Day 3: delays

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#3 of Project: perfection

Yesterday was a disaster! I seriously want to know how many bad things can happen in one day. First, the security system fails and goes into emergency mode, disconnecting all the doors on the cell blocks form the the main system and stay locked until the error is resolved and the doors and the servers are connected again. Then the research servers crash, which means I have no access to to the lab data or can submit my report. When I don't think it can't get worse, it does, oh how it does, there was an escaped lap experiment chewing through the wiring connecting my office to the servers. So I was stuck in my office only able to scream my damn head off for an hour before a security guard came by. The Assistant Maintenance Chief came in through the door, skinny prick, and procceded to go into the vent. For fifteen minutes, FIFTEEN minutes, i heard him bumping and crawling above me. then i heard him gasp in pain and complain that he was feeling funny as he fixed my door. After he finshed with the computer wiring he said he felt really weird and then I heard what sounded like monster groans. Then a whole section of vent came down on my desk and an eight foot, muscle bound, intersexual, monster bursts out of it and turns to me. I've never been so thankful for the panic button in my office. The security guards dragged Kross out of my office after pelting him-her- IT in restraining goo. The little experiment followed, good riddence. Lucky I had my personal server to act as a private cloud and back up all the files on my desktop. Ugh the sound in my office is unbearable, I wish my office and my room weren't right next to each other.

Speaking of unbearable and security, Chief Hansen didn't show up at all yesterday or today. I'm horny and there's no thick, long, throbbing horse meat to soothe that burning and aching itch right now. I heard he's looking for something more subtainial. Figures, I want a hot and well built draft horse and he's looking for a real relationship. I'd like a deep and meaningful thing with another but for right now, I want to work hard on my research and fuck for the fun of it. Though a bunk mate would be nice, steady sex and my room and office wouldn't be so lonely at night. Meh, I'll contemplate this later when I have time.

Now onto my notes, what little I've gathered so far from everything is that the subject's will is stranger than anyhing encountered perivously. I think the newly designed nero-latex suit will have to be administered. I just hope all of these mishaps aren't some ill omen, I really like this project and hope to finish it. Karmac and Klein seemed reluctant until yesterday, It's strange they are spending more time with this subject than the others before him, their behavior seems different as well, Klein has started sleeping around the level and Karmac has been more open with his relationship with the chief of maintenace during work, something that goes against his rules of keeping work and pleasure separate. I don't know how they make it work, He's a mongoose and Lola Armstrong is a cobra. I find it hot and have tried to propisition them for a threesome. sadly, neither of them will bite so, no sex for me. As for Klein, she's usually shy, wouldn't even shower with other girls. a security officer informed me she not only showered today, she wound up have sex with a female co worker on the shower room floor.

Could something happened to them and I missed it? Could it have something to do with subject 01495-E? Could it be all the stress of work? Were they exposed to something? Whatever the case may be, something has changed and i may want to be wary. Maybe include it in my report and watch them more closely. This is all speculation at this point so I will do what i can without allocating more resources before I can comfirm anything. Hunches are just guesses and science has little room for guesswork.

Ugh all this thinking about hot couples slutty chicks and thick horse cocks has gotten me worked up. i think I'll end these notes here and get to a little self-gratification.

Dr. Mitchell J. Straton