Fox Fire 2 Son Of The Flame Chapter 3

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#11 of Fox Fire chronicles

Auther: i'm really, REALLY, sorry this took so long. my writing style might have changed too so tell me if its for the best.

18, bla bla bla


as Amber shut the door to the mating room, leaving Blossom to her duty, she sighed inwardly 'why most you be such a weakling?' she walked away, leaving instructions with the guards not to open the doors until they were sure she had done as she was told. Her claws clicked in the hollow corridors as she made her way to the briefing room where her generals awaited her

"Room, attention!" General Chris shorted, the others in the room bolted out of there chairs and stood at attention. Amber waved an impatient hand and they sat down, Amber taking the head chair.

"What have you to report?" Amber sighed, these meetings always bored her.

"mam, we have finally located those responsible for the death of Darken," reported Chris "they appear to be residing in a cave near a small village near where we found the freak." she had the satisfaction of seeing Amber almost jump from her chair "I new you would like to hear this. If we leave now we can be there by morning. What do you plan to do once we meet to them?"

Amber was so excited she didn't respond right away, when she did it was with her usual uncaring tone "we make them the same offer we give every one, I cant help but wonder what kind of worrier Dratine must be." she wasn't sure what to do about her male, Arthur. Maybe a good room, but she couldn't leave him free to wonder. 'Ah well, I'll figure it out when the time comes.' they conducted the rest of the normal report, most of which Amber paid scant attention. When it was over she made her way to the far side of the fortress where her bedroom was, far separated from any populated areas. On her way she came across Blossom 'god those meeting do drag on don't they' if she was done in there then it had to of been hours.

Blossom was leaning against the wall, staring blankly down the hall; Ambers voice broke her thoughts and brought her around. "Sister!" Blossom squeaked, startled "how are things going?" the two walked together down the hall.

"Well sis they finally found the people I have been looking for, I leave soon to meet them." as they walked a thought struck Amber "Blossom, would you like to come?" Blossoms frown didn't encourage her, but she wanted her to meet a true worrier, hopefully that would open her eyes a bit "there won't be any violence, I simple want to meet them that's all, come on, what do ya say?"

Sighing, Blossom nodded, she was interested in meeting someone who could interest her sister so much. They parted ways and headed to there own bed chambers, Blossom stop on a detour though, to see and old friend of her.

"Marta, Marta are you here?" she asked as she poked her head in the door. Marta called her inside and Blossom sat at the table with her, sipping tea and making idle chat. Once she had her courage up, she asked the question that had burned in her to ask for hours. "Marta," she lowered her face, her cheeks flushing deeply "could- could you teach me about... mating?"


Her armor clanked loudly as Blossom shifted uncomfortable. They were coming up on Dratine's home, and though Blossom had protested it, Amber insisted she ware armor and a sword. She waited outside the door built around the cave mouth. Amber knocked and waited. Her best soldiers accompanied her, waiting for her orders. Blossom stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder "maybe there not ho-" the door suddenly opened, making Blossom jump and Amber grin wildly with anticipation. The whole group gasped in unison as Dratine stepped out, Amber went deathly pail and Blossom blushed.

All reports had stated that Draken, the tyrant of the surrounding area, had been slain by a dragon and fox. Roomers had it that they had disappeared; even stranger roomers said that had merged with a small part of each other. Amber had never believed this, until now that was

"Can I help you?" Dratine asked, eyeing the soldiers. The sun was just setting and the area was bathed in a golden light which shone of red fur and green scale. Her face was more of a fox then a dragon, and her tail was longer and thinner. "My name is Dratine, I live here with my mate Arthur, and I don't know what you're after, but you won't find it here." she began to close the door when a hand grabbed the door, Amber stood hesitantly in the door way, staring for a moment before she spoke.

"My name is Amber, and what I have been looking for is indeed here, its you." Amber smiled as Dratine's eyebrow rose and she was invited in. as she was asked to sit and brought tea as she began to explain her reasons for coming "you see I'm looking to bring peace to these hostile and ungoverned lands, and I need your help in doing this." Dratine opened her mouth to speak but Amber quickly cut her off "I know what you're going to say, but you're wrong. A woman strong enough to defeat Draken is a welcome ally, and your very presence would help motivate my troops to no end."

"I don't know, I'm not the worrier type you see," Dratine leaned more into Arthur's shoulder where he sat next to her "me and my mate only seek a quiet, peaceful life."

