The One That Got Taken* Away [Illustrated!]

Story by Grin on SoFurry

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#2 of The One That Got Away

This is the second part of the 2-part series. I DARE you to read this whole thing without cumming until the end. ;)

Also, I really recommend reading the first chapter if you haven't yet as it allows the themes in this one to have a stronger impact.

Edit: Thanks to emeraldcistern for illustrating a wonderfully done picture of Kaz and Dr. Onyx. :3

Kazborn watched the fox in the hallway on one of the monitors in Onyx's lab, a tear rolling down his cheek as his mate left on a mission for the first time in years with nobody to see him off. It stung the wolf on a level he almost forgot he had after these past few months as he watched the fox get pulled onto the elevator and ride it nervously. The fox always hated elevators and the wolf always loved holding his paw during them. Kaz stared into the monitor longingly as his fox eventually reached the surface, steeled himself and left the facility to begin the mission. He didn't move a muscle until the elevator doors closed and visual contact was lost, in an hour the mission would start and if anything went wrong Kazborn would give them improvised commands until he felt it was a failure and ordered a retreat.

Until then his orders were to remain in the lab with Onyx and make sure nothing went wrong on their end. Just then he heard Onyx speak up from behind him, "Oh that's right, I forgot you told me that you two would see each other off for every mission. Oh well, you'll forgive me." The wolf's fur bristled (Not that anyone could see it in the guard armor he was in) and he turned around, his tightly balled fists ready to collide against the reptile's beak. The doctor was sitting back in his chair, with nothing but a lab coat on and his legs spread giving the wolf a beautiful show of his muscular, scaled chest and thighs. Some how the white lab coat accentuated the doctor's jet black scales, even his softer underbelly was a shade of grey not too far from black.

The wolf could feel the metallic chunk of an evil implant on his temple start working and quite literally lost the will to be mad at the doctor. The wolf never majored in biology so he hardly understood a word of what Onyx explained to him. However the basics meant if he felt anything remotely negative towards the doctor the implant would then somehow remove or overpower the chemicals in his brain making him feel that way until he felt happiness and arousal. Kaz realized weeks ago that all he had to do was stop getting mad then, however the doctor had a special way of getting to him that he could not ignore. Already he could feel his body heating up and his pants becoming incredibly tight, his tightly balled fists relaxing as anger seemed more and more ridiculous to the wolf.

Onyx gestured with a claw for the wolf to come over once he saw Kaz start to relax a little. Kaz obeyed, slowly approaching the reptile until he was standing between those large, spread legs. The wolf's ears were pinned back against his helmet and he kneeled down in front of the doctor, all he could do was admire the impressive physique of the man. He rested his paws on the reptiles inner thighs, admiring how the powerful muscles flexed. Kaz felt so small compared to the reptile, it was a weird sensation for the powerfully built wolf at first but whether or not thanks to the implant in his head he found he liked it.

Kaz closed his eyes and leaned forward, dipping his cold nose against the reptile's genital slit. The rich, potent aroma of the doctor's scent flooded his senses and his eyes rolled back involuntarily, Kaz was thankful he closed them to prevent the doctor from getting the satisfaction. However, even as that negative thought surface soon he found himself opening his eyes, half lidded and speaking volumes of the pleasure he was experiencing to the reptile who sneered down at him. The wolf could feel his own cock twitching in his briefs, straining against the now wet fabric as he slowly extended his tongue against the reptiles scaled and presented rump.

Normally the wolf was used to rimming his bitches as a courtesy before mounting them, most of the time anyway. Now it had been warped by the doctor into an act of submission these passed few weeks by the doctor and his terrifying implant technology. Still, he couldn't deny the pleasure he felt as the reptile let out a satisfied groan of approval and felt one of the doctor's large claws settle on the back of his head, scratching behind his ears affectionately. As more and more of the doctor's strong scent flooded his senses he grew more and more eager, his flat, hot tongue lapping at the doctor's tight hole. Slowly the quiet, empty lab began to fill with wet, slippery noises as Kaz rimmed Onyx more and more eagerly.

As the wolf began to genuinely enjoy the scents, sounds and feelings of the act the implant slowly backed off of it's control and Kaz was allowed the freedom to think freely again. Kaz noticed the reptiles black cock was slowly beginning to poke free of the slit, brushing against his nose and increasing the potency of the reptile's musk. The wolf knew it would take a few moments for the reptile to grow to full hardness, his member dwarfed the wolf's by an impressive 3 inches totaling a little more then 12 inches in pointed, ridged, reptilian cock.

Kazborn tried to focus on anything but the reptile's impressive shaft, demanding his submission and humiliation as it poked free and rubbed against his nose. Instead he decided to try and figure out how he got here, maybe there was something he missed, as long as he was careful and didn't think about his hatred for the doctor he wouldn't revert back to a mindless bitch in heat again at least...

6 Months Ago

It had been one day since Kazborn and his team received their new orders to head to Alaska and aid the doctor Onyx in his efforts to identify a possible new threat. Of course the orders were vague and the important details were left out. Luckily Kaz had some contacts at main headquarters and was not shy when it came to calling in favors about a suspiciously vague new mission. When the word came back that nothing was fishy about the mission, that Kaz should probably do a little background check on doctor Onyx he made the mistake of assuming it was alright to go as long as he was careful. If only he knew how arrogant he was back then, he assumed he and his team could handle any quirks or dangers the doctor might try to throw them into.

Once they arrived Kazborn noticed instantly he would have very little to do here, which was suspicious seeing as how meticulous his superiors were in making sure nobody on any team had any idle hands. He took this as an opportunity to get closer to the doctor by volunteering to work as a guard. His background check on the doctor was solid and the only curious thing was that he became an operative after becoming an adult which is an incredibly rare thing these days since most operatives are adopted at birth.

