Humilated Pleasures-Chapter 5

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#5 of Chapter Commissions

So everything comes to a head and everything comes into place.


"What is taking her so long?" Jamie wondered starting to squirm feeling several sets of leering eyes falling upon him from Jimmie's friends as they stared hungrily at the two massive fake mounds sitting up from his chest. Some had their mouths open gawking at the beautiful site that they were looking at while others were licking their lips probably wanting to get a hold of his fake breasts to give them a dirty ride or something which made Jamie cringe even further begging to get out of here right now.

Very soon he started to feel even more of the questionable mystery feelings like bloating, a irritating headache that seemed to come and go with the other systems, upset stomach, and a growing feeling of being exhausted that had started since he had stepped out of the building. However being around all of these hunk and hot football players were leaving him with a need to be hammered by them anyway that they wished. Already the once masculine mind of his started losing bit by bit each time a male came near him causing him to want things that he shouldn't and with the thought of being taken sent a shudder not in disgust but in an indescribable desire racing throughout his body caused his cheeks to flush in excitement and need.

Pushing back desperately against the needs that continued to close in on his old self, Jamie closed his eyes praying that all that was happening to him right now wasn't real & would stop soon...real soon. He didn't stop praying until he heard the driver side door open with a slight movement of the car before the door closed once more.

"Pigs." Elizabeth muttered before starting the engine which gave Jamie some relief that it was her and not some jock that decided to take the chance and try to rape him when he had a chance. "They are gone now, Jamie, you can open your eyes now."

Sighing out in relief as he took her advice allowing his eyes to open to see that they were just pulling out of the parking lot with Jimmie standing next to the exit waving good-bye to both of them especially Jamie with one of his dumb ass grins on his face eyes clearly glued on Jamie as they passed. In the entire process, Elizabeth didn't allow the jock a second chance to ogle their bodies.

"That guy is such an asshole." Jamie muttered under his breath sitting back in his seat feeling a bit more comfortable that they were out of there and enroute to wherever Elizabeth was taking him.

"That is one thing that I can agree on with you, Jamie...that jerk has been asking me out for years thinking that I would be an easy lay like most of the cheerleaders on the squad looking to get humped by the Captain of the football team." She quietly explained as they moved through the city streets quickly obeying the city laws. "When he saw you, he figured that you would be just the same so he took a liking to you asking who you were."

"What did you tell him?" Jamie asked sounding fearful about what Elizabeth had gone about telling him.

"That you were my cousin whose name is Jessica that is here because of your parents moving into the area that you decided to attend college here, that's basically it." she answered staying to half the truth. Jamie raised an eyebrow indicating that he knew that something wasn't quite right.

"Then what were you two talking about so long that you had to leave me alone with the leering looks of his friends, that we could've just left."

"Hey, trying to keep them from trying to ask you out again isn't as easy as many would think." Elizabeth countered sounding convincing with her words. "We don't know what's wrong with you so you may want to get use to those leering looks and being asked out by the other sex for a while."

"Yeah well as soon as this nightmare has ended for me the better." Jamie stated fact clearly not wanting to look like this for long being in woman's clothing than necessary. Elizabeth held back a laugh knowing full well that whatever he was hoping for would never happen as plan...not until she was done with him.


The trip to her house, what was what many would consider a proper home for the upper snooty class family that she came from. Being a double story house with a old modern style look to it looking like it came from the modern west with a tarnish look to the wood siding and porch attached to it, with enough space to able to hold about 10 people comfortably and still have enough room for guests.

Surrounding the house about 200 feet away from the front door stood an iron fence about as tall as necessary to keep out anyone that they didn't invite. Beyond the fence and the Iron Gate that was the only entrance lay a massive yard that surrounded the entire building in a sea of enriched green color grass finely cut.

Lining the outside of the house's actual wall pushing outward was a dazzling series of colors that turned out to be a massive flower bed that seemed to surround about half of the building. In a dazzling assortment of colors, roses and flowers were mismatched together in an amazing pattern of beauty and color, with this added the entire lawn looked marvelous to run and play across. Taking his time to look out across the lawn, Jamie had to guess that by the size of the lawn that it was big enough to allow an enormous group of children which could play a hundred different games without any of them colliding with each other.

Unfortunately the yard at that time was bare of anyone roaming it except for the outline of a figure that was kneeling beside the flowers clearly working on maintaining the flowers. As they came in through the gates, the figure turned out to be a middle aged woman in her late 40's maybe early 50's with her back to the driveway as they pulled in, clearly engrossed in her work at the moment haven't heard them and didn't turn around until they had pulled in stepping out a minute later.

