My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 6

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#6 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Chapter 6 of "My Roommate's A Stripper?!" where in we delve a little deeper into our intrepid characters and their interactions.

I have no idea what I'm doing. Lol. Enjoy!

Chapter 6 "A Little Complicated"

"Whoo! Yeah Aiden, summer vacation's finally here!" Marcus cheered as he burst into Aiden's small teaching office. "Come on! Let's ditch out early and start partying!"

"Don't you still have a final tomorrow?" Aiden countered, not even looking up from the essay he was grading.

"Well, yeah, but I'll pass it easy."

"And then we still have finals of our own to review and grade. And final term grades to calculate. We've still got a weeks worth of work ahead of us, easily. It's a bit too early to start partying."

"Man, you can be such a downer." Marcus moped, leaning against the edge of Aiden's desk. "All that stuff is tedious but easy. C'mon, let's plan some shenanigans for the summer."

"Fine." Aiden conceded, tossing the essay on his desk. He'd never get any work done with Marcus around. "But whatever we do can't interfere with my summer job."

"You're still gonna do that delivery job?" The feline groaned. "You're supposed to kick back and relax during summer vacation, man. It's half the reason I became a teacher."

"I'm sorry, but we don't all have rich girlfriends we can mooch off of for three months."

"Well if you want, I can have Terra introduce you to a couple. With the luck you've been having lately, they'll probably be fighting over you in no time."

"Yeah, yeah..." Aiden chuckled. ignoring Marcus' optimism. His mind was already drifting back over his late night escapades, the most recent one sticking out keenly in his mind.

"Hello, Aiden? You still in there?" Marcus interrupted the fox's thoughts, waving a hand in front of his face. "You look like you got something, or someone, on your mind."

"No, not really...Well..." Aiden hesitated, debating if he wanted to tell Marcus, or anybody, what was really bothering him. "Well, I may have done something a bit foolish."

"What d'you do; Hand the wrong paper into the wrong class or something?"

"No, I slept with Max's best friend."

"Damn, man. Really?" Marcus rubbed his chin as he took in the news. "Is she hot?"

"Well, she is pretty cute, but...wait. That's not the point! Isn't it wrong to sleep with a roommate's friend or something?"

"I dunno. I wouldn't have a problem with it. Does Max care, assuming she knows?"

"She's barely spoken to me all week, and every now and then I catch her giving me the stink eye."

"Yep, sounds like she cares. They must be pretty close. You may want to not flirt with her friends for a while."

"But it's not like I meant for it to happen. One minute we were just sitting around chatting, and the next thing I know Cheryl's jumped in my lap and practically ripping my clothes off."

"Oh yeah, it really sucks when that happens." Marcus snarked, rolling his eyes.

"I'm serious, Marcus!" Aiden slumped over, letting his head fall to the desk. "Just when I thought we were starting to be good friends, I let this happen. What am I gonna do?"

"Hey, chill man. It's not the end of the world. First, I'd say don't have sex with any of Max's friends for a while..."

"No shit."

"And secondly, maybe you should just sit down with her and talk things out. I'm sure you all could come to a reasonable solution. Maybe include the one you slept with; keep everyone involved or something."

"You really think that will help?"

"Couldn't hurt, right? I mean, it's not like this is a high school soap opera or something."

"Yeah, I suppose." Aiden chuckled, but his gloomy look soon returned as his mind continued to dwell on the events of that night.

"Wow, must be pretty bad to still look that bummed about it. Or does it get worse?"

"Well, there is something else, though it's a bit more personal."

"Hey, if you wanna talk about it, I'm all ears buddy. We've been friends since high school after all, so you know I got your back."

Aiden hesitated, looking around the office nervously. "Alright, but close the door first."

"Geez, that bad?" Marcus complied before pulling up a chair and sitting opposite Aiden. "So, what's the big deal?"

"Well, it still has to do with Cheryl actually." Aiden sighed, resting his chin in his hands as he thought of a good way to phrase things. "She's...more than she seems."

"Dude, she didn't force you to do anything weird, did she?"

"Oh no, nothing like that. She was just more than I bargained for, I guess." Aiden sighed again, figuring it was best to just be out with it. "This doesn't leave this office, okay? Cheryl is...a hermaphrodite."

"A hermaphrodite? You mean she's like one of those dickgirls on the web?"


"And you still had sex with her...him? Did he do you in the ass or what? How does that even work?"

