Evenings in Arad: Vignette 1 - Cum On, Lugarus?

Story by Gradius on SoFurry

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The first in what will hopefully be a series of vignettes inspired by Dungeon Fighter Online. In this exciting installment, a young Witch looking for trouble gets more than she bargained for thanks to a wonky flower and a perverted tribe of leonines!

~The following is a nonprofit erotic parody of a game I greatly enjoy, Dungeon Fighter Online provided by Nexon. All characters, monsters, and concepts are owned by Neople and Nexon America.~

(Legal Disclaimer: For the sake of this vignette I am assuming that mages from Pandemonium age really damn quick, and that the standard playable lolis are of legal age)

Another small note, this one came out WAY longer than I intended it. This was meant to be a series of shorts, but I guess having one Long at the start won't hurt things. If there's plenty of reception and I manage to stay focused, more will follow, but don't expect them to be QUITE this long. There is just not enough DFO porn, so I do hope this will inspire some.



The subtle, steady sound of a with in transit cut the silence of night upon the Behemoth's great back much the way the adorable source of it cut to and fro between the trees that stood in her way. The Dendroid Jungle was a different place at night, with the Dendroids themselves sleeping away until the lifegiving rays of the sun returned to them. In their inert state it was impossible to tell them apart from the haunted looking trees all around, giving any who knew their nature the uncanny feeling of constantly being watched no matter where they went.

Skidding to a halt, the Witch looked about boredly for signs of trouble, specifically the sort of trouble she was warned about. The same warning that had brought her wrecklessly charging to meet it.

"There's supposed to be a 'weird monster roaming the forest'. Where's my weird monster roaming the forest!"

With a huff she crossed her arms and sat down atop an enormous flower, which neatly spread its petals to accomodate the sudden addition of her tiny rump to its blossom. It strained faintly under her meager weight as moments later she leaned comfortably back, bracing her hands on the back of its ring to steady herself and ponder what brought her here. The usual rumors and gossip that she followed from battle to battle, dungeon to dungeon, but with the rare spice of real danger, as whatever fell creature was roaming the jungle had sent its victims back to the west coast of Hendon Myre in a daze, barely cogent and, this was where the rumors got shady and uncertain, covered in some sort of sticky white poison. The attacks only happened at night, accounting for the lack of them prior; Most Dungeon Fighters avoided the Behemoth in the dark, as it was hazardous enough in the light of day.

Whatever it was, she simply had to show it who was boss! And so here she was. Bored. Her rumination was interrupted by the light of eyes peering through the darkness, innumerable pairs of them snapping open rather suddenly from the pitch black provided by the dense undergrowth. Noticing the distinct yellow of them, the Witch quickly kipped to her feet and summoned her broomstick to hand, a grin widening across her face. As they tended to, the wily tribe known as Lugarus moved to flanking positions all around her, approaching slowly and watching for the right chance to strike. It was mostly the white variant, Sirogarus, which were known for their crude but effective shamanistic healing, flanked by a few poison-riddled Kurogarus, haunted in equal measure by venomous ichor and negative spirits.

"Yessss! I guess this trip won't be a total wash, at least. Enguard!!"

Leaping into the air, the mageling tucked her broom tightly between her thighs and put on a burst of speed, intending to meet the foe headon. The lead Kurogaru however lunged for her with instinct and reflex she didn't expect, and in a panic she pulled herself quickly into a tight spin to ward him off. All four limbs outstretched and charged with Florae power, she hurtled forward like an oversized shuriken of light. If she hadn't been moving so quickly she would have delighted in the look of panic on her enemy's face as she crashed into him, her flailing limbs and the sparks of magic jumping from them beating him quickly unconscious... But unfortunately, she was still traveling, and with no way to correct her path, she let out a squeal of dizziness and lost control completely, crashing facedown into a patch of flowers behind the group of Lugarus. Which were now peering back at her with a unanimous sweatdrop.

Dazedly she pushed herself onto all fours, unaware of the flagrant panty shot her crash was allowing the monsters behind, and found herself nose to nose with one of the many odd pink flowers that infested the Behemoth. Already addled from the crash, she paid no mind to how dangerous she knew them to be, nor to how unusually pink and shiny this particular specimen was, clearly a mutant variant of its fellows.. And in the moment she took to clamper to her feet, it ever so elegantly opened its petals and spat a great cloud of hot pink pollen into her face, with a sweet scent that belied the brain-wipingly pungent neurotoxin such flowers usually gave off. The poor mageling didn't have a chance, as her already shaken brain couldn't hope to fight off the alien sensations the pollen brought to her.

