Day 9: sinking isn't just a feeling and cooking talents

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#8 of Project: perfection

Executives Ryker and Skywing has noted my concerns on project perfection and seems worried about this too. When they're worried, I get worried because only bad things that are likely to happen worry them They called to check in on me and Chris to see if we were okay and how our camping trip was going. I told them it was nice and I would probably do it again in around a year, but during a warmer time. Necross and Ryker have convinced the rest of the executive borad that my research is to stay secret and that it is important. I feel Ryker and Necross have an interest that is as equally dark as mine, but would rather not mention it for fear of it becoming public.

Chris and I swam... rather he swam and I flailed about in the water for half an hour then went to a shallow part in the river to soak. the water was warmer in the sun but we both had to get out after a short while and dry by a warm fire. we were both naked and have I mentioned that Chris is hung. He asked about my school years and I told him how I was picked on because I was the fat kid and how I was always trying to do my best in my classes. I told him about how eventually I was showing up teachers and graduated early, then about college life... which sucked almost as bad. I told him about the fling with the philosophy teacher, a hermaphrodite named Ms. Wong. I told him all the pranks pulled on me, all the beatings, all the humiliating things I was forced to do, everything that hurt so bad. He asked me if all this was the reason I'm doing project perfection and general hypnosis and mind control experiments. I told him that i didn't know.

We had chili and bread. Chris says he's never had chili that good in ages. I told him it was just the way my dad made it and it was nothing special. He acted like it was the best thing he ever had. I wonder how he'll react to my biscuits and gravy, I mean, I could ask to cook breakfast in the morning if i really wanted to know.

After dinner, Chris held me and told me more stories about his days in the military. A lot of funny things happen in a base, a lot serious things too, but he kept it light for the most part and tried to keep me smiling. It felt strange to laugh and smile in someone's arms like that. He feels... real, genuine... like he actually likes me and wants me around for more than just sex... Huh... my heart rate is picking up and my stomach feels weird. Must be the fish we had for lunch.

Kross reported to me about the repairs needed on machines and computers rather than Lola. Kross says that, right now, shi's the acting Chief of Maintenence because Lola and Karmac haven't reported, done their job, and left their room for the most part. Shi also tells me the guards and maintenence staff are acting like the lab assistants and it's scaring hir. Kross has told me Shi submitted hir one week resignation when shi was bitten. That means tomarrow is hir last day. This means B6 is without an acting Maintenence Chief so they with bring an assistant chief from a different level. Lola has never shirked on her work ever.

There I go again, talking about work. Chris said he'd take my PDA away if he caught me doing it again. So no mentioning work in depth until we get back to B6.

Part of me thinks I'm moving too fast with Chris, but the rest of me doesn't care. He's the first person who actually cared and hasn't taped cab fair to my forehead. He makes me happy and, hopefully, I make him happy.

Dr. Mitchell J. Straton