Chapter 1: Only The Beginning

Story by Plunaria on SoFurry

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#1 of Someday in the Future

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is sort of a piece I put together on a whim...and it turned out into something more. I hope to add more to it. It takes place in modern times, perhaps maybe a bit into the future, but not too far. When it says 'feline' it means more of a domesticated housecat than any other kind of cat. The same with canine. If I -ever- use equine (because I'm not sure any of my charas fit equine), then it's only because I don't know the breeds and such and I'm too lazy to figure them out. There's a lot that might confuse you, but it will all be explained in later installments. I would -love- some feedback. My e-mail is [email protected] so...drop me a line and tell me what you think.

Someday In The Future: Chapter 1: Only The Beginning The purple furred feline wrapped his tail around the pole and leaned forward, holding himself up. He chuckled softly, running a hand through his headfur, his eyes smoldering. He grinned and purred softly, pulling himself back up and spinning around the pole. He leaned his back against the pole and looked over his shoulder, grinning widely as a hand does something over his chest that is hidden from the audience. The feline grinned as his shirt flies open over his shoulders, revealing his chest as he turns around, licking the pole and grinding against it. The shirt slid down his arms before he wrapped them around the pole, purring loudly. He unbuttoned the clasp over his tail and worked at the button below his stomach, kicking the shirt away as he spins. He let the pants fall and stood in a dark purple thong. He reached his arms above and grinned, holding onto the pole as he rubbed his rear against it, the material straining against his member. He slid his fingers down the pole and his chest. He drew his splayed out fingers over his chest and slid them down, letting out a quiet moan. His breath seemed to hitch as he reached his thong, playing with the strap and purring. The feline slid forward across the stage, grinning widely. "Do you want to see the rest of me?" he asked, his tail high in the air and flicking about, his stance much like a feline predator ready to spring. His hand slid between his legs and he moaned softly, blinking his bright amethyst eyes at the audience. He moaned again, pulling the thong down enough to reveal his member, freeing it for a moment before letting the material snap back against it, letting out a half moan, half mew of pain, the head sticking out. He licked his lips, winking as his tail doubled back against his rear and began working his thong down off his legs. The feline slid his hand down his chest, down to his member and stroked it slowly. His tail rose high and straight, his eyes half-lidded as it looped down and slid into his rear, thrusting into himself with his tail. He moaned loudly, his breath becoming shallow as he turned to give a better view of his tail and the work it was doing. He moaned and raised his rear into the air, his tail working harder as his breath hitched and he stroked himself faster. He worked his tail deeper and deeper into his bowels as he shuddered, moaning loudly and widening his legs to allow a view of both his member and his face, seemingly blissfully lost in his show, though his movements to exaggerate his actions speak otherwise. The feline stretched his body backwards and moaned loudly, his breathing increasing in volume as his body moved close to the edge of the stage, but always staying just out of reach. He mewed loudly and gasped, his tail wriggling in him as he released his seed onto the stage. He grinned and leaned down, lapping up his own seed and purring softly, his eyes locked on a random member of the audience. His tail slid out of his tailhole with an audible pop and he stood, winking and heading off stage. "Hey! Kyu, that was great," said a young auburn panther, voice low and gravely. He patted Kyu on the back and grinned, handing a plastic jar to him, his eyebrows waggling above his dark sunglasses. The feline sighed and took the jar as the two walked into the back of the club to Kyu's dressing room. He nodded to a few other strippers as they walked the hall towards the stage. "It's depressing though, all those men...desiring that which they cannot have," Kyu said softly, opening his dressing room door and setting the jar down on his vanity before stepping into the shower and cleaning himself off. "Did you know you have an innate knack for bringing down the mood?" the auburn panther asked, sighing and leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom, watching Kyu through the darkness of his shades. "Well, I'm sorry for that. It's hard not to after living as long as we have. I'm surprised you haven't done the same as well," Kyu said, smiling at the panther as he scrubbed his tail clean. He grimaced and scrubbed with more force, smiling in triumph as he