Suddenly the world was rosey. The monsters behind her looked more like adorable teddy bears as she turned to face them, and the broomstick in her hand felt less like a weapon and more like... More like... She fought to put to words what was only a vague feeling as she stroked and admired the smooth, hard wood of its handle. Recognizing the workings of the newly discovered flower, the Lugaru sheathed their claws and approached, grinning wider than ever, as their prey smiled back at them with a foggy cheer. They knew it wouldn't be long, and likewise the Witch sensed that something was coming, that the warmth growing between her thighs would only deepen with time, and that the whispered suggestion of what to do with her tender body would grow clear enough to follow.

Still stroking her floating broomstick lewdly in one hand, the other slowly worked itself under her skirt, wedging the cloth against her folds at first as she squeezed her thighs tight around it, letting out a virginal little grown. It felt wonderful simply squirming this, but she knew she could get more if the dress weren't in the way, and she eagerly slid her hand beneath it to knead with a glorious lack of technique the front of her soft, gently dewed panties. This felt so wonderful she could hardly keep her knees from shaking, but again, she knew more awaited her if she continued to follow her instincts. A secret smile grew on her face, the taboo nature of what she was doing sparking at the back of her mind, but only making it more fun to do it, and with a playful giggle she finally slid her hand beneath the now-soaked gauze of her ribbon-bound panties.

The world went more rosey as the first shocks of true pleasure met her, the stroke of delicate fingers along even more delicate petals more than she could bare standing up, and as her giggle rose to a wild cackle of glee, she allowed herself to fall back heavily onto the patch of flowers she originally crashed in, earning herself another dosing of the pink powder that put her in this state to begin with. Legs spread wide, she masturbated frantically, the lack of technique made up for with enthusiasm and the tenderness of being more or less untouched. She was vaguely aware of how much she loved to sit astride her broom and careen through the air, and the same hobby had 'broken' her at some point, but she'd certainly never had such focused attention. A cat-shaped shadow crossed her vision, and she looked up over her heaving chest to see the Lugarus gathered around her in a ring, the fluffy cuteness she saw in them suddenly barely affected by the stark erections they all bore at the sight of her. She was only barely aware what they were, but she knew she needed them desperately, and even as a faint blush crossed her face at the sight, she giggled softly again, and eagerly rose her hips into the air to invitingly wiggle them at the encroaching mob.

The response was swift, if not immediate, as the black and white hoard of leonins encroached to remove the already limited space between them. Eager fingers dug into her layers of clothing, ripping greedy handfuls out with every noisy rip of the gothic style wardrobe being destroyed to their tastes. The back survived to some limited degree, but the blouse hung pointlessly open with its entire front reduced to rags. Her knee length skirt hung in shreds, giving tantalizing glimpses of the bared flower beneath, the cute panties that had hid it now hanging from one knee. Sighing pleasantly, she spread her legs wider and arched her back, letting the cool night air carress her heated flesh and enjoying the bareness. It was short lived however.

Her deliciousness bared, the Lugaru wasted little time in tasting her soft flesh, and the free, cool air was replaced in short order by rasping tongues, covering every inch of flesh that had been revealed by virtue of their hungry numbers. She squealed ticklishly as they lapped at her sides and stomach, giving a laugh that tapered slowly off as other sensations overrode it. The budding curves of her chest were worshipped duely, bringing a warm squirming to her shoulders as her hands came to stroke their heavy manes A long groan was prompted sharply into a scream of bliss when the first adventurous cat drug its slick tongue along her slicker folds, a faint flick of it across the nub at the top of her slit bringing her hips wrenching upward into its face, bumping it on the snout painfully. He ruefully rubbed it as her hips wound down like a toy out of batteries, and she looked down apologetically as best she could.

He wasn't so easily dissueded, thankfully, and the young Witch could only bite her lip and try not to scream as his mouth wrapped around her lower lips, sucking greedily and lashing its spread petals with his tongue. Assistance came when a Sirogaru that had been licking gently at her face found her open mouth and locked his own over it, kissing her with surprising tenderness. Her moans now helpfully muffled, she let them fly without remorse into the alien, feral muzzle tasting her lips and feeding her in turn with a soft light of rejuvenation.

Meanwhile the others grew more and more hungry in their attack, a steady friction of rough tongues crossing every inch of her body, with the Kurogaru between her legs leading the charge with a lavish tasting of her increasingly soppy slit. His nose was now buried in the faint tuft of red fuzz just above the Mage's slit where her scent was most vivid, every breath of it driving him to further efforts; The uncanny length of his tongue was buried now, washing about her inner tunnel frantically and prompting an unsteady dance of her thighs against his face, lunging this way and that as every secret spot was unearthed in due time.

