Tyler the Dragon, chapter 4

Story by Tycser on SoFurry

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Enjoy Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own characters, the rest are owned by their respective companies

Chapter 4

Someone is knocking on the door. "Tyler, wake up!" He recognized the voice but turns around on his pillows, hoping the voice will go away.

"Tyler! Come on dude!" The knocking grows louder. He rolls over again and opens his eyes slightly.

The light from outside streams into his room, just reaching the black dragons head as he tries to open his eyes. It's bright, too bright. He shuts his eyes again, groaning. He rolls on his back, stretches and gets off his bed.

Then he remembers it might be Deleria. He's instantly awake and dashes to the door and opens it fast. "Deleria! Hel-" He snaps his mouth shut as it isn't Deleria outside, but a wide grinning Solar.

Solar winks to Tyler. "Hey, so you like Deleria, eh?" Tyler just stares at him, then scowls. Solar laughs. "Your face, so funny. So, Deleria, eh?" Tyler is still glaring. He snorts, making black fire come out of his nostrils, then slams the door in his face.

Solar grins wider leans against the door. Tyler gathers his things for the school day, sighing from time to time. After spending several minutes searching for the books, he gets his quills and inkbottle. He packs everything nicely in his bags and hangs then over his back.

He sighs one last time and approaches the door to the hall. Solar hears him coming and quickly scoots back. As Tyler opens the door he grins again. Without even glancing at the fire breather, Tyler walks past him and trots to his classroom. Solar just shrugs and follows him. He has to escort him anyway.

After he turns the corner, he hears someone call his name. He turns around and sees Flare with Icy on his tail dashing to him. "Hey Tyler, everything okay?" Icy queries, looking him over. He nods and cracks a smile. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Flare nods and trusts his head to the hallway. "Come on, Master Maerth will get angry at us if we don't hurry."

The three friends walk down the hall way. Arriving at the classroom, most of the dragons are already here. Tyler scans the dragons for Deleria, but can't find her. He sighs sadly and sits down.

The couple sees this and glances to each other. Icy sits down next to the black dragon. "I'm sure she's fine Tyler." She says, trying to comfort him. Tyler sighs again. "I know, but I'm still worried."

Suddenly the chatting around them stops. Maerth can be seen from a distance, the whole class is silent as he lumbers forward. Arriving at the classroom, he looks around the young dragons.

Tyler wonders what going on in his head. The earth dragon opens the door and the students poor into the classroom. Each taking their seat on a cushion, in front of a small wooden desk.

After about 2 hours of explanation who his ancestors might be, Tyler's class is finally dismissed. The three dragons group up as they stroll down the halls to get some food.

"So Tyler, who do you think your ancestors were?" Flare asks as they walk down the hall. "Well, it was all a bit... weird for me. I already know I'm a descendant of Spyro and Cynder." He glances over to Flare. "That's true." He replies. Flare lets his tail streak against Icy's side, making her giggles. Tyler merely glances and turn away blushing, not believing they did that in the open.

Icy nuzzles her mate under her chin. "Tyler, we will meet you in the mess hall later. We have some things to do." He glances over to Icy, who giggles again. Tyler rolls his eyes. "Yeah okay, have fun." He trots ahead, turning the last corner for the mess hall. The couple nuzzles again and turns the other way in the corner. Tyler's mind goes wild with imaginations, trying to hide his blushing as he trots down the hall. He dismisses the thoughts before it goes too far and he needs to hide something else.

Entering the mess hall, he quickly gets some food on a plate. After glancing around the room, he walks to their usual spot and starts eating. He can't stop thinking about Deleria. Where is she? Is she okay? He sighs and shakes his head to remove the thought. "She's okay. She'll come around." He sets his mind at ease, for now.

He continues eating, glancing occasionally around the room for any trouble or his friends. After about 15 minutes of taking his time to eat, Flare and Icy, walking close to each other and nuzzling from time to time, walk into the mess hall. After gathering their food they join Tyler on their table. "Hey Tyler!" Flare says, just a bit too happy. They sit down opposite of Tyler, noticeably closer than before. Tyler's brain quickly makes up scenarios, blushing again. Thanks to his great amount of willpower he's able to discard the thoughts, now is not the time.

