The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 6 A Painful Past

Story by Grey Knight on SoFurry

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#6 of The Gate-Way Revisited

Chapter 6 - A Painful Past

Matt sighed in frustration as he made his way cautiously down the dimly lit corridor. Glancing at his watch he noted it was well past midnight. He realized he had been walking for well over half an hour and was still no closer to finding the kitchen. His stomach grumbled, demanding that it be fed.

He shivered in the cool night air, having though it would take but a few minutes to find the kitchen; Matt had opted to leave the warm cosiness of his bed in nothing but his light grey boxers. Panic began rising in his chest as he realized he was completely and utterly lost.

Closing his eyes he leaned back against the wall. Taking a calming breath he forced himself to relax. Suddenly he heard a quite "ahem" coming from behind him. Jumping away from the wall, he whipped around searching for the source of the noise. Then he saw it: a pale blue glow emanating from a small screen set into the wall. Within it he could see Jason standing patiently, holding a cup of coffee in one paw, a pair of crescent shaped reading glasses perched on his muzzle.

"Something I can help you with Master Matthew?"

"I...uh, yes I'm kind of lost," said Matt thankful the dark corridor hid his blush. "I'm trying to find the kitchen; I just wanted something to eat."

"Well I would advise against visiting the kitchen at this hour...Chef Brad and Ethan, the pool boy, have a tendency of making quite the mess this time of night." Jason said matter-of-factly "Why did you not just request that they send you up something to eat?"

"I...I didn't want to disturb anyone. I'm sorry if I woke you," Matt said quickly. "Do you think you could please tell me how to get to the kitchen?"

"Please don't worry about me Master Matthew I was simply enjoying a nice cup of coco with my book before bed. If you insist on visiting the kitchen at this hour then I shall illuminate those halls that will take you directly to it. I must warn you though, that if anyone is going to be disturbed tonight it shall be you if you do venture into the kitchen."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind" Matt said, relief flooding through him as the lights flickered on.

"Have a good evening sir," said Jason before shutting off the com.

Heaving a sigh he slowly made his way down the brightly lit corridor. The lights on the walls in their candelabra style brackets reflected in the ancient hard wood floor. It took him another ten minutes to walk the rest of the way to the kitchen. It turned out he was not as far as he had thought. Relief washed over him as he found himself in familiar surroundings. Turning the corner he reached the kitchen door.

Pushing the door open a crack he stifled a gasp. Within the kitchen stood a large grey wolf. Matt felt absolutely tiny in comparison. Not only were the wolf's arms and legs huge but at six-five he was a veritable giant. The wolf's ears swiveled at the sound of the door openning, his hazel eyes flashed in the light of the hanging lamps. His smile flashed and teeth sparkled as he spotted Matt.

"Don't be shy hon, I won't bite...hard. You must be Matt, Jake raves on about you all the time. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he had a crush on you. I'm Ethan," the giant said as he reached out his paw in greeting.

Matt blushed deeply at the idea, his paw was dwarfed by Ethan's. "What are you doing up so late sweety?" Ethan asked as he played with a pan on the stove. Matt's ears twitched as the distinct sound of popcorn being made reached him.

"I was hungry and thought I would make myself a little something to eat. I don't think I've ever seen anyone make popcorn that way," Matt stated, peering intently into the pan, licking his lips as the scent of buttery popcorn reached his delicate nose.

"Well now you know how to make it the right way then," Ethan teased as he danced to a song only he could hear. Tail swaying, the wolf moved in place as he added salt to the pan.

Matt wasn't quite sure what to make of the giant whose personality did not seem to match him at all, but his hunger overrode his nerves. He looked around for the bread to begin constructing his sandwich before continuing the small talk.

"What are you doing up then?" Matt questioned, ears twitching as the popcorn popped in the pan.

"Well Brad and I are up watching a movie. You met Brad, right? Big guy? Thinks with his dick? He's my boyfriend." Ethan said with a grin. Though it may have been the light, it seemed to Matt that the grin was strained.

"Oh so you're the pool boy?" Matt grinned, knowing exactly who Ethan meant. He looked up just in time to catch the loaf of bread Ethan had tossed his way.

"Just the day job, Foxy," Ethan chuckled, "Would you care to join us for the movie? I promise we'll behave...Well...I will...I make no promises about Brad..."

"Umm...thanks for the offer, but I'm really tired." Matt lied. He really had no interest in being with anyone tonight. Putting the finishing touches on his sandwich, Matt made for the exit.