"Marcus, it's nothing like that! She has a vagina, and there was no anal anything. Cheryl is like a regular woman, just with some extra parts."

"Alright, I get it, I think." Marcus scratched the back of his head while trying not to think about it too hard. "So then, what's the problem again?"

"Well, I did some things that I never imagined myself doing before. I-I gave her oral, Marcus...and I think I liked it."

Marcus just stared at him in disbelief. "So, that's it? That's all you're worried about?"


"You're all upset because you ate out some hot chick?"

"No man; I sucked her dick! As soon as I saw it all I wanted to do was stick it in my mouth and-"

"Whoa, okay man!" Marcus quickly interrupted, recoiling in his chair with a grimace. "I get the idea. I don't need the details."

"I've never thought of doing that before, ever. Now I can't stop thinking about it, or why I ever did it in the first place."

"Were you drunk? You always did get kinda easy after a few drinks."

"No way. All I had was a beer at the bar and a rum and coke when we got back. No way was I that drunk." Aiden let his head fall to the desk again. "You don't think I'm turning gay or something, do you?"

"No way, man." Marcus responded quickly. "And if Jacob ever heard you say something like that, you know he'd smack you."

"Yeah, you're right." Aiden chuckled as he sat upright. "But what if I'm discovering that I'm gay or something. Isn't this how it usually goes?"

"Dude, do you like boobs?"


"Do you like boobs?" Marcus reiterated, holding his hands in front of him as if fondling imaginary breasts. "Do you like to grope women's tits, feel the soft, warm squishiness in your hands, and then shove your face right in between those mounds of joy?"

"Marcus..." Aiden groaned.

"No, I'm serious. Think really hard about it, then tell me whether or not you like boobs."

Aiden just shook his head. But his thoughts invariably wandered to those of breasts. He couldn't deny how fun they were to handle, and he certainly couldn't ignore the bulge forming in his pants. "Yeah...yeah I still like boobs."

"Well there ya go! You're not gay."

"But what about what I did with Cheryl?"

"Maybe you like Cheryl. Maybe you're just willing to do anything to please this one girl, even if it's a B.J." Marcus shrugged. "Who knows, maybe you're just bi. All I know for sure is that I've gotta get going, or I'll be late for dinner." As he made his way for the door, Marcus offered one last bit of advice. "Just try not to stress too much, okay? You always over think these kinds of things, get stressed, and shut down. It's not healthy. Oh, and another thing; we're throwing an end-of-term party at our place next Saturday, and you're coming. No excuses. Terra wants you to bring Max, so try to patch things up before then. Catch ya later!"

"Marcus, wait! How am I..." But the feline was gone, leaving Aiden to figure out the rest on his own. "Just what I needed: a time limit." With a sigh Aiden began packing his papers. "Might as well try, I suppose. I doubt things could possibly get any worse."


"Things couldn't get any worse." Max grumped at Cheryl, her body locked in frustration.

"Stop being so dramatic. It's not that bad." Cheryl retorted, her hands wrist deep in bread dough. The girls were in the back kitchen of Goodwin's Bakery, a business founded and run by Cheryl's family for three generations.

"Yes they are. Things are so weird at home right now I can barely talk to Aiden."

"You're the only one being weird about all this." Cheryl countered. "The rest of us are just trying to go about our business. Why are you fussing about this so much?"

"Because you slept with my roommate! Why, of all the people in this city, did you have to sleep with him?"

"Because he's such a sweet guy, and hot too. Really, what reason is there not to sleep with him?" Max just huffed in response, crossing her arms indignantly, which only brought a smirk to Cheryl's face. "Are you sure you're not just mad 'cause I got to him first?"

"No." Max glared, blushing slightly. "I told you I have no intent of sleeping with Aiden. I just want to get along with the guy."

"Oh, I see what is it." Cheryl's muzzle curled into a mischievous grin. "You're afraid he's going to steal me away from you. That's so cute."


"Don't worry, honey. No man will ever come between the two of us. We're B.F.F's, and there'll always be a place for you in my heart, and in my bed." She tossed a kneaded ball of dough into a bowl and tossed Max a wink. "We could always try being officially exclusive, you and I."

"We tried that, remember?" Max countered, unamused. "It didn't really work out. You know there's no real romance between us."

"Yeah, I remember. It wasn't really much different that hanging out as friends. Though, there was a lot more groping." Without warning Cheryl slapped the skunk's ass and gave it a squeeze, causing Max to yelp in surprise. "Glad some things never change."

