day 8: maditory vacations aren't all bad

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#7 of Project: perfection

They sent me out to the building's camp site for a vacation. What would make them think that, after two years of continuos work, I'd need a vacation. Hansen, excuse me, Chris, says vacations are good once in a while. I don't need a vacation, I punched the lab assistant in the face because she was trying to bind and gag me. I hate camping, it's either hot or cold, there's bugs everywhere, you live in a tent, you sleep in a bag on the ground, and there's work to be done that piles up during a vacation. I guess I can be thankful that breast growth chemical worn off and my chest isn't busty and soaking everything infront of me. I'm very thankful they let me keep my PDA and would signal me on it if they needed me.

All of yesterday, Chris and I were hiking. Well, he was hiking while I was gasping and having mild heart attacks. He offered to carry me and i accepted. Lucky He's a big horse with a still strong back. It was... nice... to have him carry me to the camp site.

We went fishing. Aparrently, fishing is just where we cast a line into the water, then drink beers, talk about work, and ocassionally piss into the river. The act of fishing itself is boring and seems long, but Chris seemed to make it more bearable with his stories and jokes. Eventually we caught some fish and Chris cooked them for a late lunch along with some of the food we brought with us. I was reluctant at first to eat the fish, but he convinced me and I found it to be rather enjoyable. I'm still upset they forced me to take a vacation, but... Chris is making this vacation better.

I guess the bast way to sum up Chris is... he grabs life by the horns and and pushs on. He's bold and likes to take action. He puts his all into his work and relaxes well in vacations.It's weird, how he can go from work mode to relaxation mode so quick.

Speaking of work and vacations, I need to talk to someone about sending the lab staff out on one, their behavior is getting out of control. No one is acting normal, except Kross. I seriously think there is something wrong. The lab assistants have split into two groups, one seeming to dominate the other. The dominate group is protective of the submissive group. The reason why one of the lab assistants tried to tie me up and gag me. She said " I was working her honey bear too hard" and that I needed to back off quick. Kross says he's been feeling something strange go on with everyone in B6 before I left. He told he he has the stone helm ability, better known as lead head. Lead heads can block out all mental influences that are external, but some can tell when they are trying to be influenced. I hope it's nothing but I have a very bad feeling about my project.

I'm over here! I'm recording my journal and making some notes!... No, I promised I would Bearly do work during this downtime !.... No, I wont give you my PDA, I'm Using it for pictures and Googling things!... Yes, naked furs, but I'm also googling plants and animals and how to treat thing!... Well hello there... my my, what a big nightstick you have there.... I'm a doctor, let me help with your painful throbbing sensation and that stiffness...

Dr. Mithell J. Straton.