"Well here is a map in case you change your mind," Ethan smiled, handing Matt a piece of paper with directions that appeared to be written in crayon. Someone had scribbled the title "The Marauder's Map."

"Thanks, we'll have to another night." Matt said as he made his way out, stomach reminding him why he'd left his room.


Matt slowly made his way back to his room as he munched on his sandwich. As he rounded a corner his ears perked up and swivelled as he heard a noise coming from behind one of the door. Pushing it open slowly he peered into the gloom. A single lamp lit the large room from its position on a small wooden end table. Along one was stood a large bookshelf, in the center of which stood a massive flat screen plasma TV.

Two floor-to-ceiling windows took up much of the far wall; they were separated by large chairs much like the ones he had seen in the library. Pictures and paintings dotted the walls, but it was too difficult to make out their contents in the darkness. Matt's ears perked up again as a loud sigh and clinking of glass sounded. Looking through the shadows he saw Shawn lying on the couch before the TV.

In the human's paw, hands matt corrected himself, he saw a large bottle of a dark amber liquid. In Shawn's other hand he held a small glass. As Matt watched, Shawn filled the glass with the amber liquid. Mumbling something that sounded like a toast to someone, he downed the contents of his glass, before pouring himself another.

In the shadows of the far wall Matt could make out a large armoire, its doors ajar. Seeing more bottles of amber liquid inside, Matt correctly assumed that was where Shawn had gotten the bottle. Carefully he approached the human. The stench of alcohol wafted off of him like smoke from a fire.

His eyes were bloodshot and his face tear-streaked. As Matt watched, Shawn closed his puffy eyes, and raised the glass in the air. Matt was close enough to just make out what Shawn was saying, "To Andrew, never...hic...was there a...hic... a better brother...hic..."

Even sitting down Matt could see that Shawn was swaying in his seat. Creeping closer, he stepped into the light. Looking up, Shawn cried of fright at the sight of the arctic fox approaching him. Pressing himself deeper into his seat, he tried to get away from the animal standing before him. Suddenly the look on his face changed as recognition seeped through his alcohol induced stupor.

"Oh it''s you...what do you...hic...want? Can't you see I'm...hic... trying to do a...hic... tribute here?"

"A tribute?" Matt asked, moving closer to the couch. "To who?"

"My brother...hic...Andrew," Shawn said, wiping a tear from his eye. "He died...hic...the night I came here."

"I'm so sorry," said Matt sitting at the edge of the couch his ears drooping. Matt had been wondering how long it would take before Shawn reached the breaking point. He seemed to be so determined to cover up all of his emotions. Before you could barely tell that he had been through an extremely terrifying ordeal...but now his real emotions were coming through. "How did he die?"

"Jerry killed him...hic..." said Shawn, rage flickering across his face. "Those bastards shot him down...hic...nothing I could do."

Shawn's face suddenly contorted in rage "But I made those bastards pay. I killed them! Shot them down watched them burn for what they did to my brother."

Suddenly he threw his glass across the room where it smashed into the wall right next to the door that had just opened. Jake ducked back behind the door just in time to be missed by the shards of glass. Smashing the door open, Jake stormed in the room, "What the hell are you doing, you?"

"Getting drunk what does it look like?"

Matt's eyes widened in fear as he felt fury emanating from Jake like a fire was burning within him. He had never seen Jake this mad before. As the wolf walked towards the couch, paws clenched in fists, Matt leapt away fearful of what might happen if he were to get in his way.

"" Jake said biting off each word with a fury. He ripped the bottle out of Shawn's hand and threw it across the room to smash into the cabinet it had come from.

In a shower of glass and amber liquid the bottles and the glass case itself shattered. Shawn leapt to his feet as the last of the bottles crashed to the floor. "What did you do that for?! I was trying to mourn my brother!"

"There is no drinking in this house" Jake repeated, his muzzle just inches from the humans face, both their eyes ablaze.

"Do you have any idea what it is like watching your brother die hearing his screams in your ears?" Shawn demanded "When I close my eyes all I see is his plane exploding! Every time I cover my ears I hear his screams!"

"There is nothing worse than seeing your brother die and hearing his final screams."

"No? You don't think there is something worse?" said Jake in a cold hollow voice. "Let me tell you something, there are things much worse than seeing your brother die and hearing his screams in your ears."

Matt was scared, he almost wished Jake would start screaming, that would be preferable to this cold almost silent Jake.

"No I don't think there is anything worse than that, and unless you're going to tell me I suggest you get out of my way."

