The Angel of Yiff Chapter 14

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 14-- No One Better

Duncan pulled his car to a stop outside Jasyn's house and put it in park, and sat there, just staring out the window, without saying a word. Alex sat in the middle of the back seat, just as quiet, leaning forward and staring at the middle of the dash-board in front of him, as Jasyn, in the front passenger seat, kicked the sole of his shoe lightly against the floor: the only bit of noise in the silent car.

Duncan leaned back and clicked his tongue, letting out a sigh, "I'll be fine...I'll be fine. I'm sure the image'll be outta' my head..." He paused, "...eventually, right?"

Jasyn forced a bashful grin, "Unless you'd rather make use of it later..."

Alex blushed deeply and coughed, "O-on the bright side, the movie was good."

Duncan rubbed his forehead, "Oh yeah, the movie was fun. Not ashamed t'say I'm on Renner's bandwagon after the Avengers." He looked back at Jasyn, "But somehow I don't think that's what I'll be rememberin' 'bout tonight."

Jasyn blushed and grinned, rubbing the back of his neck, "Right, of course. You'd be more interested in Gretel." He paused for a moment, "Whatever her actress's name was..."

Duncan glared at his friend, "You know what I mean! And y'know, I think I been REAL tolerant o' the two o' you, but..." He paused and huffed, "I mean, dear lord! It was a public place!"

Alex sat up quickly, "It was Jasyn's idea!"

"Course it was..." Duncan tapped the steering wheel.

"Aww..." Jasyn flashed a smirk and lightly placed his paw over Duncan's, beginning to scoot closer, "Alex, I think he felt left out."

Duncan narrowed his eyes and didn't move his paw, "Don't think you could handle, Woof. You might wanna' move that paw."

Jasyn chuckled nervously and took his paw back quickly with a wide smile.

Duncan smiled, "Besides," He pulled Alex up and across the center console, half of him in the front and half of him in the back, and planted a big kiss on the fox's cheek, "You don't wanna' give Alex here a taste o' me! You might never get 'im back!"

Alex just blushed and smiled as his ears pinned back, not sure how to respond to being manhandled like that.

Jasyn moved his mouth a little, but then flashed a smirk, "He'd wear you down in an hour, Pup! Besides..." He leaned forward, the big German shepherd now crowded in one way or another by two gay guys, "...we come as a set. So...if you're REALLY interested."

Duncan put a finger on Jasyn's head and pushed him back a couple of inches, "Th'day you two can overpower me, we'll talk." He stopped and thought about that for a second as he let Alex go, slipping into the back seat again, "'d be doin' the talkin'. I wouldn't have much t'say in the matter, now, would I?"

"Nope!" Jasyn smiled wide, then rubbed his chin, "Though, I'm sure we'd both be taking turns riding you, either at least you'd get to enjoy yourself." He flashed a smirk, "Another nice visual to take with you to sleep, tonight."

Duncan narrowed his eyes again, "I have enough images for the night, thank you."

Alex fidgeted, "Sorry, Duncan."

Duncan smiled, "Naw, don't worry about it, Allie. I've done worse in theatres with girls without carin' who saw; why shouldn't you two have the same right?" He chuckled, "I'll be fine. Now you two get yourselves on inside before Jasyn's mom gets all worried and uppity."

Jasyn & Alex hopped out of the car, and stepped up in the yard, feet away from Duncan's open driver's side window. As Duncan put the car back in drive, his foot still on the brake, Jasyn held up a finger to Alex and turned back to the car, "Oh, one more thing, Pup."

Duncan turned his head to look at the two, "Yeah, Woof?"

Jasyn leaned into the window, pulled the shepherd over by his shirt, and planted a kiss on his cheek, then grinned, "That's for kissing my boyfriend! I figured it'd be more effective than punching you in the arm." He laughed and stood back up straight.

Duncan sat very still, twitched a bit, and then wiped his cheek, "Oh God! Now I'm gonna' smell like wolf!" Grumbling under his breath, he rolled up the window and drove off.

Alex put his arms around his boyfriend from behind, "Oh come on, now: it was just an innocent little kiss! If you're jealous about THAT, then what me and Duncan do when you're NOT around would kill you!"

Jasyn just laughed and turned around, kissing Alex on the forehead, "Aww, I know it was all in good fun. Besides," he winked, "I just wanted a chance to get close to that hunk of a dog."

"Yeah, he's quite the hunk." The fox chuckled, "Neither of us give him the looks Luke does though. I think that boy's in love!"

