A Night for Eternity

Story by Karter Blackpaw on SoFurry

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A nice little yiffy story where I get to have a little bit of fun with my otter friend :iconLaruf:.

Story by :iconLaruf:

The otter opened his eyes and looked around: the room was dark, lit only by the ghostly glow of the TV on the other side of the room. Confused, he sat up and stretched, to feel an arm drop from his shoulder' to his right sat a black-furred fox, softly sleeping with his head on his paw, that arm supported by the armrest of the couch. That's right - the otter was watching a movie with his friend Karter, and they both must have fallen asleep. The TV was glowing a gentle, empty black - if the movie was over, what time was it? How long had they been asleep?

Feeling a hunger in his stomach, the otter lifted Karter's arm off of him and stood. Then, he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt: he just dismissed that as he walked to the kitchen, knowing that he was always disoriented whenever he first woke up.

The kitchen was dark as well, with no lights on. It was too dark to see without the half-light of a sleeping screen, so he fumbled his way around and managed to get his paw on an apple. Good enough. It was a nice apple, fresh and crisp - not at all one of those apples you bite into then instantly consider throwing away - and he crunched it while leaning against the threshold between the two rooms, watching Karter. The fox slept peacefully, his chest almost imperceptibly rising and falling; the straight eminence of the television made his normally white chestfur instead appear a gentle tone of grey; the outline of his ebony fur was invisible in the shadows. The otter had seen Karter in the sun before: the darker regions of his fur would appear a deep violet or midnight blue, and the milk-white of his chest and belly, of the insides of his arms and thighs, of his neck and beneath his muzzle, would sparkle in all different colors. He somehow kept his fur unbelievably soft as well, which led the otter to often seek hugs and such from him.

The time really didn't matter. Here were two very close friends, one asleep on the couch, the other watching him, eating an apple. The otter thought about it: it was not uncommon for them to share a night like this. He enjoyed spending time with the fox, and knew Karter felt the same with him, even if that time was just two or so hours curled up on the couch... especially if that time was just two or so hours curled up on the couch. There was just something about him, the fox with the calm, sapphire-blue eyes...

He stirred. The otter watched, then, as Karter lifted his head, yawned, stretched his arms, flicked his tail, opened his eyes. Those eyes caught the time light from the television - and wherever else light may have been coming from - and returned a warm glint. "Hey, Lukas."

"Hey there." The otter threw the half-eaten apple into the trash can next to the refrigerator and stepped back towards the couch. You sleep well?"

"Yeah. Movie's over?" The fox put his arm back around Lukas when he sat on the couch next to him.

"Yep. Don't worry, I fell asleep too. Woke up five minutes or so ago." :Lukas repositioned himself a bit, working so that his head was resting on the fox's shoulder and his arm around his waist.

Karter adjusted in response, laying down on the couch with his head on the armrest, then pulled the smaller, lighter otter on top of him. His muzzle fit nicely in the angle formed by Lukas's neck and shoulder' the otter tilted his head and purred gently in his throat, feeling Karter nuzzle him.

"Ooh, Foxy..." Lukas took Karter's paws and held them in his own on his stomach. "Feeling affectionate tonight?"

"Well, you treated me to a movie with my favorite otter, so I just figured I'd pay you back by treating you to a night with your favorite fox." He pressed his lips into the soft brown fur of Lukas's neck, making the otter shiver and purr more intensely: Karter knew he absolutely loved that. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, I would. I'd very much like that... what exactly did you have in mind for tonight?" Lukas slipped his tail under and then around one of the fox's legs. Karter kissed and nuzzled his neck again, making the otter wiggle around a bit.

"You like cuddling, don't you, cute otter?"

"Among other things, yes... what kind of treat am I in for?"

Karter rolled onto his side and pulled Lukas down next to him, wrapping his arm around the otter and pulling him close. "You stop worrying about that, Luke..." he breathed, his words tickling the fur of Lukas's neck, "and let me handle everything."