Amber frowned "might I speak with you privately?" Arthur immediately took the hint and, after giving Dratine a kiss on the brow, took his leave, claiming to have some work in the kitchen anyway. "Dratine, I didn't want to mention this in front of the ma... your mate, but in truth what I seek is to create a paradise for dragon kind, namely we females. Males are the reason for all the violence in this world, good for little more than mating stock. if you join me you could live in luxury for the rest of your days, I would even give you exclusive rights to your male, and only the best female for your son-" she stopped abruptly with a hiss, she had not meant to tell her she had her son.

Dratine, who had listened with calm bemusement at the crazy story now gave Amber a stern look "what do you know of our son?" Ambers silence was answer enough "you took him didn't you, that's why he hasn't come to visit in so long!" she rose to her feet, giving Amber a vicious stare "I will not join your crazed army, and you will return my son, do you understand?!"

Amber looked about to try to persuade her one last time, but gave it up. "I understand," she rose as well, looking Dratine in the eye "it's truly a shame, but, since you are aware of our intent, and since you seem inclined to stop us, I'm afraid I must stop you here. GUARDS!" the front door exploded as six soldiers, swords drawn, burst into the room. Dratine jumped to the far back of the cave as the soldiers quickly closed in on her. She smiled at them, which caused them to halt in place, giving confused glances to there leader. "She took down Draken, don't underesta-" an explosion interrupted her as one soldier was blown across the room in a ball of flame.

The air around Dratine wavered in heat as her body surged with energy, they had expected an easy kill, they were wrong. As the five remaining soldiers looked nervously at her one suddenly broke off and rushed to her leader. A steel clang rung as her sword halted Arthur's as he nearly cut Amber in half "honey, you take the guards," Dratine shouted "this bitch is mine!" Amber seemed inclined to dual as well and as Dratine's tail trashed violently behind her and her fur stood on end she leapt at Amber.

The five guards rushed Arthur, they had killed many unskilled males before, but they weren't prepared for him. His sword clashed with theirs as he deflected two sword storks, as another soldier snuck behind him to run him through. as the first charged from the front he caught her off guard as he roared forth a torrent of green fire into her face, the soldier drew back screaming and clutching her eyes even as her comrade was knocked senseless by the flat of Arthur's blade. As the soldier behind him drew back to impale him the strong coil of Arthur's tail seized her by the throat, hurdling her into an attacking soldier. As Arthur fended off the last he continued to pummel the downed soldier with the one he had by the throat, another he had pinned under his foot and one was probably blind and no threat.

Amber cried out as she impacted the wall, her sword sliding across the floor as Dratine fist smashed the stone where her head just was. It was all Amber could do to avoid her attacks as Dratine struck ruthlessly. She jerked right as Dratine's claws lunged at her face, connecting enough to draw blood. Amber's foot faltered as she stumbled, in an instant Dratine's powerful tail caught her ankle and she was carried into the air, only to crash into the wall an instant latter, the floor the next instant and wall again as Dratine thrashed her around like a rag doll. Drawing a knife from her boot she stabbed it into Dratine's tail, bringing a howl of pain as she released her. Amber had no time to recover as she felt a great heat growing; she jumped out of the way just as the couch behind her exploded. She took off running in a wide circle around Dratine as fire balls exploded around her.

Suddenly the torrent stopped, Amber turned to find Chris, the first of her troops Dratine had taken out, holding her in a bare hug from behind. "quickly, I can't hold her long-" as if to demonstrate this she began to howl in pain, smoke quickly starting to rise from her body as the air around Dratine became super heated. Amber spotted her sword and dove for it, from the corner of her eye she saw Arthur, and he saw her. Seeing his mate in trouble he spun, knocking her troops away like toys as he came to her aid. She had barley enough time to bring up her sword to repel his, she didn't have time for this, the smell of cooking flesh was filling the room and the sound of Chris's screams raged in her ears, a quick glance revealed that Dratine was whipping her with her tail, opening long rents in Chris's back. 'This is bad; I think I bit off more than I can chew here'.

