Uncovering the Past (Chapter 1)

Story by _Scales_ on SoFurry

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(So...FINALLY wrote another story. Still, I'm upset that it didn't come out as good as I would have wanted it, being given at least a FRIGGIN YEAR to do it... Big thanks to gina123 for her help with this one; though I do owe her this story considering I promised her I would get this done. Keep in mind though; I haven't written in a while so I may or may not have some grammar issues. Added to that, I decided to skip the description of the characters, considering only one really needed it, I just felt it wasn't that necessary considering he's my main rp character. Keep in mind this is another rp to story thing...so...yeah. Anyways, without further delay, enjoy my newest story.)   Uncovering the Past Chapter 1: The Monstrosity Within   "Seriously?" a young, black scaled dragon known as Critias asked, smiling, "You really did that?"   "Yup," a yellow furred renamon known as Gina replied, nodding proudly, "I beat him with his own move."   "Wow, you've really improved since we've last met huh?" Critias said. Gina simply nodded in response. It had been quite a while since the two of them had last met, and now they finally had a chance to catch up with each other. They were having a good time; stories were exchanged, some laughs, even a few awkward moments; it was great for the both of them.   "So," Gina said as they walked, "wanna see exactly how much I've improved?"   "Maybe another time," Critias replied, staring up at the clouds, "for now I just wanna relax." "Why, afraid you're gonna lose?" the renamon responded mockingly.   "Please," the dragon replied, "if anything, I should be asking yo-"   Give me your body... a deep voice hissed through his head. This made Critias' happy smile quickly fade. He had heard this voice many times before. Sometimes in his sleep, many times when he was awake. Every time, it would ask for the same thing again and again. Sometimes, he would receive headaches along with it. Many times, Critias had seen a doctor about this, but none of them could come up with a solution, all believing it was probably some sort of psychological issue. Whatever it was, it was only getting worse...   "Critias? Hellooo?"   Critias hadn't realized that he had stopped talking. "Oh, sorry, zoned out there for a bit... So, w-what was it we were talking abo-Oh jeez!" he exclaimed as he was suddenly shoved into a nearby pond. He came back up, spitting out some water in an almost comical matter. Both of them began to laugh.   "Whatcha do that for?" he asked, still chuckling a bit.   "I just wanted to," she replied, smiling.   "Is that so?" Critias replied as he got out, "Get over here you!" He ran at her playfully, only to get pounced on. Gina quickly pinned him down. They both laugh a little.   "I just win with you, can I?" Critias said, smiling at her.   "Fight me handsome," she replied.   "Okay, okay, but now more pushing me into ponds okay?" Gina pouted cutely at him.   "Gina?" the dragon said, imitating a scolding parent, "promise?"   She scowled. "Psch, fine. But you owe me a fight."   "I know, I know," he replied as she got off of him, getting up.   "So," Critias said, looking off to the path ahead, "what do you wanna-ACK!" he exclaimed as he was shoved into the pond yet again. He came back up again, both of them breaking into laughter again.   "I love doing that," Gina said, helping him out of the water.  

  Regardless of what he had said, Critias decided to have the fight, but not before the two of them got dried up.   "I can't believe you fell for that again," the renamon said as the pair rode the bus that would take them to the stadium.   "Me neither," Critias replied, smiling and shaking his head slowly.   "And that's why I'm better than you," Gina said, smirking. Critias raised an eye ridge in surprise.   "At what exactly?"   "Well, everything," Gina said simply. "Clearly I'm smarter than you."   "Okay, that is not the case here," Critias replied, making a few hand gestures, "I just trust you more than I should."   "Psch, whatever," the vixen replied. Suddenly, the bus slowed to a stop. "Oh, looks like we're here." The two of them hopped off of the bus and headed for the stadium, where their fight would ensue.   "So," Gina said as they walked, "how badly do you think you'll be beat?"   "I think I should be asking you that," Critias replied slyly.   "Hmph, we shall see."   When they arrived inside, they signed in and scheduled for a match. Having extra time to spare, the two of them headed to the food court for a quick bite, watching other peoples' fights through a monitor. The way the fights worked was quite simple; each participant would fight his or her opponent until either of them surrendered, or just couldn't fight anymore (with the required health limitations of course). Gina was a regular participant where as Critias would only participate from time to time.   -DING DONG-. An electronic bell rang throughout the stadium's halls and rooms. "Would match participants Gina and Critias please make their way to the stadium? Thank you." -CLICK-.   "Looks like we're up," Gina said, "Well, see ya there." The both of them began walking toward their starting points.   "Good luck!" Critias called to her.   "I won't be needing it!" she called back.  