"You just left a flour handprint on my butt, didn't you?"

Cheryl just giggled as she turned to wash her hands. "Anyway, I think you should just chill out about this whole thing. What are you so worried about anyway? Either nothing happens, we date and have a good time, or date then break up. No matter what, it's not a big deal."

Max paused from brushing the flour off her ass. "Well it's...I mean...Well what if you guys have a bad breakup or something? Then I get stuck between the two of you."

"I'd never put you in that situation, girl. I don't do bad breakups, anyway."

"Sure, but what if you guys do hit it off? That makes me the third wheel."

Cheryl grinned, wrapping her arms around Max. "Never happen. And just think of the fun the three of us could have in bed."

"Knock it off, you nympho." Max pushed the torgi back. "I'm not in the mood for that."

"Aw, you're no fun." Cheryl pouted, but quickly shrugged it off. "You still haven't given me a good reason as to why you're so upset by all this. You gonna fess up about what's really bugging you?"

Max folded her arms across her chest, looking away from Cheryl as she stalled, unable to really come up with a good answer.

"You don't really know, do you?" Cheryl teased. "You're mad and you have no idea why."

"So what?! Isn't it enough that I don't like it? I need a reason, too?"

Cheryl could only laugh. "While it is kinda cute, do you really think it's fair to be mad at us for no reason?"

"No," Max conceded. "I just can't help it."

"Aw, c'mere honey." Cheryl came in for another hug, and this time Max returned the embrace. "Everything will be fine, trust me."

"I just don't want you to get hurt." Max muttered into her friend's shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do if he..."

"Oh, Aiden's a big marshmallow. He'd never hurt little ol' me."

"The guy's a total player! He's practically slept with a new girl every week. I...I don't want you to be just another speed bump on his road of conquest."

"You know it's not like that, Maxi. And I really don't think it's his fault he sees as much action as he does. Aiden just has this pathetic charm that's just kinda attractive."

"Oh please, the guy gets laid more than an egg. No way you see that much action without trying."

"Laid more than...? I don't think that analogy really works, babe. And he didn't really try any moves on me, if that's what you mean. In fact, I'm the one who pounced him. Took him completely by surprise too."

"What? Why?"

Cheryl just shrugged. "I told you; we were talking and what he said, how he said it, just got me going. I couldn't help myself, honestly. The guy's a little slow, but he's sweet and passionate, and really hot, too. I bet he doesn't even know what he's doing to get all this attention."

"I dunno..." While she remained skeptical, Max could tell Cheryl wasn't lying either. After nearly fifteen years of friendship the girls had learn to read each other like books.

"Look, everything will be alright. I'm not expecting any kind of commitment from Aiden. I would like to get to know him better, but if all we become is friends, I'm fine with that." A smirk crept onto her face. "Of course, I could always have two friends with benefits."

"Do you ever not think about sex?" Max couldn't help but chuckle. Maybe Cheryl was right and she had just overreacted? It wouldn't be the first time. "Alright, I'll try to chill out about all this."

"That a girl. You'll see; everything will work out fine. And who knows, maybe me and Aiden will become a couple, and it'll be awesome for everybody."

"Don't push it. And I should get going if I want a real dinner before work."

"So soon?" Cheryl playfully pouted. "If you must. Take a loaf of bread for the road; Mama and Papa won't mind. Oh, and tell Aiden I said hi, and give him a big kiss for me."

"I'll relay the message, but no kiss." Max countered, taking the loaf of fresh bread and escaping before Cheryl count detain her any longer. Thanks to the chat, the skunk was feeling a bit better now. After all, if Cheryl was okay with it, why should she be upset? "I guess I'll have to apologize to Aiden though." She sighed as she made her way to the nearest bus stop, dreading the thought; she had never been good at apologizing.

Max returned home to the sounds and smell of dinner cooking. Aiden was busy tending to a small pot of sauce while sliced sausage sizzled in a nearby skillet. Max took a deep breath as she approached the counter, trying to come up with a good way to start a conversation with the guy she hadn't spoken to in a week. "Hi Aiden, I'm home."

Aiden glanced over his shoulder, spoon hanging from his mouth, caught off guard by the fact that she had actually spoken to him at all. "Oh, welcome home. Dinner will be ready shortly." He returned to the food, killing the heat on the skillet, then transferring the sausage into the sauce pot.

"Alright. I brought some fresh bread. I don't know if you can use it."