Icy glances over to Tyler. He's watching the dragons around him chatting and eating their food. She smiles. She found a way to have some fun with Tyler. She leans closer to Flare and whispers something in his ear. He starts grinning and nods. "Hey Flare." Icy says in a seducing tone. This catches Tyler attention as he looks over the couple. "Maybe next time," She continues, leaning closer to him. "You can do me." Icy can see Tyler blushing already, but he can't take his eyes of them. Flare sees it and decides to take it a step further. "What?" He says innocently. "You mean I should f--" He gets stopped by Tyler, who's already standing next to the table. "Okay, I've heard enough! Keep that to your bedroom will you?" He walks off with his plate between his teeth. "Sheesh." The two giggle out loud, enjoying their little prank they pulled. Deep inside he's jealous. But he cannot show it in front of them. They'll just laugh in his face.

He shakes his head as he walks down the corridor to his next lesson. He turns the corner and strolls to the classroom. Then his friends catch up with him with Flare still chuckling. "Hey dude." He snickers. "We were just playing with you." Tyler rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I've heard that before Flare." Flare chuckles again but receives a bump from Icy, making him stop, leaving Tyler to walk alone.

Icy glares at Flare and dashes after her friend. Flare just shrugs and follows her, but keeping his distance for now. "Tyler, is there something on your mind?" Tyler sighs heavily. "What do you think?" He says, rather harsh. Icy flinches back a little, not expecting him to react that way. She stares at him. When he glances over to her, she snaps out of her trance.

"Hey Icy, can I ask for a favor?" Icy perks up. "Of course, anything." She smiles at him. Tyler looks away for second then looks back at her. "Can you... Can you look for Deleria? If you have some spare time." As she looks into his pleading eyes, she can't help but feel sorry for him.

She saw what happened, it all was a big misunderstanding. On one side, they have to figure it out for themselves. On the other hand, friends are here to help each other. She sighs. She cannot ignore a friend in need. Icy nods. "Okay, I will."

Tyler nods his thanks and bumps her cheek with his snout. "Thanks Icy, I mean it." She smiles. "You're welcome Tyler, anything for a friend."

Then Flare dashes past them. "Come on guys, Master Toph is already in!" The two glance too each other and Tyler smirks. Then they both dash down the hall to the training hall.

After beating Icy in a small race, Tyler sets down besides Flare. Icy takes place on the other side of Flare, shooting glares at Tyler. He just grins.

"Listen up young dragons." Toph is pacing back and forth before his class. "Today, we will have sparring matches. " He looks around the group of dragons. "I will make pairs of you and you will spar each other, one by one. I will take notes about what you did and didn't do. Understand?" All the dragons nod with determination in their eyes. "Okay then." The older dragon looks around the dragon.

"Hmm, who shall I have spar against each other today. Oh I know!" He turns around and smiles. "Flare." The red dragon puffs out his chest. "Against...." Tyler glances to his friend. He looks confident, chest puffed out, smile on his face. "Icy."

All the dragons gasp and all the confidence is gone in the fire dragon's eyes. "W-what? Against Icy? Why?" He asks, looking at Icy. She's just as shocked. "She's my-" He gets interrupted by Toph. "Mate, yes I know." He turns around and looks the younger male in his eyes. "But she still has to defend herself." The couple swallows. They look at each other. Suddenly, Icy's fear on her face disappears and she nods. "Okay." She gets up. "I'll fight you." She looks him in his eyes. "Let's give them a show, right babe?" Flare looks into her eyes then smiles. "Sure thing!" Toph smiles as he ushers the rest of the dragons from the spar area.

In the meantime, the couple moves to the respective places across each other. They stare at each other, looking for any movement from the other. Toph looks at Flare and then Icy. "Okay, if you want to surrender, hold up your paw and shout, I give. Is that clear?" Both the dragons nod. "Good, now. Get ready." He gets ready to jump out of the way. "Fight!"

At the first second, nothing happens. Then, Icy makes the first move. She jumps up in the air and fires a beam of frost at Flare. He dodges to the left side and dashes to the dragoness. Icy keeps hovering in the air, wondering what Flare's going to do. As the fire dragons closes, Icy eyes go wide. Flare leaps into the air and fires a flamethrower directly at the ice dragon. Icy quickly curls around herself, creating a thick ice shield just before impact. Flare, not knowing she did that, smiles, thinking it's over.

