It took me

Story by Will E. Fox on SoFurry

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Something I wrote a while back.

It lurked in between two cars parked at the Buffalo Lodge as the school bell rang and the children rushed out of classrooms eager to make their way home after a long school day.

The Buffalo Lodge was a place where people stayed at when they came from out of town and with local government situated here there were a lot of people from out of town around. The same people who were put away for life after abducting a kid for some perverse pleasure of a different nature.

It sat pondering its situation, goals and the irony of how it ended up having to do mingle with mortal furs. Kids began wandering by, chatting and laughing while others simply walked in somber silence hoping for a good meal when they arrived home after the "backbreaking" labor. It looked on in interest making mental notes of those who sparked his interest.

One pair in particular caught his attention, a fluffy furred fox with an unkempt lock of hair hanging negligently down over one eye and a tall, slim, lumbering brown bear. The fox was chattering on excitedly about something indiscernible while the bear listened and nodded occasionally as the fox moved and gesticulated wildly trying to drive home some point with which the larger of the pair obviously agreed to without needing all the convincing.

It noted how easily the fox seemed to move and skip despite the obviously heavy schoolbag on his back, swung back and forth without apparent effort. "This was a specimen worth studying." it decided as the large white wolf hybrid belonging to the owner of the lodge came sniffing at It curiously. " Be off with you, you mangy animal or I shall have your liver for dinner." It hissed at the dog as it yelped and ran off with its tail hidden between it legs.

* * *

Will fox and his large companion entered the teacher hostel's large yard and the bear said his goodbyes while moving the other way round the building where his mother's flat was located on the first story.

Will made his way over the grass while taking out the keys needed to unlock the gate at the base of their stairs which led to the front door of his home on the second floor. He felt uneasy as he approached the security gate with keys in hand, a chill ran up his spine and he spun around half expecting to see someone advancing on him with a knife, instead he was completely alone and all was silent, too silent, he couldn't hear any sounds from the school's direction or students calling to each other.

Now properly afraid he turned back to the gate with hands shaking he unlocked it and moved inside just as he felt a presence closing in on him rapidly. He only half turned before a dark luminous shape smashed into him knocking him into the small entrance hall at the base of the steps. Will was sent skidding on the smooth light tiles, a flurry of paws, claws and bushy red tail as his schoolbag and keys dropped where he was standing.

Half dazed he saw the dark shape locking the gate and closing the door in front of the gate effectively cutting of sound to the outside. The shape turned around and for the first time Will could make out that this fur which seemed about his own age was actually a black panther with large yellow slitted eyes and a smooth long tail waving about seductively like a viper.

"So my pretty little fox" it hissed silently as It struck a pose that could only be described as devilish "we are alone it seems." The small fox whimpered not knowing what this panther wanted to do with him. He tried to stand on unsteady legs but the panther swept forward faster than Will thought possible and drove him back without meeting any resistance from the senseless fox. Will tried to crawl out from under the panther's grasp but only traveled a meter into the corner before being pinned there.

It stood there and surveyed the trembling fox in his grey school uniform, short sleeved grey shirt and a short darker grey shorts. It smiled to itself and kneeled next to the hapless fox. "You are beautiful, little doll, and you will be realized as such after I'm done with you." It ran a black sharp clawed paw down Will 's thigh upon which he responded by clenching his legs closed, while whimpering shamelessly. A tear formed in his eye a beautiful green topaz color, the look he gave the panther would have melted It's heart if indeed it had one. The panther growled again and forced a paw in between the clenched limbs and parted them, his paw going to the fox's zipper and starting to open his pants. "Now my sweet fox I will make you mine, cooperate and I will be gentle, if not I shall be forced to teach you a lesson." Upon which the panther snapped out a claw and savagely hooked it into Will 's thigh.

The fox gave a long moaning whimper and silently sobbed into his paws as his pants were removed slowly with his bushy tail wriggling involuntarily beneath him. The panther noted that his fox was thoroughly erect despite his silent obeisance. It looked up at the lame fox's face meeting one trembling heart achingly beautiful eye, its tail twitched in irritation, why was he feeling pity for his prey?

Will looked at the panther and startling himself he screeched "Nooo, please no, I didn't do anything, please let me go, pleeaaase." His tail was wriggling painfully under him, he snatched his pride into his arms and buried his face in it, as the strange panther was sitting back on his haunches eyeing the fox strangely, obviously puzzled. "Please don't do it, I don't want to be taken like this, not like this." he said as his frantic tears began matting into the fur under his eyes, he shook in a silent sob with his face once again in his bushy tail.