"Oh I'll tell you alright, now sit down!" Jake said shoving the human back into place, his eyes burning with fury.

To Matt's surprise fury wasn't the only thing he saw in Jake's eyes; he saw fear and pain.

Bringing his paws up to cover his muzzle, he rubbed it as he tried to calm himself. "You want to know what's worse than watching your brother die." Unable to help himself Matt nodded along with Shawn.

Heaving a sigh, Jake opened his maw and began to tell them...


Jake sighed in frustration as he attempted to fix his tie for the fifth time. Finally giving up, he tore it from his neck. With a grin, Alex, his younger brother, picked it up and looped it back around his brother neck, quickly tying it for him.

"There that's better, goes well with that goofy suit of yours," Alex said as he surveyed the black tux his brother was wearing. "Aren't you a little over dressed for a four star restaurant?"

"Nothing is too good for her and..."Jake paused as he rummaged around in his pocket, pulling out a small box he opened it to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a trio of small diamonds set into it. "I'm going to ask Jessica to marry me."

Alex's look of amusement turned to one of horror as he saw the ring. "Jake you can't do that, don't ask her to marry you. How many times have I told you she isn't the fox for you?"

"Shut up. What do you know, I love her and she loves me. We've been dating over four years now. I think she is the one." Jake said with a longing sigh. "Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"Because...because I...I know a lot more than you think," Alex said quietly, not daring to look at his brother, his ears drooping. "She doesn't love you Jake, she's just using you for your money."

"Shut up ok? I have had it with your stupid theories and accusations. She isn't sleeping around with other guys, she loves me."

With that he picked up his car keys and left his bedroom and stormed off down the hall. He was upset that his brother couldn't just be happy for him. That stupid little grey wolf just had to come up with stories and accuse the fox he loved of sleeping around behind his back. That was stupid; Jessica would never do that to him, right? 'No! Of course not! She loved him,' he thought to himself as he walked into the garage.

Walking up to his brand new 2004 Corvette, he ran his hand along its freshly polished black paint job admiringly before opening the door and hopping into the tan leather clad interior. He turned the key and the car the engine roared to life. He felt a rush as he shifted into reverse and slammed down on the accelerator. Glancing over his shoulder, he peeled out of the open garage, wheels smoking.

Spinning the car a full 180 degrees with a twist of the wheel, he shouted with exhilaration as he slammed the car into first gear. Stomping on the accelerator the car took off down the driveway. Shifting into second, third, fourth, fifth, as the car rocketed down the driveway, trees and pushes flying past in a blur. Hitting the road way, he made a hard left turn heading off into town.

Whipping around a corner he honked and waved at the cop car he knew would be posted at the corner. The officer simply honked and waved back, not bothering to give chase as he glanced at his radar gun, noting that once again it read ERROR. Even if he had been able to catch up to Jake, he knew the wolf or his parents would just hire an expensive lawyer and drag things on until either the city wasted so much money that it couldn't continue trying to get him to pay the ticket or just got fed up. Settling back into his seat the cop watched Jake disappear over the horizon.

Suddenly another car sped past, a Mustang GT going just as fast as the first. The officer shook his head, 'Not tonight,' he thought to himself, taking a sip of his coffee.

A few heart pounding, adrenaline filled minutes later, Jake pulled up in front of Jessica's house. He was well over an hour early but just couldn't contain his excitement; he wanted so badly to ask the love of his life to marry him.

Shutting off the car he sat, taking a calming breath before hopping out and walking quietly up to the large blue sided house. Through the curtains covering the large picture window, he could see the faint flicker of a TV on in the living room. Creeping quietly up, he opened the door silently, slipping into the long dark hallway hoping to surprise Jessica.

As he crept down the hall he could hear voices coming from the living room. 'Must be the TV,' he assumed. Suddenly a strange smell hit him, causing his fur to stand on end and his lips curl back over his teeth. He could smell arousal. The unmistakable sweet scent of Jessica's arousal was there and it was strong, but that was not what kindled the rage building in his breast. There was another scent, the scent of arousal, a male's arousal.

His rage began to take over, knowing full well what was going on without needing to look. With a cry of fury he brought his foot up kicking the living room door open, breaking it from its hinges in a shower of splinters.

There on the couch Jessica lay naked and laying over her, driving himself into her was Phil, the captain of the football team. Jessica screamed in horror as she saw Jake. Phil took it as a scream of pleasure and with a grin began fucking the fox harder. Suddenly he yelped as a massive paw seized him by the back of his neck. Ripping him from Jessica's embrace, Jake sent the timber wolf flying across the room where he slammed into the wall.

