Resident Evil 2 segment.

Story by Wolf Trooper on SoFurry

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Well with Resident Evil 6 coming soon. I'd thought I'd post this segment I wrote awhile ago which follows the scene from Resident Evil 2 where Dr. Birkin injects himself with the G-Virus. Little disclaimer, I did make a few minor changes and alterations to the scene. Well, enjoy and comment!

Two individuals were surreptitiously walking down the brightly lit corridor, their gas masks making a distinctive breathing sound that echoed off the white metal walls of the Umbrella facility. The two individuals were actually mercenaries sent by Umbrella on a top secret mission. One was a human while the other was a husky. They both wore gas masks and balaclavas which covered their entire faces. They had strong steel helmets protecting their heads and wore greenish black spec ops attire. They had knives tucked in their belts alongside .40 caliber semi auto pistols. Several clips and magazines of ammo where also strapped to there bullet proof tactical vests. Underneath all that, they wore an extra suit of specially designed bio suits designed to protect them from biohazardous materials. Even the husky's tail was covered in this material. Both the soldiers were carrying SIG SG 551 assault rifles. They also had codenames too. The human's call sign was HUNK, while the husky was Alpha 2.

They continued to sweep the hallway heading to their destination. HUNK, being the commander of Alpha team, was leading the way.

"This way!" he ordered to Alpha 2 as they took a left at the next corridor. Sure enough not to far, was their target.

Lab Three

With their rifles at ready, they headed towards the lab.

Inside the laboratory, sitting at a table, was a human scientist. His name was Dr. William Birkin, one of Umbrella's top scientists. He opened up a storage suitcase container which made a hissing sound as the liquid nitrogen used to keep it cool released a puff smoke. Inside the container where several vials containing green and purple fluids. The green vials contained the infamous T-virus, the mutagen which had been responsible for the mansion incident which had occurred a few months prior. But Birkin reached for a purple one.

"It's sheer perfection!" he boasted with pride as he carefully held the vial in his hands! "My precious G-virus! No one will ever take you away from me!"

Finally! After several years of research and testing, he had created the ultimate bio-weapon. The capabilities of the new G-virus would far surpass the T-virus by a long shot! Hell, compared to the G-virus, the T-virus was completely outdated. But he had to be very cautious. He had heard from informants that Umbrella was planning to take his research. Not only that, there were rumors that rival companies and other organizations wanted a piece of the action too. But Brikin wasn't going to let that happen! He would defend his work! Even if it would cost him his life!

Suddenly he heard the automatic doors open as two armed soldiers entered the lab! Acting quickly, Birkin grabbed the pistol he had kept on his desk for personal protection and the container.

"There he is!" HUNK shouted as he and Alpha 2 cornered Birkin. Their rifles aimed at him.

"So you've finally come!" Birkin said back as he aimed his pistol back ready to fire. The odds were against him, but he wasn't going to give up without a fight!

"Doctor, we're here to collect the G-Virus sample!" HUNK said in a rather threatening manner. He still held his assault rifle at Birkin and began to steadily approach him. They had been ordered to take him out if he put up a fight.

But Dr. Birking just laughed.

"Sorry!" he said back with a laugh as he backed away "But I won't just hand over my life's work!"

However, he failed to notice what was behind him and by accident, his arm knocked over a paperweight. The paperweight fell and hit the floor with a loud clank!

Being a rookie, Alpha 2 panicked and mistook the noise for gunfire. He opened fire with his assault rifle spraying bullets everywhere. Birkin tried to duck and avoid them but he was struck multiple times in his arm and chest.

"AHH!!!" he screamed as he felt the bullets strike him, blood spattering all over as he fell to the floor.

"Stop!" HUNK ordered as he forced his comrade to lower his weapon. "You might hit the sample!"

Alpha 2 calmed down immediately. Birkin was on the floor groaning in pain, blood leaking from his bullet wounds staining his white lab coat red with blood and forming a small pool. HUNK walked up and kicked the pistol away.

"That's it all right!" he said as he grabbed the container of vials. He closed them and signaled to his comrade.

"OK let's move out!" he ordered. With that, he and Alpha 2 quickly left the lab leaving William Birkin to die. Dr. Birkin struggled to stay conscious, he slumped down by the table but he was bleeding badly and starting to go into shock. He heard another automatic door from the next door lab open. A snow leopard in a white lab coat came in to check out all the commotion. It was Annette Birkin, William Birkin's wife.

"William!" she gasped as she saw her husband. She quickly ran up to him. He was in bad shape. He was bleeding profusely and his breathing was rapid yet frail. She had to do something!

"Oh my! Hold on darling!" she gasped tearfully to her husband. "I'm taking care of that bullet wound first!" she said as she got up.

"Stay here!" she spoke and she rushed out of the lab to find some medicine to help her husband.

But Birkin knew it was too late. They had finally done it! The bastards at Umbrella had stolen his G-virus!

It's all over! Dr. Birkin thought to himself All I've worked for! Taken!