It considered this fragile fox. "Why am I hesitating?" it thought to itself "I could take him right here and now and there is nothing he could do to stop me!" He looked thoughtfully at the fox who had closed his legs again in the respite and was balled up into the entrance hall's corner shaking and sobbing.

It smiled at last "Very well little fox, but there are three things I would have of you before I go." It said as It slowly stroked its shiny black fur covered paw along the fox's long neck. Sniffling a little, the frightened fox managed to look up stammering: "Anything if you let me go, anything." and heard the error in his words as "anything" left him open to many things but it was too late now.

"First of all I'd have your name my pretty little toy?" "Its Will , Will Fox umm," he hesitated "sir." he finished. It leaned forward and the fox cringed away squeakily inhaling in terror, only to find a rough feline tongue gently licking at his tear streaked fur, Will opened one eye again somehow finding the capacity to almost smile at his tormentor. It smiled at the cute little fox beneath him and declared "Secondly, sweet fox, I want a kiss, one given willingly and lastly a promise, from you, to be mine willingly when next we meet."

That did it, the fox dived into his tail again wailing pitifully. It felt uncomfortable as an unknown feeling cropped up in It's chest. It grabbed the fox by the chin and yanked his face forward and before a noise could be let out he covered the fox's mouth with his own, kissing the quivering animal under him with reckless abandon. At first his trembling fox's mouth was hard and awkward, It took the fox's leg and swung him out of the corner, slowly extending first his one leg then the other and lay him down, all the while their lips were locked together. It was pleasantly surprised when the fox lay back willingly and relaxed while It moved on top of the fox asserting Its superiority. The fox even went so far as to put one trembling arm around the black panther's back.

They broke the kiss and It slowly twirled the one stray lock of red fur in It's finger and swung the rogue bit of hair out of Will 's face. Caressing Will 's face tenderly, while pecking at his neck the panther's tail vibrated in excitement as he felt the fox's member stir in arousal under him. It, being completely naked, moved his own thing to rub against the fox's. "Have you done this before my little doll?" He squeaked out that he hadn't and was still virgin. The panther started unbuttoning the fox's shirt and sucked and licked at the lovely fox beneath him all the while moving downwards to his prize, his trophy.

Will quivered in pleasure as his penis was taken into a feline mouth and was suckled upon, it was a new sensation and indescribably pleasurable. It had in one paw the fox's bushy tail which seemed extremely sensitive for some reason, and the other paw was playfully massaging the sweet fox's rock hard tummy. It relished the feeling of the wriggling fox under It's paw, the lupine cock in It's mouth and fluffed up tail in the other.

Will was in ecstasy, he had never had someone give him this kind of attention and he loved it so much it hurt but he was scared, very scared. He didn't know what to make of this strange creature which was pleasuring him, all he knew was that he didn't have a choice. He felt dizzy and sleepy but was acutely aware of what was happening at his crotch. The welcome pain increased and he moaned out loud as his hips thrust forward involuntarily driving deeper into his master's throat. He began crying again, unsure of himself and once again the pain increased, so did the pleasure. He wailed, pulling back his hips wanting to get away from the terrible pain in his crotch but was restricted when It extended the claws and threatened, with a wicked glance, to rip open the little fox if he resisted further.

The pain became unbearable and it pulsed pain, suddenly it was gone as the fox's member spewed its juice into the mouth of his tormentor and master. The fox began begging for mercy as spittle dripped from his muzzle.

"You are mine little fox...": It said as It turned the fox around onto his tummy to gain access to what was rightfully his, which were also the last words he said as he heard a startled call of alarm as Will 's bear friend saw them through the window and charged at the gate opening the door through the bars and stuck his arm through to grab the key which lay just beyond the gate on the floor. It whispered "I will see you again my lovely fur." and swung up and ran up the stairs as a luminescent figure.

The bear charged in and up the stairs thinking to trap the panther since there was nowhere else to go, but finding nothing at the pinnacle of the stairs he turned back to help his friend who now lay unconscious on the floor.

* * *

It sat invisibly in a shadow watching as the big bear picked up the ruffled, sleeping fox off the floor and noted at the manner in which the bear looked lustfully at the still exposed fox member before tenderly putting it back and zipping him up. The bear then picked up the slight fox and grabbed the bag while carrying him up the stairs. Unlocking the door and taking his friend inside while holding him cradled as one would cradle a baby.

It growled: "You will not stand in my way bear, he will submit to me long before you can even confess your lust to him." With that It moved through the shadows, having chosen its prey it will guard and observe It's catch before extracting a willing obeisance from his prize.