"Jake what are you doing here?" Jessica cried in horror trying to cover her shame with her paws.

The sight of her naked form only enraged him more, "So what everyone has been saying is true? You're a whore?!"

"Hey asshole, don't talk to her like that," said Phil as he staggered to his feet.

With a scream of feral rage, Jake leapt across the room and seized the startled timber wolf by the throat. Phil struggled and clawed desperately at Jake's massive hands as he was slammed repeatedly into the wall so hard it made his teeth rattle.

Eyes glazing over, blood splattered the wall thicker and thicker with each blow. Releasing the unconscious timber wolf he watched as it slumped to the floor. With another scream he kicked Phil in the chest, feeling ribs break with a satisfying crack.

"Jake please stop!" Jessica screamed "You're killing him!"

"And once I'm done with him I'm going to kill you, you fucking whore!"

Feeling someone grab his arm, Jake whorled around on instinct and slammed his fist into the maw of whoever was standing behind him. Horror speared through his rage-clouded mind as he watched Alex stagger back, clutching his bloody maw. Behind him Matt stood next to Jessica, both looking on in horror.

With a final cry of rage he stormed out of the room, running to his car, ignoring Matt's calls for him to come back. Hopping in his car he was going to get so drunk this would all just end up being one bad dream, he thought to himself as he sped off to the nearest bar.

"You're lucky he didn't kill you, you fucking bitch," said Alex with disgust, blood dripping from his nose. "Come on Matt lets go find Jake before he does something stupid."

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with Phil?"

"Why don't you call him an ambulance you whore" Alex said, walking up to her he punched her hard in the stomach knocking the wind out of her. Giving her a shove, she tumbled over the back of the couch in a heap of fur. "You're just lucky Jake needs our help, otherwise I'd kick your ass"

With that he turned and took off followed by Matt to his waiting Mustang GT.

Over an hour later, Alex pulled over. They hadn't seen any sign of Jake or his car. Looking in the window to Matt, Alex said "Here, you drive. I'm going to see if I can find him on foot."

Nodding Matt hopped into the driver's seat and slowly pulled away continuing the search for his friend. He was scared, he had never seen Jake that angry before, but he really didn't blame him. If he had a girlfriend and he found out she had cheated on him he didn't know what he would do.

Shaking his head, Matt concentrated on the search.

Alex rubbed his sore maw and felt the dried blood stuck in his fur as he watched Matt drive off. Heaving a sigh he began crossing the street determined to check every bar and pub in town until he found Jake. Suddenly, he heard tires squealing and a car came roaring around the corner. Blinded by its headlights, he raised his paws defensively as he tried to get out of the way of the car. He tried to dive out of the way as the driver slammed on the brakes, but it was too late.

The car ran into him at full speed, sending him flying up over the hood, bouncing off the windshield. A spiderweb of cracks formed through the glass as Alex flew high up into the air. He landed hard with a sickening, wet thump on the hard, unforgiving pavement.

He gasped for breath. His chest was on fire and it felt like he had broken a number of ribs. From the whistling he could hear, he knew one of his lungs was punctured. His vision was fuzzy and he could feel blood matting his fur at the back of his head.

Out of the corner of his eye, he heard tires screeching as the driver finally stopped the car.

He heard the driver slam the car door and run towards. Kneeling down beside his brother, Jake's breath caught in his throat. Sobbing through a drunken haze, he surveyed his little brother's mangled body. Blood bubbled at the corner of his maw, and he could hear Alex's breath rattling in his chest. Both of his legs were broken and bent at awkward, unnatural angles. His arm, pinned beneath him also appeared to be broken.

As tears of anguish rolled down his muzzle to match those of pain trickling from his brother's eyes, Jake sobbed. Gently he picked up his brother cradling his head in his lap.

"I'm sorry Alex I'm sorry" Jake said sobbing "You were right this whole time, I was wrong. I'm sorry"

"It's ok bro" Alex said, feeling strangely numb. Reaching up he wiped a tear from his brother's muzzle but only succeeded in smearing it with blood. "Don't worry about it; I wouldn't have believed me either."

He tried to laugh but a spear of pain shot through him and he gasped instead as his ribs shifted, grinding together. Fresh tears rolled down his face as he felt it becoming more difficult to breathe and stay conscious.