Jasyn shook his head, "No, Luke's heart is with Riddick one hundred percent. Duncan's just eye candy for horny teenagers like him."

"He IS nice to look at. Lucky us, huh? Having both him AND Chris around?"

"Luckier if we could actually lay a paw on one of them."

Alex shrugged, "We haven't tried with Chris, yet." He smiled, "Come on, let's head on in."

The wolf chuckled and put an arm around the fox, padding with him up the walkway and through the door.

Alex nuzzled him in the entryway and stopped him, "You sure it's okay with your parents for me to stay the night here, again? We could always go back to my house or Matt's if you think they wouldn't. Or maybe even...I mean, it's just that I've been staying here so much, and...we don't have to spend EVERY night together if it's..." He trailed off and looked away, obviously nervous about something.

Jasyn flashed a soft smile and rubbed his boyfriend's arm, kissing him gently on his head, "They're fine with it." He smiled again at the fox's bashfulness, "Are you?"

"Yeah..." The fox put his paw on top of the wolf's on his arm, "I just don't want to impose too much on them. They've been so good to me through everything with my brother, and with me and you. They've always been so sweet."

Jasyn smiled and chuckled, "They're okay with it, Love, really."

"That's good..." Alex leaned up and gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, "It feels nice being able to be with you like this...almost like we're living together, or something."

The wolf ran his paw up and scratched the fox on the back of his neck, "Maybe someday." He smiled and closed the door behind them finally, "C'mon..."

Alex led on in, walking on toward the stairs with Jasyn padding along behind.

"Well!" A voice rang out and stopped them in their tracks, "Look who finally got home! I assume we have a little vulpine house guest again tonight, Jasyn?"

The teenaged wolf stopped and turned to see his mother, Tanya, coming out of the kitchen. He smiled and nodded, "Who else?"

Alex stopped on the stairs and leaned over the railing, looking down at Jasyn and his mom.

Tanya stepped up to Jasyn, "You two have fun out tonight Jasyn? Duncan enjoy himself?"

Jasyn laughed and grinned, "Yeah, he had fun..."

"Even hanging out with you two, and..." She motioned at them, "Y'know, you being together and all?"

Jasyn chuckled and flashed a smirk, "Oh, no worries, he enjoyed himself just fine." He shrugged and began to pad up the stairs, "I mean, I gave him a nice kiss goodbye, why wouldn't he?"

Tanya chuckled a little, "Hold on Jasyn, come back down here, I need to talk to you."

Jasyn stopped and looked back over his shoulder, "Hmm?"

Tanya waved her son down, "...and you too, Alex."

Alex looked at his boyfriend for a second, and then walked on past him, to the bottom of the stairs by Tanya.

Jasyn padded over next to Alex, paws in his pockets, "Yeah?"

Tanya smiled, "I just wanted to take a minute to say this to you two. We've all been a little quiet and distant about things...and...well...I didn't want either of you to get the wrong impression from the silence." She paused with a huff, "Now, your father will never say this; you know he's not the most expressive person, but I know he agrees with me, okay? This may not be the choice we would have made for you, Jasyn, and you know I'm going to miss having the grandkids to spoil..."

While Alex nervously rubbed his arm, Jasyn interrupted her, "Hey! You and dad could always adopt, yeah? And besides," he nudged Alex, "we could too! We could always get some little kid named Ling-Ling, or..." he rubbed his chin, "I could just knock up some big breasted golden retriever."

"Ling-Ling? Like a cute little panda cub?" Alex smiled really wide but then stopped just as quickly and stared blankly off into space. He'd never actually thought about adopting a kid before.

Jasyn laughed and smiled widely too, cupping Alex's face in his paws and turning this into an overly sweet movie moment, "What do you think, dear-heart? Shall we adopt a helpless child and raise him as our own?"

Alex could only stare past him wide-eyed, though, "Th-this is something to talk about...after college..."

Tanya chuckled at Alex as the subject caught him off guard, and then she looked back at her son, "Anyway, like I was saying: this may not be the choice we would have made for you, but..." She smiled over at the fox, "You know we love Alex. You and he have been good friends for a long time now, and he's always been so sweet and nice."

Alex blushed and looked down, "Thanks Mrs. Fuller..."

Tanya put a paw on Alex's shoulder, still looking at her son, "I guess what I'm saying, Jasyn, is: gay, straight, or whatever, you couldn't have chosen anyone better than Alex, sweetheart." She turned to the fox and patted the side of his face, "No one better."

Jasyn smiled, "Thanks, mom," He looked over at Alex, "And I agree, even if he does get a bit nervous and shy from time to time." He nudged the fox again, "Makes him cute!"