"Welcome home, honey. Who is your friend?" Elizabeth's mother inquired stepping over to them pulling off her gloves that she been wearing to work in the garden. Standing about 5' 6" 120lbs of slender built with a body that would drive any male insane and just have them begging to fuck her leaving Jamie to guess that the woman wouldn't have any kind of problem of finding someone to fuck her each night.

Whatever remained of Jamie's old self was instantly horny and if he was normal again, his puny cock would be fully erect at this point, however all he felt in the unknown region was the lips tightening involuntary then begin to grow wet allowing a more alluring aroma to escape into the air. A slight wind that passed through the area quite unknown to anyone with a normal nose however it did obtain the attention of a couple of sensitive noses on the far side of the house who stayed hidden until the best moment.

"This is Jamie, mom...he finds that his in need of a good doctor that doesn't ask too many personal questions about something." Elizabeth explained causing Jamie to think that her mother would be confused and for a second it appeared like she was until she seemed to understand off the bat for needing a doctor at that moment.

"Very well, honey...if you will show our guest to the exam room off to the side of my office. I will be in there in a few minutes after I finish putting away my things here." she finally said waving for the two to continue on into the house.

"Yes, mother...come on Jamie." Elizabeth said grabbing Jamie by the arm dragging him toward a side door that was located away from the main entrance which she knew would get them to the room that they needed to be in. Behind them, Elizabeth's mother seemed to study the almost feminine looking male dressed in the cheerleading outfit a sneer look replaced her tender smile dirty thoughts were already playing through her mind about what could be done with such a clueless person. However right now she couldn't do much but see what her daughter wanted to do, with that in mind she picked up her tools and materials that she had been using heading for a garden shed to drop off them before heading inside.


Stepping inside of the side entrance, Jamie let out a gasp of surprise of how massive and beautiful the inside of the building was. Even though he had been here once in a while when he was tutoring Elizabeth sometime ago, he never got to see the entire house by request of her parents, Jamie was impressed to how an impressive sight awaited him. Keeping with the outside design, the inside kept a modern yet old western style home style with wooden walls keeping with an old style tarnish added with a bright bluish color enveloping the wood in areas which added a European look almost to it.

Spread out along the wall were amazingly beautiful collection of artwork and pictures from family gatherings, famous locations that many people can only dream of visiting because of how much many would take to get there, and portraits either single people or together as a family. Adding to the spectacular, was the furniture itself was a combination yet evenly balanced between the two adding culture in a marvelous display offering a welcoming feeling to any visitor that may enter the area.

Elizabeth went about explaining as they made their way further into the house that each room help a different design however each seemed to compliment the other so its wasn't a miserable mess which Jamie quickly noticed as they stepped into the main foray where a grand stair case that had wooden steps that were more like marble with white back drops that added a shine to it.

"Wow." was the only word that Jamie could find that would come out of his mouth as Elizabeth allowed him time enough to look around the area taking in so much of the room before she tapped his shoulder drawing his attention as she gestured toward a closed oak door off to the side. Hidden away from sight by a long hall-way where no other doors lay making sure that no one could miss it or get loss along the way. The door itself was elegantly design with fine carvings that were evenly marked pieces of the door except for a marble name piece sitting near the top with 'Dr. Samantha Clayton, Ph.D. Private Medical Doctor' stenciled into it indicating that it was the room that they were aiming for.

Stepping in front of him, Elizabeth twisted the knob with little effort giving it a gentle push to the door allowing for door to open revealing a office/exam room that apparently was a combination of both however the feeling that came at him didn't relate to any hospital that he had been in the past replaced with a homely like feeling to it.

Staying with the old yet modern wooden style which made up most of the room from the oak desk sitting in the middle of the room with a massive bookshelf sitting behind it lined with a ton of books and magazines. With some of the large print titles, most of the books that he could see suggested most of them handled with medical items allowing for Jamie to feel a bit more safer here than outside.

Off to the side, he finally noticed a separate room closed off by an observation window beside a door with a single window in it. On closer look in through the window, Jamie found a white painted room eliminated by a bright light from above, in the center of the room lay a doctor's examining bed with a paper sheet draped across it clearly waiting for a patient to sit on it.

