Just another love story (maybe) pt.1

Story by ShadowLightning on SoFurry

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Oh look, it's me, ShadowLightning. What's up? I know it's been awhile since I last uploaded anything. I'm kind of having a writer's block with the other series so I took some time off of it and wrote this one. This may or may not become a story series. I don't want to give any false promises so I'm still thinking about it. Anyway, please comment and/or rate. Constructive criticism would be nice.

The day started out like any other normal day would. Well, other than the weather being a little chilly, everything else is pretty good. I don't see why I should even get up today. I mean, it's a Saturday after all. Sure, the weather is fine and all, but I'm not exactly the 'outdoors' kind of fur. Besides, it's only 9 am. It's not like I have anything else to do today.

Homework? I did it yesterday. Yeah, sounds pretty pathetic that I did it on a Friday night. But then again, I didn't really have anything else to do on Friday nights. Friends? I have some. A few close ones but they never invited me to hang out much. But when they do, I do my best to act as friendly as possible. It's not good to act all anti-social after all. But I'm not, I'm just really, really shy. It's hard to come out of your shell when you've got something big to hide from everyone.

Oh yeah, before I forget to mention, I'm gay. Yeah, big surprise, right? No? Okay. Not many people know about it. The only ones who do know are my parents and my brother. They weren't exactly happy when I came out to them, but they still love me. I mean, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I act differently now. The only thing that did change was the fact that I'm not interested in women. My family learned to accept this about me, and I learned to accept it myself.

Okay, enough about me, time to get back to reality. Like I said, it's a Saturday and it's now, I think, a quarter past 9. Wow, time flies when you're just lying here, thinking about stuff. I could get up and do something. Or, I could just lay here until I fall asleep again. I'm feeling too lazy to get up so, I guess I could go with the latter.

"KEEEEEEEVIN! There's someone on the phone for you!!"

Aw dammit, I guess it's time to get up. Oh by the way, my name's Kevin, Kevin Brown, in case you didn't know.

I lazily got off my bed and stretched my arms. This had better be important. I walked out of my bedroom and went downstairs.

"KEVIN! There's some guy on the phone for you!"

"Stop shouting, I'm right here." I tell my brother.

He gets startled. "Well, that was quick."

"Shut up, the sooner I finish this the sooner I get back to bed." I say grumpily.

"Well someone's in a bad mood today. What's the matter? Is it your time of the month again?" he laughs.

I fake a laugh. "Haha, very funny. Who is it?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask." he said handing me the phone.

"Gee, that's real helpful of you." I said sarcastically and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kevin? It's me."

"Oh, hey Jake. What's up?"

"It's Jessica's birthday today!"

Jessica Anderson, one of the most popular girls in school. She has been known to be the husky that has broken several hearts of many guys. So she can be a bitch sometimes. But she's still tolerable compared to the other girls.


"And she's throwing a huge kickass party tonight! You gotta come!"

I silently facepalmed. "You got me up early in the morning just tell me that?"

"Um, yeah? I thought maybe you'd want to go." He said. "After all, knowing you, you probably don't have plans for tonight anyway."

Ouch. "That hurts you know, right here." I say pointing at my chest.

"I'm just kidding dude. But anyway, are you gonna go?" he asks.

"I'll think about it." I say when a thought just occurred. "Hey wait a minute; I thought Jessica already threw her birthday party two months ago."

"Really? I don't remember."

"How could you not remember? You threw up on her sister during that party."

He laughs. "Oh right, I remember. I think that was the same day she punched me in the face."

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I was there."

"Really? I don't remember seeing you there."

Ouch, again. "You were probably just too drunk to notice me."

"Yeah, probably. Listen, gotta go dude. See ya!"

"Bye." I say and put the phone down.

I was gonna head back upstairs when I notice my brother standing right next to me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask.

He shrugged. "Long enough. So, are you going?"

I sigh and lean on the wall. "Do I have to?"

"Come on! You rarely ever leave the house! You have to go!"

"What do you mean rarely? I leave the house lots of times." I retaliate.