Alex just blushed even more and looked up the stairs, nervously.

Tanya laughed softly, "And now that I've completely embarrassed your boyfriend," she leaned in and kissed Alex, and then Jasyn, on the cheek, "I'll leave you two alone for the night."

Jasyn chuckled and gave Alex a pat on the forehead, "Such a cute little fox." He smiled at his mom, "Thanks mom, I'll talk to you later, then!" He grabbed Alex by the paw and padded up the stairs.

Hours later, close to one in the morning, Alex and Jasyn had just hopped in bed. The television in Jasyn's room was off, and the only light shown through from a streetlight, outside. Alex wearing his undershirt and briefs, and Jasyn only in his boxers, they laid together in one another's arms.

The wolf shifted closer to the fox and wrapped his arms tighter around him, "So, did you enjoy the movie? From what you saw of it anyway."

Alex nuzzled against his boyfriend's chest and cuddled close to him, his arm around the larger fur's stomach and his leg over the Jasyn's, "I saw plenty of it...I wasn't the one with my head down."

Jasyn coughed and squeezed the slightly younger teenager, "True. But that's not the point." He scooted down to be level with his boyfriend and kissed him softly, "You had fun then?"

The fox nodded, rubbing his nose against the wolf's, "Of course I did!"

Jasyn licked Alex's chin softly and gently laced his fingers with his boyfriend's, not saying anything else. With a smile, Alex squeezed Jasyn's paw and lifted it up to their muzzles, kissing one of the lupine's fingers.

The wolf smiled and chuckled softly, leaning forward to run his muzzle along the fox's, and Alex closed his eyes and rubbed the side of his muzzle back against his boyfriend's. Silently, Jasyn kissed the smaller fur's cheek and moved close, pressing their bodies together as he moved his paws down and wrapped them around the small of Alex's back.

The fox wrapped his leg tighter around Jasyn's, pressing his crotch firmly against the wolf's hip, "I love you Jasyn. No matter how many nights we're together like this, I never get tired of it."

Jasyn licked the tip of Alex's ear, "I love you too." He flashed a smile, "And it's the same for me." He slowly trailed his paw down, lightly slipping it under Alex's waistband, where he began to gently scratch and rub around the base of the fox's tail.

Alex looked down and away from Jasyn as he ran his paw softly up and down his boyfriend's stomach. He grew silent and felt himself growing tense; he was getting nervous again. The wolf gently moved his paw down more until his finger landed on the fox's tailhole, and he gently began running a finger tip around it.

Alex closed his eyes again and clung to Jasyn, his hole clenching as he let out a very soft whimper. He whined quietly, and then took a deep breath, but didn't move or have any significant reaction to his boyfriend's playing.

Jasyn stopped moving his finger and looked down at Alex clutching to his chest, "Love...?"

The fox gulped softly and let out another little whine, "Yeah, Beautiful?"

Jasyn gently pressed at the hole, "You sure you want this...?"

"It was my idea, right?'s just a big step. I mean, the last person that did it...was..." Alex pressed his nose into Jasyn's fur, " know."

"I do, Love." The wolf smiled and raised the fox's face, kissing him softly on the nose, "...and it's time you learned how it's supposed to be."

Alex kissed him back, sniffling a little, almost like he was about to cry, "Slow?"

Jasyn nodded and licked his boyfriend's muzzle, speaking in a hush, "Slow."

The fox smiled and kissed his wolf again, "I never felt love like this, before, Jasyn, especially THIS. I want to, though. I want to feel this like other people do finally, and only you can do that for me, Beautiful. I'd never be able to find anyone better. I'm...I'm just nervous." He took a shaky breath, "So, just be gentle and take it slow, okay? I love you and I want this to last."

Jasyn hugged Alex close and nodded, "I will, Love. You can trust me."

Alex nodded and pulled himself close to Jasyn, his crotch pressing against the wolf again, and then kissed him softly, "Now then...where were you?"

The wolf smiled, leaned down, and took Alex's neck between his jaws as he slowly slipped the tip of his finger into the fox's tailhole.

Alex whimpered and shivered but didn't fight it, just wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Jasyn simply smiled and licked and nipped gently at Alex's neck in his mouth, beginning to suckle softly, as he slid in another joint of his finger.

The fox took in a sharp breath and slowly loosened his grip, saying nothing, and only letting out soft whimpers as the wolf's finger moved inside of him. He slid his own paw down Jasyn's chest and stomach, where he slipped his fingers under his boyfriend's boxers, and running it over the slick flesh of his shaft.