When the flames subside and the ice shield becomes visible, Flare's smile disappears. Behind the shield, Icy releases her hold on the ice, making it fall down and evaporate before it reaches the ground. Icy smirks as she sees Flare expression. "Got to do better than that babe." Flare only growls and jump in the air, flapping his wings to gain altitude so he's at the same height as Icy. "Oh, I'll get you!" Icy squeaks as she flies off, with Flare on her tail.

Down on the ground Toph shakes his head. "It's a fight young dragons! Not a game!"

Flare snarls and fire a fireball after Icy. She banks to the right and dodges it. Knowing he won't be able to catch the faster dragoness, Flare slows down and hovers in the air, watching the dragoness like a hawk. Anticipating her trajectory, Flare blasts a flamethrower in her path. Icy just smiles and barrel rolls through the flames, the air movement distorting the fire enough so it won't hurt her.

"Whew!" She says in her mind. "Didn't know I could pull that off. Maybe I can win this." She gasps as she is confronted by another wall of fire. Not having enough time to execute another barrel role, she covers her body in a thin layer of ice. She can feel the heat through her icy skin. "Dammit, it's not enough!" The fire melts the ice on her skin before she's out of the fire. She screams as her back legs are being burned, almost losing consciousness because of the pain. She starts plummeting to the ground. Gritting her teeth, she opens her wings, hoping to catch enough wind to fly up again. Sadly, she's fallen too far and is going too fast to fly up again. Upon impacting the ground, she can hear something snap as she bounces across the floor. After coming to a halt, she holds her breath, trying to ignore the pain and listening on what Flare is doing.

Flare watched this with wide eyes. After she came to a halt, he dashes to her. "Icy! Are you alright?" To the side Toph is wondering why Icy didn't surrender yet, she's obviously hurt. He decides to watch it play out for a while. Out on the field Flare approached Icy, having forgetting completely about what they were doing. "Icy, say something!" Flare says, with worry in his voice. In one sudden movement, Icy whirls around, startling Flare and slapping him in the face with the flat of her tail blade. Flare, not expecting the move is a bit dazed by the blow. As he blinks a few times, trying to clear his vision he sees a white beam striking him, freezing his paws and tail to the ground. He's been beaten.

He's just too shocked to speak. Icy approaches him and pecks him on his cheek. "I don't know if you let me win or if I won for real, but thanks for the practice." She smiles at him. He can't help it but smile back. The rest of the class cheers for Icy, amazed by her skills in battle.

"Very well done Icy." She looks back over her shoulder to see Toph approaching with a big smile on his face. "I'm proud of you. As for you Flare." He glances over at the fire breather, who dropped his head in shame. "You fell for the cheapest trick in the book." Flare slumps his shoulder, wanting nothing else then to disappear right now.

"But, you care for your dragoness. You were worried. I can respect that." He turns his head to Icy and nods. She gets the clue and unfreezes the male's paws and tail. Icy walks up to her mate and nuzzles him. "Sorry for pulling such a cheap trick on you." Flare only sighs and he nuzzles back. "No, it's okay, it was a fair fight. You won on your own." Icy smiles as the nuzzling ends. As the adrenaline wears off, the pain from the burn wound comes rushing back to the ice dragoness, making her gasp as she falls on her knees. "Icy!" Flare says alarmed. "Her back legs are burnt. She needs medical treatment. Those burns look bad and the dislocated wing has to be fixed." He looks at Flare, who's still looking worried. "Flare, can you take her there?" He looks up. He can also see the worry in his eye for his student. Flare nods. "I'm the one who did this, so I could take her." He walks alongside the ice dragon and drapes a wing over her back to help her up. Icy hisses at the stinging feelings in her back legs but tries to walk anyway. Slowly they limp, with her dislocated wing hanging limply at her side, away to the infirmary.

As Toph walks back over to the rest of the class, Tyler can only watch in amazement what he just saw. "Those moves that Icy pulled, not bad. Would love to go up against her sometime." He gets knocked out of his thought by Toph's voice. "That will be all for today young ones. Go freshen up for your next class." The class proceeds to gather their things as they file out of the training room. "I will see you not tomorrow, but the day after."

A few of the dragons murmur something in response. The teacher looks at the dragons that leave his room. All of them have a great potential to become strong dragons. He sighs heavily as the last dragon leaves. He gathers his things and goes about his business for the rest of the day.

As Tyler strolls through the halls, moving towards the mess hall, he decides to go to the infirmary to check on his friends. He finds the infirmary quickly and steps inside. The walls are white, there are beds everywhere, some with their curtains hiding whatever is happening inside.