That was one thing Lukas loved about the fox: his ability to go from 'close friend' to this, all in a matter of seconds. He loved how his voice and mannerisms changed when he had a plan or was determined to do something; he loved how Karter wasn't afraid to pull him close and hold him tightly, which was exactly what he needed some nights; he loved how his eyes still reflected light, even on dark nights like this one; he loved the warmth of his body, loved the strength beneath the soft fur of his arms, loved his eyes, his voice, his personality... that was just it. Lukas loved the fox. That was it, and all there was to it.

He rolled over and nuzzled up under the fox's chin, breathing in the familiar vulpine scent, the same one that always warmed his heart whenever he smelled it. Karter gently drew his paw down the otter's neck and back, allowing his claws to drag through the fur; this caused Lukas to move around a bit more and arch his back, thus eliciting a light chuckle and a whispered "Cutie..." from Karter.

Lukas, purring, looked up and kissed the fox's nose; he felt a warm paw cup his chin, tilt his head back down, hold there... and then, he saw Karter's black muzzle come closer, the movement ever-so-soft, almost indiscernible from the darkness of the room.

Silence, sweetness. Their lips met, and Lukas could want nothing else. His eyes closed, his purr strengthened, and the paw he had placed in the middle of the fox's chest pressed in a little deeper to the warm fur. The world melted away: all that mattered was right here, right now, pressed up against this wonderful fox and held tightly in his arms.

Karter pulled back and rubbed his nose against Lukas's, looking into the otter's orange eyes. "You're sweet, Luke, you know that? Very sweet. I really enjoy spending time with you like this."

The temptation rose, then, in Lukas's chest, to reveal the realization he had discovered shortly before - it felt to burn a hole in his chest and force him to say it, to share those three words. He moved his head down and nuzzled against that fox's neck, reviving that scent in his nostrils... "Karter...?"

"Yes? What is it?" Green eyes and warm and soft as the fox's fur looked down at the otter, open and understanding.

"I... Karter, I..." Lukas let out a gentle sight and played his fingers through the fox's white chestfur. What was he afraid of? What was there to be afraid of? "I love you."

Those beautiful eyes scanned his own, flitting back and forth, searching for sincerity and honesty; they found it. In response, Karter pulled the otter closer to him. In response, he intertwined their paws. In response, their lips met and locked once more... then again... and again, and again.

Sweetness slowly melded into passion, and from there, into lust: Karter tilted his head and kissed deeper, sliding his tongue in through Lukas's teeth, and letting it dance against his own. Their eyes closed, the moved and pressed against each other - they let themselves go. Lukas felt Karter roll on top of him, pin him down: his tail flicked happily, eyes still closed in the bliss.

Karter broke his lips from the otter's and began moving slowly down his body - he kissed the side of the neck and then the front, then the top of his chest, the middle, his lower chest, his belly, his waist... fast fingers worked with the button and zipper of Lukas's pants, and within seconds, that weight was free. Lukas watched through half-closed eyes as the fox slipped his muzzle down, dragging his nose up the already-hard meat through his boxers.

Karter slid one finger under the waistband and slowly pulled it down, intentionally dragging his claw through the otter's fur. Lukas reached down and scritched behind the fox's ears, smiling a soft smile when Karter tilted his head and leaned in to it. He could feel the fox's warm breath on him every time he exhaled - each soft breath washed up against his cock and the fur around it, making him wiggle so slightly each time. That was another thing about the fox: he was excellent at teasing Lukas, since he knew exactly what he enjoyed and loved, what made him moan and wriggle, what made him arch his back and flick his tail. Lukas had no doubt that he would employ all of this knowledge tonight.

He loved all of it.

Karter took the otter's fully-hard cock in his paw and lapped at the tip, again and again and again. Lukas curled and uncurled his toes with almost every lick, moving around a slight bit each time that warm, flat tongue danced across the most tender and sensitive part of his body.

He looked down and saw the fox's fine white-tipped tail flicking back and forth over the arm of the couch; Karter noticed him watching and looked up, tongue still hanging out. His blue eyes glinted in the dark, to which Lukas's eyes were only now getting accustomed; Lukas, paw still on the fox's ear, scritched again and gave an almost nonexistent push. Karter felt this - not surprisingly - and dove back down, this time closing his lips around Lukas's cock.