"Going to school doesn't count." he smiles.

"Well, even then, I still go out, sometimes." I said, my voice trailing off near the end. "Besides, why do you care?"

"Because I'm your brother and a brother always looks after his little bro." he said.

I look up to the ceiling and think for a moment. "You want to go too, don't you?"

"Yes! Oh so very badly!" he begs.

I sigh. "Fine, then you go. If Jessica asks why you're there then just say I said you can."

He jumps for joy. "Yes! Thanks little bro!" he says and then walks away.

Again, very helpful of him. I bet he just wants to flirt with the girls there, again. My brother, Kyle, is a college student. He's three years older than me so he doesn't get invited to these parties like I do. When I get an invitation to these kinds of things, I only go because Kyle wants to go. Well, I guess today's an exception.

I sigh and lazily take the stairs back to my room. While walking past the hallway, I come across a mirror and stop to look at myself. I am a red fox, with most of my fur red while some of the other parts white like my face and the tip of my tail. I'm around 5'6 tall which is kind of short compared to other furs my age. I'm 15 right now. I guess you could say I'm kind of slim. Well, not really slim since I'm a little chubby. Kyle says that I look like a girl sometimes. How I sit, how I talk, how I run around sometimes. I don't know if he's joking or not. I couldn't really tell. I have light blue eyes that sparkle under the sun, or when I'm crying. Right now, I'm wearing my red and blue pajamas. Kyle says that it looks more pink than red. I just hit him every time he says it.

I cock my head and wag my tail in front of the mirror as I look at myself one more time. I wonder if some guys think I'm cute. I laugh at the thought. That's crazy. Not impossible, but still crazy.

I walk back to my room, lay back on my bed, close my eyes, and went back to sleep. By the way, another thing about me is that I tend to sleep a lot. It's not because I'm tired or lazy or anything. It just feels like I should. Reality's not that too kind to me so I dream about all the good things, personal good things that is.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention. That guy who was on the phone is Jacob Harris, Jake to some of his friends. He was one of my closest friends. I got to know him when my family first moved here. He was the first wolf who actually befriended me. Most wolves would sometimes pick on me, calling me names. I just ignore them when they do. I know they're just joking and don't really mean it, well, most of the time.

I awake again at the sound of my alarm clock going off. That's funny, I don't recall owning one. I look over my shoulder and take a closer look on the alarm clock. I chuckle. This is my mom's alarm clock. She does this sort of thing during weekends, to make sure I don't oversleep. What time is it anyway? Huh, it's only 10:30. Well, at least now I'm slightly less sleepy. Then again, I wasn't really that sleepy before.

I walk out of my bedroom and head downstairs. That's odd. Something feels off. It's quiet. Too quiet.

"Mom! Dad! Kyle! You here?!" I yell out.

No response. I sigh. They're probably out, as usual, leaving me all alone in this house. They do this a lot. Leaving me here. It's not that a bad thing really. Like I said, I'm used to staying by myself. But I'm not saying I like it either.

I head to the kitchen and notice two notes on the fridge. The first note says: "Kids, your father and I are out to do some errands. Kyle, don't leave your brother by himself again, understand? -Love, Mom"

Well, that makes sense. But where's Kyle? I read the second note: "Kevin, I'm hanging out with the guys right now. Don't tell mom and/or dad anything. Alright? -Kyle"

Oh great, Kyle's out with his buddies again. Just great. Okay then, what to do, what to do...

Well, first things first, I'm hungry. I open the fridge and see if there's anything good to eat. Nothing but leftover pizza from last night's "social gathering". Kyle thought he could throw one without mom and dad noticing. And he did. I'm surprised mom and dad didn't notice the unusual number of pizza slices in the fridge.

I take a three slices of pizza and put them on a plate. I could put them in the microwave to reheat them. You know what, screw that! I'm not waiting that long. I instead just eat the slices the way they are. It feels weird eating cold pizza. Although the taste isn't the same, it sill satisfies my hunger. And that's good enough for me. I drink a cup of milk to wash down the pizza.