Just then, he felt something in his left hand. Looking down, he noticed he was still clutching a sample of the G-virus. A thought immediately came to his head. He was gonna make Umbrella pay! Mustering up all his strength, he stood up struggling to support himself on the table. He then reached for an inoculation needle!

Meanwhile at the sewers, two German Sheppard Umbrella soldiers were signaling HUNK's team. They were part of the support unit sent to assist Alpha team. Just like Alpha team, they were equipped with SIG SG 551 assault rifles, safely clutched in their paws. Their codenames were Foxtrot Seven and Bravo Two

"Alpha team have you retrieved the sample yet?" Foxtrot said into the communicator. At first there was static but then he received a signal.

"Affirmative!" HUNK spoke on the other line. "We'll be at the rendezvous point in one minute!"

"Roger!" Foxtrot responded. With that, he and Bravo left to rendezvous with Alpha team.

Back at the laboratory, Birking had just finished filling the needle with the G-Virus sample. Now was the point of no return! With one final breath, he injected the needle into his left arm injecting the G-virus into his veins! He felt a sudden jolt in his body and he blacked out!

A few minutes later, Annette returned to lab, a hemostat, bandages, and a medical kit bundle in her arms. But her husband was nowhere in sight.

"William!" she called out desperately.

As she was scoping for him, she spotted the spot where her husband had lain. There was a pool of blood but her husband was nowhere to be seen! He couldn't of just got up and walked out. But that was when Annette noticed something. Right next to the pool of blood was an empty inoculator needle and an empty vial labed "G sample". Shocked, she dropped the medical supplies she was carrying.

"Oh no!" she gasped to herself. "He didn't!"

"Are you telling me that he injected the G-virus into his own body!" Claire exclaimed at this statement! She couldn't believe what she was hearing! Annette nodded her head with tears in her eyes as she remembered that horrible day.

"The G-virus has the ability to revitalize cellular functions." the leopardess explained.


A monstrous roar echoed throughout the empty sewer's tunnels! The roar was accompanied by the sound of several gunshots being fired from an assault rifle.

"Wha, wha, what was that!?" Bravo Two exclaimed as he heard this.

Foxtrot Seven nodded in response.

"Something's wrong! he exclaimed. "Let's check it out!"

He then pointed in the direction of where the noise came from.

"Over there!" he commanded.

They then headed to the location. Judging by the sound, it sounded like Alpha team was in trouble.

HUNK and Alpha 2 were backed into a corner face to face with a horrible looking monster! The monster had them cornered and HUNK's rifle was out of ammo!

"Shoot it!" he ordered.

Alpha 2 didn't need to be reminded.

"EAT THIS YOU FREAK!" he shouted as he opened fire with his assault rifle. All his bullets made their mark striking the creature. But the creature wasn't even phased and continued to approach them!

"The guns... aren't stopping it!" Alpha Two whimpered!

"What is this thing!?" HUNK questioned.

Just then, the creature began to unsheathe its claws!


Foxtrot and Bravo heard the bloodcurdling scream. They immediately recognized it as Alpha Two. This confirmed it; Alpha team was in trouble!

"Hurry!" Foxtrot Seven ordered. They sprinted to the location of the scream to assist their comrades. But it was too late!

The creature tossed Alpha Two's mutilated dead body aside. It hit the floor with a thud. HUNK had escaped the creature, but in the process, he dropped the container! Several G and T-virus vials were scattered on the sewer floor. The creature approached the spilled contents and scooped up several G-Virus samples. But in the process, he stepped on and crushed several T-virus vials spilling them!

Just then, Foxtrot and Bravo showed up! The two soldiers gasped at the sight of the creature.

"What is this thing!?" Bravo Two shouted. The creature spotted them


It growled with anger as it raised its clawed arm into the air.

"Fire! Fire!" Foxtrot Seven ordered! The two soldiers opened fire on the creature with their assault rifles and impaling it with bullets. Suddenly, the beast charged at them its clawed arm poised to strike! Foxtrot Seven dodged the attack but Bravo Two wasn't lucky. The creature's claws struck Bravo Two knocking him down and tearing off his arm left arm! His assault rifle flew into the air and struck the ground nearby.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Bravo Two screamed as he fell to the floor and died, blood spurting from his wound.

"You son of a...!" Foxtrot Seven roared furiously at the creature!

He then lifted his assault fire and continued to fire. He aimed for the creature's head and chest and pelted it with bullets but it made no difference! Foxtrot backed up against a wall when suddenly...

Click, click click.

His gun gave off the "dead man's" click. He was out of ammo! He lowered his weapon and backed up against a wall paralyzed with fear! There was nothing more he could do! The creature approached him angered and with a thirst for blood! Foxtrot Seven raised his paws up desperately. The last thing he saw, was a large bright yellow eye staring at him!


Future Nightmare Company episode sneak peek.

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WIP- Red Winter Spinoff.

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Video Game Wars ISA!

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