As the wolf did his best to impress the guard captain with his years of experience and volumes of superior training he found himself put in the most menial of positions. Kaz later discovered that the other personnel were regularly rotated between different jobs to allow enough of a change to prevent them from going crazy. After a week and a half of that torture he realized they weren't simply hazing him and went to have a talk with the guard captain who merely brushed him off and informed him that the doctor was in charge of the scheduling.

Kazborn was getting sick of guarding a rarely used elevator and wasn't getting any closer in his investigation of the reptile. After discovering the actual details of the mission the wolf was growing increasingly uneasy at the prospect of following Onyx's plan blindly too, what if he didn't know what he was doing and Decker got hurt? Kaz knew it was just his over-active imagination running wild because he was worried about his mate and made an effort not to bring it up with the team for fear of holding Decker back after finally getting a mission he and the team could feel challenged by.

Kazborn was lucky one day however, he liked to wake up early and go to the gym almost every day. He liked that there were usually only a couple, if any other personnel there. Today was Sunday though and he never usually went on Sunday, however he was beginning to feel really tense due to his lack of progress in his investigation and decided to blow off some steam. The only person there was the doctor too, "What luck!" Kaz thought to himself, finally a chance to talk to the reptile about getting more involved and all he had to do was play nice.

Kazborn approached the reptile in only his sweat pants, the wolf was never shy about showing off his impressive chest, abs and arms. Kazborn realized as he got closer that if it weren't for the fact that he was the only reptile in the facility he would never have recognized the doctor. The hulk of a man was doing crunches on a mat in only a pair of black cotton shorts that barely reached his knees. Kaz was standing behind the doctor as he heard the reptile muttering counts while breathing heavily. Every muscle in the jet black reptile was flexing against the tough scales and Kazborn had to seriously wonder how he managed to hide all of it under that labcoat he'd wear.

The wolf shook his head as he realized he was day dreaming while admiring the reptile's body just as the doctor finished counting and slowly layed back across the mat. The reptiles golden eyes eventually opening and looking up at Kaz with a hint of surprise. The surprisingly tall doctor managed to get back on his feet with a deep grunt and forced a laugh, "Oh~ Hey there operative, Kazborn! You snuck up on me! Normally I have the place to myself today." the wolf smiled and waved a paw dismissively, "Call me, Kaz. All my friends do and as far as I'm concerned we're friends." the wolf said matter-of-factly. Onyx was a delight to be around, so friendly and polite, Kaz understood why the reptile had no complaints about him on file whatsoever but that doesn't mean he trusted the reptile either.

The reptile smiled, "Alright Kaz! So, what brings you down here? I've never seen you in the gym before, first time here?" the reptile inquired while stretching his sore limbs. The wolf caught himself staring again and responded half consciously, "N-no, actually I've come down here almost every day since we got here. I just normally don't do Sundays, kinda became a ritual. However, now that you're here I wanted to talk to you about my scheduling as a guard..." and their discussion was brief.

Onyx had apparently forgotten that the wolf volunteered and since he didn't alert the captain aside from telling him he needed a uniform and something to do he would probably have left him out of any of the other guard's duties. The lizard explained he was feeling a little playful today though and challenged Kazborn to a wrestling match. If the wolf could beat him he would have any guard position he wanted, he could even be a trainer if he wanted. If the wolf didn't want to play the reptile agreed he would place the wolf in the schedule and he would be rotated fairly with the other guards. Of course Kazborn accepted the lizards challenge, he'd never been properly challenged in a wrestling match before and this doctor was looking like quite the challenge. Kazborn was confident that with his training he could beat the doctor's superior strength and then get a position training the guards and advising the doctor about them, thus furthering his investigation and getting a better place in the facility.

After a few minutes Kazborn was patting the mat in submission. Every hold or move the wolf tried on the doctor was evaded or reversed to the point that Kazborn was convinced he had been played by the lizard. Panting heavily the wolf rose to his feet once the hulk let him go, "Oh man, doctor. Nobody told me you took wrestling professionally!" the wolf panted, half joking with a forced smile. He lost, the bastard beat him, HOW!? Kaz kept replaying the match in his mind while the doctor shrugged and laughed, "Haha, no. I am afraid I lack any kind of training in the form of wrestling. It must've just been beginner's luck!" he beamed at the wolf. Then the doctor offered his claw in a handshake, "Good match, Kaz. Maybe next week you'll win, huh? For now I guess yer stuck watching the entrance for another week, eh?" the wolf shook the reptiles hand firmly and forced a chuckle and a nod. It was a fair contest and he lost, maybe he was losing his edge he thought but he was not going to give up.

The next week the wolf was determined not to waste anymore time, he worked out far more rigorously and went through his old wrestling journal to relearn some pins and holds he may have forgotten during all of his free time so that by next Sunday he would take that reptile down. When the day finally came the wolf was grateful that the reptile was there and as luck would have it, all his training payed off! He managed to last an additional 3 minutes against the beast before he was almost knocked unconscious by a surprisingly accurate sleeper hold that he moments ago just attempted on the reptile only to fail. The wolf had a bit more trouble forcing a smile this time as he shook the reptile's claw and the doctor noticed, "Hey man, it's alright. I -am- an incredibly fast learner after all. Tell you what, we can still put you wherever you wanna go, I was just having fun after all we don't get a lot of visitors up here you know."

