RE Fan-fic Character Sheet

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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Raccoon City, a place forgotten due Umbrella's viral testing, hiding behind a pharmacuetical facade to create new biological weaponry for their own personal gain, whether it's sold on the black market or to terrorists, they don't care. Umbrella was only interested in money, and alot of it. That was, until what the Redfields did to take it down and expose them for the biological tyrants they were, with the help of Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy. Very few people knew how to deal with the effects of the T-Virus, and thanks to the publication of the Kennedy Report about the Ganados and Las Plagas, people fear that another Los Illuminados might take place.

While Chris Redfield of the B.S.A.A was in Africa, looking for his partner, Jill, another, less known group was in South America, following up on a tip that the T-virus was in Brazil, which was all they had hoped was happening. They saw the video footage of how drastic the G-Virus was, as well as the T-Veronica Virus. They had heard little of the Kennedy report, and had no experience against it.

The team consisted of five members, all from the B.S.A.A. and went by codenames amongst each other, whether they were on duty or off. They were lead by Flame, a collective mind who knew that if things turned bad, he had to make the right decision on the spot, and thus far, his team were alive. He only carried two weapons on him, a 9mm Beretta from his years on the force, and his customized six shot Single Action Army, which he kept in working condition and used only in the direst of situations.

His wife, Aurora, was as cool-headed as he was, and was a great technician for keeping radio contact with the rest of the team, should they get pulled apart. She was skilled in small machine guns and pistols, using both with lethal accuracy, .357 S&W pistol and an old Sten from the second World War, and is always at Flame's side.

Then there's Mom, aptly named so because she was a medic, and also anyone can hear her across a radius of five clicks. Not only able to keep one in ship shape, she carries some of the scarce vials of Anti-virus, should they go into an area riddled with zombies. She also carried an AK-47 and a Desert Eagle, both of which show she's not afraid to take off any heads.

Of course, any team needed a sniper, and that's where Blaze came in. Specializing at being able to touch someone from far off gave him an edge over most others, limiting his exposure to the T-Virus. As per his usual arsenal, he carried a Mauser with a customized scope, and for close encounters, he carries a Mossberg. Flame always calls him his brother, though actual relations are unknown.

Finally, when things need a go with a bang, Urzu brought in the demolitions package. Being one who always enjoyed an explosion, and a large one at that, he carries several pounds of C4, a rocket launcher, and for when things get too close for his fireworks, he uses a real blast from the past, the M4 Garand, with several empty clips mixed with the full clips. Usually detailed to blow up trains, bridges, and vehicles, he's one that the team would rather be behind, rather than next to. Also loves Mom's chili for some reason.