From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Ty's Scoop - Chapter 2

Story by coreguardian on SoFurry

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#14 of From Ice Cream to "Topping"


This is a NSFW story and as such can contain explicit scenes of hot animal fun.

From Ice Cream to "Topping"

Ty's Scoop - Chapter 2

The sound of the starting gun to begin the competition woke me back up from my imagination as my instincts kicked in immediately, sending me jumping straight forward into the water in front of me. Before even hearing my own though, the splash of the other competitors around me indicated I already lost precious time by daydreaming and realized I'd have to push hard to make up for it, however I was confident in my abilities to out-swim them all at the time.

As I dove through the air prior to crashing into the blue, I looked up for a quick second to see Coach waiting for me at the other end of the short course pool; grinning as he kept his arms folded and his paw on his stopwatch, obviously very confident in me and my success. I couldn't help but feel an even stronger resolve growing in me as I saw him smiling, his happiness the very reason I have any myself.

I carried that joy with me as I finally hit the water smoothly and transitioned into a swimming machine from then on, focused on winning as I steadily gained speed, catching up to the others quickly with little effort on my part. I knew I had the championship in my grasp, my focus paramount as I propelled through the cold of the water the best that I could, the blurs of the other contestants falling behind me on both sides of my person.

I tried my best not to smile and break concentration as I came up on the first turning tee at the end of the competition pool now; the key to ultimate victory always explained to me coming down to one's ability to pull of the turn round's efficiently. As I embraced for the spin I caught sight out of the corner of my eye Coach still rooting me on, his vigilance a reminder that he worked just as hard as I had for this day.

I could remember it well when I first met him, that sexy panther of mine as I slammed my feetpaws as hard as I could against the edge of the pool, propelling me farther away from the competition but sinking me deeper into my thoughts as I raced on to finish my first lap of six.

One day during my former years in middle school I was sitting in detention, in trouble again for my tenth count of being late, coupled this time with the accusation of defacing public property. I just grunted and laughed at all the lies the security would force upon my record constantly, I caring about it all as little as possible since no one else did.

I refused to let my reputation as a hoodlum bite at me subconsciously though; at least I never let anyone see otherwise. From the very beginning, I knew that everyone I met was always against me even before I ever said hello to them, everybody just automatically seeing the street thug I was thanks to my upbringing.

It was a necessary evil the life I lead however; eating alone for me contingent on my ability to steal, lie and cheat. I had no one to look up to back then in those days, my parents themselves absolutely checked out mentally as far as I was concerned every time I would look at them, the smell of liquor always on their breath. Home itself felt less like one every night growing up as I would return every now and then only to find a party of drunks and meth heads having a blast...

So for those reasons I never went home, when it was viable, a change of clothes really being the only reason I went back at all. Instead, I would honestly just take to wandering around the city and wonder how this place called Ardordon was often cited as "the best place in the world to live" when even as a child I could see how heartless this shit-hole really is.

I digress though as I sat in that small uncomfortable desk that day in the back of the lecture hall where they detained us so called delinquents; myself the only one captured today. I just stayed there still as possible, trying not to focus on the constant heat pouring into the room, the temperature itself the hottest it seemed all this year.

I would only wipe the perspiration from my face when it was overly abundant as time grew longer, I not wanting the staff to catch me literally 'breaking a sweat.' However, thanks strongly to listening to others growing up who sat where I am now, I understood it a common ploy on the administrations part to not pump air conditioning into the building so as to get me to crack and confess, though I refused every step of the way to cave in to their torture.

It wasn't until some hours had passed nonetheless I would start to fidget around, getting comfortable alone a growing impossibility as the heat only worsened, sweltering well above ninety degrees at the least. In response to such madness I grabbed quickly at my over shirt and pulled it off, the tiniest of any breeze the room held hitting me instantly, refreshing my soul.

I just simply sat there in detention bare, uncaring as to what the higher ups had to think and unflinching in my resolve not to give in to their punishments. I felt a sense of accomplishment in my defiance, as sad as it was.

"So I guess you're not going to tell us who busted out the principal's car windows then huh? Damn boy you're stubborn." The voice coming from the front entrance to the room startled me for a minute as my sentence neared its legal closing. I grabbed quickly for my backpack then, ready to dash out of this stupid asylum once and for all, but was instead stopped in my tracks as a man made his way in to the room and obstructed the doorway.

It was surprising of course to see Coach Oliver standing there, the muscular panther blocking my only means of escape with his sheer size alone. I knew of him of by reputation alone, but I had only ever seen him once before when I had 'unofficially' attended one of the schools swim meets, but always respected the impression he left on me that day. The way he commanded his team always stuck with me then and instantly so I liked him, even if ever since I avoided him around campus thinking myself unworthy of his time.

"Look Abrams, I understand it must be rough on you, you're record itself screaming obvious troublemaker, but why won't you just tell us who really busted up lady Pentithol's car? For once you're not at fault so why aren't you speaking up?" He looked at me strongly as I slowly sat back down in my chair; confused to how he could possibly know I wasn't to blame this time.