Kazborn knew he had every right to accept the reptile's offer, he had far more experience and training then any of these guards including their captain. Now, however it was marred by the reptile's pity and Kazborn couldn't look passed that, "No, it's cool. I'm just not used to sparring with such a capable person, I'll win next week, don't worry." he chuckled now, his smile returning as did his confidence. Just as they were heading off to the showers the reptile piped up again, "You know, I could set you up with one of these implants." he said, tapping a barely noticeable metallic bar that ran across the top of his left temple. Onyx explained that the device was one of his inventions, easy to implant and remove despite being connected to the brain.

Kaz was not shy in expressing his distaste for implants at the offer, especially anything involved with his brain. However, the reptile was far too excited explaining it's functionality to stop himself. As they entered the empty shower room and started stripping down the reptile explained how it only focuses on mediating the flow of adrenaline to the right places to allow for faster reflexes. The reptile grinned and chuckled a bit, "It's probably the only reason I can manage to beat someone with such extensive knowledge in the martial arts."

This made Kaz's blood boil a little bit, he was going to be stuck here for the long hall gazing at the same metallic walls for months if he couldn't beat this reptile in a wrestling match. After a the conversation died for a few minutes and both males were about finished their rinse off, "Hey, so if I agree to accept this implant I can have it removed any time I want? It may come in handy for this mission but I don't want to rely on it forever." Kaz wouldn't see the large grin plastered on the reptiles face whose back was facing the wolf.

Kazborn asked for privacy in the matter after that, he didn't want Decker or his team knowing he was using an implant. They were barely visible as it was and Kaz's armor would be able to hide it anyway. It was surprisingly easy to get done and after a slightly invasive medical record was filed he was scheduled for the operation. Once Kaz woke up he found he hardly felt the implant at all, as if it wasn't even there. Onyx explained that the implant wasn't invasive and that when Kaz and his team finished the mission he would remove it if the wolf wanted like he promised.

Thanks to the doctor's abilities he was back on guard duty just one day after surgery. Mostly because guard duty only required you to be able to stand still for 8 hours a day. Kaz's desire to beat the reptile this coming Sunday grew more and more, he knew he'd win now. The wolf tried to test out the implant on his own but found there was no real noticeable effect, nothing like what the doctor described to him. When they met on Sunday he brought it up before their match and the doctor informed him the implant will only activate when he faced a real threat, not a punching bag.

The wolf got down in position and was prepared for anything. He had been training for a month and even accepted the help of this ridiculous implant, there was no way he could lose. The reptile however managed to find a way, after 10 full minutes of wrestling the hulk of a doctor the wolf discovered something was wrong. The world wasn't slowing down around him, he wasn't any faster or stronger then before and unless he was mistaken that's all adrenaline controlled. Instead however he found that his briefs were growing impossibly tight and every time it looked like he was about to lose he managed to escape the reptile as if he wasn't even trying. Was the doctor toying with him now?! Had it gotten so bad that the reptile was just letting him break free so he'd feel better?! The wolf was trying to get angry about it, anger would definitely stimulate some adrenaline if this seemingly broken implant wouldn't.

Instead he found his body beginning to grow irresponsive, every time he found himself on his knees or stomach with the large reptile on top of him he struggled to force himself to roll away even as the doctor made no move to hold him there. The wolf also found himself starting to pant with his tongue lolled out and felt like his cheeks were on fire. It was if a strange pleasurable haze was muddling his senses, the thick scent of male musk was in the air and it took a moment for the wolf to realize he was being rocked back and forth gently by the reptile pressing up against him. The wolf was on his paws and knees again and at some point Onyx had gotten up off his back and was now dry humping the wolf, "Seems like it really has been awhile since you've sparred with someone... "capable", eh pup?"

Somewhere during their wrestling match the reptiles friendly demeanor and care-free attitude disappeared and the hulk of a doctor's tone switched to one the wolf swore his dad would've used on him when he was bad. Normally, Kaz would get mad and then throw the reptile off and try to joke it off. He was an attractive wolf after all and people would hit on him all the time, when you're in the military being "hit on" can be anything from a brow shaking to what some consider molestation after all. However all Kaz could seem to do was shiver and focus on the tone of the doctor's voice, so strong, so powerful... Kaz felt his tail being moved up and he arched his back instinctively as he felt something that he assumed was the doctor's leg pressing up against his rump, rubbing in between his furred rump cheeks and against his barely covered hole.

Just as Kaz felt the reptiles scaled claws on his waistband fear gripped him, shaking him from the haze long enough for him to pull away and keep his pants on at the same time. He was panting heavily and sweating as he climbed to his feet and began backing away, "I can't do this! ... I'm s-sorry, I shoulda spoke up! I have a mate, it's not you or anything." the wolf stammered before heading to the shower leaving the doctor looking on befuddled at the sudden outburst. Kaz made it to the showers, praying to whatever deity may be listening that the reptile doesn't follow him. After showering alone for 10 minutes he figured he was in the clear, however his erection simply would not go down.

He heard someone entering the locker room and his heart skipped a beat, turning around though he was greeted by the familiar and reassuring colour of orange fur as Decker rounded the corner. He beamed a smile which he hid expertly, his tail however wagged beyond his control which he knew the fox would notice. He watched his mate out of the corner of his vision start up the shower, the water running through his fur and down his beautiful curves. The wolf bit his lower lip as he managed to make small talk with his incredibly exposed cock tease of a mate, trying desperately to convince the fox to have some fun with him if only to help him control his obviously out of control libido. However the fox was a man of reason and obviously had no idea about Kaz's ordeals, so the wolf couldn't be mad at the fox. He was just looking out for their relationship ultimately, just as the wolf originally was intending to do when he decided to investigate the doctor.