* * *

The following morning the bear stood quietly wondering why his fox friend was taking so long to come down. It was only three blocks to school past the lodge but the bell was going to ring any second and then the gates would close, that would be bad seeing as they both have a good record of being on time and punctual. He wasn't sure what to say to his friend if he came down, what would he say? Would the little fox even remember what had happened? Would he think that maybe it was just a dream?

He felt so powerless that he couldn't do anything about it and helplessness was something that he wasn't used to at all, he looked at the world as a toy to be manipulated to suite himself. "How about that, I'm starting to think like him no... Whooaaarrrggg" startled, he realized that his friend had been standing in the doorway at the base of the steps. He blushed a deep red beneath his thick coat of fur. "Will ... I thought that you wouldn't come." he said. "I'm sorry Mark I was umm distracted, can we go now please?" he whispered in reply. "Uh, sure lets go." They walked the three blocks in silence and entered the gate just as the bell rang.

At recess Will sat with some of his friends and Mark with his. Dark clouds obscured the sky setting a dark cast to everything. Will was listening to his best friend Jay telling him about some daring fur's escapade in one of the classes. He wasn't really paying attention, just staring at his thigh and wondering if he was losing his mind. The mark on his thigh was soft and an angry red color, a tear formed in his eye as he thought about what he thought he had dreamt. "... it was soooo funny you should have seen it Will , he was so stupid, he shoulda just kept starin straight instead of sitting there looking guilty." he stopped abruptly "Are you okay, why are you crying?" Will 's tail started twitching again which was a clear indication to Jay that something was wrong, that and the tears. "Aww, common Will lets get you somewhere out of sight okay?" Jay stood up helping the silently sniffing fox up and leading him to the gloomy boys bathroom which was out of sight and away from prying eyes.

The Alsatian sat Will down on one of the benches right inside the door. "Should I tell sir your sick, so I can take you home? Will ?" the brown dog was getting concerned now for his friend. "Jay, can I ask you a question?" " Anything, you know it." He replied clearly worried now. "If you had a dream but woke up with signs that it may not have been a dream, what do you do?" "What are you saying Will ?" they went quiet as another dog came in drank from the tap and left without sparing the fox and hound a second glance. "Look" said Will exposing his thigh displaying the dark wound to his friend. "By the gods Will what happened!?!? That looks like a claw mark and a sharp one too. Who did it?" "I had a dream Jay, a horrible dream someone err something attacked me I cant remember exactly what happened but..." he fell silent as a sob escaped him.

Will felt something, something familiar and he gasped as he realized what it was. From one of the stalls emerged a black clad panther with tail waving about lazily. "So my pretty little fox I'm just a dream am I?" suddenly Jay sprang up effectively putting a barrier between the newcomer who wasn't wearing a school uniform and the cringing fur behind him. "Did you do this to him, you bastard? I'll kill you if you are responsible!!!" The panther covered six feet in a split second and had the Alsatian up against the wall kicking helplessly as he was lifted off the ground by his shirt. "Oh it was me don't make a mistake." It spoke menacingly shaking the dangling fur as he struggled " It was me and I will do a lot more before I'm done and you cant do anything." It started chanting in a strange tongue and the struggling fur went limp as a glowing nimbus appeared around his head.

Dropping the unconscious dog to the floor It centered it's attention on Will , who was sitting still, very still in the damp bathrooms, with his heart hammering in his chest, a million beats per minute. The panther paced lazily over and sat next to the scared fox, putting one hand on his knee and drawing his own leg up to rest on the edge of the bench. It had gone completely quiet and no sound penetrated from the outside as the two furs sat in silence with the third sprawled on the floor like a limp fur coat.

"Tell me little one, I didn't mean to hurt you, I don't want to hurt you, am I truly that horrifying?" It asked in a tender whisper trying not to alarm the fox into senselessness. It leaned closer to Will swinging his languid velvet tail in front of the frozen fox's face seductively. "You do realize that I could take you if I wanted to, my dove?" It ran a dark paw up the paralyzed fox's thigh over the angry gash there and as it passed over the wound it closed up leaving behind only a tingle sensation. "He wont remember anything." the black feline gestured to the unconscious canine. " I want you to be mine willingly and for that I wont hurt you, I am not evil."

