Forest Dwellers ch. 2

Story by Maverick Skye on SoFurry

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#1 of Forest Dwellers

"Hey Mika, Lobo!" A rabbit suddenly hopped off the couch and held onto Mika tight. "How's it been going? We were worried about you! And who's the fox?" She tilted her head and stared at him. "He looks funny. Cute, but funny." Bon-Bon was a younger girl, being only fifteen, but very knowledgeable for her age. Most people can't tell though, she hides it with her random weirdness and just being flat-out hyper. "What's your name?"

Maverick was shocked and took a step back. His colder attitude was gone, but replaced by a shyness. "'s Maverick..." He blushed. "Yours?"

"It's Bon-Bon! Cantcha tell? The long floppy ears? The cute and fluffy tail? The fact my big brown eyes are irresistible?" She and Mika giggled and Lobo walked into the apartment. Maverick himself couldn't help but smile at the way she enjoyed to joke around.

"What kind of fox are you? You don't look anything like Ms. Kay. Did you come from Alaska or something?" Bon-bon was staring even harder at him."


"He's going to come in and get settled before he answers any questions right now!" Mika said with a grin. "He's been living outside, and he smells like it, and needs a shower. Could you be a cutie and get the water ready for him?"

Bon-Bon's tail wagged a little. "Sure, be back!" She dashed back into the apartment and to the right, apparently where the bathroom was. Mika grabbed Maverick's hand again and led him inside. He looked around when he walked in, and there was the living-room, which was not too bad looking to him. It had a large TV in the middle, and a few video game systems under it in the entertainment system. The floor was made of light brown shag carpeting, which felt good under Maverick's paws, since he was used to walking on the muddy slums on the forest floor. His tail wagged happily as he looked around. The walls had beautiful paintings on them. He noticed one in particular above the love seat against the wall on the west side of the room. It was a nude painting of a fox, showing every detail of her in a very provocative pose.

"That's our dear Kaleigh. I think she's one of the cutest girls I ever saw, and I had to draw her. Don't stare too long and keep it in your pants." She laughed. Maverick was only halfway listening to her as he was still staring at it. "On with the tour!" she said as she grabbed his arm and dragged him along. He marveled at the entire place. They walked froward a bit and into the hallway into the right. He noticed that there were about 4 rooms in the hallway. "The first room on the left is mine and Bon-Bon's. Then to the right just a little further down is the Shield's room. That's Lobo and Lana's room. Then the next room on the left would be the bathroom. We only have one, so don't be greedy with it. Well, next to it is the half bath, but that's about it. Then on the right again is Kay's room. She's probably sleep right now." She peered into Kay's room, where she was, as Mika said, sleeping like a baby. "Best not to mess with her while she's sleeping. She's very quiet and shy, but definitely not to mess with while sleeping." Maverick made it a point not to even look in. They continued on to the end of the hallway and Mika gave Maverick a slight smile, and said, "This is your temporary room. I may move you in with Kay sooner or later. But for now, you can have the study. It's not very roomy in there, but it's something."

Maverick's tail began to wag wildly. "That's Awesome!" He yipped. "I actually have a room? A place to stay?" He then hugged Mika tight. "You're so g-great." His voice slightly cracked and he wiped a tear away from his eye. 'I can't wait!"

"I wouldn't expect you to be so excited to live in a study. You'll be sleeping on a love seat. How can you be comfortable?"

"Simple. After sleeping on the ground for 17 years, anything with padding is welcome." He smiled.

"Hey Mika...looks like there's no picnic today." Lobo said a little downheartedly as he emerged from his room. "I guess we're going to have to play some inside games today. Friday's always been our fun day." He then looked at Maverick to explain the situation. "We always did something together to kill time. Want to join us?"

"Sure. But I need a bath first." He said.

"Mav! Water's ready!" Bon-Bon yelled from the bathroom.

"Ok! I'll be in in a moment!" He yelled back as he slowly walked there.

"Hey kid, don't forget your towels. You're not outside anymore. Your fur is a dingy brown, and that's not exactly what I'd call attractive. Especially since I can obviously tell you're supposed to be whitish." Said Lobo as he rambled through the closet at the end of the hallway and threw him a wash towel and drying towel. "Don't come out until your coat shines."