Decker left the shower before the wolf did, getting tired of the begging and the ploys to get privacy, maybe he was afraid he'd give in the wolf realized. When he was alone again the wolf tried to focus on finishing up, realizing he had been merely soaking for the passed 20 minutes. However his cock simply could not be denied any longer and he reached down and began to feverishly masturbate. The wolf couldn't help but cum as he thought of the experience earlier with Onyx and their previous wrestling matches, how powerful the male was. He shot his load for the first time in weeks all over the shower walls thinking about someone other then his mate.

After taking the rest of the evening to regain his senses he realized how crazy this had all been. It was perfectly natural for the doctor to come onto him the way he did, Kaz rationalized. All the wolf had to do was set the record straight and they could go back to being gym buddies again and then he could resume his investigation. However, the wolf simply could not find the strength to approach the doctor that night, nor the day after. However when Tuesday rolled around he got fed up, staring at that stupid hallway all day really gave you time to think and the wolf was not liking it. Storming up to Onyx's lab right after work he vaguely registered the door was locked and pressed the button for the little intercom, hearing it beep and then the lizard's voice burst outta the little speaker "Yes? Is everything alright out there?" he asked, that care-free tone having returned to his voice.

Kaz immediately had difficulty finding his voice but eventually managed to force out, "I-It's me, Onyx. I need to talk to you about what happened." the wolf sounded sincere. Good, he reassured himself, all I gotta do is let him down gently and that incident will never happen again. As the door swished open the wolf took a moment to really look around the lab he and his team were not allowed to see or go into during their stay here. The entire place had an incredibly "chrome" feeling to it, there was no carpeting like in some places around the facility nor were there any windows. The only thing remotely close to a window was a viewing port to what appeared to be a sealed room. There were cabinets littered with jars full of clear substances that had labels that most likely only made sense to the doctor. To the left was a series of monitors each displaying something different and in front of them was a large chair that looked like something out of a villain's lair catalogue. In the middle of the room was a series of tables also filled with variously coloured substances, the place in it's entirety looked incredibly delicate and the first thing the wolf thought to himself was to watch where his tail went.

The reptile was facing away from the wolf and staring at one of the monitors, Kaz couldn't make out what it was at first, "So, I'm sorry for freaking out at our last little sparring but, well, I'm taken and..." the wolf trailed off as he approached the chair, finally making out what the reptile was watching. Kaz's mouth hung open as he made out a video of himself in the shower, approaching and whispering to his mate, Decker. The whispers were obviously loud enough for the camera to pick up every lewd comment he made to the fox seemed to echo off the walls to the wolf. Kazborn backed up a little bit, stunned in mute silence before the doctor spoke up, "Wait, wait, this is the best part..." Kaz watched a claw rise with a remote in hand and the security feed began to fast forward. The wolf washing himself, masturbating and then it stopped near the finally as the wolf's grunt was picked up as he shot ropes of wolf seed onto the wall, "Unnnh~! Fuck yesss doctor~!" he heard the wolf mutter under his breath. Maybe Kaz forgot but he did not remember saying those words back then.

Kaz knew it was all out in the open now, the reptile heard every word they said and most likely not just in the shower. How long had the cunning bastard been listening in on them!? The reptile spoke up before Kaz could find any words, "Hmm, 'doctor'? Is your mate, Operative Decker, also a doctor, Kaz~?" the reptile hissed the z for emphasis. The wolf winced a little and shook his head almost involuntarily and the reptile continued as if reading the wolf's mind, "I didn't think so, and to answer your question I've been watching all of you since you first arrived, can't be too careful you know." the reptile spoke, the wolf registered a hint of panting or labored breathing. He understood why when the chair slowly spun around and the reptile's slacks were pulled open, his impressive monster of a cock on full display for the startled wolf.

Kaz's eyes widened at the sight of the monster between the doctor's legs, his first thought was that the doctor did not hump him a couple days ago with his leg, that was for sure. His second thought finally came and he blurted out, "W-wait! If you knew about me and Decker why did you still try to make a move on me?!" the wolf asked, he could feel his rage building and shamefully he could also feel his shaft starting to poke free of his sheath in his pants.

Onyx had a gleeful look in his eyes as he stood up, his slacks falling to his ankles and he stepped out of them, approaching the wolf slowly. He reveled in how the wolf's gaze was glued to his bouncing cock, admiring every inch and every little ridge along the topside of it. Slowly he rested an arm around the seemingly paralyzed wolf's shoulders, drawing him in close, "It's simple really, I wanted you. And for the record, your implant isn't broken I simply installed a different model onto you then I did onto myself." he said calmly and reassuringly to the wolf even as he felt the other male's fur bristle.

Slowly Kaz's addled mind managed to connect the dots and he felt angrier and angrier. The doctor lied to him about the implant?! "W-what do you mean a different model!? What kind of sick crap do you have stuck in my head you freak!?" the wolf shouted, throwing the larger male's arm off him and backing away, he was furious, not just at the doctor but at himself for so easily falling into this kind of trap.

The doctor rolled his eyes and smiled down at the wolf as he backed away, he took the time to explain to the wolf every detail of the device. The wolf was furious and the doctor needed to buy the implant time to do it's work. Once Kaz's eyes had started to glaze over and his posture relaxed a little the reptile stopped explaining, "I think it'd be easier to say that when you get mad, sad, or scared it'll make you aroused and when you get aroused it'll prevent you from reaching climax unless I let you via voice command."