"I'm sorry Alex" Jake cried as he cradled his brother in his arms, gently rocking back and forth as he sobbed. "Please Alex stay with me. I'm sorry I hit you. I didn't mean to. I should have just gone home."

"Don't worry Jake, I forgive you" Alex said with a weak smile, trying to put his brother at ease. "It's ok, just promise me you'll warn me next time you go drinking and driving."

As his breath rattled in his chest more blood foamed in the corners of his mouth, everything sounded strangely distant and faint.

Jake tried to laugh at his brother's attempt at a joke but sobbed instead. Holding his brother to his chest he rocked gently back and forth as he sobbed.

"I feel cold Jake, could you hold me please?" Alex said faintly, looking up at his brother who now began getting blurry and faint. "I'm so cold..."

"I am holding you Alex, I've got you, and you're safe now. Just hang on I can hear the ambulance coming now."

He looked down at his brother who smiled up at him. Blood foamed at the corner of his maw; raising his hand he placed it against his brother's head, gently holding his brother as he felt everything growing darker. "I love you Jake"

"I love you too Alex" Jake sobbed.

Suddenly, he felt his brother's hand slip from his face.

"I forgive you Jake..." Alex said, as Jake watched the light in his eyes slowly dim and go out, as his brother's head lolled back in his arms.


Jake sobbed and rocked back and forth on the couch, tears streaming from his eyes and running down his muzzle onto Matt's arm. The arctic fox had encircled his friend with his arms, trying to comfort the wolf as he remembered the rest of the night vividly.


Pulling up to the scene just behind the ambulance, Matt got out of Alex's car and rushed to where Jake was sitting holding his brother. Two paramedics, both brown furred otters leapt out of the back of the ambulance and rushed to Jake's side. Placing his fingers to Alex's neck, one of the paramedics looked to the other and shook his head.

"He's dead; there is nothing we can do for him. I'm sorry son," said one of the paramedics.

"No! He can't be dead!" Jake said with fury as he leapt to his feet, grabbing the startled paramedic by the collar of his uniform. Muzzle just inches from the otters, Jake shouted "You're going to bring him back now! He isn't dead! He can't be dead!"

"Son there is nothing we can do. His injuries are too severe. He's gone now please let us do our job," the other otter said calmly gently pulling Jake's paws off of his partner.

Matt rushed forward as Jake sank to his knees, rocking back and forth he sobbed into his paws. Dropping down next to Jake, he wrapped his arms around the sobbing wolf as the paramedics gently placed Alex's still form on the gurney and place him in the back of the ambulance. Getting up Matt gently led Jake into the back of the ambulance to ride with his brother to the hospital...


"Did you know he hit his brother?" asked Shawn quietly.

"No" Matt said shaking his head. "I...I always assumed he had come out of the bar and seen his brother lying in the road..."

Both of them sat in silence as Jake sobbed into Matt's arms. "I killed him...I killed my brother...all because I was drunk. That's why there is no drinking in this house. I don't want that to ever happen again."

Shawn said nothing, sitting back he somehow felt his experience had been less traumatizing now. "Come on let's get him back to his room."

"Um...I don't know where it is..." Matt said quietly "I'll take him to my room."

" need any help?"

"No I should be alright, come on Jake" Matt said as he pulled Jake to his feet, the wolf had stopped sobbing but now he had a glazed look in his eyes as he allowed Matt to lead him out of the room and down the hall.

A few minutes later, they reached his room. Pushing open the door, Matt led Jake to his bed. Pulling back the covers he sat the wolf down; gently he tugged off the wolf's shirt. He felt his sheath tighten as he pulled off Jake's pants, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. 'Jake's straight,' Matt scolded himself, 'and he needs me to comfort him not pleasure him.'

Shaking his head, he gently laid the wolf down in bed before crawling in with him. Wrapping his arms around the larger wolf, he felt Jake come out of his daze long enough to wrap his arms around him. Feeling Jake nuzzle his chest as they drifted off to sleep, Matt could have sworn he heard Jake say "I'm sorry Alex".

He waited for Jake's breathing to slow and become regular, telling him he was asleep, before allowing himself to sink into sweet oblivion. All the while he fought his own urges, as he felt his cock begin peaking out of his sheath. He shook his head, reminding himself once again that Jake was straight and in need of comfort not sex.

With a sigh he tightened his grasp, pulling the wolf closer. He licked him gently between his soft furry ears. Smiling sadly as Jake murred in his sleep, he closed his eyes and heaved a sigh as sleep overtook him.