With a strong swing Arthur knocked Amber to the ground; he poised to run her through while she was dazed. As his blade sped towards Ambers heart a voice cried from somewhere behind him "no, don't do it!" the voice, high pitched and young, cause him to pause. Before he could continue his attack he heard a clank behind him then a sharp pain in his back. He looked down confused at the sword blade protruding from his chest, then up at Dratine, whose eyes were wide and filled with terror and tears. He dropped his sword, the tip having made a small cut in Amber's armor just above her heart. He stumbled against the wall, and slid to the floor, blood was quickly flowing from the wound.

Blossom had been waiting out side, still in shock from the likeness of Dratine to Alex. suddenly the peace of the day was disturbed as loud crashes could be head from the cave home her sister was in. she crept hesitantly to the door, standing there in horror as Amber was thrashed about and the other soldiers were fended off by another creature like Alex, a male 'his father' she was frozen with fear, not sure what to do, how to help. She was no fighter, what could she do. As Chris suddenly grabbed Dratine and her sister was let go she thought things would turn out well, but then the male attacked her sister. Blossoms whole body shook with fear as it became apparent her sister would loose. As her sister fell and the male prepared to strike something inside her snapped. It seemed she was watching some other woman scream for him to stop, some other pink dragon draw its sword and stab in into the males back. It didn't become apparent it was her until she felt hot blood pouring over her hands. She clasped her hands over her mouth in horror as the male stumbled away.

The sound of her sister's voice snapped her back to reality "B-Blossom? You... you saved me."

Blossom looked down at Amber, and suddenly she needed her more then anything. She through her self down into her arms and cried uncontrollably "Amber, what did I do, what did I do?!" she screamed, burring her face in her sisters shoulder as Amber patted her back. Amber was watching her two foes as her troops closed in on them.

Dratine watched in horror as Arthur collapsed against the wall, the soldier behind her forgotten even as it was disintegrated a moment latter. She rushed to her lover's side, holding his head in her hands as he began to become pale "Arthur, no, you can't leave me, you can't!" Arthur's hand ran over her hair, settling on her cheek as her hand closed over it.

"Dratine, run away, you must leave here!"

"No, no I won't leave you." the group of soldiers closing behind her went unnoticed as she spoke "Arthur, you promised you would never leave me, and I won't leave you." her arms rested on his back. "I'll never let us be torn apart again."

Arthur's vision was blurring, but he didn't need it to know what happened next. Dratine gave a short cry, and he could hear the crack of bone and the rip of flesh over it as Dratine's breast were pressed against his chest "Dratine, no!" she hugged him tightly as he felt fresh, hot blood washing over him.

"Arthur, I love you, and nothing, not even death, will separate us." she cuddled against him, suddenly feeling very cold, but then Arthur's arms were holding her, she felt his lips on hers even as conciseness slipped away from her. She took the kiss and his love with her as death claimed her.

Amber watched in amazement as the bodies of her opponents, locked in a finale embrace, turned to stone before her eyes. It was her sister's sobs that diverted her attention. She through her arms around her baby sister and held her close, she would be dead if she hadn't saved her. It was evident she wasn't prepared for what she had done, even if she was protecting Amber by doing so. Amber felt for her sister and tried her best to sooth her. She got to her feet and led Blossom out side, away from the blood and smell of death and burnt flesh. Her soldiers stayed back, still staring in wonder at what had happened.

A few seconds after the sisters had left the cave and Amber was settling her sister down onto the grass it seemed the whole world exploded in heat and light. Amber and Blossom watched in terrified amazement as a giant pillar of flame consumed the cave and rose up into the heavens beyond eye sight. The heat was overwhelming, the light blinding. Then, as it had never been, the swirling maelstrom of fire was gone, along with the cave, her troops, and the petrified bodies of Dratine and Arthur.

Amber and Blossom sat holding each other for long minutes before they were ready to return to the palace. Just as they were preparing to leave Blossom heard something coming from the rubble of the cave, a whimpering noise. "Sister, someone's alive in there!" Blossom rushed over to the debris, Amber following right behind her. They moved several large stones before they uncovered the source of the crying. It was a small monkey child, her fur was singed and she was bruised from the fallen rocks but seemed unharmed for the most part.

Amber lifted the child from the rubble by the scruff of her neck "Who are you?!"

The child whimpered more, shacking in fear "My... my names Tika, Dratine and Arthur are my mommy and daddy." she covered her face with her tiny hands and cried harder "and now there gone!"

Amber shook her, claiming she was a liar when Blossom rested her hand on her shoulder "Sister, I believe her, the fact she is alive at all speaks to her words."