This time it was Kaz's turn to roll his eyes, "I really doubt your tiny chip can do all that, doctor." however the reptile merely chuckled in response, pointing to the wolf's crotch which was obscenely tented out, "Do you remember our match after you first got the implant? You got so frustrated at losing that it made you so aroused you barely knew I was dry humping you for quite a few minutes. Then afterwards when you masturbated in the shower, I let you cum because you said my name."

Kaz shivered a little as the reptile advanced on him again, yet he couldn't find the strength to back away. The wolf felt the reptiles beefy arm settle on his shoulders again and the other males musk flooded his senses, Onyx was still erect. He couldn't move, every time Kaz tried to move or speak up, nothing happened, just like the doctor said all of his anger was slowly sapped away and his cock would twitch a little harder. Kaz began to pant softly, letting out a soft whine, "B-but... I love my mate. I could never hurt him..." the wolf pretty much begged. Kaz felt the reptiles hot breath in his ear, "Relax, pup. We're just gonna have some fun while you're here. I'm not trying to split you two up or hurt you, he never even has to know, just like your implant. I know you're confused and it's difficult to think right now but just do as your told and I'll make it feel -really- good. Turn around and present, pup."

Kaz heard the order, it was an order, the tone, the person it came from and the delivery it was sent in all told him to obey. The wolf was having a hard time rationalizing right now, everything seemed so hazy and his crotch ached with need. All it took to end his train of thought however was a long, slow slurp in his ear and the wolf shuddered before turning around. The wolf started unbuckling his pants a little too hastily before he was stopped by a claw on his shoulder, "Now now, I love your enthusiasm, pup. However, you're not ready to take all of me inside you yet, heh even with your eager attitude. No, for now we'll just finish what we started back in the gym..."

Slowly the doctor bent the wolf over and smiled as that strong grey tail flagged upward exposing himself to the powerful doctor. Once the wolf had properly braced himself on a nearby table the doctor thrust his cock against the fabric of the wolf's pants. The doctor took his time, savoring the wolf's submission like a fine wine. He allowed Kazborn to feel every inch of his member glide against his upturned and covered rump to really appreciate the reptiles superior sized maleness.

Kazborn was almost in an entirely different world, even when he let Decker have his fun during their alone time he was always the one in charge when it came down to it. The lack of control over this situation was so foreign, strange and new and the wolf wasn't sure if it was the blasted implant melting his rage into pleasure or if he was genuinely enjoying that monster of a cock pumping against him. Kazborn knew two things for certain, he was going to go crazy if he didn't cum soon. The wolf felt so pent up, his cock twitching and flexing madly as it drooled pre into his briefs every time he felt those strong scaled hips thrust against him.

The wolf's ears perked up from their pinned back position when the reptile's claws dug into his hips and he heard a very satisfied groan. He felt something hit the back of his helmet and blushed deeply as he realized the doctor was painting the wolf's backside with his seed. Shuddering the wolf stayed there, tail flagged as he felt each rope land on his back and slowly felt something wet and warm soaking through the vest and under shirt. The wolf finally felt the reptile let go of his hips and pull back, he started to get back up himself when the claw returned quickly, swatting his ass, "Now now! We need to give it time to soak in, don't wanna leave a mess in my lab do we, pup? Evidence like that can end badly for both of us, don't you think?"

Kaz was a little urked by that but the implant was in full control now and it translated into more of his pre squirting out into his now soaked briefs, a dark trail running down his leg as if he pissed himself. However, he did stay, blushing all the while as he felt it soaking into the fabric first then his fur. He heard the reptile zipping up his pants and sit back down followed by a long silence. Once the wolf reached back and tested to make sure nothing was dripping off him he stood up, he was completely at a loss for words but the reptile helped him with that too, "I know you want to cum, pup. However you made me wait two whole days before we managed to work through this so I'm afraid you need to be punished. You'll cum when I think you've learned your lesson. Now go on, you still have 5 more days of guard duty left before our next sparring." the reptile motioned a claw dismissively, not even looking over his shoulder at the wolf.

The week passed by incredibly quickly to the wolf, he kept going through a loop where he'd think too long while on guard duty and then get angry and then horny. Time would fly by and his shift would end with him running to the doctor's lab to see if he learnt his lesson and if it would be at all possible for him to have the implant removed. Kazborn knew the futility in asking but he figured maybe Onyx wasn't such a bad guy after all, maybe he was just looking for some discrete fun while they were here. If he could convince the reptile he didn't need the implant for it maybe he could turn things around. However thoughts like that seemed to spark the implants attention, maybe he felt rage with the plan but it always ended up with him mindlessly rubbing his crotch in the hallway like a horny zombie. However he would never get a response, after Friday he resigned to waiting until Sunday for their sparring match to meet up with the obviously very busy scientist.

When it finally rolled around the wolf thought his member was going to explode in his pants when he saw the reptile doing his usual workout on the mats. The wolf growled to himself and refocused his attention on winning, he knew now that if he got mad he'd lose control of the situation. Kaz had to keep himself under control, even his thoughts, no matter what the reptile said or did. The wolf winced when the reptile shouted over to him, "Hey pup! Been awhile! Come for another rematch?" the wolf could feel his cock poking out as he was taunted by the reptile.

As Kaz approached the reptile he watched as Onyx dropped his shorts and headed for the wrestling mat with the wolf, "What are you doing?" Kaz asked, looking around the gym nervously. The reptile grinned at the wolf, "Relax, everyone's asleep until at least 9AM on Sundays, trust me." and then that was that. Kaz closed his eyes and muttered a curse, it was going to be very difficult to focus on wrestling this time around he realized.