"Go ahead inside, Jamie. Mother will be in here in a few minutes to look you over." Elizabeth instructed him motioning for him to go inside as she would wait here so not to make him feel uncomfortable while her mother examined him.

Although he would like to question her on what to really expect for an exam knowing that this wouldn't be a normal one, however Jamie had little choice in the matter at this point. Offering a unsure breath, he stepped into the room the door closing behind him with a sharp thud and a silent click as a lock engaged making sure that there was no way to escape.

The door to the office close having been opened without either of them noticing signaling that someone else was there with Elizabeth. A coy yet satisfied smile played across her face as she turned toward the newcomer, "Everything is going as according to plan...just need a few key components for everything to fall into place..."

(Author's note: Just letting you know normally I would start a new chapter here however I kept what you said on the editing part in mind so I am going to continue from here. Enjoy ^.^)


Taking a seat at the exam table feeling completely uncomfortable with the picture glass window which turned out to be a one way mirror where you can only look in on the room from the other side however couldn't see what was going on in the other room making him even further nervous. Added with the glaring light from above and the sensations of feeling bloated, tired and a scratch that he desperately needed to itch, that he had been feeling between his legs left him desperately wanting everything to be over with.

"What is taking her so long?" Jamie asked quiet loudly showing that he clearly wasn't wanting to be there at that point. Getting up from the exam table starting to pace back and forth his gaze returning to the one way mirror and then the door, before continuing. He didn't have to wait long before there was a click before the door opened allowing Elizabeth's mother, now properly dressed in a doctor's white jacket carting in some medical equipment that Jamie couldn't really recognize with syringes on a lower level.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting, Jamie however I needed to get some equipment from storage. As you can see I run a practice out of our house. There isn't much room in here to keep it stored here, so they have to be stored elsewhere. Don't worry everything is sterilized and clean so you won't have to worry about infection or anything." Samantha informed him indicating for him to sit back on the table as she went about putting gloves on. "First off, I am going to just do some initial testing to check on a few things since I don't have any of your records...once that's done we will go from there."

Again Jamie nodded as he sat back feeling the tension in his body start to relax as the doctor began to run tests ranging from basic to the ones that most people wouldn't expect unless they were getting a physical. All of this took a good part of an hour and a half before the doctor finally stopped doing what she had been before instructing Jamie to undress leaving a hospital smock for him to dress in leaving him so he could undress in privacy.

"Do you wish that I be in my underwear or not?"

"Completely undress will help me do a thorough exam, so no underwear. And don't feel too embarrassed as I do have male patients that I care for." she instructed him removing some of the equipment however she left the syringes indicating that she wasn't done quite yet. Pushing the cart out with the tray of syringes in her hand, out of the room before closing the door once more, she went about prepping a needle with a bluish liquid. "This should help you relax a bit as Elizabeth told me how stressful that you have been most of the day since your class. Don't worry there is no problems that you should be worried about from what I can see however I can't really tell until I check you over properly."

There wasn't much that Jamie could really do but relax his arm as she swabbed the initial site before poking the needle into his arm properly injecting the liquid into his arm. Covering the site with a bandage before disposing of the needle into a disposal unit on the wall "Get undress, I will be back in a few minutes, which will give you enough time."

Samantha left without another word allowing Jamie to feel a more comfortable in the room taking but a second before complying with the doctor's orders. Quickly pulling the skirt down feeling a bit relief leave him as the satin skirt dropped to the ground followed by the cheerleader top leaving him in the bloomers that he was reluctant to lose because he hated the idea of being completely naked. Nevertheless with little choice at that moment but to comply dropping the last bit of clothing with the ground leaving his entire strange body for all to see.

Turning around to face the mirror, Jamie was shocked to see how much more of his body had changed losing even more muscle mass that he had worked so hard to accumulate over the years. Replaced before his eyes was a feminine body that seemed to be drenched with sweat making it look like he had just stepped out of the shower.

Stuck between his legs once more revealing a small patch of glistening pubic hair with even more moisture, hiding away what lay between his legs which were clutched together trying to hide the truth of what was happening to him. Allowing his eyes to travel up higher up on his chest, Jamie was even more stunned was how many more changes began to happen.

His nipples had become enlarged and darker with the tips sticking out in the cold air poking up in the air almost desperately wanting to be sucked on. Jamie found his hands, which were shaking badly from the beginnings of shock of the events of that day alone as the fingers took a hold of the nipples finding them instantly glued to the nipples instantly refusing to let go.