The fox turned back around, accepting the load of bread. The wheels in his head started turning as he glanced back at the stove. "I wonder if I can get garlic bread done in time." Without hesitation he got to work, his mind focused wholly on the task at hand.

Max watched in amazement as Aiden worked, seeming like a true master of his own kitchen. "Are you sure you don't want to own your own restaurant or something? You look like a professional chef."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Aiden chuckled as he sliced the bread. "Cooking is fun, but working in a professional kitchen is utter chaos. I have no interest in that kind of stress. Besides, writing is my true passion."

"Passion, huh? I think Cheryl mentioned something about that."

Aiden's ears drooped at the mention of the torgi's name. He finished preparing the bread and placed them in the oven before turning towards Max. "Listen, about what happened..."

"Shh, I have something to say first." Max interrupted. "I had a talk with Cheryl, and she explained a few things to me about what happened. I may have...overreacted a little. So, y'know...I'm sorry."

"Yeah, it's okay." Aiden nodded. "And I'm sorry too, for sleeping with your friend like that. It won't happen again."

"She'll be disappointed to hear that. I think Cheryl really enjoyed her night with you, though she is a major perv. Speaking of, I'm surprised you went through with it, considering her 'little friend'." Max poked a finger up at the reference. "Most men bail on her when they learn her secret."

"Oh yeah, that." Aiden's ears dropped again. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting that."

"Bet it freaked you out at first, huh?"

Aiden averted his gaze, fidgeting nervously, then turned back to the stove without answering. He still wasn't sure how he felt about that. He certainly wasn't freaked out by it at the time, that's for sure. It was how much he enjoyed it that was really bothering him.

Max couldn't help but smirk at the fox's distress, but she decided not to tease him about it, this time. "Well whatever you did, you really left an impression on Cheryl. She wants to get to know you better."

"That'd be nice." Aiden replied, trying to keep his focus on cooking, pouring pasta into a pot of boiling water while tending to the sauce.

Max hesitated, debating whether she should tell Aiden any more. 'Well, it would be nice for Cheryl to have a trustworthy boyfriend for once. And Aiden is a nice guy.' She reasoned, though it didn't make it any easier. "You know, I bet if you asked her out, she'd say yes. Though she wouldn't be upset if you didn't, so whatever you wanna do."

"Yeah, okay." Aiden muttered, not really paying attention anymore. Getting into a relationship was the farthest thing from his mind right now, and he still wasn't sure how he felt about the girl and her extra appendage.

"Of course, if you do ask her out, and you end up hurting her, my previous threat still stands: I'll never forgive you."

"Yeah, I hear you." Aiden chuckled half-heartedly over his shoulder. "But, I don't think it will be a problem."

"Right." Max sighed, shaking her head. 'Poor girl. She would pick a lovable idiot.' Max thought, watching Aiden finish up dinner. 'He may be cute, and passionate or whatever, but he's a total flake. Good thing she isn't serious about him.'


"Man, What a day." Cheryl yawned as she closed her bedroom door. It had been a long, productive day at the bakery and the girl was ready for a good night's sleep. Humming to herself, she closed the blinds to her third story window and began to undress.

She sighed as she stepped in front of her mirror, taking time to examine her full, petit form. "Why do you have to be so small?" She muttered to her reflection, cupping her B-cup sized breasts in her hands and juggling them with a frown. "I'd be happy if they were just half as big as Maxi's." Her hands glided over the rest of her 5'1", 110 lb. frame. She ended up at her groin, where she cupped her testicles in the palm of her hand. "Even my balls are small. Especially when compared to...his."

Her mind drifted to memories of Aiden. His tall, well toned body, piercing blue eyes, and of course his long, thick dick. Her eyes closed and a grin spread across her muzzle as she thought about, fantasized about the fox, her fingertips roaming gently through her fur as she imagined it was Aiden doing it. If she really concentrated, Cheryl could almost feel his strong arms wrapped around her, his warm body pressed tight against her own. "Oh, Aiden..."

"Goodnight, Cheryl. See you in the morning."

"Hmm?" Her eyes fluttered open as her mother's call from the hallway brought her back to reality. "Yeah, goodnight Mama. Goodnight Papa." Cheryl sighed over the lost fantasy, and at her now hard dick. She traced her fingers over the tip of her member, sending a shiver up her back. "No, no, no!" She quickly stopped herself. "I have to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow. Bread won't bake itself."