The fox put a trembling hand on the paw that was massaging ever higher on the insides of his thighs and shut his eyes tight as the tip of the tail in front of his face twitched irritably and abruptly. He said in a squeaky voice that quavered with suppressed terror : "I didn't do anything to deserve this, why did you choose me? Please don't make me do things...ulp!" His eyes widened even larger than before when the feline's claws gently started stroking the small tuft of soft fur sticking out in front of the fox's shirt. It whispered into a twitching black tipped ear "My sweet fox, you weren't listening to me were you? Relax all in your own time and let me answer your question too." It laid a tender kiss in the fur at the fur's neck setting free a whimper of unwanted anticipation. "I can smell that sweet musk of yours at a length and in it I detect a preference, a preference for something you hide and try to have it kept secret even to yourself sometimes"

The panther removed his paw from the soft furry tuft of hair and laid it down on the fox's paw that was constricting It's own. Now with both paws covering the small red paw in its own, It put its lips to it and kissed the trapped limb gently stroking it with It's thumb. Tears had stopped running down the smaller creatures face, while staring with that green eyed gaze into the panthers own yellow slitted eyes. His breath came fast and he leaned forward closing the distance between them and passionately kissed the panther, with a violently trembling body the little fox melted into the panthers arms. They broke the kiss and the trembling fox buried his face into the strong graceful feline's chest and he cried again. He cried in the dark bathroom and felt himself fall away into darkness and a restful sleep.

He woke to find Jay and Mark over him staring down at his confused face. He observed them from a distance hearing noise but recognizing no words. He saw as Mark took off his blazer and threw it over him and felt himself lifted off the bench, being carried away home by the large bear and his best friend fussing over him. Once again he fell away into


* * *

A week later Will sat at his desk busy with a school project that was due in the next day. The passed time since his last physical encounter with the black panther had seen a little fox, once jubilant, full of life and happy, now just a quiet shadow of his sunny self. He was constantly fussed over by his two friends. Jay had been told about the dark creature that had accosted him in the bathrooms and he was determined to keep this threat away from his helpless friend, Jay knew that Will was a little queer as far as his sexuality went and they had spoken about it a lot and despite that the larger Alsatian was extremely protective of the fox whom he saw as his responsibility. Mark felt exactly the same and they had both agreed to check up on Will periodically to make sure that he wasn't harassed again by the 'stupid piece of shit' as they referred to It. In the meantime Will wasn't so sure that he wouldn't welcome the strange teenage looking feline from paying another visit, he didn't know why, but he knew that for some strange reason he was attracted to It and was secretly longing to meet him again. Over the last week he constantly felt eyes watching him from shadows, deserted doorways or trees that provided enough darkness to hide in.

A large pair of yellow slitted eyes observed it's prey through Will's window. It chuckled to itself as it considered the two mortals that tried to prevent him from seeing his prize, as he shifted his grip to hold onto the tree's bough more efficiently. How the fools thought that they could truly stand in his way like they could really keep him away, it was almost amusing in itself he thought, such vain creatures they are.

It mulled in the tree staring blissfully as the ever present tail whipped about in irritation and finally it made its decision. As the fox turned round to look for something in his suitcase, It crawled up a branch closer to the window and wrapped the fine velvet tail around an overhanging branch while shifting It's weight forward, swinging across the intervening space landing right inside the windowpane gracefully without making so much as a leaf whisper by his passing.

The fox was humming in tune with the radio behind him. Will turned back to his work and didn't see It immediately because of the intervening desk lamp that separated them, but he felt that feeling again, like being distantly uncomfortable. He stopped fearfully and squinted through the lamplight, gasping he stood up and retreated half a step, falling over his suitcase onto the bed. It breathed a slow chuckle at the hapless fox and his clumsy escapades, before stepping off the windowsill into the room as the fox sat up quickly to avoid being trapped in an awkward position like before. Just a little nervously Will asked: "Its you again. Why do you keep following me and who are you?" he stopped and a little defiantly stated: "If Mark and Jay find out that you were here they'll sort you out, all right." "Ahh, my little fox you don't realize that that is of no consequence to me don't you? I'am not what you would call err 'normal' I don't abide by laws that mortals do."

It stood half illuminated by the light and Will noticed that the panther's body was almost perfect and beautifully toned and despite himself felt a longing for this strange person that's been following him for little more that a week. "Then who or what are you?" Will wasn't sure that he wanted to know but asked in spite of himself as his paw absently entangled itself with the beautifully groomed fur of his well kept fluffy tail which had started twitching again.

