entry.I had to get my mind off the pain and the fact that I was being taken advantage of. I looked over to see the elder Frank enjoying Jason's tailhole. The look of enjoyment on the young wolf's face disgusted me as I thought how can a kid like getting fucked by his own father. Frank Sr. was also enjoying what his son had to offer to him. He moaned each time he thrusted deep into his young son's cavities. With one final howl, it seem that the elder wolf had finished inside his son. He stood there making sure his son was filled and no cum escaping him. he bit him on the neck giving the signal that he had finished. Frank Sr. pulled out of Jason slowly, making sure his son felt the meat slip out of him. He was fully out now. The shimmering white strands of cum ran out of Jason, falling to the ground.

"Frank you done yet?" Called out the elder wolf. "I'm all done with your brother."

"Almost done. Just give me a few more minutes."

"Well hurry dammit! Your brother would like his turn before you make him all loose."

I looked back up at Frank. The lust in his eye, the joy of molesting his friend on his face, enjoying every minute of robbing me of my virginity. Sick fuck. His rhythm picked up now. Seems like he's close now. It felt as if his cock was growing bigger with each rapid thrust.

"Close! Close...! Arooo!" Frank howled out.

I can fill his thick seed filling me up. He pulled out his cock and put it near my muzzle. He took it and rubbed it all over my face leaving sticky strands to mat into my fur. At one point he almost hit me in the eye with cum. It would have stung like a bitch and I couldn't do nothing about it. I can smell the musk now rising into the crisp night air. Frank gave me a look, snickered, and walked away.

I can feel the excess cum dripping out of my backside now, running down my leg. So much.

"Next!" I heard Frank call out in the distance. Before I could even rest or catch my breath, Jason came running up and with no hesitation jabbed his cock right into my flooded hole. He said not one word as he immediately went right to work. His motions were fast and energetic, just what you would expect from a teenager. I wonder if he was like this with all of his victims, or was this some kind of special treatment that was saved just for me. Either way it didn't take long for the youngster to cum inside of me. Holy crap this kid knows how to cum. My stomach feels like its swelling up. Jason pulled out of me and walked away with a sense of accomplishment. More hot, thick cum spilled out of my now loose hole. I can feel it hardening into my fur. I sighed knowing it was time for the elder wolf to have his way with me next. Frank Sr. walked up behind me and stopped. He took his hand paws and opened up my cheeks. I could feel a finger on my hole.

"This will never do." He said "I think you filled him up a bit too much boys." The elder wolf stuck a couple fingers inside me, I can feel them scrape against my insides. It seems he's cleaning all the cum that his son's left behind.

"There we go. That's much better." Frank Sr. said.

With the excess cum on his fingers, he lubed up his cock getting ready for his turn with me. At least he had the decency, unlike Jason, to lube up first. He was gentle going inside of me. He wanted to take his time and enjoy what my abused hole had to offer him. Even if it seemed like he was hurting me, I couldn't feel it anymore because my ass was so numb. I was starting to get a little pleasure myself after his long wolf cock rubbed my prostate. I actually became hard for the first time. I can't enjoy the fact that he was being gentle, I was still being raped. The elder wolf noticed my hard on. He reached over and started to jerk me off. His warm, soft paw felt good on my sensitive cock. I was close. Without warning I came all over his paw. He brought the cum covered paw to his muzzle and took a lick.

"Not bad..." He said as he continued to lap up the seed. I can feel his cock throbbing in me now. It was his turn to cum now. His motion remained the same. He wanted to take it nice and slow, savoring every minute of his turn. WIth one final thrust that hit my prostate, he came in me. My stomach pains continued as more cum was flowing into me, filling me up. He pulled out of me and walked over to the front of me. He patted me on the head and spoke.

"Good boy." He turned to his boys who were now getting dressed and yelled out to them. "Alright boys! Let's pack er' up!"

Frank walked up to the elder wolf and spoke.

"Well dad? how was our new toy?"

"Just fine son. You picked out a good one this time." Frank Sr. grabbed my clothes that were off to the side, removed my cell phone from my pants pocket, and threw my clothes and sneakers into the campfire. "You won't be needing those anymore. And as for this.." He tossed my cell phone into the forest. That was it... That was my only way to contact someone for help. The elder wolf tied up my legs and arms once more and closed the door to what felt like my cage, my cell. This here... This is my hell.

(Present Day)

For over a week I was subjected to the same torture over and over again. Sometimes three times a day. I was constantly taken advantage of, came on, came into, threatened, bitten, scratched and on some occasions had to give oral. I was kept alive with one meal a day and some water, that was it. I felt myself growing weaker, skinnier just for their sick kicks. I guess they figured the weaker I got, the less chance I had putting up a fight. Here I am again taking another wolf cock to my hole. I don't even care anymore. I just let them do it it. I knew there was no hope for me anyways. Why bother to struggle? Look like Frank Sr. is done coming in me. Same routine, they'll get dressed. I'll be tied up again, we'll hit the road. Damn... I need a shower really bad. My fur smells of wolf musk and sweat, not to mention my fur is matted with dried cum.

"Jason! Tie him up."

"Yes dad."

Just like I said, the young wolf was binding me up once again. He made sure to tie me up really well as if I would struggle at this point.

"What's wrong dad?" Asks Frank to his father.

"Well Jr. I'm getting bored with him."

"Bored dad?"

"Yes bored. I think its time to ditch him like the last one. He lasted a week, longer then the previous toys. He's getting worn out and loose. It doesn't please me anymore. I've decided that our next stop will be his last."

No! No! They lied to me! They said that they would return me home! Now they're going to kill me. Tears start to run down my face, wetting my fur. I've never been this scared in my whole entire life. Frank Sr. Pulls the door closed and locks it. My whole body is trembling in fear now. I yank at the ropes that bind me, trying to get them loose. No use... My fur is soaked from the tears I've been shedding. I keep tugging at the rope by spreading my arms out. I know I'm hurting myself, but i'll take a little pain and some bruising over death any day. Wait a second... This rope feels much looser now. I continue to stretch my arms even further. It's working! Oh thank dog it's working!. With one more quick tug the falls off my hands. I'm saved! My tears of sorrow and pain are now tears of joy. Finally I'm free from this hell. Carefully removing the duct tape from my muzzle so that it doesn't yank off fur, I undo the gag. Next I remove the rope binding my legs. After getting that off, I rub them to regain some circulation after being tied too tightly. I have to be as quiet as possible. If they hear me making too much noise, then the jig is up. They'll kill me for sure. I take a seat on the floor and look at my handpaws that are bleeding from the lacerations I obtained by yanking on the rope. I take in deep quiet breaths regaining my composure. The only thing left for me to do know is to think how I'm going to go about escaping. I look around the inside of the truck to see if there is anything I can possibly use. In the corner I see something that catches my eye. It appears to be a tire iron. That will work just fine. I concentrate for a couple of minutes and come up with a plan. Sadly I must put the gag back on temporarily so that they won't expect something is going on. Next I knot the rope loosely so that it can fall off while I make a break for it. And finally I tuck the tire iron behind my back and lie back down. Now we play the waiting game...

Hours pass by and still nothing. This truck has been moving all day. They haven't stopped to eat, get gas or even go to the bathroom. They must be really focused on getting rid of me as fast as they can. I started to think that maybe they were on to my little plan. Maybe they heard me when I was moving about for a bit. That can't be, I was quiet as possible. As quickly as I threw out that idea, the truck came to a halt. I hope its not a red freaking light. I keep an open ear waiting for some signal. Finally the engine goes dead. Here it is, my moment of truth. I've got to push this weak body as hard as I could and run as fast as I can. The front door to the truck opens, followed by some rustling. I hear a clicking noise from outside that sends a chill down my spine. It sounded like a gun being cocked. Shit! I didn't plan on them shooting me. I have to be extremely careful or I'm a goner. Outside, someone is fumbling with the lock that is keeping me held in. The lock is undone and the door flies open.

It's Frank Sr. He looks at me and speaks.

"Well little fox... Looks like its the end of your trip. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. The elder wolf pulls out the gun and points it directly at me.

"Bye Nick.' Calls out Frank

Now is my chance. It's do or die. I leap up really quick and whack the tire iron over Frank Sr's arms, knocking the gun out of his paws.

"Fuck!" He yells out, as he drops to the ground writhing in pain.

I don't know where the gun is, but for the time being its gone.

'Get him Dog damnit!" The elder wolf yells out.

Frank fumbles to get something out of his pocket. Before he could even try to get it, I smack him over the leg with the iron. He too tumbles to the ground. At this point Jason is no threat as he's helping Frank Sr. to his feet. Now is my chance! I quickly take off as fast as my weak legs can tolerate. In the distance I can hear the elder wolf yell out "Quick! Don't let him get away!"

Shit! what am I going to do if he get's to his feet? They'll surely hunt me down for sure. Frank won't be able to help them as I gave him a nice blow to the left leg. Regardless, I keep on running. My feetpaws are killing me from being so weak, not to mention I was also stepping on rocks too. That wasn't going to stop me now. The sure willingness to escape and getting as far away as I can is what's driving me now. I can barely see what's in front of me, its so dark. I hear rustling behind me as I continue my run, but my thoughts are a feral animal or branches breaking off trees. I'm starting to wear out from running now. I've been going for about 15 minutes straight without a single rest. I chance it and stop for a quick breather. My thighs feel like there on fire. My mouth is dry and can use a drink of water. No time. I continue my run. up in front of me in the distance, I can see a faint amber light. I hope its some sort of civilization. I use this as I guidance and a motivator to keep pushing myself 'til I get there. About another five minutes into my run, its seems the ground under me has manipulated. I stop and take a quick feel. Its asphalt! A road! I'm on a road. I did it, that amber light was a streetlight, I continue my run up the road, hoping that I'll come to a town or maybe a car will be on it that I can flag down. Just then I see two lights coming right for me. I flail my arms in the air flagging down whatever it is. It stops and blue and red lights come on from atop the roof of the car. A police officer! Even better.

"PLEASE HELP ME!!" I scream out.

Just then the officer bolts out of his car and runs up toward me.

"What the hell is going on here!" Says the officer. He is a black and brown doberman, His two badges read Virginia State Police and Shultz.

"Officer please help me! I've been held captive for days now." I'm trying to make out my words, but I'm so short of breath that I can barely speak. "3 wolves, a family... Kidnapped me, raped me." I can't do it anymore. I collapse.

"Son stay with me! Shit!" He radio's in for help." All units, all units! I need back up to Highway 607 going northbound! Get me medi-vac as well. I have a civilian down, male, early 20's. fox. Says he was a victim of kidnapping.

I hear sirens in the distance blaring. The last thing I hear before I lose consciousness.

I awake to what seems like several hours to me. I check my surroundings. I'm hooked up to all kinds of machines and tubes. I can hear doctor's names being called out over head. I look in front of me, still in a daze and see my mom with her head down, crying on the bed.


She puts her head up. "My baby!" You're awake!"

She lunges at me and starts to kiss me. "Phil he's up!" She yells out. My dad and the doberman officer rush into the room.

"Son!" My dad hugs me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well baby. You were rushed to the hospital over a week ago, You were so weak, dehydrated, and had trauma that you slipped into a partial coma. This officer saved your life. When you ran to him that night, he never left your side. He's been at your bedside since day one."

I look at the officer. It was the doberman that helped me that night. He nodded at me, removed his hat and walked over. I could see a tear in his eye. He wanted to cry.

"Son I'm so glad that you're ok. Unfortunately there are somethings that we need to speak about and I need your cooperation to help put an end to this case. Now try to remember the best you can and please explain what happened that night. I also need descriptions of everything."

"This is what I remember.." As best as I could I told Officer Shultz everything I remembered. Names, clothes that they were wearing, The truck they housed me in. I went on for several minutes going over everything. "...And that's all I can remember."

"That helps a lot son. Thank you. I'll give all this info to the station and forensics to see if we can get these guys. Now I do have some bad news on my part as well." My mom and dad look at the officer and listen. "The DNA testing that we had the hospital run on your son, the results came back... There were no matching persons in the database. We checked all records for your state, our state and surrounding states and not one match. I'm sorry to inform you of this."

"What do you mean no records!" My mom yells out. "These sickos' are still out there and there's nothing on them?"

"I'm sorry maim." Shultz apologizes. "We now have more evidence to find them now. We'll keep cops on every state border looking out for the vehicle in question. We'll continue to sweep the woods as well, but for now all we can do is wait."

"That's just wonderful." My dad says sarcastically.

I turn my head and look at the widow. Its raining. The sky is grey and cloudy. Fitting weather for such news. I think long for a second. They're still out there.

Who will be their next victim...?

The End