In truth that day I had intended to at least graffiti the principal's ride in retaliation for her giving me detention the week before. However, as I set about to begin tagging her whip this other kid I didn't recognize passed by me quickly and threw a large rock at me, me barely dodging it as he yelled something inaudible and ran away. As I got back up to my feet my immediate instincts were to chase him down, but it wasn't until I turned around to look behind me and realize that he had smashed out the front window what he had been meaning to do; frame me.

I worked fast to gather my paint and such, knowing the sound of the alarm blaring from the automobile would attract security soon. I started to flee, but I wasn't quick enough it seemed as throngs of adults started to surround me, every one of them obviously blind as to what really happened, each of them just instantly pointing a finger of blame in my direction.

Who was I to object? They all knew who I was, and honestly I grew tired of even arguing the point anymore...

"What?" I looked at him then but refused to look into his eyes as he approached the desk, papers in one hand and his other paw carrying what I would assume was my school file.

"Don't play stupid Abrams. I was just driving off myself this afternoon when I saw that kid throw the rock at you and break the window. Hell, I felt terrible just going home today without saying anything to the staff about it, but honestly I thought that you were going to say something, not just sit here and pay for something you didn't do." He said as he grabbed for a nearby chair and pulled it in, his presence so close to me then that especially with my shirt off, I felt a little unnerved. "It's a good thing it stayed stuck in the back of my mind and I came back, because they were going to leave you in here for a few more hours, 'just to give Ardordon a little break' they said."

I instantly threw down my paws in rage on the desk, frustrated as hell that everyone gave zero fucks about me at all. "Ugh I hate this damn place! No one cares. Why do you think I didn't say any thing? Like they would've believed me anyway... And what the hell took you so long to say anything either huh?! You're just like the rest of them!" I realized right away what he had admitted to me, although I regretted lashing out at him right away after as he turned his head away from me ashamed.

"I realize that, and I apologize. It was an error of judgment on my part, but I'm here to make it up to you now if you'll let me. Someone's gotta get you on the right path." He said as I actually saw a glimpse of remorse in his eyes. It was a first for me, to see anyone express concern over what they had done to me.

"What are saying teach? More punishment? No thank you." I said as I sat up and grabbed for my bag again and readied to leave, but was stopped by the panther reaching out and grabbing my shoulder back, his big paws reaching fairly far down my chest as he did, giving me a bit of a chill down my spine thanks to his touch. At the time I didn't know I was gay, but it certainly would have explained back then why it felt so good for him to handle me like he did.

"Now that's not what this is about at all Tyson. I'm here to offer you a chance at something special. Take it or leave it, that's your choice but you will hear me out completely." I felt the command in his voice, his presence growing stronger as he moved in front of me quickly and dropped the papers he had in his paw down onto the desk. "Now I remember you sneaking into the aquatics center that one time so you could watch the swim meet, and I recall thinking that it was strange of you to do unless you were genuinely interested in the sport, so I'm offering you a chance at joining the team."

I looked down at the papers then back at him, lost completely now at the facts that not only did he care enough to come back for me today, but that he even remembered me from before. "Well yeah. I mean I love to swim, but umm..." I didn't have the proper response for him at the time, although I think he got the message by the look in my eye when I picked up a brochure hidden amongst the papers outlining a routine schedule for the team.

"It's okay Tyson. You're welcome to join. Already spoke with your parents about it..." I could see the look of pensiveness in his eyes when he mentioned them, "and I spoke with the administration about overlooking your record this one time so you could join. You're a good kid I think, it's just someone has to give you a chance. I know that if no one had ever given me one I'd still be where you are today..." I heard him say it clearly, but it was the way he did that really confirmed for me the fact he came from the same humble beginnings I do.

"I umm... I don't know what to say." I was a mix of emotions; grateful, happy, excited to name a few. Ultimately though, I felt normal for once. It was a great feeling to say the least.

"Practice is tomorrow, immediately after school alright. Although why don't you wait to take your shirt off until you get there alright." He laughed then and I think for the first time in a long time, I did too as we made our way for the exit, a brighter future for me starting right then and there thanks to him...

"Ladies and gentleman, with two initial lap times of twenty nine point five seconds (29.5) followed closely by Aaron Shells with times of thirty point seven (30.7) and thirty-one point two seconds (31.2), it looks like young Tyson Abrams is well on his way to being the champ here at this years Ardordon Swim Off, where as you know competitors from across several neighboring cities gather, vying for that coveted first place win that guarantees them a place on the national level..."

I could hear the announcer blaring over the audio system as I started up my third lap of the race, a little fatigued to be sure but filled with an intense fire growing inside me from knowing that ultimately I was leading the pack. I pushed harder, fiercer as water splashed against my face, the outcome of the competition more than just ranking and a trophy to me...

"Come on Ty, you can do this!" I yelled at myself then as I switched quickly into a backstroke, the need for a small breath of fresh air to keep up the pace.

I would listen to the roar of the crowd off in the distance now, filled with chants and screams for their children and friends alike. However I knew my encouragement wasn't a part of their howls; mine more from a single silent source waiting for me to finish. "If I win, maybe he'll see how badly he means to me..."

I'm halfway to victory now, but who knows what miracles these other competitors have up their sleeve... Let's see what happens...