Day 1: gauging

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#2 of Project: perfection

Dr. Klein has administered the intelligence mental resistance tests and has found the subject can retain alot of memory, has even recalled childhood memories in startling detail. Possible eidetic memory. I have warned Dr. Klein and all others working under to be very careful with sensitive information and passcodes. The subject's resistence is very high. This is both a blessing and a curse because we can study how a person with high mental resistence handles treatment and because this will be a long and difficult study.

When I observed the mana test, all the equipment fluctuated and only gave an "inconclusive" result. This may mean subject has null mana in his system or have atronachism, but the machines have been acting up lately. I will have to request a repair form for them.

The first hypnosis session made no progress. Dr. Klein had nearly drained herself of all mana and i had to replace her with Dr. Benson. Dr. Klein told me that she felt strange, like she wanted to push on and on until she pushed through, regraudless of health and safety. Note: keep closer eye on Dr. Klein and her mana use. Subject asked why we were trying to hypnotize him. I merely told him "for science."

The board is nervous about my conduct subjects and my research. I have done the maditory ass kissing of the board and reassured them that my research is vital to them and their profits. I'm glad I edit my reports more professionally than my notes, but those are typed and these are dictated to a computer. Ahh technology, it helps me with my research and and quells the board when they start to poke around.

On a side note, the security chief has been giving me looks and has invited me for a beer and a chat. I might take him up on the offer, but I'd rather bring wine and do something else with our mouths... and a few other choice parts. Why me when he has his choice of sexually starved and very fit guards is beyond me, but I don't question it. Maybe he has a thing for chubby foxes. I'm getting off topic... anyways, im ending my notes here.

Dr. Mitchell J. Straton