Jasyn let go of Alex's shoulder, gasping softly, and pressed his finger in, entirely. Alex jerked and gripped down on the lupine's cock as a reflex at the finger going all the way in so quickly. He didn't show any signs of complaint, though, as he used his muzzle to move Jasyn's up and then kissed him, as he continued to stroke him.

The wolf breathed in through his nose and slid his finger in and out of the fox, kissing him back just as passionately and humping into his boyfriend's paw. Alex brought his free paw up to the back of Jasyn's head as their tongues played in their muzzles.

All at once, Jasyn leaned forward, rolling Alex onto his back and pulling his finger out. With his already free paw, he gripped the smaller fur's paw and panted, kissing back with even more force.

The fox sucked on his wolf's tongue as Jasyn's cock slid through Alex's paw and dampened the lupine's boxers with pre. Jasyn pulled back from the kiss and leaned down, licking and kissing on the side of Alex's neck as he moved his paw, free of probing Alex's hole but still under the fox's briefs, around and gripped his cock firmly.

Alex moaned out softly. He was used to holding his moans back, but he knew how much Jasyn liked to hear them, "Come on, Beautiful: let's see all of you. Get out of your boxers."

"Whatever you want." The wolf chuckled and smiled, pushing off his boxers and then reaching down to do the same with his fox's briefs.

Alex wriggled free of his briefs and kicked them off the bed, "Want me to leave my shirt on?"

Jasyn flashed a grin and nuzzled the fox's chest, pressing his nose under the shirt's collar lightly, "Yeah, Love. You know I like that..."

The fox smiled and reached down, grabbing a hold of Jasyn's visibly larger cock and pulled it down against his own, "Well then, I'll make sure I still have it on when we're done."

Jasyn breathed shakily and smiled, kissing Alex's chin, "...good kit."

Alex pulled the wolf's cock down more, Jasyn moving with it as the tip trailed down the shivering fox's cock and was slipped and pressed under his balls.

The wolf continued moving down until he felt a familiarly soft, warm spot and then stopped, smiled gently, and kissed his fox again, "Are you sure you're ready...?

Alex had lifted his legs up and let go of the wolf's pulsing cock, "I may not have this to 'give' anymore...but this'll be the first time there was love involved. So as far as I'm concerned..." He wrapped his arms around Jasyn's shoulders and his legs around the wolf's waist, kissing him gently, "This is my FIRST...and I'm ready to finally give it to you. You've waited long enough."

"And I'm ready to show you what this should really be like. This should never have been like it has for you..." Jasyn smiled and leaned down closer, "...never." He locked his lips with the fox as he pushed, his tapered tip slowly pressing against Alex's tailhole.

The fox kissed back for a moment, but then broke the kiss to looking into his wolf's eyes, "I love you, Jasyn."

"I love you too, Alex..." Jasyn pushed a little more, the tip finally sliding in, "I love you too." He leaned down and kissed his boyfriend softly again.

Alex slipped his tongue into his wolf's muzzle and squeezed his legs and arms as tight as he could around Jasyn. He tried not to make any noise to let on just how much it was hurting, while the wolf above him let out a loud groan, and pushed in more, shivering at the heat and grip.

Alex leaned his head back away from the kiss. He opened his mouth wide and let out a series of quiet, breathy groans, gasping for air for a moment as he gripped his wolf's fur, "It's long since anything...was..." He clenched his jaw through another groan, "I didn't would feel so..." He huffed and trailed off in a moan.

Jasyn panted and pushed in more, gripping down on one of the fox's paws to keep himself from thrusting, "G-Good...?"

The fox gripped back just as hard, "...big." He groaned again and caught his breath as the knot touched his ass and Jasyn finally still.

Jasyn groaned and panted deeply, hovering over Alex, all the while shaking slightly, "So...tight..." He gulped and let out a weak chuckle.

Alex smiled at him softly and gave him a quick kiss, "Go for it, Beautiful..." He took his paw out of Jasyn's and wrapped his arm around the wolf's neck, pulling his boyfriend's head to his shoulder.

The wolf pulled out and began a slow rhythm, groaning softly and kissing Alex's shoulder as he rubbed the fox's member.

Alex moaned and panted, chuckling very softly through a groan, " it to hold back?"

"It's...harder than you..." Jasyn moaned, "...than you'd think."

The fox moaned in Jasyn's ear and whispered, "...then don't."

Jasyn stopped and panted for a moment, staring at Alex wide eyed, "S-seriously...?"