got the last bit of his fur clean. "Well, I'm only a century or so younger than you, Kyu, so does that mean in a few hundred years I'll be as bitter and disenchanted as you?" he asked, laughing and stepping back as Kyu exited the shower, a glare in his eyes. Kyu grinned maliciously and shook himself like a dog, sending water everywhere. The panther hissed and hid behind the door, avoiding the water. "That's not fair! You know I hate water," the panther said, stepping out when Kyu had finished. Kyu simply chuckled and shook his head as he dried himself with a towel. "Hey, all is fair in love and war, isn't it?" Kyu asked, winking at the panther and stretching, heading into the main room. He sat down at the vanity and crossed one leg over the other, pulling the plastic jar onto his lap and unscrewing the lid. The panther followed Kyu in, crossing his arms, still quite miffed at Kyu. "Does that mean I should bring you fish for dinner?" he asked, leaning down and nipping at Kyu's ear. He laughed loudly and dodged Kyu's hand, ducking again to avoid the lid of the jar. Kyu shrugged and gave up, beginning to pull the bills out of the jar and counting them to himself. "So, how'd your show do, hmm? Where you a hit you are every other day, my star?" he asked, hugging Kyu tightly, more in gratitude than anything else. The panther knew that out of all his strippers, Kyu brought in the most business, and he couldn't thank Kyu enough for it. "It's about a thousand today," he said, yawning and setting the bills aside and uncrossing his legs. He stood and sauntered to his dresser, his hips swaying to and fro. "Juntara? Do you think that we'll ever get what we're here for?" he asked, turning and sliding a new thong up to his waist, a look of hope on his face. Juntara smiled gently and moved next to Kyu and drew him into a tight hug, kissing his cheek gently. "Don't worry Kyu, we'll win out. We have to...if not, then things will go wrong. After all...those machines can't last forever, right?" he asked, offering a weak smile as he caressed Kyu's cheek softly. Kyu sighed and rested his head against Juntara's shoulder, tears filling his eyes. He began to sob softly, the tears falling through the air, hitting Juntara's shoulder and clattering to the ground as amethyst jewels. "Shh...shhh...Everything will be alright. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find him," he murmured, beginning to cry as well, a substance akin to oil leaking from under his shades, running down his cheeks. He sniffled and wiped his eyes, trying not to cry anymore and stain Kyu's fur. "Don't worry about it, okay? You and me, it's Destiny," he said, smiling gently and kissing Kyu's cheek. "Fate is on my side," Kyu whispered, hiccuping and smiling through his tears. Kyu hugged Juntara tightly and buried his head in the crook of Juntara's neck. "I can see the future and I'm satisfied," the two finished together. Juntara stroked the back of Kyu's head gently, holding the young male to his chest, his trench coat getting hard from the crystallizing tears, but he didn't mind much. He shut his eyes and kissed the top of Kyu's head, sighing gently. "Juntara? Why did you choose me? Why not one of the others? Why did you make me your star?" Kyu asked, looking up at Juntara, hoping to get his mind off unkind things. Juntara smiled gently and thought a moment. "Well...I suppose the K-twins would have been nice, of course, but they aren't predictable. Ane would have abused it...he's more of a perv than me, you know," he said, grinning widely. Kyu giggled brightly, unable to imagine someone more perverted than Juntara, the owner of The Radiance Hall, the most popular gay bar and strip joint in the whole of Densetsu, the capitol city for the planet Terra. "You're so pure, Kyu, even after all you've done, your soul is still so clean and perfect..." Juntara said, holding onto Kyu's chin, rubbing his thumb over Kyu's cheek. Kyu blushed gently, the purple fur around his cheeks deepening in hue because of his dark purple blood. Juntara chuckled softly and stepped away from Kyu, grinning widely. "Alright kit, get dressed. We're going out," Juntara said, pulling out a pair of purple jeans and a lavender T-shirt from the dresser. Kyu blinked and tilted his head, his tail swishing behind him. "Out? Out where? Don't you have a club to run?" Kyu asked playfully, pulling on the pants and fastening the clip over his tail, hopping a bit to get into the tight pants. "You know how I deal with that," Juntara said, laughing and handing the shirt to his star. He watched as Kyu pulled on the shirt, purring softly as he gazed at the handsome, well built male in the tight shirt. Kyu blushed softly, realizing that Juntara was staring at him and grabbed the taller male's hand. "Come on, we're going, right?" he asked, smiling up at his boss. Juntara laughed loudly and patted Kyu's back, nodding. "Yeah, we are. What do you feel like? Seafood or dairy?" he asked, dodging a punch from the feline. Kyu giggled brightly and poked