Maverick nodded as he happily walked to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and took off his dirty blue shirt and his sleeveless shirt off. He looked down at them and grimaced at all the dirt that had built up on it. He really felt he needed to get more clothes. But he wouldn't worry about that until the time came. He then stripped his blue jeans and boxers off...which is something he hasn't done in weeks, and he felt refreshed that he didn't have any clothes on, and there was no risk of anyone peeking in on him either. He slowly lowered himself into the warm bath water and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Aah...I think things are finally looking up for me. I love it..." He mumbled to himself. He grabbed the soap and rubbed it in his hands and sniffed it. It smelled like lilac and he loved it. He lied his head back in the bath and thought back to the picture he saw of Kay, and he already felt he was getting a hard-on. He closed his eyes and pictured himself in the room, kissing on her, hugging her, and touching all over her beautiful body. Maverick's hand had suddenly slipped between his legs as he stroked his shaft. When he finally got his mind organized, he saw himself standing in the same room with her after the painting. He walked up to her without a word and softly kissed the lips of the woman he lusted after the moment he walked in the door. He took in a deep breath and slid his hands between her legs. She moaned softly and moved closer to Maverick and softly petted and licked his ears. Doing so aroused him even more since his ears were his sensitive spot. He smiled and slid two of his fingers in her hot, wet slit and she grabbed his long, hard dick and they began to masturbate each other happily. His fingers were sliding so fast since she was so wet, and her hand grabbed his cock so hard as she was pulling up and down. His mind was in extacy.

"Everything...alright?" said an unfamiliar voice. "I heard some splashing and..." The fox girl was staring at Maverick with his hands clutching his cock tight. He was completely speechless. "Oh my God I'm so sorry!" She said as she shut the door tight and ran away from the bathroom.

Maverick was still completely speechless as he stared at the door. "I can't believe that the girl I fantasized about was right there...and saw me doing that..." He sunk under the water. There was nothing more embarassing than having his first day at the house and that's the first impression of the girl he had a huge crush on before he met her.

"Who is the other fox that's in the bath right now, Mika?" Kay asked with a slightly disgusted, and slightly curious tone in her voice.

"That," Mika spoke as she was setting out the card table for the games. "Was Maverick. He's the new guy around here, why, how do ya know he's here?"

"Because..." She shuddered. "I walked in on him pleasuring himself!"

"Oh? Bet that was an interesting sight. He's quite cute, ya know."

"Sorry, I didn't get to see the cute side of him...just the..." She shuddered again as she cut off her sentence. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to look at him straight after that."

"Ah, you'll be fine. He'll be fine, and I'm sure you both are going to put this behind you after a couple days."

"Where are my clothes!?" Maverick burst into the room in nothing but a towel. His eyes instantly met with Kay and he quickly ducked out of the room and into the bathroom again.

"I sneaked in while you were...enjoying yourself...and I'm washing them right now. Just go and ask Lobo, I'm sure he has some of his older clothes you can use."

"Okay." He said as he walked to the Shields' room. He didn't realize he didn't knock when he, as soon as he turned around, saw Lana, completely naked, on the floor, stretching. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude!" He quickly turned to the door.

"No way, in fact...towel boy, you can join me. I'm just doing my afternoon stretches." She smiled and ran her hand through her long, smooth, black hair. Lana was big, like her brother. Both of the Shields were very muscular. But Lana had a lot of feminine beauty to her. She was a very carefree girl. Didn't mind being nude in front of new men, either.


"Naked? I know. I honestly don't mind. By the way, your bulge is getting pretty big." She laughed.


"It's need to loosen up. Go grab some of Lobo's clothes in the closet, he doesn't wear any of those." She laughed. "By the way, name's Lana. Yours?"

"It'" He stood rigid. He made himself look like a fool once, and had no intent to do so again. He went to the closet and found a really cool-looking sleeveless T-shirt and some blue sweat pants.

"Cool. Go ahead and keep the clothes. He doesn't wear them anymore, besides, they look better on you."

"Thanks. I need a new wardrobe. Anyways, it was nice meeting you. Seems I met everyone here formally except Kaleigh."

"You'll love her, she's such a sweet girl." Lana smiled.

"I'm sure I will." He smiled back.

He then set back for the study and changed his clothes. He came out and everyone was already in the living room sitting at the table, and there was an extra, empty chair there, obviously inviting him to sit. Lobo and Mika were sitting on one side of the table, at the corners, then on the left was Bon-Bon, and the right was Lana. Then there was one corner with Kay sitting by herself, and the last corner of the table was for Maverick. He felt a little nervous sitting next to Kay after their situation together earlier, but he bit up the nerve, and sat down.

"Alright guys, the name of the game is Blackjack. I hope you guys are ready, and Maverick...don't get used to those clothes you're wearing...because they're coming right back off...I did mention this is strip-Blackjack?"