After asking a dragon where Icy is, he walks up to a bed with the curtains around it. As he is just about to open the curtain he hears a voice inside. "I'm so sorry for burning you love. I expected to you to dodge it again." Tyler hears Icy sigh. "It's fine babe. It was a real fight, these things happen."

Tyler pushes away the curtains to reveal Flare nuzzled up too Icy. As soon as they hear something Flare sits up, looking a bit embarrassed. "Hey guys." Tyler says softly. He sees her wing has been fixed already. It was only dislocated anyway. "How are your back legs Icy?" He asks, looking at them. She wiggles them a bit. "They are fine now." Tyler sits down, not too close to the couple. "Those moves you pulled were pretty awesome." He comments. Icy giggles. "Thanks Tyler. Coming from you, that must mean a lot."

Flare just stares at the white sheets they are sitting and laying on. Tyler notices this. "Anything on your mind Flare?" He looks up at Tyler, then glances at Icy. "It's just." He begins. "I want a rematch." It stays quiet for a few seconds. Then Icy smiles and nods. "I would like that very much." Flare lightens up. "Really? Cool, but for now, you need your rest." Flare gets up and beckons Tyler to follow him. "We will come and visit you after our last class. I'll let the teacher know what happened..." Tyler rolls his eyes. "It's not your fault. Now come on. Bye Icy, hope you recover soon." He ushers the fire dragon out of the infirmary. Icy waves after then, then sighs and let's herself fall back on the cushion.

Within seconds she's sound asleep. Roughly an hour later she's awake enough to hear the soft padding of paws on the floor and a white blur sitting down next to the cushion she's laying on. "Are you awake Icy?" The white blur says. "I know that voice..." Icy blinks a few times to clear her sight and sees Deleria sitting next to her.

"Oh you are awake!" Icy sits up straight, not believing she's here. "Deleria? Why are you here? Where have you been? We were worried. Tyler was worried!" The albino dragoness hold up her paw, silencing Icy. "First, I heard what happened, is everything okay?" Icy ruffles her wings. "I'm fine, the burns are barely first degree, thanks to my naturally cold body." She looks at her legs. "Anyway, enough about me. Are you okay?" Icy asks, looking her over.

The white dragoness sighs. "I'm fine." Icy nudges her friend. "Are you sure?" She whispers. Deleria smiles. "Yeah, I'm sure." There is an awkward silence between them. "I need someone to talk to Icy." She looks up, surprised at what she said. "We need to talk, but not now. Come find me after the last class, you know the place where you can find me." Icy nods. "And please, please don't tell Tyler anything? I'm not ready yet." Icy spreads a wing to cover her friend. "I understand Deleria. But you have to tell him sometime." The white dragoness sighs and shakes her body to shake off Icy's wing. "I know. But not yet." Then her eyes widen. "Wait, what are you talking about?" Her eyes become slits. Icy just shrugs. "I don't know. Now please leave me alone, I need to rest." Deleria snorts and rolls her eyes, then pads back to the entrance. "Deleria!" She hears and looks over her shoulder. "Tyler was really worried, you know." Deleria just stares at her, then without making a sound slips out of the room.

Icy sighs again. "I know it's their business but I can't stand too see those two unhappy." She falls back into her cushion. She closes her eyes, too tired to think anymore and falls asleep in seconds.

After leaving the infirmary the two dragons go to their last class for today. Master Violetta lets her class train their respective elements, outside this time.

After letting the purple dragoness know Icy won't be joining then, Flare goes to practice his fire element as instructed.

Tyler's natural element is wind. Wind is a rare element. Being a black dragon, he can use every other element as well, plus some even purple dragons can't use. There are a total of ... elements: Fire, Water, Electricity, Wind, Ice, Earth, Poison, Shadow and Fear. Tyler can use all those elements, but not all as good as his natural element. Purple dragons can only use the elements considered positive elements, Fire, Water, Electricity, Earth and Ice. When combined these elements creates a new element called Convexity, a collection of all the positive elements. Convexity breath is a purple beam, however it has many different forms like bullets and shock waves.

Tyler is still learning to use Convexity, seeing as his natural element is a negative element, he has more trouble learning the positive elements.

"Tyler." Master Violetta begins. They are standing in the temple gardens, with the rest of the class not far away. "We shall continue out practice of your positive elements." She takes a stance a few feet in front of Tyler.