  Critias had gotten changed into his battle attire where as Gina had decided to stay in her casual t-shirt and shorts. Critias was wearing a tight, black, rubber suit, perfect for his speed. It had the stadium's logo on the back and front as it was a rental. It had holes on the back for his wings and tail. At his side, Critias had his favorite sword sheathed and buckled to an exterior belt attached to the suit. Critias and Gina were currently waiting on opposite sides of the arena, waiting for the doors to open.   Critias was leaning against the wall, arms folded. He let out a sigh, listening to the sounds of the crowd as they were getting pumped for the fight by the referee. Sure are a lot of people here today, Critias thought to himself.   I want your body... the voice hissed in his mind.   Fantastic, he thought to himself sarcastically, putting a clawed hand to his forehead, It's one of these... He was having another headache. I guess I'll just have to ignore it. Besides, he looked up at the door, light bulbs above turning from red to green, it's time.   The doors swung open by themselves. As Critias walked through, he saw that nearly every single seat in the stadium had been taken. He looked at some of the cameras which were broadcasting their fight throughout the building. He then looked across from where he was standing, seeing Gina on the opposite side of the arena, waving to the audience. Trying hard to ignore his headache, Critias walked over to his side of the stage and stopped. The crowd silenced, waiting for the fight to begin. Finally, an air horn rang, signaling the pair to begin.   Gina made the first move by charging at Critias like a bull. Seeing an opportunity, he quickly side-stepped her, grabbed her by the arm and flung her in the other direction in one swift motion. Losing her balance, Gina fell on her face a few feet away.   Critias' left hand quickly went to his sword's sheath, angling it for an easier draw and unhitching it with his thumb, where as his right quickly drew it, slashing his sword immediately afterwards, launching his razor sharp aura through the blade; a technique he had learned over the course of his life.   Gina quickly evaded by rolling to the side, causing it to hit the wall behind her, leaving a large scratch. She quickly got up. "Ha! Missed me!"   Critias smirked, and dashed forward. Gina quickly got into a defensive stance, bracing herself. Just when the dragon got within a few feet away from her, he suddenly broke right and out of her sight, catching the renamon off guard for a few seconds. She turned her head to find him, but when she saw him, he just went in the opposite direction and out of her sight again.   Gina clicked her tongue, familiar with this tactic. It slightly annoyed her. She kept looking for him but every time she did find him he would just do the same thing. Critias was running circles around her, and he could see that it was making Gina rather dizzy. As soon as he saw her close her eyes to stop her world from spinning, he slid to a stop and slashed his sword at her, sending another aura slash her way. Gina opened her eyes in time to see it coming, and quickly evaded. However it still managed to cut her shirt's left sleeve.   "Hey!" she exclaimed, glaring at him.   "Sorry," Critias responded, getting into a defensive stance, "but you gotta be quicker than that!"   Gina let out a sigh, and charged at him. Critias quickly jumped over her. When he hit the ground, he felt a tug at his tail. He turned around and saw that Gina had it in her paws.   "Hey!" Critias said, trying to pull it free, "let go!"   "Not a chance!" Gina responded with determination. Critias tried to run to regain distance, (and his tail), but she just kept holding on. Then an idea popped up in his head. Quickly sheathing his blade, Critias broke into a run, forcing Gina to run along with him, (which was rather difficult considering his speed). When he felt he was ready, Critias spread his wings and jumped to the air, breaking into flight. Surprisingly, Gina still held on. Flying only several feet above the ground, Critias circled the arena before flinging her at the floor with the momentum. She hit the floor, rolling to a stop. When Critias eventually landed, the effects of his headache hit him again. He kneeled down with a hand to his forehead, staying there for a bit, before standing back up again and turning back to Gina, who was also just getting back up.   Gina's right paw was on her left arm, having hit it when she landed. "Was that your best?"   "Don't worry," said Critias, hand going back to his side, "I'm just getting sta-AHH!" He yelled out, causing Gina to jump back in surprise. An intense pain had hit him like a boulder. Both of his hands immediately went to his head.   I CAN'T STAND THIS ANYMORE!!! It was the voice again, sounding as though it was screaming into his hear. I'VE WAITED TOO LONG! I AM DONE WAITING!   "WHAT IS IT YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Critias screamed out loud.   I thought it was clear from the beginning, I WANT YOUR BODY! And since you won't give it to me yourself, I'LL JUST TAKE IT FROM YOU!!!   Critias screamed out again, immense pain rushing through his head. He collapsed to the ground, still screaming, hands firmly pressed to his head, wanting nothing more than for the pain to stop. Gina could only watch, unsure of what to do. The crowd murmured in confusion, watching intently on the collapsed dragon.   What are you? Critias asked weakly in his head.   Well now, I am YOU. This was the last thing Critias heard before he blacked out, his body unable to take any more pain. His screams eventually died away, leaving the entire stadium in silence. Gina stayed where she stood, too shocked to advance.   "C...Critias?" she asked nervously. He didn't move. A few seconds passed. The judges were just about to call a default victory to Gina before Critias began to stir. The crowd began to murmur as he got back up, eyes still closed.   "Critias?" she asked again, "...you alright?"   A moment passed before he finally responded. "I'm fine," he opened his eyes, revealing that his iris color had changed from a violet purple, to an intense blood red, "Perfectly fine."   Gina grew tense. "I...if you're trying to freak me out so you can win, it's not going to work on me!" She got into a defensive stance. "Come at me!"   A wicked smile spread across Critias' face. "Feisty," he hissed. Gina took a split second to see if her footing was right, but by the time her eyes came back up, the dragon was nowhere to be seen. She blinked, a bit surprised at this.   "The hell?" she silently breathed out, looking around for Critias. She turned to the right and caught a glimpse of him, his wicked smile still on his face, only to see him vanish right before her eyes. She grunted in surprise. She knew how fast he was, but she never remembered him being this fast. She was forced to look for him again.   Just some new skills, she thought to herself, nothing more. She kept turning and turning, almost making her dizzy again, desperately trying to find Critias. She knew all too well how dangerous a position it was to not know the location of your opponent.   Suddenly, he was in front of her. Before she had the chance to do anything, he made an upward slash at her. She jumped back quickly, not wanting to take any serious damage. She looked down at her chest and blushed hard. The front of her shirt had been cut open, nearly exposing her C-cup breasts. She quickly covered her chest with her arms and looked up, seeing Critias still standing there still with his creepy grin. He disappeared again, leaving Gina to look for him again.   She kept her left arm covering her breasts, and her right up for defense. Okay, she thought to herself, what the hell? Since when did Critias enjoy stripping people? She looked to her left and saw him again, but he just vanished right away. And since when did he get so damn fast? Jeez, go your separate ways for a few months and you miss so much.   She turned around and saw Critias right in front of her. Startled, Gina quickly jumped back. This made him chuckle a bit. Glaring at him, Gina charged at him, only for him to disappear again. Unexpectedly, he reappeared right behind her right after, making a slash at her back. She quickly tried to evade, and got a few feet between them before looking back at the black-scaled dragon. To her surprise, he stayed there, and was in fact, chuckling.   "Wh-what's so funny?!" she shouted at him.   "You're shirt," he replied, still chuckling. Confused, she looked down. She blushed. She saw that it had been fully cut off, and now it was just a limp piece of cloth, held up by her left arm.   She remembered how many people were watching this and looked up, seeing the hundreds of people staring and laughing at her, cheering and wolf whistling. She even saw some people take out their cell phones and cameras, and some were already recording her. Well, she thought to herself, I certainly picked the worst day to not wear a bra... She was blushing hard; she had never been so embarrassed in her life until now.   She looked back at Critias, who seemed to be examining her, walking around her as if she was some kind of work of art. "Mmmmm," he murred, "Exquisite, I haven't seen a body like yours in who knows how long." This surprised Gina.   "Wait a second, don't you already have a mate?" she questioned him. She remembered during one of their conversations that he had spoken about having gotten together with someone. Ad...sil...something, she couldn't remember.   "Oh," he replied, "do I? I can't remember." He smiled, making her a bit nervous.   Keep it together Gina, she thought to herself, he's just trying to psyche you out.   "Anyways," he began, "I'd like to take a look at more of your...alluring body." He slowly licked his lips, making Gina shudder uneasily.   "Not gonna happen," she said assertively, trying to set her mind back into the fight.   "I wasn't making a request," he replied, his nerve wrecking smile returning to him. Once again, he disappeared. Gina gulped, relatively scared now.   He... he can't be serious... Can he? She frantically looked around for him, not wanting to be taken by surprise again. He wouldn't. I mean...it's not like him. He's just trying to scare me is all. Yeah, that's it. She tried to convince herself to believe so, but she was becoming less and less convinced. She was so uncertain, so unsure; she hated being in these kind of situations.   Her heart was pounding, her breath quivered, she was getting rather scared. She began to wonder if it was something she did to make him like this, then thought against it, not knowing Critias as one to hold a grudge against people.   Everywhere she looked, he just wasn't there. Then, before she knew it, he was upon her. It all happened so quickly. In a matter of seconds, he had taken the remains of her shirt and pinned her down on the floor, hands behind her back.   It took a few seconds for Gina to realize what had happened. Even the audience had silenced for a moment trying to figure out what they had just seen. She looked up at Critias, about to say something, before stopping in mid sentence. He was holding her shorts in his free hand.   This confused Gina, she hadn't even felt him pulling them off! Then, she realized something. Her only form of clothing she had on now was her panties, but she had the gut feeling that they weren't staying on for long. She looked back at Critias again, whimpering. Upon seeing this, he began to laugh.   "Feeling embarrassed are we?" he hissed, tossing her shorts into the crowd, "but that's not all, is it now?" He leaned in closer to her. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he whispered into her ear, making her shudder.   "I...I-"   "It's useless to deny it" he cut in, "you know that Cri- I mean I can read people's emotions." Gina briefly remembered him speak about his abilities with aura at that moment.   Critias raised his head, looking back their surroundings, seeing that all of the cameras from the stadium (and the crowd) were pointed at the two of them. He leaned over to her again, "So many people," he whispered into her ear, "all of them, just waiting to see your body." He licked his lips. Gina merely whimpered in response. He chuckled softly and continued, "Now we mustn't keep them waiting, we've teased them long enough, don't you agree?"   Before she could answer, Critias lifted the both of them back up using his wings, leaving Gina's C-cup breasts completely exposed. The crowd exploded with cheers and wolf whistles. Flashes of cameras could be seen from nearly every seat. Gina's face was red with embarrassment, she tried to wiggle her arms free, but his grip was too strong, leaving her nothing to cover herself with, except...   My tail! She tried to swing her tail around to cover up, but found that she couldn't. Confused, (and slightly irritated), she looked back to see what was going on. She then saw that Critias' tail was wrapped tightly around hers, along with her lower legs.   "Nice try," he said to her, a sly smile crossing his face, (which Gina found was at least better than the smile he had before). Suddenly, with his free hand, Critias grabbed the strap of her panties. Gina gasped, knowing what he was planning.   She looked back at him with a pleading look, "No no no no, please don't." She was about ready to beg him to not continue. This brought out another chuckle from him.   "Cute," he began, "you think you actually have a say in this." He repetitively flicked the band of her undergarments with his thumb claw. At this point, the crowd had begun to chant.   "Rip it off! Rip it off! Rip it off!" Gina stared at Critias with pleading eyes, practically begging him not to. For a moment, they just stared at each other.   Please don't, please don't, please don't, please don't, Gina prayed to herself, silently begging inside. The crowd continued to chant.   "Rip it off! Rip it off! Rip it off!"   Without warning, Critias finally ripped them off of her body, leaving her completely nude. The crowd exploded with their approval. Gina's face flushed. She wanted to hide herself from the audience so much, but being that Critias had her completely restrained, she was forced to allow the crowd to stare at her nude body. The crowd continued to cheer, and all the while, Critias simply stood there and smiled, still restraining Gina from movement.   She looked back at him and glared, "Okay, you had your fun. You've stripped me completely naked, and I've been humiliated in front of hundreds of people, now let me go!"   Critias simply laughed in response, "And why would I do that? Don't you see? The crowd loves this!" Gina looked around, seeing the hundreds of people cheering and laughing, at her or not, it was hard to tell. She whipped her head back to him.   "Damn it Critias this isn't funny! LET GO!" She struggled as hard as she could, but she remained in his tight grip. Suddenly, with the same speed that put her on the ground, she was spun around so that the two of them faced each other, with Gina still being restrained. She glared at him again, but stopped. Now that she was closer, she could see that Critias' eyes really had reddened, and that it wasn't just some trick with the lights.   "I...I'm serious Critias let me go," she continued, shaking her head and struggling again. He merely clicked his tongue in annoyance, still keeping a tight grip on her.   "You just don't quit," he began, "But that's what I like about you; feisty. I simply love it when people struggle. It gets me...aroused," he whispered the last word into Gina's ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Then, with his free hand, Critias slowly slid a finger along the lips of her folds, causing her to squirm and whimper. He brought his finger back up to his face. To his delight, he had collected a bit of her juices. He licked it slowly, making a few erotic murrs as he did. He closed his eyes, enjoying the taste.   Just watching this caused Gina to shudder. She began to struggle again, but of course, his grip remained. Looking at him, though, it seemed as if he hadn't even taken so much as notice to her squirming.   "Mmmmm," he murred, "so...wet..." He looked down, opening his eyes. "Oh my, it seems I've become rather...excited..." Confused, Gina followed his gaze downward. What she saw made her eyes widen. In Critias' suit, a large tent had formed. His cock had become erect, and it wanted out. Gina looked up and met his gaze. "You know what's next, don't you?"   She opened her mouth to reply, when she was suddenly pinned down once again, only this time, was lying on her back, arms held fast over her head. Critias sat on her lap to prevent further movement. All she could do was lay there, helpless. She knew that no one would come to help her, as things like this were a common sight here.   She watched as Critias used his free hand to cut away at the rubber fabric that contained his hardened phallus. Having gotten impatient, he simply tore away the rest after he had cut enough, revealing his seven inches of dragon cock. Gina couldn't help but stare, having not seen an actual cock in a while, being busy with things.   Critias tossed the rubbery fabric aside, having no use for it, and immediately began to stroke himself, closing his eyes and letting out low growls of satisfaction. As soon as he started this, he heard many of the females in the audience squeal and cheer. He took no mind to this as he hadn't felt this sort of stimulation in far too long.   Gina snapped out of her trance and looked back up at him, "Y...you're not really planning to go through with this are you?" she asked nervously.   Critias cracked a grin, not ceasing his stroking, "I think...ooh goodness...th-that we both know the answer to that." He let out a shuddering sigh, relishing in this long forgotten pleasure. Gina gulped upon hearing this. Critias eyes opened, tracing over her completely exposed body. He leaned over to kiss one of her nipples tenderly, causing her to cry out. He continued to look over her body more, his cock twitching occasionally in his hand. He licked his lips, getting more and more aroused. (As if he wasn't already aroused enough...)   Deciding he'd had enough stimulation, he raised himself off of Gina's lap, propping himself up on his right arm, which held the furry vixen secure, and rubbed himself up against her body, making her whimper. The crowd's volume had increased greatly, realizing what was coming next. He then lined up the head of his cock with her pussy, and, without a second though, made his first thrust in, bringing out a sharp gasp from the pair.   He paused for a bit before speaking, "Mmmmm, I've always wanted to do this." At that, he began sliding in and out of Gina's cunt, increasing his speed after every thrust. Gina tried her best to not moan out, but every time she thought she could hold it in, Critias just became rougher with his actions, forcing them out of her.   She tried to tell him to stop, but he was pounding into her so hard, "A...aaahhh-AAAHHH!" Every thrust caused her breasts to jiggle and shake, bringing out louder moans from her lips. All the while, the crowd continued to cheer on. Many people still had their cameras out, where as a select few had left to relieve themselves of some...tensions. An even fewer select few had decided to relieve themselves right there on the spot, feeling as though privacy wasn't needed at that point.   Damn, Gina thought to herself as her pussy was repeatedly pounded into, I'm-Mrph-...n-never gonna live thi-IS...down-OH FUCK! Critias had begun going at full speed, ravaging her fleshy tunnel in an almost feral like manner.   "C-Critias! Critias!" she screamed out, "Please stop! You're-OH! Aaaahhhhh... Y-you're hurting me-AHH!" Critias ignored her, only continued to fuck her pussy, as if he hadn't even so much as heard her. His eyes were shut in ecstasy, he let out loud growls of pleasure with every thrust, his grip tightened around Gina's arms and legs. He could feel his climax quickly approaching, spurring him on further.   Gina, on the other hand, wasn't sure what she felt. Her eyes were shut too, not wanting to look at the people that were watching her. She felt much pain, however, strangely enough, she could feel pleasure out of this, despite how hard Critias was going at it. She let out loud, sobbing moans every time their thighs slapped against each other.   "G...get r-rgh-ready..." he began, "here it....c...mm-AH!" Thrusting in one final time, Critias' eyes shot open as his phallus began pumping his seed into Gina's flower. She kept her eyes tightly shut as she felt his gooey cum coat her walls. She was thankful that her kind couldn't harbor children with his.   She clenched her pussy tightly around Critias' cock, desperately trying to suppress her own orgasm, which in turn only pleasured him further. "Oooohhh," he murred as his orgasm subsided, "h...holding back are we?"   "Sh-shut up!" she yelled out, squeezing down harder.   "Mrph...y...you know what?" he began, pausing between words to cope with Gina's squeezing, which sent a few waves of pleasure through his body, "I'm...starting to think...that you're not enjoying this."   "No shit! Uugh!" She snapped back, clenching her fists.   "Well then," he replied, still panting a small bit, "we'll just have to fix that." Suddenly, he picked up speed again, causing the poor vixen to cry out. Her hands clenched, her toes curled, she could barely prolong her orgasm and it was just getting harder.   "Mmmmm, mmmhmmm," was all she could muster as she was suppressing the moans she refused to let out.   "You're only-mrph-making this-mmm-harder for yourself-ahhh oh yeah," Critias growled out as he endlessly pounded at Gina's aching cunt. She gasped out suddenly, feeling him brush against her clit.   "Mmmm, mmm mmm," her fists shook, her eyes were tightly closed, her tunnel tightly clamped around the dragon's cock, she couldn't do it anymore, "a-AHH!" She moaned out as she finally reached her orgasm, eyes shooting open.   This caught Critias off guard, having not expected it to be so sudden, and in turn it triggered a second orgasm from him. "Oh....damn," he let out as he felt Gina's pussy pump his cock for what it was worth. "You really liked that...didn't you?" He was growl shouting at this point due to the fact that his orgasm hit him rather hard.   "F-Fuck you Critias! Fuck you hard!" Gina screamed out as her walls milked him.   "And yet...I'm fucking you-AHHH!" Critias looked down at their joined groins; Gina had squeezed her walls harder around his pulsating phallus. "Oh yessss," he hissed, "That's it, keep doing that. It feels incredi-" the second he had let his guard down, Gina head butted him as hard as she could, causing him to knock out cold.   He collapsed over her body. With his grip finally loosened, she was able to wriggle herself free. She pushed him off of her, causing him to pull out of her aching flower. She slowly got back up on her feet, causing some of their mixed juices to spill out from between her legs. Seeing this, the crowd roared their approval.   The commentator, who was indeed shocked at what had happened, spoke up over the crowd through the speakers, "Ladies and gentlemen, in a stunning turn of events, Gina has claimed victory! Everyone let's give it up for our WINNER!!!" The crowd exploded with cheers, accompanied by much wolf whistling and flashes of cameras. Gina only stood there, covering herself up with her arms and tail. She turned to look at Critias, still lying on the floor unconscious.   What the hell Critias? What the hell? She thought to herself bitterly as she began to walk away. Still, she couldn't help but think. A lot of things just didn't add up. Of the entirety of the time she knew him, he never seemed like the kind of guy that would go so far as violating her, let alone rape her in front of a crowd. What confused her even more, he had passed off his own mate as a forgotten memory. She swore she had heard him talk about how much he loved his mate at least once. This lead to one question and one question only.   Why?   Why would he do something like this? That was a question, not even Critias could answer.   End of Chapter 1 (So there you go. Not as good as I'd wish it would be, but hey, I am a bit rusty. Right now I'm pm-rping to rehabilitate myself. Anyways, don't expect chapter 2 in a looooooooooooong time. Besides, I'm probably not gonna make rps into stories again, not after this. So yeah, it would help if you watched me. I am NOT a frequent updater when it comes to things like this, . So yeah. So please rate, watch, fave, what ever you decide I deserve on this one. Hopefully I will return with chapter 2. laterz)