Okay, what next? Well, I could use a shower right now. I head down to the bathroom to take one. I strip my pajamas off, step into the shower and turn it on. The warm water feels great on the fur, especially on chilly days like this. The feel of it running down my body feels so good. The bathrooms not that much filled with things. Most of the shampoos and soap belong to mom, and me. My mom doesn't mind me using the same shampoo as hers. She says it kind of suits me. I'm not quite sure what she meant by that but I'd rather use it than the one Kyle and dad uses. I take the bottle of shampoo and squirt some on my paw. I then lather my hair, and then the rest of me. Oh God, I love the scent of flowers. Heh, listen to me, talking all girly all of a sudden. As I continue to wash myself, I start to feel uneasy. It's the silence of the house that's getting to me. I don't like things being too quiet, sometimes I do, but now it's just making me feel nervous. Well, what can I do to break this stillness? Oh right, sing.

I'm not much of a singer. The teachers say my voice sounds like a "soprano" or something. I think it means high-pitched. Anyway, I only sing when I'm alone. And I'm alone right now, so now's a good time as any. But what do I sing? I guess I could sing the first song that comes to mind...

Baby you're all that I want. When you're lying here in my arms I'm finding it hard to believe We're in heaven.

At first, I sing softly, but as time passes by, I get a little louder and louder. But I stop singing by the time I was done showering.

I step out of the shower and grab the towel and dry myself off. I peek outside to see if anyone heard. Nope, no one's home yet.

I head out of the bathroom and go to my bedroom. I take out a blue clean shirt and a pair of shorts to wear. Hey, I'm just staying at home so there's no need to dress up or anything. The party? I didn't say I was going yet. I'm still thinking about it. I didn't brush my head fur much. I don't mind it being all messy since I'm not going anywhere. Just as I was done, I heard the phone ring.

I head downstairs and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi Kevin! It's me, Kelly."

"Oh, hi Kelly. What is it?"

Kelly Miller, one of my best friends since I was just a cub. We met back it kindergarten and are best friends ever since. She was the first fur I came out to and she got me to come out to my parents. She's a great friend. She's a cat by the way.

"Guess what happened to Alyssa yesterday after school." she said.

I sigh. Oh no, not another one these silly gossips. "No, what?"

"Okay, so you might want to sit down while listening to this..."

"Um, okay..."

I take the receiver and head over to the couch. "Alright, go on."

"Right, so the other day she was out with the girls during cheerleading practice after school. Things were pretty normal until Jessica goes on all bitch mode on her. She starts saying how she was a whore to sleep with her boyfriend and all that and they just start fighting like an 80% sale went off at the mall."

As much as how interesting that sounds, I really don't care about whatever happens to the people in school. But I don't want to be rude so I let Kelly continue.

"I don't know how but it looked like the entire cheerleading squad went into total mayhem because they started fighting all of a sudden against each other. We're just lucky it didn't get that big."

"Where exactly did you hear all this?" I ask.

"Oh, I was there when I saw the whole thing happened."

"And you did nothing to stop it?"

"Kevin, these are cheerleaders we're talking about. They're not just some random girls we see walking down the hallway. Do you really think I stand a chance against them?"

I think for a moment. "I don't know, maybe."

"Yeah, whatever..." she says. "By the way, did you get invited to Jessica's party tonight?"

"Um, yeah?"

"Are you going?"

"I'm still thinking about it..."

"Oh come on Kevin, I thought you were over this anti-social behavior of yours."

"That's not the problem. It's just; I don't think I want to be around that many furs, especially the guys there."

I hear her giggle on the phone.

"What so funny?"

"Oh, I see the problem. You're worried about the guys there, aren't you?"

I feel my face start to red. "N-no! T-that's not what I meant!"

She giggled again. "Yeah, whatever you say. Anyways, I got to go. I'll see ya later!"

She hangs up, and I put the receiver back on the phone. I flop back on the couch and place a pillow on my head. Oh man, what am I gonna do tonight...