"First, a fireball." Tyler nods and takes a deep breath. He taps into his powers and fires a medium sized fireball towards the purple dragoness. Master Violetta uses her water element to douse the flames before they can hurt her. She nods proudly at her student. "You've done well." Tyler smiles and trots over to her.

"Okay, take a few minutes for yourself, I have to guide the rest of the students." With that she walks off to the rest of the class. Tyler sits down on his haunches and watcher her giving the students instructions.

Flare is only half listening as he glances over at the black dragon sitting on the side lines, his tail waiving to and fro. Sometimes he envy's the black dragon. He looks so tough, can control all the elements. Just generally awesome.

"Flare." His teacher's voice sounds, making him snap his head back to her. "Y-yeah?" She stares in his eyes for a second, trying to figure out what her student is thinking. "You can go back to practicing again, but remember, try some new things, don't be afraid, you have the control and power." With that she nods and walks over to the black dragon. Flare sighs and continues to practice.

"Alright, let us continue." Master Violetta says as she walks up to him. "You have mastered your Fire element, we will continue on your Water element." She takes a few steps back. "Hit me with your best shot." She gets into her ready stance. Tyler nods and concentrates. Tapping into his Water element, he feels the liquid in the back of his throat. Thrusting his head forward, he releases the water with a forceful blast. The purple dragoness smirks as the blasts approaches. "He also mastered Water already. If he also mastered the other 3 positive elements, he'll be ready to learn Convexity." She thinks as she jumps out of the way of the blast. She looks after the blast as it hits a tree, cutting it in half. "Oops..." She hears Tyler say. She smiles and looks at him. "You have a lot of power, good." In her mind she adds: "Maybe even too powerful."

She walks over to him. "No worries, I did that." She winks to the black dragon. Tyler nods his thanks to her.

"Alright." The dragoness walks back to her original position. "Electricity. You know the drill." Summoning his electric element is a lot easier. He lets it crackle along his body, slightly enjoying the tingling sensation it causes between his legs more then he should.

Lucky, Master Violetta did not notice as she has her eyes close, no doubt trying to sense Tyler's current. "Whenever you are ready, Tyler." She says, without opening her eyes. Tyler opens his mouth and focuses the electricity in it and then fires it at the purple dragoness. She does the same, making the forces clash in the middle.

"Come on Tyler! You can do better than this!" He hears Master Violetta yell over the sound the clash makes. Tyler generates more electricity, forcing more of the element into the blast. Slowly the collision moves towards the purple dragoness. Master Violetta notices this and smiles inside. "Yeah, he's more than ready. This power and control. Just to be sure, I'll check his Earth and Ice elements too." Instead of deflecting the attack, she concentrates and releases the element, making Tyler's electricity continue on a collision course to her.

Tyler realizes she's about to get hit and tries to break his attack with no luck. With a bright flash his attack collides with the purple dragoness. Tyler watches with wide eyes. The flash also attracted the attention of the rest of the class.

As the bright light slowly grows dimmer, de purple dragonesses body becomes visible, there is smoke coming from her scales and she's panting a bit. "Master Violetta!" Tyler dashes to her with a look of shock on his eyes.

As he comes closer he sees she's smiling. "Are you okay?" Tyler asks carefully. Master Violetta glances at him. "That much power, he could have killed me if I wasn't that careful." She draws in a deep breath and exhales slowly, steadying her thumping heart. "Yes, Tyler, I'm fine." Smiles at him, she walks over. The rest of the class has gathered behind Tyler, concerned looks on their faces, some even showing signs of fear.

"What happened? What did you do?" Tyler asks, visually relaxing now he knows she's alright. Master Violetta glances around the dragons before her, all are looking curiously at her. She sits down in front of them. "Well." She starts. "Instead of deflecting the attack, I absorbed into my body, adding to my own electricity." A few dragons comment how awesome that is. The electric dragons the most of course, they want to learn it too.

"But." She adds, making the dragons around her grow quiet. "There is a limit. The electric dragons know about this. Your body can only contain so much electricity before it wants to get out, not necessarily as an attack." She looks around the group, a few of the dragons mouths are hanging open.

"There are reports about dragons 'exploding' after supercharging their bodies. For this very reason, the guardians have forbidden me from teaching it to you." She glances over at Tyler, making the black dragons heart rate spike. "Of course, there are exceptions. You, Tyler, you have a lot of power. I had to discharge after your attack hit me." Tyler swallows hard. Then the purple dragoness smiles. "But I believe you have the control to learn it. But that has to wait for another time."