He cupped the underside in his broad, flat tongue; a soft sigh escaped the otter's lips when he did this, which in turn brought the fox to descend further. One thing he did that always made Lukas go absolutely wild - and he knew it - was how he always ran his teeth so gently along the otter's shaft, pressing enough to be felt yet not to be painful. Lukas watched, twitching a bit, through still half-closed eyes: Karter's sleek black muzzle bobbed steadily up and down, his tail swaying with the smoothness of a tree dancing in a breeze over the arm of the couch. Lukas could feel something warm and hard, something thick pressing against his leg through the front of the fox's pants...

Karter drew his muzzle up off of Lukas's cock and licked his lips, watching his friend's face - something in it must have belied the otter's wishes, as Karter sat back against the armrest and slowly began undoing his pants with one paw. Lukas, purring, leaned forward and gently brushed away the black-furred paw, finishing the zipper himself and pulling the fabric of the pants away. Karter's rich musk wafted to his nose, just a few inches away from the thin boxers; Lukas closed his eyes and drank it in deep, resisting the urge to dive forward and bury his nose in the fox. That was yet another thing that drove him mad: scents and tastes, both of which he thirsted for of the fox - he always smelled so good, and yet always tasted so much better.

Lukas pressed his paw against the hot bulge in the front of the boxers and squeezed, leaning in towards the fox for a kiss: he got a warm sigh of bliss puffed at him, and then a tongue drenched in lust from an equally expectant muzzle as his own. Karter was hot and hard under his paw as he squeezed and groped; he relished each time he felt a sigh wash over the fur of his face and each time the fox moaned into his mouth.

Without breaking the kiss, Lukas slid his paw in under the waistband of the boxers and closed it around a throbbing cock as hard as his own. Even without him doing anything, he could feel Karter move and press against him, his hips pushing up and down, humping the otter's paw. To this, Lukas gave a squeeze and a stroke, deep enough to push his knot past two of his fingers. The fox's tongue wrestled and danced with his own, their breaths intermingled in the darkness, their bodies writhed against each other... and, this was only the beginning.

Lukas pulled out of the kiss, a gemstone-beaded string of saliva linking their lips that was broken by him moving back down, feeling the fox's chest and stomach as he went and fully removing the garments that now were just extra obstacles, things to delay what they both wanted. Karter's meat hung there in front of his face, thick and red, throbbing slightly, giving off a tantalizing aroma that seemed to pull him closer, closer... Lukas ran his lips up the underside, teasing himself with the slight taste, feeling the heat and contours and veins along his sensitive lips - he also felt Karter shiver a bit, which made him smile and flick his tail happily.

The taste of the fox on his tongue was better than anything he had ever tasted before when he stuck his tongue out and gingerly licked the tip, a drop of pre decorating the rich flesh. It was like his scent, his aroma, except a thousand times more intense, a thousand times more wonderful... he moved down to the base, beneath the knot, and dragged his tongue from there to the tip, then again, and again, and again. He felt Karter's paw descend on his shoulder and give a soft squeeze, urging him forward, asking him to continue: he tilted the fox's cock toward his muzzle and slid it into his mouth through his lips. The taste filled his head and consumed his thoughts, calling him to abandoning everything else to focus on pleasing and pleasuring this one fox... and, that's exactly what he did.

Lukas pulled Karter's meat further into his mouth, looking up at the fox through almost closed eyes; the paw on his shoulder moved to the back of his head and pushed him down .When he felt the tip pressing against the back of his throat, he closed his eyes and angled his head further to get as much of that beautiful cock into his muzzle and throat as possible. The paw on his head continued pressing even when his nose was at Karter's knot, making him gag slightly - Karter released the otter's head and moaned through tight lips, "Mm, Lukas... y-your mouth..."

Lukas began pulling off of Karter, each time bobbing back down and embedding his cock in his throat again; when it came free of his lips, the taste still remained in every corner of his mouth and the scent was lodged in his nostrils. He loved it.