Alex rubbed Jasyn's back gently, and kissed his neck, "I trust you won't hurt me. Just don't pull the knot out after you tie, okay? I don't want to get ripped open."

The wolf nodded and leaned down, biting down very lightly on his fox's neck, still not sure how rough he could be as he rolled his hips and flexed his hard cock. Beneath him, Alex moaned through his teeth, then opened his maw and let out a long whimper in pleasure before placing a paw on the back of Jasyn's head to show that he was okay with the biting.

Jasyn panted and began to move faster, biting down harder on Alex, but not enough to break the skin...and the fox pumped his own hips in time, pushing back against each and every thrust and pressing his cock into his wolf's stomach.

Jasyn moaned and laid down on top of Alex, letting his boyfriend hump into his stomach as he continued to thrust faster, his knot pounding at the fox's hole. Panting, he leaned up and gently nipped at Alex's ear, "Cum on me."

Alex let out a loud whimper, even small dirty talk getting to him at this point, "Bite my neck...don't hold back."

The wolf leaned down, and nuzzled Alex's throat before biting down, again, forcing the fox back submissively.

Alex ground harder against the wolf, closer to being able to cum like Jasyn asked much sooner than he would normally ever be, "Ha-arder..."

Jasyn bit down just a bit harder, but still restrained himself from biting hard enough to break the skin. Despite Alex's requests, he was holding back. He needed Alex to know he could trust him, to know this was okay. Lower, though, he'd begun to pound into his fox's hole in earnest, feeling his need to cum surging as his stomach was coated in his boyfriend's pre.

The fox stopped grinding, letting his wolf take complete control as his balls gripped tight to his body and he moaned louder and louder. Neither of them remembered to care, at this point, who heard them.

Jasyn cried out as he pushed his knot into the fox. He tied them together and his restraint broke as he bit down on Alex's neck much harder. His canines finally pierced the flesh as he shot his hot load into his boyfriend's tailhole, and pressed down as hard as he could on the fox's member.

"Jasyn!" Alex cried out his wolf's name in the heat of passion for the first time ever, as his load sprayed out through Jasyn's fur and onto Alex's shirt.

The wolf panted deeply, now laying on the fox entirely, and made sure to keep them pressed close. He gently nuzzled Alex's neck, "...I never could feel so..." He trailed off in panting and smiled, before getting the idea to tease his boyfriend. He moved his torso around in small motions, rubbing his stomach, still covered in fox cum, against Alex's cock.

Alex twitched as he was rubbed like that, and nuzzled back. He'd ever having thought he would be able to, but he loved this feeling, "Stay in me...?" He rolled them onto their side with a bit of effort, still in the same position with his legs and arms wrapped around the wolf, "I want to wake up just like this."

Jasyn's first instinct was to explain to the fox that it wouldn't work like that. The knot would go down eventually and he'd slip out, but he let Alex believe what he wanted for now. He chuckled softly with labored breaths and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding him close, as he kissed Alex's neck and shoulders tenderly, " okay? Didn't mean to bite so hard."

"I'm better than okay..." The fox nuzzled his wolf's chest, "...I'm with you."

Jasyn kissed the top of Alex's head, "Thank you for doing this for me, Love."

"I had to do this for someone, eventually, Beautiful..." He lifted his muzzle up with a smile and kissed Jasyn's nose, "...and there could be no one better."


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Alexander Collin Moen Duncan Joshua Porter and "Tanya" Tatyana Salnikov Fuller Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

The story of Alex & Jasyn. Everything's finally been wrapped up and taken care of for the fox & wolf couple. Jasyn fell back for Alex, Peter got put in jail, Alex & Jasyn overcame the demons of their break up and got back together, and now their final hurdle, their final loose end has been taken care of...Alex has finally become comfortable enough to give himself to Jasyn.

And, with that, this is the end of Alex & Jasyn's story. They'll still be around, don't worry, but their story has come to an end. Why? Because all of Forbidden is coming to an end over the next five short chapters. Soon the stories of Matt, Sirrus, Luke, Chris, Rei, and Riddick will all be wrapped up as well...Alex & Jasyn's just came to an end first.

Tune in next time and beyond to see what the last five chapters of Forbidden have in store, and how our character's stories will be drawing to a close!

SIDE NOTE: Anyone notice this is only the second time Alex has ever been in a sex scene? He's had some sex that's been talked about, but this is only the second time it's been shown...just an fyi.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]

See you for the next 5 chapters of Forbidden! And this December for the Christmas Special! ^.^