Misconceptions: Chapter 3

Story by ForgottenRecluse on SoFurry

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#6 of Conceptions

"I know this place up in the city if you want to go ahead and go." Even with my eyes (mostly) on the road, I could feel when Zeke turned his head to me. The noise he made could have been one of acknowledgement or confusion, so I clarified, "Shopping, I mean. Since we're already in my car, it'd be just as easy to go now as it would be to wait for tomorrow. Only an hour or so drive."

"That's fine. I don't have anywhere to be." No surprise there. I watched him like a hawk all day and I don't think anyone except for me spoke more than a few words to him.

"Shopping it is." I whipped the car into another lane. Someone behind us honked. "So what do you do, you know, for fun?"

"Think." Huh. Not quite sure what to make of that.

"What about? Girls? Guys? What your grades are? Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine." He seemed the type to worry, though. At least, he appeared nervous all the time with the tapping and the never quite making eye contact.

I was being a good driver and looking at the road (most people I had in this car were impressed when I hardly looked at the road; it seemed like he would appreciate safety more), so I couldn't see the sneer on his face or the contempt in his eyes, but I could hear it. "Things."

Arrogant bastard. "Oh, okay." I checked the time. Fifty-five more minutes. I drummed my fingers against the wheel and let silence fall. If he wasn't going to be nice when he talked, then I wasn't going to play into his game.


By the time I had parked and we began to make our way into the store, I was about to burst with pent up energy and frustration. I don't think I've been so silent for so long in years.

The store was small, but that was the point. Its clientele was almost exclusively rich and male, and they would come to your home if you asked nicely with a few thousand dollars.

We walked in and I was surprised and more than a little relieved to see a familiar face. "Kelly!"

Kelly was an absurdly tall doe with fine lines on her face and just the faintest hint of gray in her fur. She looked at me with a frown, which only deepened when she saw Zeke. "Mr. Chase. I see you brought a--" she paused and made a very obvious scan of Zeke with her eyes, "--guest. How may I help you?"

"I need a room, along with everything you think will fit him." I nodded in Zeke's direction. "He needs a new wardrobe. I'll be paying upfront, of course."

The news that she would be selling a lot of clothes almost brought a smile to her face. "Of course. Right this way." There was contempt in her voice, too. But it was the familiar contempt of a rich person talking to another rich person in front of a not-rich person.

The room was spacious, with two dark wood walls and a mirror that took up the entire wall opposite the door. A bench sat against one wall while a large rack covered the other.

"Is this acceptable?"

"Yes. Just knock when you've found something. Try to bring in groups of clothes, so we aren't interrupted so often."

"Very well, Mr. Chase. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you, Kelly." She was just turning away when a thought struck me. "Oh, and try to find things that will bring out his eyes. They're very pretty." She didn't miss a beat, my dear old Kelly.

"Very well, sir."

I ushered Zeke into the room with a small wave of my hand. He sat on the bench while I closed and locked the door with a soft 'click' before sitting next to him.

"You might as well go ahead and get undressed. Knowing Kelly, she should be returning any moment with the first batch. She knows this store like the back of her hand." I snorted to myself. "I guess she should, she's the owner." All of this was true, but I wanted to see him get undressed without the distraction of clothes to try on. So I'm a little perverted. I could also buy a small country. It's all about perspective.

He stood up, glanced at me, then at the door. "Don't worry, it's locked. No one can get in without a key, and Kelly wouldn't do that unless the building were on fire." He flinched a little and shook his head. I smirked. I was a little nervous my first time getting undressed here too, but I got over it quickly. Last time I was here, I opened the door in my boxers and the look at that poor boy's face will be one I never forget.

His fingers plucked at the bottom of his shirt before it was practically ripped off in one jerky motion. He set it carefully on the bench before sitting back down to take off his shoes and socks.

He stood up again and stared at me, his hand tapping away. I tried to stare back into his eyes, but they flicked away, so I settled for staring at the rest of him. I knew he was thin, but he was much, much thinner than I'd initially expected.. His ribcage clearly showed, and I could almost feel that if his fur were shaved I could count each rib individually. I scowled internally. Fuck I just had to be attracted to a fuckin' bulimic or something. I made no comment though. He was clearly embarrassed, and, hell, I would be, too.

He looked at me and gave a pointed look at the mirror. "I'll keep my pants on. They're not hard to get off."

I rolled my eyes. "At least strip to your underwear. Once you get your pants off, I doubt you'll be putting them back on until we leave so you might as well save yourself the trouble."

"I'm not wearing any." It took me a moment to realize what he meant. Who'd have thought the quiet kid enjoyed going commando? It was a little hot.