Amber thought about it, then of Dratine, and then, for reason she would never understand, she thought of the male who was there son. They were great warriors, and they deserved respect, there son should learn of there death with the same respect. "Fine, I believe you Tika. I take it you saw the whole thing?" the girl nodded "theirs someone I need you to tell this about, so your coming with us." the girl put up no fight as they departed

all the way back Blossoms thoughts plagued her 'I killed them, I killed his parents, he'll hate me, how could he ever love me now.' and even more was the confusing thought as to why that mattered so much, they had met but once, under horrible circumstances, why did she feel so afraid of a man she barley even knew hating her.


"Alex!" Tika cried as she ran across the large room to him, throwing her self onto him and hugging his neck "Alex, oh Alex I was so scaired!" she buried her head in his shoulder as she wept, holding him with all her strength.

Having been woken from sleep he was still a bit dazed "T-Tika! How, what are you doing here, if your here is ma or-" he stopped, looking up at Blossom who had escorted Tika down here "what's going on?" he didn't like this, and Blossom seemed on the verge of hysteria.

"There dead!" Tika wailed "those dragons killed then, I saw her stab Arthur in the back with my own eyes!" she looked back at Blossom, then up at Alex "she killed them, Alex, there gone." she whispered in a cracked and shacking voice. She laid against him and quivered and sobbed, calming a bit as she felt his tail caressing her back.

Blossom fell to her knees, burying her face in her hands as she sobbed herself. "Don't look at me like that, please!" her body was racked with sobs as she shriveled under the hateful look her shot her "I didn't want to, Alex you must know that. He was going to kill Amber, I had to-"

"That bitch deserves to die!" Alex screamed, his voice cracking as well.

"I know that!" Blossom screamed, then whispered brokenly "I know that, but," she looked up at him "would you ask me to stand back and watch my own sister, no matter how evil she might be, die!" the room was silent for long moments, broken only by labored breathing, then.

"Alex, don't, she doesn't deserve your hate..." Tika whispered "she's the one that saved me, and she convinced that evil purple dragon to let me tell you what happened." Tika told Alex what she had seen, by the end of which he was emotionally drained; tears stained the fur of his cheeks. Tika sat in his lap, her head resting on his chest as she listened to his heart beat.

Blossom's hand rested lightly on his cheek as she knelt down beside him "Alex, I can't ask you forgive me for what I have done, but please don't hate me for it, I... I love you." she said softly, fear edging her.

"How," he whispered back to her "how could I, how could I ever," her hand twitched as she flinched, as if physically hit "how could I ever hate you." he pressed his snout to her muzzle before she had time to speak, gently easing his tong into her mouth. Her arms rested around his shoulders as she came closer to him, overjoyed that the weight had been lifted from her concisions. There kiss would have lasted longer if not for the gently tag at Alex's chest.

"um, I'm sorry to interrupt but," Tika said, blushing "but could you two knock that off, your getting me all heated up." she smiled at Blossoms reaction of shock "oh, don't be so surprised, I'm not as much of a kid as you might think, am I Alex." now it was Alex's turn to blush

Blossom listened in wrapped amazement as Tika and Alex told her all about how she had become a part of the family, what she had done often with Dratine and Arthur, and even a secret time or two with Alex, who blushed silently through that part of the story. "Well, I guess now are only problem is convincing Amber to let you stay here."

"I don't think that will be a problem," Tika said, looking up at Alex with a shared grin. "You just let me take care of that."


"What do you want?" Amber asked irritably, she had been preparing for bed when the guard announced a visitor. "If your here to beg for your so called brothers freedom forget-"

"I want to work here." Tika cut in "I'm not stupid, I know you won't let him go, so I want to be able to serve near him at least. I have been a slave before, with Draken."

This caused Amber to start, she then gave her a critical eye and asked "and just what can a child like you do that the slaves I already have cant?"

"well, it would be easiest to show you." at a nod from Amber Tika slowly made her way nearer to her, her heart raced in her chest and she nervously licked her dry lips 'I have to be quick, get her wanting it before she can stop me' she was in luck, Amber was only warring a night gown of thin, pink material. The delicate fabric was thin enough for Tika to see through and she got a good look at her target. She had to admit Amber was beautiful, her scales a deep purple and her body well toned and muscled. Once she was close enough she darted at her and between her legs, she panicked for a moment, Amber was taller than she thought and Tika was forced to stand on tip toe to reach high enough. Burring her face in Amber's sex she gave her a good lick, from Dratine she knew dragon pussy was quite hot, and carried a faint taste of chicken. As her tongue slid between the warm folds of Ambers pussy Tika found her self falling into the peaceful contentment she always did during this. The smell of Amber's musk was strong in her nose and was very sedating.