As they got into it the wolf found he actually had the advantage, the doctor seemed to be quite distracted every time the fabric of his sweats would rub against his crotch. It allowed the wolf to nearly escape a few match-ending holds and even manage to aid the wolf in maintaining a few pins. After 20 minutes of grunting, grinding and sweating though the wolf was beginning to grow distracted as well. It's only natural of course but even though he was aroused he still managed to keep his cool and fight, the bad part was how frustrated he was getting at his lack of progress in the match. Every time he felt like he was getting close to making the reptile submit he'd get thrown off or the reptile would break free.

Once the wolf realized he had already lost track of time under the implant's strange haze of arousal he was on his back, laying on top of the reptile. With his arms held tightly above his head he was firmly pinned, he felt something warm and wet soaking his legs and looked down. The wolf's eyes widened at the sight of the lizards monstrous cock jutting up between his legs, rubbing firmly between his closed legs and up against his covered taint. He realized his sweat pants were thrown aside and he was only in his white briefs. They were soaked and he could clearly see his red flesh through the fabric, the only thing he couldn't tell was if it was his pre soaking his briefs or the reptile's as it drooled from the reptile's cock onto the wolf's crotch.

Kazborn gasped as the reptile suddenly thrust against him, pushing the wolf up before gravity pulled him back down against the reptile's lap. He felt Onyx's hot breath in his ear again and he shivered as he lay limp on top of the reptile, "I love your little pup undies by the way." and Kazborn could only shudder as the implant did it's work and his anger melted into bliss, he assumed anyway. It was impossible to tell for sure if he was being manipulated or actually enjoyed the treatment genuinely, "Call me Daddy and I'll let you cum, pup..." the words whispered into his ears. Kaz's first thought was one of defiance, not anger but it didn't last long when he felt the warm, wet appendage of the reptiles tongue slither into his ear. The wolf shuddered and bucked his hips up and down, he was so close to orgasm, SO CLOSE... "Daddy! P-please~!" he whimpered without thinking.

The tongue in his ear ceased then, "Good pup, gooood pup~" he heard and then something clicked. It felt wonderful, amazing, words could not describe how euphoric it felt to reach climax. He could hear his cum squirting into his now ruined briefs but it was worth it, all of it was. Kazborn really felt like everything he suffered through was worth it to feel this kind of relief and as the wolf lay there, his warm seed he'd been storing for days pooling in his briefs he heard, "Now, get up pup, it's time to return the favor. Suck my dick and try to remember a time you came that hard with Decker while I finger that delicious little ass of yours." Far too emotionally and physically exhausted to resist an order the wolf obeyed, climbing up despite the ache in his limbs and furry balls. He sat on the reptiles chest and arched his back, flagging his tail as he gripped the base of the doctor's shaft and closes his eyes, taking into into his maw and going as far as he could before it reached the back of his throat.

When the wolf felt the reptile's claws on his rump cheeks spreading them apart he blushed deeply. Onyx had quite thoroughly proved his point to the wolf, he could feel one of those meaty digits prodding against his hole before pushing in. The wolf groaned around the meaty cock in his mouth as he felt the digit was oddly wet and warm, realizing Onyx was using Kaz's own cum as a lubricant. Kazborn could hear the reptile speaking despite feeling like he would pass out at any moment, "I'm so glad you chose to be my pup, operative Kazborn. All the previous operatives I've tried this on that resisted went completely mad. I can tell you and me are going to have a lot of fun over the next few months training you to take my cock up your ass, pup." The wolf could only respond with a whine around the reptile's cock as he felt obligated to return the favor to the doctor, and began to really work his tongue against his Daddy's length.

Kazborn was in the shower that afternoon, he barely managed to finish the doctor off and clean up before people started flooding in for their morning routines. The wolf was having a lot of trouble justifying and rationalizing what was happening to him. Every time he tried to get mad about the violation of forcing the wolf to be aroused instead of mad via an implant his erection would grow and he would spend far too much time touching himself knowing full well he would not reach climax unless Daddy said it was alri- The doctor, said it was time. Then a thought struck the wolf, if he went along with this little "secret affair" the doctor forced him into, he'd get way closer to the reptile for his investigation then being a simple rotating guard or trainer. The wolf smiled a little, yeah, that's why he was allowing this to happen, once the wolf found something the reptile needed to keep secret he would get this implant removed then everything could go back to the way it was. The wolf felt bad then that he would have to cheat on his lover... but then he realized that the investigation technically was for the safety of his lover to begin with and it's not like he planned for this to happen, nor could he change it now. Decker would never find out to begin with so it's not like it really mattered anyway but it did help ease the wolf's conscience.

And so Kazborn managed to make it through the next couple months without going completely crazy thanks to that realization. Every time the reptile pushed him further or humiliated him he would interpret it as getting closer and learning more about the man for his investigation. Kaz no longer had the sparring matches to look forward to, instead he would go to the reptiles lab twice a week. There he would preform various humiliating or pleasurable acts for the reptile based on his performance during his work or during pillow talk with his mate. They would sit there in Daddy's chair, his pup's legs tied up in a spreader bar and suspended in the air while Daddy would work his claws or a toy in and out of the wolf's tight rump.

The doctor even made a fun game for them during there nights together where the wolf pup would be awarded one orgasm for every night of pillow talk where the wolf kept his implant and his affair with the doctor a secret from the fox. However after the first couple weeks the doctor realized it might've been a bit too easy to lie about something when you don't want them to find out about it. So from that night on during Kaz and Decker's pillow talk he would be given fake events to lie about, the tricky part was finding a point in the conversation to bring it up that fit right so that Decker did not grow suspicious or worried. Daddy took great enjoyment watching the wolf squirm in his lap each time he'd see himself lie to his mate expecting a world shattering orgasm to hit him.