"You have to have underwear on to try on pants. Not a problem though, I'll just ask Kelly to bring you a pair when she brings the first group. Do you know what size you need?"

His ears lowered for a second. "No."

I resisted rolling my eyes at his reaction. I don't know what size my pants are either. I have people for that. "Come here, I can check for you, if you don't want to take them off."

He hesitated a moment before he walked the short distance to stand fully in front of me. With him this close, I could see just how loosely his pants rested on his hips, which was a little hot and how his stomach curved in under his rib-cage, which was not. He hesitated again before turning around to present his back to me.

His pants were the kind that just pulled up under the tail instead of having a hole for it. This was a problem, since this meant that the tag could be on either side and to check I'd have to basically grope his ass. Normally I wouldn't balk at this, but I doubt he'd appreciate it.

Oh well. He didn't tell me which side it was on, so it's his problem.

I put my fingertips into their respective side of his pants and curled them to feel for the tag. My left hand caught something, so I moved my right hand to the base of his tail and shifted it to the right. I flipped the tag out so I could see it, almost pulling Zeke into my lap in order to get a clear view.

Thirty x twenty-eight. But the waist was too big. I pushed against the small of his back to let him know I was done. I looked down at his feet. The pant leg stopped just above his ankle, so they were a little short as well. I can always have a tailor look at him later, but for now a twenty-eight waist would do since pant length didn't matter so much with underwear.

Knowledge in hand, I stood and walked to the door. A flick of my wrist unlocked it. I turned to Zeke, "Stay here. I'm gonna go tell Kelly." I opened the door and almost ran into Kelly on my way out.


"Not a problem, sir. Is there something you needed?" She idly shifted the stack of clothes in her arms.

"Um, yes. It appears my guest has forgotten his underwear. Could you get a pair? Twenty-eight waist."

She nodded once. "Of course, sir. Most of these," she gestured to the clothes, "are shirts. Go ahead and take them in for him to try. I'll return shortly with some undergarments."


She nodded once more in acknowledgement and held out the clothes. The clothes changing hands involved a fair amount of fumbling on my part. I turned back to the door with little dignity left intact.

Zeke was sitting on the bench when I entered. His eyebrows flickered when he saw I was carrying clothes. "Kelly said they're mostly shirts. I figure any pants can wait until she gets back with some underwear." He nodded.

He was just taking off his third shirt when a knock on the door announced Kelly. She didn't have any clothes, but she did have the underwear, as promised. Claws made quick work of the plastic wrapping.

I held the underwear out to him and he took it. I sat down on the bench and raised a brow. He was going to change, and there was no way in hell I was looking away. He sighed and I felt a small thrill out of finally getting a reaction.

He did turn around, though. Which wasn't really a problem since I wasn't that interested in the front anyway.

He jerked his pants down, which was a shame, because I'd have preferred a show. His tail, as fluffy and cute (did I really just think that?) as it was, covered most of the interesting stuff, but from what I could tell, his ass seemed small. Not thin, like the rest of him, but not a full, healthy ass either. Like Brian's. Brian had a nice ass. Oh, well. Ass was ass and if I think of his face when I fuck him then it won't be an issue.

A few seconds of fumbling with the underwear, he bent down and I finally got a flash of what was under the tail when it shot up to provide balance. Damn, it was smaller than I preferred, but it worked on him and that's really what mattered.

Once he had the underwear on, I steadily lost interest to the repetition of trying on seemingly endless piles of clothes. Oh, there were occasional moments where a particular outfit would make me sit up and pay attention. A tight-ish deep green shirt with long black sleeves with black jeans were my favorite.

All told, we spent four hours in the store, he got several new outfits, and I spent a few thousand dollars. It was worth it, though, because after I was done perving, and after the clothes had been put in the trunk of my car, he turned to me and his eyes met mine.



A/N: Um. Oops? I really suck at this whole serial thing, don't I? Anyway, the next chapter up will have some hyena/arctic fox action so yay! However, if my previous posting trend continues, you can expect it by summer 2013. But I do believe I've found a system. My roomate is gone most every weeknight and pretty much every weekend (I'm working on a sample size of 2), so I should be able to write without the fear of being interrupted or having to explain why my laptop with broken wireless is in my room where there'd be no internet.

At almost 1900 words, this is officially the longest thing I've ever written for fun (I believe). Hopefully, this trend will continue, since I tend to prefer longer chapters when reading, and this extends to writing as well.

Oh, and for those of you who like Zeke's POV a la the horribly named Interludes, there's one of those after the next chapter, which I've started working on already since it's a bit of a non sequitor from a chronological standpoint.

Please tell me what you think. I really am going to start trying to respond to every comment, even if it's just with a :). No better way to improve than by talking with peers, no?

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day or the rest of it as the case may be.