"What the?" Amber made a move to grab her, thinking treachery, but missed. She went to make another garb then she froze in place. At first she was confused, but the feeling soon vanished as a powerful heat consumed her body. Ambers mouth hug open as she fought to speak, it had been a very long time since someone had pleasured her, instead of her pleasuring herself with them. "What are you do... stop that at once." she said it but not loud enough to be heard. She felt her body grow weak and her knees failed to support her. She slowly lowered to her knees, Tika doing the same below her, her hands resting on the back of Tika's head as she began to moan. "Oh god... don't stop." she pressed Tika's face harder against her sex as her honey began to flow over the girls face; her body tingled with long forgotten lust. Tika tongue drove deeper into Ambers body as she located her g-spot, her nimble hands sliding along the inner walls of Amber's pussy as thick cum flowed heavily, bathing her small body in it. Amber panted as her body grew hotter by the second; she could feel the girl drinking away at her as her body responded to the feeling. With ever passing second her body gave its self up to the pleasure until it would no long hold it self up. She rolled over onto her back, giving her self up to the child's administrations. Tika moving with her, laying across her stomach so her feet, as nimble and dexterous as her hands, could kneed and massage Amber's ample breasts, pinching the soft nipple between her digits as she ground her own sex against Amber's scaly belly. The intoxicating smell and taste of Ambers essence was having the same effect as Amber was having as she her self moaned and whimpered into the woman's cunt

Amber's hips bucked as she writhed in ecstasy on the floor, her body twisting and her tail trashing as she held the girls face against her acking sex. She could feel warm fluid seeping onto her stomach, could smell Tika's arousal as much as she felt her own and in her excited state, she found she wanted it badly. leaning forward she grabbed Tika by the hips, lifting her ass into the air as she locked her lips over the small pussy, sucking feverishly as she drank herself drunk on the small girls cum, sliding a clawed digit or two inside to excite the girl more. Tika was set to moan and convulse herself as she was held upside down, blood rushing to her head. Her feet wrapping around Ambers shoulders as she came heavily into Ambers mouth. The scales of Amber's legs were slick with her cum and Tika's saliva as Tika continued to reach deeper into Amber's body, tickling her insides with tiny fingers. she found to her amazement that she could fit enough of her head into Ambers cunt to actually take her g-stop into her mouth and suckle it, the outcome of this was Amber released her and fell back to the floor, thrashing violently as Tika nearly hurt her with pleasure.

Amber came continuously, her nectar gushing from her body forcefully as Tika's whole head slid inside her, not a first but for the fact Tika was enjoying it as well and using it to pleasure her more. Through the haze of her mind Amber was faintly aware that the girl was actually pushing her self deeper into her, she could feel her shoulders disappear into her cunt, the small hands running over places she had never felt before. Tika was just as amazed as she climbed up to her hips into the woman, she wondered how far she could go as her tong licked deeper along her inner most walls and her hands massaged Amber's womb. The heat was incredible, the smell overwhelming, and the lust it created in her maddening. The walls of Amber's pussy quivered and tensed, Tika didn't want to leave but she was about out of air and didn't want to be in here when Amber came. Bracing her feet on Ambers legs she pulled her self free, an easy task since her fur was already drench and allowed her to side free easily, But not before she got a good idea of what kind of crushing grip Amber had. she fell on the floor between Ambers legs just as she came, having been forced through tight walls the blast of cum that hit Tika was enough to push her across the floor until she hit the foot of the bed.

The feeling of Tika's whole body sliding inside her set off feelings Amber had never felt before, and caused an orgasm more powerful then she could handle. as her back arch and her mind overloaded with the energy of her climax she still had time for one last fleeting though 'is that was having a child feels like?' her body totally spent and her mind numb, Amber finally collapsed on the floor and blacked out. Some six feet away Tika sat, bathed head to toe in hot, sweet dragoness cum. she enjoyed the feeling for a few minutes before she allowed exhaustion to take her, her final though being 'I think she will have no problem letting me stay now.'