She looks back at the class. "Class is dismissed for today. Go think about what you have learned today." She watches as the class takes off towards the temple. Flare decides to wait for Tyler.

As the black dragon walks past Master Violetta, she starts talking to him. "Tyler, are you okay." Tyler turns around "Y-yeah." He looks away. "I'm fine." The purple dragoness sighs. "I'm perfectly fine, you dragon. I would not have let you attack me if could not take the attack." Now Tyler sighs and looks at her, she smiles.

"Now go, Flare is waiting for you." Tyler nods and walks over to the red dragon. "Are you okay buddy?" He asks, noticing how he drags his tail. "Yeah, I'm fine." He spreads his wings. "Hey, want to check on Icy again?" He asks Flare, flapping his wings until he floats a few feet above the ground. "Of course." He laughs and takes off to the temple, with Tyler following him.

Arriving at the temple, they see a blue speck on the main landing platform. "Icy!" Flare shouts and shoots towards her, landing gracefully next to her. Tyler landing a few seconds later. "Hey guys." The ice dragoness says. "What are you doing out of the infirmary?" Flare asks concerned. "They said I was ready to leave. All the pain is gone, so." She shrugs. Flare nuzzles her, making her purr.

Tyler rolls his eyes and walks past them into the temple. Icy suddenly remembers something. "Tyler wait!" The black dragon looks back. Icy turns to Flare. "Do you mind? I need to talk to him, alone." Flare can't ignore the pleading look in his mates eyes. He sighs and gives in. "Fine, just hurry okay?" He nuzzles her and walks to the temple. When he walks past Tyler, he glances at him. He can see the black dragon also has no clue on what's this about. As he disappears into the temple, Icy has approached Tyler.

"What did you want to talk about." He asks, staring after Flare. "I'll go search for her now." The ice dragoness says, making Tyler head snap back to her. "Really?" He asks hopefully. Icy nods. "Yeah. Don't worry, I'll find her." Out of pure excitement he nuzzles Icy. She only giggles. "Come on, Ty. I have a dragoness to find." Tyler chuckles and they both enter the temple.

As Tyler makes his way back to find Flare, Icy decides to check Deleria's room first. Arriving there she, decides against knocking and slowly opens the door. The room is empty. "Hmm, she's not here." Then she has another idea's. The bathrooms. She systematically searches the bathrooms, but she can't find her.

She sits down to think. "Where can she be..." Then she knows and dashes to the platforms. "I should have thought about that before." She sighs to herself as she jumps off the platforms and spreads her wings. She turns around, and starts to climb to the library tower.

As she lands on the highest tower, she already sees her target. A small door, leading to a small storage space. She pads towards the door and put the side of her head against the door. Everything is quiet. She carefully opens the door, trying to make no sound. The door squeaks once but stays quiet after that.

As he eyes adjust to the darkness, she sees a form laying on the floor. It looks bright compared to its surroundings. "Deleria." She thinks as she slowly approached the dragoness. "Deleria?" She asks with a soft voice, not wanting to scare her. "Deleria?" She nudges the albino. Deleria squirms and rolls over, almost hitting Icy with her paws. "Come-on Deleria." Icy says a bit more forcefully.

The dragoness sleepily opens her eyes and yawns. "Oh hey Icy, took you long enough." She sits up and stretches. "Yeah, sorry, but now I'm here. We can talk." Deleria sighs. "Yeah." It stays quiet for a few minutes, both don't really know what to say.

"How's Tyler?" Deleria asks, carefully. Icy flinches at the question, not expecting her to ask that. "He's.... worried about you." Deleria looks away with an 'oh'. "You know it wasn't his choice." Icy says softly. Deleria sighs. "Yeah I know." She collapses on the floor and lays her head on her paws. "I... I panicked." Her eyes gloss over, she's trying not to cry. "I made a fool of myself."

Without saying anyway Icy walks over to her and lays down next to the albino. "Listen, Tyler is really worried about you. He really cares about you." Deleria lifts her head to look at the ice dragoness. "He really does Deleria, he cares a lot for you." In her head she adds: "More then you know.". Deleria rests her head on her paws again. "I should tell him that I... that I made a mistake, but I don't-."