Juntara's nose. "Let's go someplace nice tonight. I hear that Alterac opened a place downtown. He'd let us in, even with our Rebellion," Kyu said, smiling at Juntara. Juntara winced and sighed. "Fine...but you know how much he'll charge us. He and Alteraz charge a lot, you know. They aren't cheap," Juntara said, leading Kyu out of the feline's dressing room and towards the back exit. Kyu giggled and nodded. "Of course! That's why I suggested it. Besides, the food deserves the price," he said, nodding and grabbing a coat from the rack near the door outside. He winked at Juntara and pulled on the deep purple covering and slipped out into the parking lot, heading straight for the panther's red SUV. "Hey! Why don't we take your car?" Juntara asked, catching up with Kyu as he wrapped his trench coat tightly around him, but already pulling out his car keys. He knew that Kyu would manage to get what he wanted. "Because your car actually has heat, dear Juntara. You haven't fixed the heater in my car yet, like you promised," Kyu said, laughing as he hopped into the passenger seat of the panther's car. "Oh yeah..." Juntara said, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as he pulled his door shut, starting the engine and putting the car into gear. He looked over to Kyu and blinked, reaching over and taking the feline's hand in a gentle gesture. They sat in silence as they continued on downtown, towards the restaurant that Kyu had picked out. Juntara parked the car and stepped out, helping Kyu out of the car and pulling him close, almost protectively. "Are you ready?" he asked, smiling gently and shutting Kyu's door for him. Kyu nodded slightly, taking a step towards the large blue and red building, lights flashing attractively to welcome in patrons. The interior of the restaurant was decorated with various tints and shades of blues and reds. There were pictures of flames and waves and the lobby of the building was strewn with waterfalls, ice sculptures, and fountains, with hearths, torches, and flares. "What are you doing here, Infern scum?" a soft feminine voice said from behind the two. They turned to face the voice, trying to locate the source. A waterfall near the front doors slowed to a stop and a blue furred fox stepped out, walking on the water towards the pair. "Yeah! Why do you show yourselves now?" another voice said, this time from a red furred fox who stepped out of a cooling hearth. "We simply wish to eat here. Is that a crime?" Juntara asked, holding Kyu close to him, ready to do what he needed to protect his star. "Of course not!" the two said in unison, one giggling while the other chuckled low. They met with each other in the center of the room and walked hand in hand to the panther and feline. "We were just playing! We're actually Infern too, now," they said, the red one setting his jaw in hatred while the blue pouted childishly. They stepped forward and hugged the pair tightly, smiling and laughing lightly. "You two? But...that makes no sense," Juntara said, blinking and shaking his head. He sighed and nodded, making a guess. "She fooled him again, didn't she?" Kyu asked before Juntara could speak. The twin foxes nodded solemnly, kissing Juntara and Kyu on the cheeks. "Come on, we'll take you to a private room," they said, smiling and leading the pair away. The pair were too lost in the shock of the foxes' revelation to resist. "Hey! What d'ya want, hmm?" the blue asked, bouncing on his heels as they passed through what seemed to have been a solid wall. "Umm...poultry of some sort would be nice," Kyu said softly, clinging to his boss. "Just bring me some seafood. I don't care much what," Juntara said, giving the blue fox a big hug and smiling jovially, no longer on guard as he had been. The red fox chuckled softly and drew the blue fox close, nodding to a small table set with four places. "Here, sit down and we'll bring something out," he said, leading the blue fox through a wall. "Them?! Infern!?" Kyu asked, surprise fully brought out in his voice. Juntara nodded and sighed, leaning his elbows onto the table as he sat down, looking across the table as Kyu sat down as well. "Yes, it _is_ quite surprising. They were the most loyal of all of the Celes...I wonder if there's anyone left," Juntara said idly, a soft prismatic light escaping from behind his shades. "How could he?! They're so sweet, too," Kyu said, pouting slightly. He tilted his head for a moment in thought and looked to Juntara. "What do you think their names are now? All the others had to take new names after becoming Infern, right?" Kyu asked, tilting his head. Juntara chuckled and shrugged. "Probably something like Aqua and Flare," Juntara said, grinning widely. Kyu giggled and nodded, for it did seem quite like the two. He hummed softly and looked around the room, observing how much it looked like a miniature of the lobby, with fountains and hearths and all. Juntara smiled softly and reached out across the table, taking Kyu's hands. "You should stop that. You know