It took precious little of this attack from all sides to bring her off, though as eagerly as she already squirmed about, and as loudly as she already cried out, only the rush of necter into the lead Lugaru's mouth would serve to make it known. Nor was the motley mob content to wrench just one such peak out of her. From the Witch's side however the difference between pleasures was explosively obvious, the entire world flashing white and then going to rose static as she tried to cope with the first proper climax tearing through her small body. Blushing, bodily now, she could only heave breath into her lungs as they continued, bringing a second, third, and fourth such rush from her in short order with their steady attention. Only then did the torrent of tongues abate, leaving her to flop flat as they raised their heads, licked their lips, and plotted the main course.

Her mind pleasantly shattered, she pondered the hard lengths pressing themselves eagerly against her spit-slicked body, comfortably sized due to how small her new playmates were and each decorated with gentle barbs. Latent instinct bubbled to the surface to tell her what they wanted, and she happily put what little willpower she had left toward complying, wrapping a delicate hand around the largest pair of them she could find and stroking their lengths clumsily. The rest made due as best they could, grinding against her bare flesh and casting jealous glances toward the alpha preparing to mount her properly.

The Sirogaru she had been kissing smirked playfully down at her, stroking her cheek with a paw and offering an ebony length to press against her lips, its length smooth and unmarred by barbs. With a soft huff at being teased, she tilted her head back and sucked the thing in with a practiced grace that took its owner aback, the teasing stroke of fingers turning to a frantic curl into her hair to brace himself. The fabled magic lollipop that Witches were party to the production of was a personal favorite of this mage in particular, and she found the principle was the same, as thankfully the beast's cock fell just short of her throat. Her tongue wandered the smooth root tirelessly, eager to learn more of this fascinating ritual she was suddenly a part of, until the hapless predator sank to his knees in shock and delight, rolling his hips slowly to hump her mouth.

On the other end, the black furred Kurogaru licked its lips of the necter staining them, grinning down at the folds he'd brought to a dripping soak through his efforts. She was ripe and ready, and he was all too eager to despoil such purity, the thought of his tainted cum soaking into her inner walls almost more pleasurable than the grip of her tunnel around him would be. Curling his hands into her thighs, he lifted them off the ground and leered toward her, the impressive size of his shaft resting along the subtle line of her slit, grinding the two together in the misnomer of a dry hump. Once his shaft was coated in her fluids, he angled the thick tip downward against her opening, its toothy grin growing wider as he slowly strained his shaft against the taut opening of the passage.

The sensation of being stuffed finally brought a waver of her expertise, and she nearly gagged when her nether lips finally spread open to welcome the invader, tense moans muffled around the mouthful and sending luscious vibrations down it. The Sirogaru thought briefly to use this moment of weakness to regain control, but the soft buzz of her pleasure brought the weakness back to his knees, his back arching helplessly to let the moonlight shine on his slender, pale chest. All the while his hips swayed slow and smooth, filling his playmate's increasingly frantically in the moment her skills wavered, only to be forcibly slowed when she regained her senses and brought her tongue to work. She was a natural, and already the fat shafts in her hand were spending themselves, a crossfire of cum arcing out over her chest before their owners slumped contentedly to the ground, leaving her hands questing for another pair to occupy her.

The Kurogaru savored the long building of tension as her tunnel at first resisted him, despite the amazing slickness. The way it seemed like it wouldn't possibly fit, right up until that blessed moment when it did, was beyond compare. The final giving away brought a languid hiss from his now hanging jaw, as the first half of his shaft filled her all at once. With a few short jerks of his hips the rest would soon follow suit, each satisfying jerk bringing a grunt of pleasure from the beast as he was massaged and squeezed by the willing flower taking him in. He gave her, and himself, little time to get used to their blessed union before he started to breed her with long, slow thrusts, not out of kindness but the simple awkwardness of the position.

She felt her heart leap up into her throat, not unpleasantly, but like a bird fluttering skyward. He fit her just perfectly, and the slow rhythm got her used to the notion of being bred good and quick, leaving her exilerated and content in a way she was only just now learning. She felt the steady pulse of sex filling the air, a musky heat that tantalized all her senses and drove her on to greater efforts. As the pair of shafts newly caught between her fingers throbbed in a telltale high, she smiled to herself, stroking them faster and faster until the energetic attention brought them off harder than she knew possible, leaving her to delight in awe at how strongly the cum coursed out of them and over her slender body. All she could do, all she wanted to do, was seize another helping, squeeze tighter on the thick warmth between her thighs, and gulp harder on the one parting her lips. Even the mouthful of musky maleness was tasting sweeter as she let the groove of wild carnality take over.

Finally the black furred leader of the tribe could take no more of the teasing speed, and with a few barked orders, the dazed few who had already spent themselves put their exhausted bodies to work helping him roll the Witch over, propping her up onto all fours and pushing up the back of her skirt. To her credit she adapted quickly, even managing to keep the mouthful of siro-cock neatly in place throughout the move, and free her hands afterward to continue their duties, commanding her broom to hover in place across her chest to keep her elevated. Back in his element, the Kurogaru rolled his head back and roared his bliss as his he got up to a proper breeding tempo that a female of this calibur deserved. The sound of their bodies meeting grew louder by the moment, as did her muffled cries around her precious mouthful, and the rest of the tribe reacted empathically, grinding themselves against their shared prize with a zealous need to finish with their leaders.

The Witch was on cloud nine as she bounced back and forth between white and black pelts meeting her body, her eyes languidly closing as she focused on simply keeping air in her lungs, not wanting to pass out and miss any of her own mauling. The slow mating before was pleasant as sin, of course, but there was something feral about being taken from behind this roughly, and it stirred a new heat in her loins, a warmth and comfort only appropriate to her. Her moans softened even as they grew louder, and contrary to the tensing spring she'd felt when cumming before, she now felt her body melting in relaxation, simply absorbing the lust vented on her slender body instead of pushing back into it. Her weight rested heavily on the broomshaft keeping her mouth on the Sirogaru's cock, her meager bust propped up by the shift of leverage.

A last gentle quiver vibrated through her body as she fell into another round of orgasms, this time joined by the howling mob of furry foes encircling her... Arcs of cum traced curious designs across her pale flesh and black clothes, until the lines were lost to a general sheen of spent lust, the number and vigor of sources leaving her coated in a fine layer. To match the coating, the ebony and ivory shafts filled her, ream after ream of hot cum pouring into her tunnel until it filled entirely, the remainder squirted out in thin sheets, and filling her mouth to bursting even as she frantically tried to swallow it all. The pure white seed trickling down her throat brought another wave of warmth, this one more tangible as the latent magic contained within revitalized her...

Beast and now-woman alike slumped in exhaustion, at least at first. The tribe had spent themselves violently over their guest and soon staggered back to collapse in a messy ring of fallen monsters. The twin leads wobbled uncertainly, knelt on either side of the Witch, slowly withdrawing to admire the way their respective gifts dripped from her and falling onto their tail ends, obviously expecting the girl to follow suit. The smirks the two wore turned to barely contained terror as she instead sat up on her knees, zombie like, to lick the remaining cum from her lips and beam at the two with a gaze like poisoned honey. They looked at eachother, before as one turning to flee, though the effort quickly proved fruitless as the post-sex slowness proved their undoing. A simple flick of the Witch's wrist conjured a great band of black energy that ensnared the two, bringing them chest to chest and cock to cock as their new captor leered with stars in her eyes...

The Witch stripped out of what remained of her clothing and perched herself neatly between them, lowering her messy folds down to take their paired shafts neatly into herself and sate that remaining itch they'd been so kind to awaken. Her mouth free to sing her pleasure, and her hands free this time to sweeten it, she cheerfully passed the remainder of the night bouncing eagerly up and down between them, while the two beasts spent it learning to never try to wear out a young lady Mage. The three of them came again and again, the sounds of reversed molestation echoing through the forest and the pale moonlight bringing a shine to lust-soaked bodies in motion....

Birds tweeted as the sun rose on the finally sated mage and her new, passed out friends. She awoke sprawled out atop the two leaders with the rest forming a tidy border for her impromptu bed, and stretched with a cheerful yawn, snuggling her bare flesh against the fur below and perking her messy chest and hips up to meet the kiss of a cool morning breeze. Thoughtfully recounting her night, she rose, wandering in that uniquely unguided way to deftly pluck the 'horrible monster' she had learned the truth of. A quiet mischief sprang to her smile as she pondered just what to do with it...

But for now she had other issues. A mess to clean up, and her clothes shredded and tossed on the ground. Wiping herself off on a few Lugaru tails solved the first, and a clever application of magic solved the second, the Witch snapping her fingers to bring the same broad black band of energy around herself, covering her from chest to hips at least in a tight tube. She blushed ever so faintly at the realization that she had no way to form proper undergarnments, but her recent sexual liberation allowed her to shrug it off in short order, a fun little secret for herself and anyone who happened to be standing below her.

And it was like this that she wandered back to town, taking with her her prize and leaving behind a promise to her new tribe, to return and visit them. A promise that rang in the ears of the twin leaders like a death knell, but a goodnatured one nonetheless. And so she did, again and again visitting her little tribe, and where chance and lust had brought them together, an odd sort of friendship slowly grew. To this day stories crop up now and then of the wild, furclad Witch and her band of brethran, luring any who please their eyes into a pleasant night of debauchery.