Shaking it off, she threw on a pair of pajama pants and a tank top and crawled into bed. She tried to relax, to fall into the calming embrace of sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, Aiden appeared in her mind, in all his bare glory. Cheryl rolled and fidgeted in bed, trying to ignore it all, but the itch between her legs kept growing, begging for her attention.

"Alright," she sighed "sleep is for the weak anyway." She tossed the blankets aside, revealing the small tent in her pants. With a smirk she reached a hand under the waistband, slowly stroking her hard shaft. She moaned softly, letting her mind freely wander. Almost immediately Aiden appeared, and she pretended it was his strong hand wrapped around her dick, the fox knelt down before her, gazing at her with those deep, passionate eyes.

"Oh Aiden, just like that." She purred, kicking her pants off and spreading her legs. Her left hand reached down below her balls, lightly fingering her labia while her right hand picked up the pace. In her mind, Aiden was fingering her deeply and massaging her balls with one hand while he stroked her dick with the other. She pictured him kissing the tip ever so gently, teasing her before the main event. "C'mon Aiden. I want to feel your lips again."

Cheryl sighed over the truth of that desire. She sat up, pulling her top off and staring at her throbbing, needy cock. "Why did I ever stop him?" She lamented. "He gave a pretty good B.J. for his first try." And now it was all she wanted. To feel a set of warm lips wrapped around her shaft while a strong tongue glided over the head.

"Good thing I'm flexible." She muttered, rolling onto her back and lifting her rear into the air. She leaned forward, stretching her paws up behind her head while grabbing and pulling her butt closer to her head. It was a bit of a stretch, folding herself in half like this, but certainly worth it for some oral when all alone.

"C'mere you." She smirked, her dick already poking her in the face. Cheryl ignored the precum now on her nose as she opened her mouth wide and practically inhaled the stiff member. Unable to keep herself from moaning, the herm began rocking back and forth as she sucked and pursed her lips, forming a tight seal. Her rough tongue glided around the tip of her head, tasting more and more of her salty pre with each pass.

'Oh yeah, that's what I needed.' She worked at a swift speed, reaching a hand around further and plunging a pair of fingers deep inside her dripping, wet pussy. Her mind quickly drifted back to thoughts of Aiden, only now she was laying on top of him as she lavished over eight inches of fox meat. Her own dick was buried deep within the fox's muzzle, his fingers deep in her pussy. 'Oh Aiden, you're so good at that, and so gentle, too. You really are wonderful.'

'No, you're the wonderful one.' Aiden paused long enough to reply. 'You're so beautiful and sexy. Who could ever resist you?'

She couldn't help but shiver, her own fantasy heightening the experience. She instinctively picked up speed, wishing it really was Aiden's cock that she was trying to wrap her lips around. Her fingers flicked about faster inside her pussy as she moaned and purred uncontrollably. In her head it was Aiden doing all these things to her, and she could barely contain herself.

'Aiden, you're so good.' She let her mind run free with her kinky thoughts, wanting to release her load in his muzzle, wanting to take everything he had to offer in her own. 'I want to feel him, to taste him. I want him here right now! Oh, Aiden, fuck me!'

Her mind suddenly went blank as she lost control, just at the edge of release. Cheryl pushed her body to its limit, pumping her dick in her mouth as deep and as hard as she could, all the while calling out to Aiden in her mind.

Suddenly a hot, thick load erupted forth and hit the back of her mouth, and Cheryl completely lost it. Her body unfolded as thick sperm shot in her face and all over her body. She quickly grabbed her dick and started pawing off furiously, keeping the orgasm going and covering her stomach with plenty of her own cum.

When she was finally done, the torgi just laid there, panting heavily, occasionally licking at her muzzle to clean up some of the cum that now covered her face. She eventually let out a big, contented sigh, basking in the relaxing afterglow. "Almost as good as with someone else."

She sat up, looking at the mess that she would now have to clean up. "If only it was his..." she muttered, scooping some of the semen up with her fingers and giving it a taste. "His tasted so good, too."

She collapsed back onto her bed, her fingers tracing circle in the spooge in her fur. Now that she wasn't horny, a bit of concern crossed her mind. "I really wish he was here." She muttered. "He really was the best at snuggling with afterwards." She had never wanted someone to be there with her as much as she wanted Aiden in her bed right now, and not just for sex or pillow talk. Cheryl genuinely wanted him beside her, just plain wanted to be with him. "Sorry Maxi," She sighed "but I think I may have made things complicated after all."