Threesome with One and Faru

Story by Faruzah on SoFurry

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No one can know a greater joy than snuggling between two people who love you. The warmth is amazing, the love is tangible. These thoughts sleepily mingled inside Faruzah's head. She lay on her left side, facing her mate One. Well, maybe not facing. More like wrapped around. And pressed solidly against her back and rear end was her male counter-part, Faru. No blood relation between the two, but somehow identical in looks and souls, save for their genders. Life long friend and other half on one side, soul mate and lover on the other. How could things get any better?

One had an answer for her. He knew she was fast drifting off, and Faru was ahead of her and already starting to snore gently. One reached down slowly, and tickled Faruzah's hip. Her reaction was natural, which was to back away from the offending tickler. Faruzah's motions pushed her ass further into Faru's crotch, causing him to stop dozing, and also causing small, tight stirrings deep in his own body. Faru smiled to himself. He knew what One was up to, and he decided to play along. Faru kept his breathing steady, and did not let on that he was now awake.

"Dooon't," Faruzah said softly and sleepily. "Bed time now, not play time."

"Oh yes, play time now," One murmured softly into her ear.

He moved his muzzle across her face, nipped at her neck, and then grabbed her side lightly with his paw, again tickling her. Faruzah whined. She had been enjoying the tender display of affection, up until the tickle attack.

"Stop," she said. "You're gonna wake up Faru."

One didn't say anything, just grinned slyly at her, and gently drew his paw across Faruzah's stomach. She inhaled sharply, tense, waiting for One to strike. He teased her up and down, drawing a claw across her nipples, stroking her neck and ears. Just as Faruzah relaxed, One quickly moved his paw up and wiggled his fingers in her armpit.

Faruzah rolled back and forth, trying desperately to stifle her laughter. In her flailing, Faruzah accidentally threw her leg up onto Faru. Just a little, but it was enough, and that was when her friend leaped into action.

Faru shifted onto his back some, while grabbing Faruzah's leg and pulling it across his own, exposing her lush pussy to One. With Faruzah laying on and across him, Faru worked the other arm underneath her, and reached around to Faruzah's crotch. He lowered his head and smiled against her neck.

"I do believe you said something about play time?"

One pushed himself up on his knees and forearms, wagging his tail slightly at the sight of his pinned down lover.

"Faru you sly fucker."

Faruzah lay helplessly against the fully erect Faru, panting in anticipation.

"Hey. Don't I get a say in this!?!"

One and Faru answered no in unison, and then laughed. Faruzah chuckled too. Apparently things were about to get better.

The hand that was on Faruzah's crotch gently pushed her outer lips apart, revealing a throbbing clit and succulent pussy to One. As if reading each other's minds, One began lapping at Faruzah's slit as Faru used his paw to tease her most sensitive nub. The stimulation was electric, and Faruzah's body tightened with the pleasure as she gasped appreciatively.

"G-god guys! A girl-ahhhh! could have a heart a-attaaaack!"

Faruzah stopped trying to talk as her men pleasured her. One with his tongue, eagerly drinking in her juices. Faru's finger pads caressing and flicking across her clit. Soon her hips moved in time with their touch, and after awhile Faru was grinding his large erection against her ass.

Faruzah moaned loudly, and tilted her head back, trying to kiss Faru. He let her, but only for a brief moment. Then he used his free hand to turn her face forward, and then held her throat with one large paw. He knew she sometimes loved to be dominated, and since the numbers were in the favor of the men, tonight was a good night to do just that.

One's tongue snaked inside her pussy, teasing and tickling, and Faruzah cried out in lust.

"Ooooh, oh I'm gonnna cuuum!"

One responded by grabbing Faruzah's hips again, this time to hold her still, and pushed his tongue in deeper, while Faru rubbed her clit faster and faster. Faruzah felt heat rise up in her face, and then something clicked deep inside her and she came. Her clit pulsed beneath Faru's fingers, and girl cum splashed up on One's face.

Now she was screaming and howling. "YESSS! OH GODS YESSSS!"

One laughed and pulled his head back, licking up as much of her juice from his muzzle as possible. Faruzah lay in the other man's arms, a quivering pile of pleasure. One pulled himself up, straddling her chest. "Now it's our turn sweetness."

Again almost as if rehearsed, One gently entered his mate's mouth while Faru took her from behind. Her pussy was soaking wet, and easily accommodated his 11 inch cock, stretching around it. One had sunk into her mouth up to his hilt, and he shuddered as Faruzah moaned in pleasure around him.

Faru shifted and pushed himself up, both to have a better angle in Faruzah and to support the combined weight. Faruzah sensed what he was doing, and pushed her upper body up, deep throating One and holding herself up at the same time. Faru grabbed her hips and waist this time, and started thrusting himself in and out of her. Faruzah moaned and writhed at this, but did not lose her attention on One, who had lightly grabbed the back of her head.

The three of them found their rhythm, and became a pile of moving fur, tails and wings. Entering in and out of Faruzah, gasping and moaning in pleasure as she swallowed each of their members. Her tongue worked on and around One's cock, teasing the tip and then engulfing it all 10 inches down her throat. Her own muffled moans of pleasure sent thrills down One's spine, making him arch backwards, panting heavily.

Faru was also panting, working himself deeper inside her, feeling Faruzah's juice ooze down his cock to his balls, which were tightening with each passing second, begging for release. He gritted his teeth and let his head swing back, he would not cum without them!

"I'm almost there," One gasped out finally. "All together, right?"

The other male merely nodded his head, while Faruzah moaned what could only be an affirmative down the length of his dick.

Faru thrust up inside his female form harder and faster, ragged bursts of air ripping out of his chest, while One's hips twitched and quickened as he howled and pulled Faruzah's head forward and held it there, seed finally pouring out as she drank it down. The sight was too much, and seconds later Faru's orgasm hit, and he drove his cock in and held onto her, twitching deep inside Faruzah, making her cum even harder around him. Her screams vibrated down One's sensitive shaft, and more cum oozed out as his screams of pleasure joined the other two's.

After what seemed like an eternity of orgasms, howls, and moaning, the three collapsed in a heap on the bed. Limbs were tangled in odd positions, but no one really seemed to mind. Faru slapped the bare ass that was closest to him and laughed when One snarled at him.

"Who's ready for a good night's sleep now?"