This is how things went for the wolf and each night he would return to his bunk with a sorely stretched tail hole and his libido satisfied for a night. It wasn't so bad after the first few weeks and when the third month rolled around he began to wonder if the implant was even effecting him at all now. Both of them were having a lot of fun and nobody was really getting hurt, they'd leave after the mission was done and things would return to normal. Kaz sighed happily as he guarded the hallway, Daddy sure had a funny way of making things work out for the best. He heard someone whistling happily and recognized the voice, his tail started wagging as he saw the reptile meandering through the halls before recognizing his grey furred ears poking out and smiled, approaching the wolf.

Normally, their relations in public were normal, the reptile never overstepped any boundaries and was incredibly discrete. The wolf was on his third day with no orgasm and was looking forward to meeting Daddy after his shift tonight already he didn't know if he could say no to the reptile right now. That turned out not to be a problem however, once the reptile was close enough he groped the wolf's rump through his pants and whispered in his ear, "In a moment someone is going to be walking by, if they look this way I want you to stay quiet so they don't recognize your voice, pup." Fear gripped the wolf's heart as he felt those expert claws unzip and unbuckle his pants, exposing the crotch of his briefs and allowing Daddy's hand to slip down the back of his pants.

As he felt those familiar claws slip under his tail with almost no discomfort at all even as he felt the reptiles knuckle against his hole, he realized how far he'd come in getting ready for Daddy to mount him. Kaz looked down and rested his paws on his knees, spreading his legs a little as if he were at ease but took it too far. The wolf let out ragged, shuddering breaths as he allowed the doctor to silently finger him out in the open, his red wolf cock throbbing against his briefs. Then he felt Daddy's breath on his ear again, seemingly melting any thoughts in his head with it, "There he is, he's a quiet little guy isn't he? Do you see him?" The wolf looked carefully down the hallway and noticed two black tipped ears poking out around the corner..

Oh god it was Decker! Kaz realized with wide eyes. He grunted and clenched tightly onto Daddy's fingers, for some reason he wanted to be afraid, he had been caught, hadn't he? The fox didn't move or run or cry or anything... Oh yeah! He was still covered (mostly) in this ridiculously concealing guard uniform. He heard Daddy whisper into his ear again, "Shh, pup. Don't want him to recognize your voice do we? Or maybe you do... go on then, tell him. Call out for him and let him know how you squirm in my lap at night, begging to let you cum. Begging for me to finally take your ass once and for all." the reptile whispered hotly into the wolf's ear.

Kazborn was torn, he wanted to obey sickly enough, but he loved that fox too much to call out. Instead he stood there, dazed as the fox stared at him, unknowingly watching his mate get molested by his Daddy. The wolf was so turned on, maybe it was all that training with Daddy, lying to his mate but having Decker watch as he was molested was one of the hottest things he ever felt. It ended quickly however, the fox's head had vanished and left his mate to whatever fate Daddy would have of him. The wolf shuddered as those claws slowly pulled out of his tightly clenched rear. Daddy left then, without a word, leaving the confused wolf to buckle his pants back up and enjoy the agony of being brought so close to climax with no reward.

That night Kaz entered his Daddy's lab he spoke up first, "I'm s-sorry I couldn't obey your orders, Daddy..." he trailed off, he was actually sorry, he really felt bad about it if his pinned back ears and tucked tail didn't show it enough already. The reptile was relaxing in his chair again watching security footage of what happened earlier. He turned around in the chair and was only wearing his lab coat which somehow accentuated his dark, jet black scales. He motioned for the wolf to get closer, "It's alright, pup. I should've known you weren't ready for that. You clearly don't love me like you love that fox..." he trailed off and the wolf felt relief as he approached the reptile. As if he needed to be reassured in that he rationalized that that incident was indeed proof of his love for his mate. "Which is why I'm going to mount you tonight, you're ready, pup... I'm going to teach you to love riding my cock just as much as you love that fox."

The wolf was incredibly nervous at the thought at first but once he was on his knees, inhaling Daddy's deep musk while he rimmed the large reptile he started to come around, the ache in his crotch from earlier returning and a strange new tingling under his tail. It wasn't long before he was straddling the reptile's lap and slowly lowering himself down on that shaft while watching himself on the monitor get molested in front of his mate. The wolf shivered as he felt the first few inches sliding into him, the slick, lubed and pointed length easily slipping passed the well trained pup's defenses. The wolf felt his Daddy's claws on his rump and slowly let his legs go limp, allowing the doctor to take him at his own pace.

The pup's tongue lolled out as every one of Daddy's ridged would bump up against his tail hole before Daddy would tug down on those hips a little harder and force it into his pup. It took a good thirty minutes of whining, wriggling and growling before the wolf's soft, furred hips rested snuggly against his Daddy's. The pup felt a supreme sense of accomplishment at this feat, having been trained for weeks to take the doctor's monstrous cock and now it was finally happening. Kaz could feel the reptile's heart beat twitching inside of him, places the wolf didn't know he had, his cock was twitching and bobbing between his legs and drooling pre onto his daddy. The pup wanted to cum so badly but he knew it was futile until Daddy allowed and so with great effort the wolf tried to pull himself up off the reptiles cock, managing a few inches before pushing himself back down.

