Parth's tale #1

Story by Peregrine19 on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of Seven Moons College

This is a story about a college student and his math teacher.

This is meant to be read along with Sisterly Surprise as the two series will join at some point further down.

One of the Commissions for avatar?user=214599&character=0&clevel=2 WolfieluvsFoxie and the begginning of Parth's section of the Seven Moons College Adventures.

Remember kids, ladies, and gentlemen wait till everyone in the house is asleep and take a shower after you're done. Help with grammar, spelling, and constructive criticism, now the grammar for Parth is intentionally like that to show that his accent makes his speech very different.

Parth was walking to the Seven Moons College for the first time looking foreward to his classes on Criminal Justice and Psych but not so much his remedial math.

Standing at just under 6 feet tall he was tall for an arctic fox of 19 muscular but femminine in shape, his white fur veritably shimmered in the sunlight of the cloudless day accenuating the femmine form his flannel shirt and loose jeans tried to hide.

"Well heres ta' teh start o' my new life." He said, his thick irish brogue very noticible.

He looked around constantly taking in the sights, one thing that caught his eye was two students even younger then him talking off to the side.

"Wow so I'm na' goin' ta' be teh yungest one here." He muttered to himself as he watched the panther and wolf say goodbye to eachother and the wolf get picked up by an very obviously related wolf even if she was of a different color.

Parth walked up to the panther wanting to introduce himself. "Hi my name is Parth, I didna expec' to see anyone yunger then my 19 years o' age." He said making an effort to make his sentence as understandable as possible.

"Well hey Parth I'm Sam, that's an interesting accent you have there, Irish is it? From the northern part if I'm not mistaken, and I'm used to being the youngest too but Tyler, the wolf who just left, is acually even younger then my own 17 years of age." The much taller panther said in a friendly tone stretching out his hand to shake.

Parth reached out and took Sam's hand sneaking a discreet look at his body he was amazed at the level of fitness Sam had, his T-shirt and shorts looking almost like they were painted on.

Sam caught the look and subsequent amazement and snickered. "I work out and run track that's why I'm so fit, how about yourself, you must weigh like 200 pounds, which is very odd for a fox especially one of your shape."

"Well see back in Ireland, my family has a farm an' I do all the hard work so I built a lot o' muscle up o'er the years, on ano'her subject...can ya' show me to...math 1010 with Ms. Karnt? I'm a li'l lost." He said blushing a little bit.

Sam snickered and grabbed Parth's hand dragging him to a little building off to the side.

"It's right in here, see you later and don't worry about being gay here it's generally accepted even if you aren't bi like most of us." He said with a wink.

Parth was left stuttering and wondering how he knew as Sam dashed off to track practice, he shrugged it off with no little effort and entered the classroom.

He shivered as his body acclimated to the new temperture. He looked around the almost empty room full of towering bookshelves and dusty computers, the only person there being the teacher, a snow leapoard. Standing at 6 feet 4 inches she towered over him, or she would if she wasn't currently sitting on the floor rummaging through a bookcase her blue blouse and skirt rather askew. "Am I 'ere early?" he asked the feline.

She jumped at the deep irish voice. "Oh you must be my student." She said as she stood up and walked over trying not to blush.

"Hello I'm Cindy Karnt and I meant to call to tell you, we will be doing this on a live-in tutor type thing seeing as you are my only student this year but tests, quizes, and exams will still be taken here." She said confidently. "and as such I will need you to take me to your house where I will be staying.

Parth just stood there at a loss for words, but then the manners his mother worked hard to drill into him rose to the forefront. "Righ' tis way ma'am." He said as he opened the door for her.

"Now why am I teh on'y studen' ya' 'ave tis year?" He asked as he walked her to his ancient pick-up and opened the passenger side seat.

"Well because math is not something we go into a lot of detail on here at Seven Moons as this is for the more advanced classes, you are expected to have a good enough math education and most do so I don't get much work. What part of Ireland are you from if I may ask?" she asked as she sat down in the truck.

He held up his hand for her to wait a second and carried her suitcases to the bed of the truck wedging them in next to the toolbox. He walked back and sat down in the drivers seat "I'm from teh northern part o' Ireland." He said.

He put the key in the ignition and turned it, the truck made a few sputtering sounds but didn't start. "Sorry ol' truck." He tried again this time pressing down on the gas as he turned the key and the truck roared to life, deafening anyone in a 10 meter radius.

The drive to his house was mostly silent as the truck was to loud to allow comfortable conversation.

They pulled into his driveway and Cindy gasped as she saw the large mansion-like house sitting at the top it wasn't untill they got closer that she noticed it was kind of run down.

"Sorry abou' teh shape it's in, it's pretty ol' as well." Parth said as he opened her door for her.

"It looks...nice." Cindy said, at a loss for words.

Parth shrugged and offered her his arm, they walked up to his house where he entered a code in the very modern keypad next to the door, after a loud click sounded he opened the door for her again.

"My my you have impeccable manners, such a rare thing these days." Cindy said as she stepped into the freezing cold house. She shivered noticibly as they walked to the living room.

"Ah sorry bou' tha' it's a lot colder up in Ireland an' e'en teh winters down here are too hot." Parth said as he started rummaging around for something, with a cry of triumph he came out from the closet covered in cobwebs holding up some firewood. "No heatin' just teh fireplace." He said by way of explanation as he piled the wood strategically and grabbed the matches and starter log, very soon a fire was blazing merrily in the fireplace.

"So...uh tis be my home." Parth said uncomfortably. Cindy snickered to herself as she watched him fidget thinking he was akward because he didn't have many women over.

"I keep teh place really clean, teh kitc'en is o'er there an' I cook most of my meals but meat from, animals is no' allowed in teh 'ouse period alt'ough fish is alright, t'ere are 4 ba'hrooms you can use an' 7 bedrooms so take yer pick, teh secondary master bedroom has a jacuzzi bath. Would you like a guided tour?" Parth said, offering her his hand.

Cindy grabs his hand and they're off.

"Tis is ter' fully equiped kitc'en wit t'ree stoves, a separate fridge an' freezer, a microwave, an' of course, all teh supplies ta' make bread, ya' should try teh zuchini bread I make. Tis is teh green'ouse where I grow most o' my food. Tis is teh game room complete wit', Billiards, foosball table, teh tennis court is through t'at door, an' there are gaming consoles an' Tvs in teh cabinet over there. Finally here are teh bedrooms, teh 'ouse has 8 including mine, tis is teh green room where everyt'in', yellow room, red room, blue room, white room which is teh secondary master, black room which is mine, teh room of mirrors, an' finally teh brown room which I have mostly turned intp a library, you can read any o' teh books all I ask is that you take care with them."

Cindy looked around the room she chose (white) then put her suitcases on the large king bed before walking off to find the master of the house to begin his teaching.

She walks into his room forgetting to knock and sees him bending over digging through a dresser in his underwear...his female underwear. She stands there for a minute in shock her eyes gazing at the rather feminine fox in pink panties.

To be continoued...