It wandered over to where the fox sat bravely trying hard not to look scared, then sat down on the bed next to him, his tail snaking around Will's waist while It also put a paw in the fluffy tail that was spread out between the two of them and stroked it appreciatively. It could smell the scent of that unmistakable musk that male foxes always had about them, with the faint sweet smell of shampoo that was obviously used on his fox's tail. "You know about the mutiny in heaven and everything that happened as a result of that, with Kerrigan being expelled?" the fox nodded, confused "Well I used to be a lesser angel and was a neutral force in paradise when it was cleaned out of all that didn't serve unquestionably. Too bad for heaven and too good for hell, well..." It shrugged "here I am outcast of both worlds except the middle, that is technically the arena for the war that wages. I am neutral my little fox and here I sit with you."

Will didn't know what to say to this story but he couldn't refute it because he had witnessed the power that this angel possessed and strangely enough he felt sorry for his would be stalker rather than fear. "I'm sorry." he said empathetically. "What is your name?" A velvet paw moved through thick fur and gently took hold of a scarlet one belonging to the sweet fur that occupied the seat next to him and said: " Me? Well I am named Rhoda, only Rhoda." "I think I'm pleased to meet you Rhoda, as long as you don't harm my friends." "As long as they don't try to attack me, I am generally passive. You seem to have lost your animosity for me little fox. Why is that?" Will replied squeezing a little on the larger black paw that engulfed his: " You haven't hurt me Rhoda and I've been thinking a little about you since I last saw you. I think that I like you so far, but please just don't scare me again like that, ok?"

Will folded his tail up behind him and shifted closer to the sleek haired angel that didn't seem all that scary anymore and put his arm around Rhoda's waist while resting his own head on the angel's shoulder. Rhoda did the same and sniffed a little at the fox's hair while stroking the single detached lock that permanently seemed to close over the fox's one eye.

" I should go soon my sweet Will." he said regretfully. "Would you kiss me Will? If I asked instead?" Will looked at the angel and started trembling, very unsure of what to do. Instead he just closed his eyes, whipped the rebellious lock of hair out of his face and opened his mouth. Rhoda didn't wait for a second invitation and leaned down to plant his lips firmly on that of the fox that was snuggled against him. The kiss lingered for a minute then they broke it off a little regretfully. Rhoda stood up and his sheath throbbed, it never occurred to him that the hunt could be fun without having to pull down and subdue the prey. "You will see me again my little fox." with that the panther and his languid tail disappeared though the still open window."

Will sat on his bed in a certain unbelievable wonder at the way his life had just changed and smiled to himself slightly, not sure what to think he went to take a bath and paw off with thoughts of his new friend in mind.

* * *

Rhoda moved swift, a black arrow cutting through the light while he stalked two old associates of his who were moving in the direction of the school cutting though the abandoned golf course. The huge, ugly rottweiler and his only slightly smaller counterpart tried to look inconspicuous but failed miserably as a dog 8 feet high with fangs to match was something you had trouble not noticing, his smaller wolf companion was handsome but in an eerie way that also was not easily disguised.

Rhoda moved alongside them a small distance off to the side. The two canines moved with purpose and seemed very nervous. Rhoda wondered what these two were up to and why they were so close to his new territory. As if that thought were the key, both of them stopped. The wolf put a restraining arm across the larger animal's chest halting him immediately. "Rown, keep quiet and smell that." said the wolf and the huge dog did as he was bid sniffing gently at first then more forcefully. "It smells like a cat, so what?" then smelled again and realization dawned on him: "A very big cat, yes, yes your right but where?"

The wolf named Ezra stood motionless, then struck lightning fast dragging out a black luminescent form by the throat. Ezra said: " Hmm, my dear Rhoda what do we owe the pleasure of you skulking about?" The grey fur stared into the felines yellow eyes and pulled him closer for a forceful kiss. Rhoda in turn reacted with great agility hooking a paw on Ezra's chest and kicking, hurtling himself onto a branch just above his downed associate's location. Rown stepped forward snarling menacingly at the sleek panther who was now staring at him with his slitted eyes: "I'll break down that tree of yours and ..." "Rown," Ezra interrupted " stand down, lets rather talk this through like brothers, for isn't that what we are, brothers?" Rhoda sat on his branch looking the other two fallen angels over. "Your in my territory I want you out, NOW!!!" Rhoda started vibrating like a suppressed spring, his hind quarters moving rhythmically from side to side, this was a bad sign and Rown realized it an instant too late. The dark form of Rhoda flung itself at the black and brown rottweiler then at Ezra. Rown was on his back and out as a candle while Ezra found himself being dazedly pinned on his belly both arms twisted behind his back. Rhoda was threatening to dislocate both limbs. He said: