The Morning after the night before part one: Instincts

Story by Helix on SoFurry

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#1 of The morning after the night before

Just a little story about two guys, an older wolf and a younger fox who meet under less than noble circumstances and what happened the night after those things took place.

had the idea pop into my head one morning when i woke up feeling odd.

this takes place in my pursuits of Earth universe where all my stories take place.

Will hopefully have the second and third parts proofread and such soon but do let me know if you spot any mistakes so i can fix and re-upload.

The morning after the night before.

Part one: Instincts

Lares was dreaming, at least he thought he was, it was rare for him to ever remember his dreams and even now he could only see part of it in his minds eye, but the parts that did flit across his consciousness didn't make much sense, everything was disjointed and confused, as if looking through a kaleidoscope.

You know that moment where you just begin to awaken and you are not sure if you're really awake or still dreaming...yeah this was like that but much worse, as if something was interfering with his bodies natural attempts to awaken itself , gradually as the minutes...or hours drifted by and he slipped in and out of sleep he began to become aware of his surrounding along with the state of his body.

Even though he couldn't muster enough energy to open his eyes he could still feel the soft but grasping touch of bedsheets, sheets that had become bunched up beneath him, there was something else, a soft but insistent ringing nearby, was that his phone, he couldn't remember setting the alarm but that wasn't unusual since at a youthful age of twenty four he was used to getting up each day for work so he often just set a permanent alarm.

It was then as he pressed his forehead against the sheets that he felt something rather odd a little flutter in his midrift, something that he couldn't understand or describe at that moment but also something that stirred a memory, concentrating on the images that came to his mind he started to concentrate upon one of the clearer memories as he began to recognize some things.

As if seeing himself in a mirror he picked out the familiar details of his figure, the soft red and white fur, a long bushy tail that swept down from just above the cleft of his soft buttocks to curl slightly between his legs to his feet, the long supple form of his body as it was pressed against a wall, his wall, yes that was it he had been in his apartment last night, did that mean he was still there.

Groaning as he tried to focus the image more he remembered a rough touch upon his waist and a grip that had squeezed tightly upon his left buttock, to tightly, breaking away form the memory for a moment he mustered what energy he could and lifted his heavy feeling arm to let it lay down along his back to press over his rump and winced as he felt pain blossom from the touch.

Jumping slightly at the bruise that he had touched this rather confused and groggy fox pulled his arm back to his face, something was covering his face, he could feel it stuck to his forehead and brushing irritatedly at this thing found that it was his hair.

But as he lowered his finger to his muzzle he felt another wave of pain as he traced his lips, they felt felt hot and swollen, with his eyes still closed he worked his jaw experimentally and felt bone grinding against bone as a resounding painful click passed through his cheeks, it hurt enough to bring him back to his senses, at least enough for him to start piecing things together as his eyes opened and he found himself staring at his own bedside table.

So he was in his home, but how did he get back, rubbing his eyes softly to clear the sleep from them he gazed at the nearby table and saw that his phone was in danger of vibrating off the edge and onto the floor so reaching out he stroked the bracelet like device and said "alarm off".

But as he let his arm droop back down to rest over the edge of the bed he felt his knuckles strike something solid before a loud clunk sounded in the room.

Shaking his head at the unwelcome noise and carefully lifting himself onto one elbow he looked at the table with eyes that were clear and alert as he saw two empty but stained wine glasses

Wine glasses?, that didn't make sense, he didn't drink, he hated the idea of losing control of himself, he only kept a few choice vintages in his home when he needed to entertain guests when he had friends or co-workers over.

Realizing what he must have knocked off the young fox gazed down over the bed and saw the Deep ruby coloured bottle and recognized it as one of the better pieces that he kept, thankfully the bottle had been sealed otherwise the lovely red would have stained his carpet horribly, as it was the bottle was had come to rest atop a pair of jeans near the bed.

Instantly regretting the action to look down he groaned as his head started to pound and he felt a sickening wave of nausea flow through him that made him flop back down upon the bedsheets to wait out the rather unpleasant sensation.

That was when another penny dropped, he didn't wear jeans, he didn't like them, the heavy material always caught his fur so he avoided them in favour of the smoother material of trousers.

So who did they belong to, was it to the one who the other wine glass belonged to, and why did his body feel so strange, his legs felt heavy, in fact his whole body felt heavy.

Closing his eyes he thought back to the only thing he could remember about last night, the image of himself in the mirror and found that he remembered a little more.

There had been someone else in the room, someone who had been grasping him, holding him against the wall and ruthlessly kissing him hard enough to bruise his lips and grasping his rear rough enough to leave welts.

That wasn't like Lares at all, he wasn't that free with himself, relationships of any sort were trouble, they had caused him nothing but worry in the past so he had chosen to devote himself to his work, it had always been his intention to get his career in order first and then maybe he could find someone to spend his life with, his work was why he had gone out last night.

Thinking back and finding his mind getting gradually less foggy he remembered where he had been, his work was hosting a charity event, a gala of sorts, some big PR thing and as a senior client liaison he had been invited to attend, client liaison, a nice way of saying that it was his job to sell the company to others, but that was what Lares was good at afterall.

The evening had gone well enough, he had picked up a few new clients for the company, nothing massive but big enough to get him a pat on the back from some of the directors in the company along with a sizeable bonus, he had been about to call it a night when someone had come up to him.

Why hadn't he remembered sooner, he would never allow himself to drink enough to leave his mind in this condition, the very idea was abhorrent to Lares.

Worried that he would forget some important information by being distracted Lares concentrated on the memory as it unfolded in his mind.

The person had been older than the fox, maybe by a decade or so but still young himself compared to many of those around him and yet he had carried himself with a confidence and ease of manner that put Lares instantly in mind of someone important, someone successful, successful enough that he might be tempted to take out a contract with the company.

He had been a member of the Helias race, just like Lares, something that was strange because as he came closer the people nearby, both human and furred alike gave him nods of acknowledgement, but as Lares thought back he remembered that all fo them smiled at him but in a way that seemed false to him, it was as if they did so for appearance sake rather that a desire to be welcoming.

Not that I would have minded if I had understood the atmosphere around him at the time, it was just another facet of life among the rich and powerful, success would always garner jealousy among others near the top, it was just another law of this world, one that Lares understood only too well.

But that wasn't all that seemed off about this guy, he was dressed is an expensive looking jacket and shirt but wore well kept dark jeans, something that was unheard of and considered vulgar in these circles but the way he was accepted and regarded made me take note of him.

This newcomer had had the look of a wolf, his dark and glossy fur showed that he was proud of who he was, but it was his scent that he gave off that intrigued the young fox, it wasn't covered up with sickeningly large amounts of the expensive colognes that people valued today and that in itself made the younger male straiten his shoulders.

It was simple instinct among his kind that made him take note, that here was someone who would have been an alpha in the old days before our race had matured and begun exploring the gaps between stars.

Perhaps if the well dressed fox had noticed the apprehensive and almost pitying looks that were cast towards himself then he may have chosen differently but as this stranger came near he had offered a paw in welcome and they had shared the usual pleasantries and common information about business that was the norm among people in their circle.

Ha, our circle, if Lares had been a little more thoughtful he might have refused the request for a private meeting to discuss a business partnership and perhaps as they had entered his apartment he may have noticed the slight touch upon his shoulder and the little prick of his hide that came with it.

Some of these fact namely the small prick of pain were lost for the moment to the confused fox because at this time he was still trying to figure out what had happened.

The effort to try and remember what had happened after they had both entered his home left his head pounding and skin hot in a flush as he remembered the others touch upon his flesh, the rough way that he had pinned Lares against the wall, the might of his arms as Lares found himself unable to free himself from the guys grip as the wolfs claws had made short work of his clothes and when he had protested he had received a stunning blow across his head as punishment.

Feeling sick once again as he remembered the hot breath on the back of his neck and the sensation of his tail being violently wrenched upward out of the way of....

Covering his eyes to block out the memories that he had forced to the surface the young fox bit down on his fist as the memories came to him in sharp relief.

The older Helias's first touch had been caressing and provocative, for some reason it had aroused in the fox emotions that would never normally have come to the fore, his head had felt fuzzy, his control dulled but when he had begun to resist this larger male he had been hurt.

The more he resisted the more pain was caused until Lares had felt something hot and hard press between his buttocks and excruciated pain had exploded through him causing the smaller male to buck throwing off the other.

Dazed from the pain that had come with the rough entry and then exit of something into his anus the fox couldn't move fast enough before an angry growl had sounded behind him and he turned over in time to have a strong paw close about his throat.

Surprised and scared he had gasped for breath but as his mouth opened he had felt something cold and bitter falling onto his tongue and reflexively swallowed the vile liquid that had been poured between his jaws.

He didn't know what the stuff was but had know it was wrong and had tried to throw it up but a mighty clout across his jaw had stopped him, distracted him enough for the large male to begin working in him once again.

He had wanted to stop him but as the pain grew and grew he found his thoughts becoming less and less coherent.

It was when he felt a blossoming of heat inside his rear and something being tied around his ankles that the memoires suddenly cut out.

He tried to force the memories to come to him but it was as if a cloud of smoke was in the way, all he could remember was an intense burst of pure terror when he had felt whatever that bond had been being fixed around his lower legs and then everything had gone black.

He hated being restrained, it was the one thing that could send him into hysterics, that made him truly lose control of himself, that feeling of not being able to move, of not being free.

When Lares had been a pup, only seven or so he had been on his way back form school when some of the local bullies had caught up to him, they had taken him to a place near some woods and left him there for fun tied to a tree, unable to move more than an inch.

He had figured that they would only leave him there for an hour or so, that they were watching him from the shadows of the trees enjoying his yells but as time past and night fell it got cold, his breath had fogged the air and still no one came, he had heard the sound of creatures wandering through the under bush nearby and had begun screaming for help.

He had screamed for hours, he had fallen hungry and panic ridden, his fingertip had long since been rubbed raw as they clawed at the bark.

It had been a passer-by that had finally found him, suffering from the cold, unable to speak from screaming till his throat bled, his finger tips blackened and unable to issue more than the barest of sounds.

The fear of being trapped, of being unable to move or escape was a horrible experience that left him changed, he had decided at a young age that he would never be put in that situation again, that he would use all his creativity and determination to succeed and become powerful.

It was why he didn't drink, why he refused even the barest amount of any drug that he had been offered since his school days, the very idea of losing control was inexcusable to him.

But there was another reason why he refused to lose control, a reason that had been drilled into him by his family long ago, something he had been told never to reveal to anyone.

And so, laying there, tired, confused, ashamed and in pain he remembered that the last thing he had known was his feet being tied together and terrified that they still were he bolted upright only to find, with relief that his feet were free but something else was different.

The room around him was darkened since the expensive draperies were pulled together but there was more than enough light for him to see that he was completely naked, that wasn't surprising of course since the barbaric treatment he had endured the night before had left his clothes in tatters, tatters that he now saw were all over the room.

His feet and legs were well shaped, his fur still glossy with health if a little ruffled in places, his chest sported a good amount of well firmed muscle, but it was his normally alluring and sharply waist that looked different.

Sure, he often sported a little bit of a bulge and had been told before that it looked cute and suited his build, it was flat for the most part, that is except for now.

Now as he gazed down along his lower body he found himself unable to see his thighs and groin at all because as he stared down in shock he saw that his belly extended outwards for a good two feet and was resting upon his thighs.

His furry gut was massively swollen, where once a small paunch had existed now there was a mass of belly flesh that weighed down his middle as he realized that the heavy feeling he had experienced was the result of his belly being so much larger as it held a large meal inside itself.

The meal..."oh gods" he whispered to himself as the realization of what had happened when he blacked out struck home like a lance that left him reeling in fear as he realized with morbid curiosity that the click that had passed through his jaws must have been it resetting and the truth of what had become of the one who had forced himself upon the frightened fox came to the fore in his mind.

The knowledge that even as he sat there his body was well on its way to digesting and absorbing the person inside, the painful truth was that there wouldn't be a person in there, not any more, judging by the size of his gut, while large, it was far too small to hold a fully grown adult, that if he had the courage to touch and explore his belly he wouldn't find anything solid beneath his tender flesh, just feel the mass of nutrient rich soup that his body had made of the one who had raped him.

As he lay tentative paws upon the stretched mass of his gut he said "i'm sorry" as he thought back to the stories that his grandfather and mother had told him, how long ago when our kind had been foolish and childlike, much like the humans who's world he lived upon were now their species had made a horrible mistake.

It had been when our kind had been in the midst of a war on our world centuries before, infighting between nations had devolved into anarchy and our race in its short-sightedness had turned its knowledge of genetic manipulation into a weapon.

Our ancestors had been experimented upon, hundreds of thousand of our kind had been altered in some ways , some, to make them more resistant to weaponry, others to make them stronger, faster or massively large.

So many of our race were altered that afterwards when the war ended and mutual peace between the nations was found, people went back to their lives and began reproducing, we found that such changes had become hereditary, passed down through families as the altered bred with normals it became impossible to tell who would be born as a normal or as so many people named it, a Talent.

Our taint was easy enough to hide as long as we maintained control, our direct ancestors were enhanced with the ability to adapt to many situations, some chose to use the increased resilience and regenerative abilities to save others but my family had met with persecution like so many others and had hidden the truth from those around us.

But such a thing could be hard to hide at times, such powers are made all the stronger at times of great stress.

To be Talented had become like a taboo for many Helias, so the fear and shame Lares suffered right now might be understandable.

No matter if Lares believed the guy that he had devoured had deserved it or not, no matter that he had been unable to control his actions or to remember them, through his loss of control he had allowed another to perish.

He would have to make a new identity for himself so he could turn himself in, if he didn't people would know that his family were also Talents, his little sisters would be persecuted, he could not allow that.

Sitting there with tears in his eyes Lares thought about his options, he could run, there were neutral worlds out there where people such as he could live in peace, be among other oddities like himself.

As he thought about his future he remembered his past, he remembered the first time his ability had manifested, he had been at his familys country house, the young fox had been twelve, just hitting puberty and had found a nest of eggs, like many pups his age he had felt instinctively protective of those younger than himself and had watched the nest for days and days as the birds grew but as the wonderful day arrived for them to fly a cat, a less evolved domesticated feline from a nearby home had been crouching under the bushes just waiting for them to try to fly.

It had killed two of them and was playing with third, tormenting the poor thing when Lares had arrived, he had felt so angry, so enraged at the loss of life that he had lost himself and devoured the cat whole and alive.

When his mother had found the youngster curled up and asleep with the tell tale bulge in plain view she was so angry, she spanked him but by then the animal was little more than a pudgy bulge within him.

After that he had been taught to hide his gift from others, that it was a disgusting and horrible thing but for a long while after he had thought about the feeling of power he had over that animal and while he swore never to do it again here he was again in the same situation.

Except this time it was no mere animal he had snuffed out, it was a sentient being with emotions, thoughts and dreams of his own.

Unsure of what to do or where to turn Lares ssilently sat there for a few minutes contemplating the crime that he had committed, he could feel the added weight of his meal pressing down upon his thighs warming them while the contents sloshed slightly within him with each small motion.

He would call home, get advice, yes, perhaps that was for the best, it might give his family time to move on if he waited before going to the police, dad would be able to look after his sisters and mom, after all it wasn't the first time they had been forced to uproot.

Choosing to get dressed in some of his looser fitting clothes the young fox swung his leg across to the side of the bed before closing his arms around the distended mass of his abdomen to support it as he moved.

Taking a deep breath and feeling the mass inside him pushing against the lower area of his lungs he gathered his strength as he clasped his paws below the roundness of his belly and started to stand.

Nervously glancing at the curtains to insure they were closed he balanced upright for a moment to get used to the shifting lump of added weight he now carried before taking his first steps, all the while keeping his gaze fixed upon his belly and the placement of his hide-paws.

Maybe he wouldn't have noticed anything had he not been checking to make sure the mass didn't shift too much but as he began to move he could have sworn he felt something press against one of his palms, something solid.

Perplexed the surprised fox gazed down at his tummy and waited to see if he felt anything again but when nothing happened he merely believed he had imagined it, afterall nothing could survive eight hours of bathing in digestive juices, no matter how much he wish it could be true.

However what happened next left him reeling as something moved inside his belly, not the slosh and ebb of a digested meal as it should have been, this was something else, something alive, very much alive to judge by the ripples that flowed across his belly flesh as if something were stroking the insides.

Despite his confusion Lares felt a powerful tingle running along his body as the feeling of something alive squirming inside him left him unable to think as he dropped to his knees, his paws cushioning the impact of his belly upon his thighs as he knelt on the floor and gazed in disbelief at his belly as a pawprint began pushing out at his flesh.

Stunned, the young fox shook his head, it was impossible for anything to be alive, his body, his metabolism was way stronger than most and the strength of his digestive acids reflected that, nothing had ever lasted more than a few hours, nothing could last this long inside him, that is unless...

Narrowing his eyes as an idea blossomed inside his mind he began to feel a new sensation passing through his gut and Lares lifted his palm and lightly slapped it down upon his flesh, the result was instant as a rich voice vibrated through his body.

A voice filled with anger and an alluring quality that had attracted him the night before, he couldn't understand what he was saying, the words were too muffled in the rolls of his belly but Lares got the gist of it.

Letting out a soft murrr as the fox tried his best to ignore the sensation of being full, of prey wriggling inside him and the warmth that crept up his body, Lares began to chuckle at the realization that here he was, kneeling naked upon his own floor with tatters of his clothes decorating everything while nestled upon his thighs rested his belly with the one who had drugged and raped him trapped inside his body.

The irony of the situation was far from lost on Lares, this wolf, this powerful creature had thought he could do what he wanted exactly because he had power, that he would have who he wanted and force himself inside whose he wanted, he just hadn't realized just how deep he would end up.

The power that the younger guy now held over the other was frankly intoxicating, this wolf like being had used and abused the other, the young fox still hurt from his touch, his rear still pained him from the repeated times that the older male had rammed himself between the soft cheeks of his latest toy.

And now the situation was reversed, the fox had the power to do as he pleased with the other, he was in control, he could just as easily let him remain trapped, bound and helpless inside his body if he wanted.

Bound, sighing the young fox irritatedly brushed his paws over his ears as he thought to himself that as nice a fantasy as it was to believe that he had power over another, he neither wanted it nor would he harm another if it could be avoided, last night had been different, he had lost control of himself and a deeper more instinctive side of himself had come to the fore, but that was no excuse for harming him now, at least not before he had gotten some answers face to face and prove what sort of person this wolf really was.

But there was only one way for that to happen and it would be far from pleasant for the wolf to endure, not that Lares could bring himself to care overly much after what his memories had revealed.

Thinking about it, the fox realized that it wasn't going to be particularly nice for himself either but he had already made up his mind and taking a series of long deep breath to fill his bloodstream with oxygen and to also give himself time to think about how to go about what he had planned he began shift his paws down along his belly flesh to bring pressure to bear upon his lower gut.

Spreading his paws wide around the underside of the wobbling mass of his belly the fox began to pull his paws forwards towards the base of his abdomen while at the same time tilting his body so that the suddenly struggling mass inside his belly was pinned between his upper body and his thighs.

I say struggling mass because as he felt his own belly starting to contract he felt something move powerfully against his paws, something that almost made him lose his grip till the young fox who at this time was imagining what it must be like for the wolf, to find the hot slicks walls that had entombed him suddenly starting to close in around him must be quite unnerving and would cause panic in any sane person.

Steeling his resolve but also slowing his approach Lares shifted his paws and nearly jerked them away as he felt the other males muzzle pressing out against the bottom of his gut but at the same time felt an odd stretching sensation building inside his own body as something long and slender began to slide up out of his belly into his throat and with a pained grunt he leant forward a little more and began to hack while he felt more of his belly's contents being forced up into his gullet.

Lares eyes opened wide in surprise at how easy it had been to force his captive out of his stomach built inside him, it was almost effortless, as if having something so large pass through his throat was only a natural part of him.

Of course, that's how it was at first when his body didn't know what its owner had planned but almost as soon as Lares had felt his throat began to accept more of the wolf the effort to regurgitate his occupant became much much harder as his stomach yearned to be full again.

Thinking back to the few events that he could remember from last night he realized just how true the idea that some part of himself awakening truly was, as if the event from last night had stirred some other side of himself, a side driven by instincts, a part of him which knew that the smooth heavy morsel that was travelling along his throat was going the wrong way, it was as if his body had fought to claim and rightfully won such a massive meal and wanted to keep it.

This food belonged inside the foxes stomach and his body wanted that slick mass of wriggling prey back, it didn't care that its meal was a person, all it cared about was forcing its meal back down into its belly where it could continue with its efforts to churn him up, to break him down and absorb him completely.

Even as the inexperienced fox fought to keep his bodies desires in check he felt his chest expanding painfully, he chocked feeling the muscles of his throat contracting and rippling around the mass of his prey as he began to pass through the opening to his stomach and into his throat proper, with tears welling up in his eyes he shut them tightly trying to ignore the stretching of his chest as his organs were pushed aside to allow his throat that much more room to expand, all the while begging his body to get used to the mass inside his gullet.

In a reflex borne from the instinctive fear of choking Lares began to give into panic as he raised his paws to his throat to grope at the blockage just as any person would, but as his fingertips touched his furred hide his body grew perfectly still as he felt movement through the muscles of his neck.

Lost in the unexpected surrealism of the moment he began to poke and probe his neck, massaging the muscles and feeling his body respond to the touch as the powerful undulation of his gullet continued to work his prey upwards and with a small smile he felt something brush against his finger tips, something small, then another, using his thumbs and forefinger he explored these odd lumps before one of them jerked away from his touch and the fox had to brace himself as the one filling his body gave a spasm of movement.

With the pain in his body just a dull almost forgotten ache the young fox began to shift his position trying to tilt his head enough to see his belly but every way he tried he found himself unable to bend without feeling his prisoner slip back down inside himself just a bit.

Casting around in his mind for anyway that would allow him to see this event he blinked as he caught movement out the corner of his eye and startled he turned his head and nearly tumbled backwards in surprise, catching himself on the bed frame with one outstretched paw he gazed into the reflection of his own bedroom mirror and began to inch his way over to it.

He didn't know why he felt the need to watch what was about to happen, some deep seated part of his nature was curious, he wanted to see himself disgorge something that his logical mind told him was impossible to do.

Every inch that he moved allowed him to see more of his ody and despite the normal revulsion that he had felt all his life at the very idea of what was happening, I mean he had been taught over and over again by his parents to loath what was happening and yet as he watched the last of himself moving into full view of the mirror he found himself beginning to feel familiar stirrings down near his thighs.

When he had first awoken and discovered what he'd done during the night he had been unable to grasp just how large his belly had become, the perspective of looking down along his body hadn't been able to show him the extent to which his body had changed but seeing his form in stark relief within the mirror caused him to feel a sense of awe at what he had achieved despite knowing it was something vile.

He was by no means a small fox, he'd been naturally tall as a child and stood at sic feet two inches as an adult, he had taken care of his body, he thought he knew what he was capable of but as he saw himself in the mirror he began to realize that he hardly knew anything about an important part of himself.

Casting his gaze downward along his reflection taking in his nakedness he found his eyes straying back to his mid rift and the massively stretched belly that rested upon his thighs.

Lifting his paws he began to explore the mass of his belly and almost instantly felt the occupant jerk as one of the foxes paws once more brush over an indentation of a muzzle that had pushed out his hide again, with one paw massaging his belly he stroked the other up along his fur to once against probe his neck and felt his prey try to kick.

It was obvious now what those lumps in his throat had been, if his head was still in his belly then what he felt had been the wolf's toes and feet.

It was, as he marvelled at how much detail he could make out through his neck that he began to fathom just what he had done, it may be taboo to be a talent, he may have been unable to control it last night or to even remember exactly what had happened but that didn't change the fact that he had done the seemingly impossible, somehow he had managed to devour another fully grown male, a male that by all rights was far stronger and larger that himself.

He wanted to know how it had come about, he needed true answers and for that he needed to see the one that had abused him face to face.

But that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself at the same time.

Shaking off the urge to gulp down, something that his body urged him to do, Lares bought both his paws up to his neck and keeping his gaze upon his counterpart in the mirror he began to rub his neck and the feet that were passing beneath his flesh even as the pain that had been a dull ache before redoubled as something deep down inside him stretched alarmingly, unnerved but resolute he caste aside the feeling, ignoring it as best he could, he knew the cause afterall.

Even as he felt the opening to his stomach expanding to allow his occupants wider sections to pass into his throat he gagged heavily while thick hot drool leaked out over his lips and with grunt he turned his body those last few inches to face the mirror.

Keeping his gaze fixed upon his own face he opened his muzzle just enough so that he could see inside without impeding his view as he caught the first glimpse of his guest as a set of toes crested the opening at the back of his mouth.

Lares roamed over the small mucus slicked digits as they were released into open air only to be followed by the feet to which they were attached as a pair of hot paw pads began to press against the roof of Lares's mouth forcing him to lean his body forward to ease the passage of their owner.

Almost as if his body had accepted that it wouldn't get to keep this meal the fox began to feel a series of massive convulsions passing through his frame as his neck steadily increased in size to accommodate the mass of the thick wolfen thighs that were now sliding up the foxes gullet while his tongue slipped and slid over and around the wolfs feet as they began to pass between the foxes lips.

Realizing the state his guest would be in when he was finally free Lares closed his jaws so that his lips were fixed tightly around his former meal and began to suckle on the wolfs limbs drawing out as much of his own fluids from the wolfs fur as he could.

Inch by inch he watched as a pair of slick dark furred hind-paws and calves pushed out from between his lips into the open air to make room for the rest that followed, but as he continued to suck the accumulated drool from the wolfs fur he began to realize that there was another reason that he was doing it, with each little bit that he drew from his fur he tasted something mixed in with it, something that despite his desires to the contrary Lares had to admit that it made his mouth water.

Despite being imprisoned inside the foxes body the wolf tasted rather nice, he didn't know if some part of his newly awakens anatomy that allowed his senses to be strengthened but the rich heady taste that suffused the wolfs fur made the more animal like side of him want to change his mind about releasing his prisoner.

He had been so lost in the simple enjoyment of the taste of this guy that he nearly missed the odd lump in his neck that was passing under his curious paws, with the dangling length of the wolfs lower legs and hind-paws hanging out of his mouth and obscuring the view he couldn't tell what it was from sight alone so he began to use his thumbs and fingers to explore what he could of it, rubbing down along it, he was worried that something else had been swallowed along with the wolf, it was so hard, about about half a foot long, had the wolf gotten hold of a weapon at some point before he had been taken inside, casting back into his memories he tried to remember if that was the case but drew a blank.

Frowning Lares carefully moved back up to explore the area around it, he could feel the wolfs thighs just fine, how they came together in an apex and then...Oooh.

Feeling his hide growing warmer in embarrassment as he heard a muffled moaning sound reverberating through his body the fox felt the corner of his lips turn up in a tiny smile as he began to have an inkling of just what this thing was and bringing his paws together used his thumbs to stroke along the lump experimentally.

The result was instant and oddly gratifying to the fox as he felt the wolf begin to squirm all the harder inside Lares's body while an anger tinged growl of pleasure echoed up from his belly while outside the wolfs dark furred feet and legs tried to kick out at anything they could before growing still.

Smiling broadly around the pair of legs that were being pushed out of his mouth Lares would have chuckled if he could have as he imagined all the stimulation that particular piece of the wolfs body would be getting right now, of course he would be aroused, no matter how much the wolf may hate it, having that much hot rippling flesh sliding and moving over his member would be impossible to resist completely.

For the fox this was perhaps the moment that most threatened to break his resolve, even as Lares fought off the urge to massage his own shaft he once more felt the sense of power he had over the other, it would be so easy to use this chance for a little revenge, to pleasure the wolf while he was trapped and helpless inside the confines of the foxes body, to use this wolf just as he himself had been used.

But that wasn't who he was, oh he wanted to, oh the gods only know how he wanted to but that wasn't the sort of person Lares was, he had climbed the corporate ladder fairly fast but had always managed to somehow retain his moral character, of course, that was the Lares that existed before last night, before he had been taught a lesson about himself, he had discovered how much he enjoyed power, and the day was young yet.

Nut any thoughts of playing with this guy would have to wait for the moment because there was a problem that worried the young fox.

Lares was getting tired, his strength was waning quickly, but that was to be expected, as amazing as some of the gifts that the talented possessed were they always came with a trade off, in Lares's case his body could exhibit an incredible ability to adapt and reconfigure itself to survive different situations but doing so used up a massive about of energy and if he wasn't careful he would pass out leaving himself unable to breath with his throat blocked and the one inside him unable to escape until he to suffocated.

Lost in the sensations that had been moving through his body Lares hadn't really noticed just how fatigued he was getting, the young fox felt his strength ebb alarmingly as his limbs began to grow heavy, he needed to get the wolf out and recover quickly.

Bringing his paws up to grasp the ankles of the wolf Lares started to tug, slowly at first but with increasingly more pressure as he timed his efforts to release his guest with the convulsive spasm that travelled up along his body.

With the widest part of the wolf already inside his throat he found the going easier as he felt his throat muscles expand around the his preys rump and casting aside his efforts to suckle the drool from his fur Lares gagged heavily as he felt his jaw being forced apart until with a sharp pop that resounded in his ears he felt his jaw go slack as the wolfs hindquarters were worked up and deposited into the foxes maw as he watched the tip of the wolfs sodden tail that had been released as well flicking feebly back and forth.

With the heaviest portion of his prey already inside his mouth the tired fox used what strength he had to raise himself onto his knees and letting gravity do much of the work he tilted forwards so that the wolfs knees touched the floor and relaxing his body felt his preys heavy form passing across his tongue.

Loud, almost obscene gurgling noises filled the room as excess air was squeezed out around the wolfs body.

Even as the wolfs groin passed over his tongue he hardly felt the hard length of cock flesh that ground against it but he did feel the slight taste of salt that trailed across his taste buds.

With one last herculean effort Lares drew on reserves of strength he didn't know he had and flexed the muscles of his throat violently forcing the wolfs upper body to pass through the tightening ring of flesh at the back of his mouth and opening his maw as wide as he could he allowed the wolfs shoulders and head to slide slickly out from the confines of his jaws to be followed by his limp arms and paws afterwards.

Gazing at the wolfs still form, Lares shook his head feeling his jaw pop back into place,a flicker of surprise passed through him as he could now see why his gut had been so much smaller than it should have been when the wolf was inside him.

The night before he had been forced down onto the bed and held there by a strapping 6'5 stud of a guy, he had been unable to stop him from plunging his shaft inside his too small rear and yet Lares had been able to overpower and devour him whole and alive somehow.

He had been completely overpowered by a guy who was superior to himself in every way in terms of physical strength and yet the one who had just been expelled from between the foxes jaws was little more than three feet tall.

He was still the same wolf Lares remembered still perfectly proportioned to himself just as he had been before and still a mature male to judge by the length of cock flesh that was growing soft between his legs, except he was a miniature version of himself, for all intent and purposes he was dwarfed by the fox that he had forced himself upon last night.

With a part of his suspicions confirmed the fox reached out a paw to shake the wolf but stopped as it dawned on him that the wolf wasn't moving at all, he was just slumped there upright against the edge of the bed.

All his other considerations were cast aside in that moment.

Fearing that his guest had already run out of air while being squeezed and compressed inside his body, Lares, with thick ribbons of drool still dripping from his lips reached out both paws and pressed one against the wolfs chest, for a moment he thought the diminutive wolf had stopped breathing but as Lares calmed his mind he felt the guys chest rise slightly only to fall right after then to rise again.

Sighing he felt a wave of relief pass through his body and shuffling forwards drew the barely conscious drool covered wolf against his own body cushioning his head against the belly that he had been imprisoned in not twenty minutes before as he lapped at the wolf's head and face to clear away the saliva that had gathered there as Lares despite all that the other had done to him enclosed the wolf in his arms to keep him warm.

End of Part One