Kaz slowly managed to set up a rhythm, resting his paws on the larger males scaled abs and pushing himself up off that cock before sitting back down on it. He watched as his Daddy groaned his approval and let go of the wolf's hips, resting his claws behind his head and simply content to watch the wolf breed himself on his Daddy's lap. Once the reptiles copious amounts of pre began to properly lube himself and the wolf the room began to fill with the soft wet pumping noises of their rutting, the pup's whimpered moans and the reptiles deep grunt. When Kaz felt Daddy's rod twitch inside of him he opened his eyes to meet the other male's golden ones staring at him contently, half-lidded, "Mmf~ Tell me, pup. Does the fox get you to make those kinds of noises when you're riding him?" he asked with a sneer.

Kaz knew he'd normally get angry at such a snide remark back in the day but remembering the implant was at work and genuinely wanting to remember this evening the pup simply looked down and responded with a soft, "No~ Unnh, Daddy~" but that wasn't good enough for the reptile because soon after he felt those firm claws sink back onto his hips, pulling him quickly down onto the reptile's cock once more. Kaz gasped out as his rump took all of the length back inside with no pain, just a pleasantly full sensation until each ridge bumped into his prostate sending shockwaves of bliss up his spine. Daddy sat up and carried the wolf with him on his cock, laying him down across the control panels for the monitors and began to jack-hammer his cock in and out of his pup, "What was that, pup? I didn't hear you!"

Kaz gasped as his world flipped, the pup wasn't ready for it and grunted as his back mashed into the keys behind him. He could only think about how wonderful and wrong it felt to have Daddy's length pummeling that sweet spot so roughly though, "OH~GOD! D-Daddy fucks me in ways Decker never could, sir! Please let me cum when you breed my ass, Daddy! I want to show you how much I love your cock inside me!" the wolf practically howled to the reptile on top of him. Maybe it was because those words sent Daddy over the edge, or maybe it was because it took the reptile months to finally train the wolf to take his cock without hurting him but his stamina didn't last as long as it usually did that night and he shouted loudly, "Good pup!" as he shot thick rope after rope into the wolf's flexing tail hole. The pup's orgasm serving to enhance the first mounting experience greatly as the wolf's insides milked the reptile for every drop of cum it could get.

They layed there for awhile, the wolf having completely forgotten about any discomfort caused by the keys grinding into his back, simply enjoying the warmth of his Daddy around and now inside of him for the moment as they both panted to catch their breath. Kaz spoke up first, "I... I love you... Daddy... b-but..." the wolf was having trouble finishing his sentence and the reptile flashed him a smile, "It's okay, pup. What's important is that we enjoy our time together and if you're good I might even be nice enough to allow you some private time with your fox, how does that sound?" the reptile cooed to the wolf as he picked him back up, cock still lodged deeply inside as they sat back down on the chair. Kaz only responded by smiling, thanking his Daddy and began to lap up the mess of wolf cum he made all over his Daddy's scaled chest.

Kazborn x Onyx

Weeks passed and the relationship between Kaz and his Daddy the Doctor Onyx largely did not change very much except for the new and quite frequent act of getting his rump pounded multiple times in one night. The only real difference was that that the reptile would share more intimate moments with his pup, occasionally taking time to snuggle the wolf while reviewing his data on their mission. Kazborn discovered ultimately that the reptile was indeed sincere with the mission, and although his methods of getting what he wanted could be questionable, nobody ended up arguing about the results.

In the last couple months before the mission the wolf had managed to earn two passionate nights with his mate, Decker. The first night he earned by "convincing" his Daddy he would always love the reptile no matter what happened. The second night was earned after Daddy discovered his pup's exhibitionist side and decided to surprise the wolf by taking him in the gym while the few personnel there watched. Kaz really enjoyed that one, just the thought of one of them knowing and running over to Decker with the news got him stiff and begging for it. None of them ended up doing it but one did masturbate to the couple's lewd rutting in public. Kaz and Decker would have a wonderful time, each lie the wolf told to the fox about how he managed to control his raging libido got him more and more excited. When the pup went to breed his mate though he remembered that he would not be able to cum unless Daddy allowed it and he looked up to one of the security cameras as he pummeled the fox's rear for the first time in months and silently breathed a "Please Daddy, let me breed my fox~" before he felt the familiar click in his head and waves of euphoria sent him crashing to climax.

Kazborn realized as he braced himself against the side of his Daddy's chair on the day of the mission. That was how he got here and why his tail was wagging as all 12 inches of the reptiles cock sunk into him while they listened to his team over the com. In the second hour of the mission the wolf heard his mate pop onto the com, explaining that they had an unexpected problem. However, the wolf knew he would not be able to respond without alerting the team to the pair in the lab's actions and a long silence filled the airwaves before Decker's voice checked to see if they were there. Then Kaz heard his Daddy respond to his mate, "Everything's alright, Operative Kaz had to handle a slight problem at base, I'll be giving the directions during the mission." he stated matter of factly. Kaz was mortified at first, Daddy was taking his role as leader of the team too? Then he felt the reptile's hips slam back into his and he couldn't stop himself from moaning softly as each ridge bumped and scraped along his prostate. Oh who was he kidding? Of course Daddy was in charge now, they were his team now and he was so lucky to be the leader's pup.

As the fox worked diligently on sneaking around the complex, shifting into various personnel to gain access despite the discomfort and pain. As Natalie tried to focus on the guards outside for any sign of distress while ignoring the freezing cold temperatures. As the twins worked diligently on their laptops quietly in the now empty barracks monitoring the compounds communication and security. Kaz realized his new duty was to serve the team leader's, Daddy's, needs as his pup and the wolf could only hope that someday his fox would come around to the idea as well. In the meantime he would trust his Daddy's judgment and obey his orders and enjoy the pleasure they brought him and those around him. Daddy would know when the right time to tell Decker was, Daddy would know how to get the fox to love him. Just like how Daddy got his pup to love him.