His lips met Karter's for another string of thick kisses before he turned and bent over the other arm of the sofa, legs apart and tail to the side. Karter watched in silence, a smile on his muzzle, for a few seconds before pulling himself to his knees and positioning himself behind the expectant otter. He leaned over him, letting his wet tip tease the otter's tailhole, and murred: "Tell me, sexy otter: you want me in you, don't you?"

Lukas nodded, eyes closed, and gently pushed back against the fox's cock.

"Tell me." Karter gave a push forward in response to Lukas's, causing his tip and only his tip to slide in through the tight tailhole.

The otter gritted his teeth and pulled in a soft gasp, the same purr from when they first kissed that night still rumbling in his throat. "Fuck me, fox," he moaned, "fuck me until the night dies and a new day rises. I want you to fill me with your cum until it leaks out, I want to feel your knot stretching me wide..."

Karter placed his paws on Lukas's hips and pushed again, but softer this time so as not to hurt his friend: his cock slid in, bringing Lukas to dig his claws into the couch and breathe out a steady sigh. He could feel Karter inside him, could feel the hot flesh of his cock slide into him through his tailhole - he could feel all of it, and pushed back farther against the fox.

Karter continued pushing in until he could no more, his progress halted by his knot pressing against the underside of Lukas's tail - no matter .That was for later. As slowly as he pushed in, he began pulling out, loving the tightness and warmth of the otter, loving how his back arched and his body twitched, loving each little moan and squeak that escaped his lips. He loved having him bent in front of him like this, as much as he loved having him sitting back in his lap, or having him pressed back against him while they were curled up on a bed.

He caught himself just before he pulled out completely, and began pushing back in - it was easier this time, but still sent a pulse of energy throughout his body and all of his limbs. The darkness of the night melted away: the entire world shrunk to contain only them, moving and writhing together, lurching forward and then back, forward and back, breathing their moans and sighs, their grunts and purrs.

Lukas moved in rhythm with the fox's thrusts, each time letting out another soft moan and digging his claws further into the couch. Karter's energy flowed through him with each thrust, making him lean forward and then bounce back against him - like some sort of erotic Newtonian physics model. He could feel the urgency and tension in Karter's movements, from how his claws gently scratched the skin of the otters' hips to the way the transition from pulling out to pushing in became less smooth and more sudden as he sped up, yet not jerky or painful.

They were bathed in the glow of the sleeping television as they were in the fiery glow of each other's passion - Lukas reached down and began stroking himself with vigor as Karter bent over him and bit into his shoulder, thrusting into the otter fast and hard. Lukas squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the fox's hungry knot press against his tailhole again and again, stretching it a bit further each time, and then -

Karter bit down on his shoulder and shoved his knot inside the otter; his teeth pierced the skin and he let out a long, luscious growl of a moan, and Lukas could feel the hot seed spurting out inside him with force. It was hardly seconds before he came as well, shooting his own load out over his paw and the sofa, then collapsed over the arm breathing heavily with the fox on top of him and still inside him.

Warmth consumed all other feelings - a type of warmth different than the thick, sticky warmth that filled him - and he released a soft, blissful sigh. Karter wrapped his arms around the otter's sleek body and held him close, nuzzling his neck and licking the spot where he had bit, which now lethargically oozed blood. "Mm..." he sighed, "did you enjoy that, Lukey? I know I did."

Lukas nodded and rested his head against Karter's muzzle, still breathing a bit heavily. "Yes, I did. I very much enjoyed that."

Karter repositioned himself and the otter so they were laying on the couch, still locked together. He kept his arm around Lukas's chest and kissed the side of his muzzle; Lukas turned his head and kissed the fox's lips softly, then turned back and closed his eyes again. Karter's paw wandered from his chest to the otter's paw, leading the two to intertwine and then remain that way.

Silence reigned once more: their breathing slowed to normal; their eyes closed but were not squeezed shut in reckless rapture; Karter's muzzle fit back nicely in the angle formed by Lukas's head and shoulder.

Hot, riotous passion and soft, sweet sleep, both shared by an otter and a fox.

If that wasn't enough of an answer, Lukas didn't know what was.