She gets cut off by Icy as she stands up. "Listen Deleria, I'm willing to help you. But only if you tell him today." She walks towards the door. "We are planning on going to the city later today. Be on the main platform in about 2 hours. I'll guide him to you, you have to do the rest. You have to fix this Deleria, you can't avoid each other forever." With that she disappears from the little room and leaving Deleria to her thoughts.

Once outside, Icy shakes her head. _"She needs to see him for what he does. I hope this works." _With that she leaps from the tower and glides down to the platform and enters the temple. She makes her way to the mess hall, look for her two friends.

After finding them behind their usual table with their plates full of food, she sits down on her haunches next to Flare. He nuzzles her again, happy she's back. "So, did you find her?" Icy steals a piece of meat from her mates plate. "Uhm..." _"What should I say? What would she want me to say? For the plan to work I have to say no." _She sighs. "No, sorry Tyler."

The black dragon sighs and continues eating. Icy pokes Flare and stares at him. He gets it and rolls his eyes. "Hey buddy, listen. We are going to the city for an hour or so, you want to come along?"

Tyler thinks about it. "Maybe I should go, to clear my mind. But, no, I need to tell the guardians. They need to know." He shakes his head. "No, not now. I have to do something first. I'll catch up with you later." The fire dragon shrugs. "Fine by me." He and Icy get up. "See you later then."

They walk away, side by side. Then Icy wraps her tail around Flare's. Tyler sees him looking at her and then Icy kisses him, on his mouth. The kiss doesn't take long but long enough to get Tyler's mind racing gain. The two lovers disappear from view as they leave the room.

Tyler quickly shakes the thoughts from his mind before it goes too far. He sighs deep, then stands up, puts his plate away and enters the hall, en route to the guardians room. As he turns the last corner, he sees a white dragon's tail disappear from view around a corner. His mind instantly thinks of Deleria as he dashes to the corner. Taking a careful peak around, he see the white dragoness enter a bathroom. The black dragon considered following her, be decides against it.

Sighing he decides to leave her alone for now. He's seen her, she's okay. He's... content now. He makes his way to the platforms and looks at the city below. Flare and Icy are somewhere in there. He takes off towards the city, the wind howling past him.

Using his wind element he streamlines the wind across his body, picking up speed. Just as he flies past the last temple tower, his eyesight starts flashing and blurring, making him sway to the right, narrowly avoiding the tower. He tried blinking with his eyes but it doesn't go away. Then he notices he's only a few feet from impacting the ground. He screams as he spreads his wings, knowing it's to later. Luckily for him, he loses conscious before he impacts the ground.

He awakens by the sound of a fire raging and the smell of burning wood. He's laying on his side, his eyes slowly open. What he sees scares him deep down. He's laying in a crater on the road, but that's not the thing that scares him. He lifts his head to get a better view. Everything around him is in flames. All the houses are slowly burning away, a red glow colors the sky. Fear grips his heart. He tries to stand up and walks out from the crater. He looks around, not knowing what to do.

Then he looks to the end of the street. Something compels him to walk there. He decides to do so. On his left side there is a dead, smoking dragon fire dragons, trying to protect her hatchling. The small dragon is laying on its back, not breathing.

Tyler tries his best not to look at it. "Who could do such a thing?" He asks himself. He dashes down the street and turns the corner. What he sees then makes the black dragon cry out. Flare and Icy are laying opposite of each other, their paws touching. Burn and scratch marks are visible over both their bodies. "Flare!" He dashes towards them. "Icy!" Tears start to stream down his face. "No..." He shakes his head. "No, this can't be happening!" Suddenly, an evil laugh can be heard. "This is all your fault!" The warped voice says. "It's all you!" The laughing continues. "What did I do!" The crying black dragon yells to the sky. "Tell me!" The laughing stops. "You were born!" The warped voice yells. Tyler flinches at the answer. "What? I don't understand!" The warped voice snorts. "I know, I want to keep it that way. Now, bask in the horror you have created!" The laughing starts again, but this time it sounds more dragon like. He hears the sound coming from his right now. He snaps his head around, seeing a black silhouette disappear behind the burning houses. Tyler wants to chase the creature but his body doesn't more. He can only look at his to friend. He collapses to the ground and screams in agony, release a massive shockwave of Convexity, obliterating everything in a 5 mile radius. Then he feels tired from releasing all the energy. He tries to stay awake but the sleep quickly takes over.

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See you next week!