Pulling desperately finding electricity start shooting from the fingertips striking the nipples sending a sharp enticed feeling coursing throughout his chest. Gasping sharply as his fingers continued tugging at the nipples trying desperately to get free from his chest however again all he ended up doing was causing more thrills to course through them. Unknown to him in the adjacent room, two figures watched with interest nodding in approve on how Jamie was acting as one turned to the other.

"Shall we start with the next part of the plan?" one asked as the other figure watched the action in the other room.

"Indeed, the cameras are already set up for this all that needs to be done is to press the button." the other answered nodding her head in agreement.

"Very well the drugs that I injected him with should be in the stages that the next part of the plan should start right off the bat."

"Then let's get down to business." The person said reaching forward hitting a button on the console before punching in a series of command keys on a hidden key-board to activate the hidden cameras before the pair sat back to watch what was about to happen.


"Oh god, please make this entire stop!" Jamie gasp out desperately wanting his hands to stop what they were doing knowing full well that something was wrong. Something must've heard him as one of his hands finally released one of the nipples allowing him some relief before it suddenly fell down to come to rest between his thighs forcing them apart shooting through the forest of pubic hair desperately looking for its target. Before Jamie could even dare thinking about what was about to happen, the fingers found their target forcing their way between the vise like grip that the legs tried to hide the swollen lips from anyone or thing from getting to the hidden treasure hidden away between them.

"Oh gods!" he moaned out as his fingers began tickle and massage the puffy lips that continued to grow wet with throbbing pleasure absolutely crying out to be pleasure. Immediately Jamie found his legs weakening each twitch of the finger either on his nipple or playing with the pussy between his legs, forcing him to fall backwards on the exam table.

Soon the sounds of whimpering and small sobs began to fill the room as Jamie desperately wanted something to remove this terrible ache coursing throughout his entire body. "Please...someone...anyone...make it stop..." he pleaded to whoever may have heard him. In some luck someone must've heard as a door hissed opened however between Jamie's moaning and cries for someone to help him, that he didn't notice its opening with his eyes closed and the moans growing louder with each second that came.

The sounds of heavy panting and sniffing of the air was also lost to Jamie with the click of nails hitting the tile floor as whatever was approaching the exam table was unknown to him. He didn't even know that there was someone or something was there with him was when a wet nose pushed its way in between his legs nudging at his hand indicating for it to move out of the way. It took a lick or two before the fingers to Jamie's hand came out of the strange region to Jamie.

Instantly the tongue began to lap away at his nether region lapping up the juices as quickly as they seeped out offering the unknown lapper an unlimited amount of sweet nectar. To Jamie, as his hand moved away from his groin did it return his chest finding the unattended nipple continue to keep him in a state of need as the unknown tongue continued to entice more of a need to shoot throughout him.

After several minutes of being tongued by the unknown person, the tongue was withdrawn causing Jamie to moan in frustration having come so close to release that started to leave him frustrated. He didn't have long to wait as the nose returned to his groin however instead of continuing with the licking, it nudged at him trying to force him to roll off the ground with a sharp thunk as Jamie barely had enough time before to have his hands shoot out catching himself from a terrible fall. Nevertheless this left him in a vulnerable position of on all fours with him facing the one way mirror with his rear sticking up in the air.

Feeling dizzy and shake just coming out of state of lust which left Jamie in a state of confusion of what was happened to him now. Once again, his hands and feet seemed like they were super glued to the floor keeping him stuck in his current position forcing Jamie to begin to panic jerking his head from side to side to see who or what was behind him. However like the rest of his body, he found without the ability to really get a good look at who was giving him pleasure forcing him to look up at the mirror in which not only did he see who it was leaving him horrorified.

Standing behind him clearly ready to get on with the act stood a Great Dane standing about 5' weighing in about 200lbs of pure muscles that rippled below a pure black coat that glistened in the light. Although not furious looking in broad daylight, Jamie could truly understand why the family chose such a beast however Jamie could only guess was a guard dog and as the beast moved around him did he find out what the beasts intentions were.

Fully out of the furry sheath that was hidden behind a bulbous knob at the base of it, sat a fully erect cock that looked like a telephone pole about 12" in length and about as wide as a body builders arm (Author's note: I know those dimensions are wrong but in Jamie's state of mind he can't really tell the difference.)