how much that song reminds you of him," Juntara said, squeezing Kyu's hands gently. Kyu blushed softy and nodded, the song ceasing as he looked towards the wall the two had disappeared into. "I hope they retained their ability to cook," Kyu said, tilting his head. He squeaked as the two spoken of entered. The red fox wore a bright grin as he sauntered in and set the food down in each of the spots while the blue fox blushed as he limped in gently, wincing as he sat down. "Umm...I'm Altz...and he's Altc. We chose to try and stay close to our original names so we wouldn't forget when the Rebellion finally ends," the blue fox said, his ears folded back as he shifted uncomfortably on the chair. " did you become Infern? Was it like the K-twins or like Ane?" Kyu asked, blushing at Altz's discomfort, the realization of what must have happened beyond the wall hitting him. "I'll answer that...Altz is mine. We decided that a short while ago, but the witch convinced the purity that such a thing was against the nature of the universe," Altc explained, leaving the rest to interpretation. It seemed much like the K-twins, who were told to kill the other because of their split soul. "That's rather sad...I'm sorry," Juntara said, giving Altc and Altz a gentle smile of empathy as they all began to eat quietly. The four sat and ate in silence, reflecting on the status of the Above. As they finished, Juntara turned to Altc and spoke softly. "He's unguarded now, isn't he? The witch will take him out soon, won't she?" he asked softly, throwing his analysis of the situation onto the table for all to see. Altc sighed and nodded. "Unfortunately, yes...I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't already made her move. The Insubstantial can't hold her off alone...they need someone from this realm to help, but we were the last of the Celes Substantials," he said, pushing his empty plate forward. Altz stood and picked up the empty plates, exiting behind a wall before returning and climbing onto his chair, wincing again. "I guess we'll just have to hope for Kyu," Altz said softly, smiling kindly at the purple feline. Kyu nodded, feeling as if the weight of the universe rested upon his finding a man who disappeared hundreds of years before. "I think it's time we left," Juntara said softly, nodding to Kyu. He looked to Altc and smiled gently. "How much do we owe you for the food and your company?" he asked, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. "No, no. It's on us. Just save us some of your BoyToys some time," Altc said, winking and laughing loudly. Juntara chuckled and nodded to Kyu. Kyu stood slowly and bowed to Altz, and then to Altc. "Thank you for your hospitality," he said, giggling softly and chasing after Juntara who had already left out through the wall. He smacked face first into a sold part of the wall and stumbled through the true opening, whimpering softly into Juntara's arms. "Are you okay, kit?" Juntara asked, the two Alt foxes coming out of the room to check on Kyu. "I'm...I'm j-just okay...mostly a wounded pride," Kyu said, giggling softly and blushing, his cheeks tinting purple. "Alright. Let's head out. Thank you again, Altz and Altc, for your kindness," Juntara said, leading Kyu out into the parking lot. He lifted Kyu up into the car and hurried around into the car, looking over to Kyu as he started the car. "Don't worry, they'll be powerful allies in the Rebellion. We'll find a way to win," Juntara said, reaching out and taking Kyu's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Juntara? Do you really think I'll find him?" Kyu asked quietly, staring at his lap. Juntara nodded and put the car into gear and pulled out of the parking spot. "Of course. You'll just run into him and you'll know...I promise," Juntara said as he pulled Kyu's hand up and kissed it gently. The two smiled at each other and Kyu leaned across the cab of the car and hugged Juntara tightly. "Thank you,'re so kind," Kyu said softly, pulling back as Juntara began to exit the parking lot. "Just remember that every pain is only the beginning of pleasure," Juntara said gently, his voice calm and gentle. Kyu smiled and nodded, looking out the window and watching the city pass by. He closed his eyes and began to hum softly as he began to remember the one he searched for. He opened his eyes abruptly and smiled widely, undoing his seat belt and jumping out of the moving car, causing Juntara to skid to a halt, the car behind him narrowly missing Kyu as he ran down the street. Juntara parked quickly and turned to try and find his star, worry in his eyes and heart as he ran towards where he last saw Kyu. "Kyu! Where are you?!" he called out, frantically searching for his employee, his main attraction, but also his best friend. He stopped and almost ran into a black wolf, his hidden eyes meeting deep crimson pools. The two stood, their eyes locked, for several moments before the wolf spoke finally. "Only the beginning," he said with a sneer, licking purple off of his claws.