"Oh god no! Please don't let this happen!" Jamie pleaded desperately trying to get himself out of the position that he found himself in as the dog seemed to enjoy how much his new bitch that was being presented to him. Sniffing at Jamie's rear taking the time wanting to enjoy this until he was ready for the finally duty, the dog's final signaled that the bitch was ready when Jamie accidentally after pulling away from the dog did his ass go back by accident allowing for the nose to get bathed in his juices that had started to pool ready to drop.

Before Jamie could react when he started to realize what was about to happen, the canine quickly jumped on to his rear his forepaws grabbing on to his hips making sure after a few minutes of movement that his new bitch would submit holding his waist tightly determined to own Jamie. Desperately knowing what about to happen, Jamie tried desperately to get away from the Dane's hind legs as they thumped around desperately trying to find Jamies secret hole which continued to pulse and twitch as if in anticipation of what was about to enter its swollen opening. And it seemed to be wanting it allowing a higher scent to escape into the air encouraging the Dane to get going with its intentions right now.

The great Dane wasn't about deny a almost willing bitch what she desired, holding Jamie's waist tightly pulling them up into a proper position before shoving forward jabbing his cock around desperately looking for the dipping opening that seemed to want it. A few times the tip of the now desperate cock causing the Dane to begin harder to enter Jamie, dipping his hind quarters a bit then correcting did the cock finally find its target.

Jamie gasped in shock and pain as the massive tool drove itself deep into his opening, tearing through the hymen that protected the entrance to his unseen womb which called out like a bitch in heat to be satisfied. "No, this can't be happening...not like this!"

Nevertheless it was happening like such and there was nothing that he could do but stay in the position that he was in and take it like a good little bitch that he was changing into. Strangely enough after the initial penetration, Jamie thought he would be grossed out about what was happening however he found his body calling out to be taken harder. He found himself fighting a losing battle with himself as if it was a two way conversation between him.

"Come on, you know that you are enjoying this...let out a moan like a slut that you are becoming."

"No! I can't...this is...disgusting..."

"Oh please, you know you are enjoying..."

The dog seemed to have read the conversation as it began to hammer away at his rear end sending a series of electric shocks running into his system causing a rather louder moan to ring out into the room. "Please make this entire stop, I just want to be normal!"

"Too late now!"

With that the conversation ended leaving Jamie to bare the blunt of each thrust, the cock began to leak precum into Jamie's opening which started a new set of changes to begin. The canine DNA began to send thrills in the vaginal walls where the hidden secret of this entire thing setting off the dominant changes to become active again. Immediately, the puffy nipples that still called out for need began to grow larger while the flesh underneath them started to push outward growing rapidly, the once flat chest grew to form about a 36C cup that proudly stood out the nipples still erect almost crying out to be handled or sucked on.

Further up his chest, Jamie found his once masculine voice was slowly cracking allowing for his cries and moans soon became higher and higher each time that the massive tool worked its way into his new and changing body. Soon the cries smoothed out to become more feminine, where his Adam's apple once pushed out now there wasn't there leaving a smooth neck and throat. Further up on his face as his mouth remained open as his lips became puffy and elegant almost crying to be kissed or fucked while the Great Dane took great pleasure in fucking Jamie. Because of the pleasure that he was feeling, it didn't take long before the changes began to stretch conform & change the facial structure of his face. The once rough and almost aged look soon smoothed out allowing for a more feminine look to take over permanently the only thing that looked out of place was the short hair that sat on top of his head.

The dog seemed to notice this also as it got closer to release his knot having grown close to a size in which it either goes in or not, shoved with all of his might into Jamie's pussy driving the knot home finally locking them into place in the process allowing it to bite down on to Jamie's neck. Once again, Jamie found himself on the verge of pain however a scream wasn't what escaped from his lips, no it was a deep seeded moan that rang louder than any before.

The once short hair began to lengthen into a long flowing mane that flowed in waves of golden curls that reach to the middle of his back just above the reach of the Danes reach. However when Jamie threw his head back to let out a much more moan did the dog get a chance of grabbing a hold of his hair in his snout as a hold making sure that Jamie couldn't escape.

When the first spurts from the huge member finally sent Jamie over the edge allowing his pussy walls to spasm all around the entire length of the cock and knot seemingly to encourage the dog to continue. With his lust dying down allowing him to start to think clearly almost, Jamie stood there in a state of shock finally realizing after sometime what he had just done having yet to realize what the rest of his body had already gone through.

"Looks like someone has enjoyed themselves." a voice called out causing Jamie to jerk his head upward and to the side to see not only Elizabeth standing there holding a video camera but with her mother who also held a smirk on her face.