Forest's Crush, Part Three (Cub 18+)

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#2 of Forest's Crush

Hm... I forgot to add this...

Still new to this porn writing thing and practicing, so forgive me if you see errors here and there...

Part three to this short story series here

Probably I'll continue it another time in a different series some other time.

I'm just standing in the bathroom, amazed at myself. Currently holding onto Cyprus' solid black boxer briefs, I was shocked that I took everything he had on... off, with no hesitation! No second thoughts that he would back down! The attire he had on was laying right next to me on the tiled flooring. His naked body, something I've wanted to see for the longest, was under running water inside the shower doors. It was hot enough to let steam fly right now and fog the glass, almost blinding me from my lover in there.

"Hey, Forest", he said. "You coming in anytime, man? I already finish washing myself. It's your turn."

"Um... c-coming, Cy!" I stood naked myself, trying to not be aroused by the scent given off by Cyprus' underwear. I must maintain self control. I need to keep my stiffy here in check, leaving it inside my sheath until I'm absolutely ready. I dropped his underwear on the ground and bit my lip, grasping the handle on that shower glass and slid it open.

Eye closed, I jumped right in there and shut it closed. I felt the hot steam over my little and lithe body. After that, his wet hand rubbing my head fur. "Three minutes later", he said chuckling. "What were you doing that whole time?"

I was going to reply, however... my eyes opened just to gaze upward. His body was just as I've imagined and dreamed, slender with some muscle tone. For a demonic mustelid in mouse ears that was 5'8'' and 130lbs... he was looking rather good to me. Left side of his body had some interesting tribal markings, almost vine looking. On his left hand, I finally saw what he was hiding under that glove, a dark red tattoo shaped like a grim reaper scythe. No idea why he was hiding it. I really liked it. Mom always said I had a thing for dark and gothic looking stuff was the reason why I do. Shame she wouldn't let me wear the clothes to that theme at least. Wait till I'm older, she says...

The one thing that I will NOT be waiting on is that adult sized package of his... right between his legs. I bit my lip even harder, just thinking about what was hiding under that sheath. How big is he? What color? What texture? What will it taste like? The results could be overwhelming for me, I assumed. One of his testis there could barely fit my hands if I grasp them. Or am I underestimating myself again?

Before I could go on, his glowing yellow eyes looked into mine, brow slightly arched. "You alright there, Forest", he asked me.

I came to, sharply shaking my head, then looked back up to him. I stammered a little, but calmed down after gazing into his glowing yellow eyes. "I'm...I'm fine, Cy." I was just thinking what I wanted to do now. When I was stripping him, he explained a few things to me, the things I need to know and understand what sex was about and how it works. Plus what were some special kinks that he liked and disliked before, during, and after, which widens my options to do more than just vanilla. So what knowledge I've gathered, he performed on me was my first oral downstairs and... I want to return the favor somehow.

He somehow read my mind. He knelt down to my height and smirked. "It seems you want to do something, but can't tell me what it is." I shyly nodded, facing away from him when I pointed downward at his crotch. Seconds later, I didn't hear anything from him. Only the running water under us. "You sure about that, Forest? I mean, I am pretty abnormal and... you are...well..."

"Inexperienced?" I turned to him again to see his soft nod. "I know", I sighed deeply. "It's that I wanna see every part of you before Mom gets home, plus please you all at once. Is... is that bad?"

I sighed with relief when that demon shook his head and chuckled, patting me on my head with his wet hands. "It's not bad. You're determined to see what I'm hiding, so I'll let you." He paused to grab a bottle of body wash he had when he got in the shower and lathered a good amount in his hands. "But first... let me clean you real quick."

I couldn't say no to that. I giggled and spread my arms wide. I really trust him to touch me anyway he likes... as long as I can do the same thing in return, of course. He was still on his knees as he rubbed my chest with both soapy hands, making sure he didn't miss a spot at all. I let out a murr from it, feeling how soft they were on my lithe frame. I couldn't help myself! Cy only laughed softly and rubbed his nose on my cheek. "You're just so cute, Forest", he said. He blushed a little as he said, "And you do look really good."

I guess he liked my slim, slender frame. "Thanks, love", I replied softly. "You look great, too..." But still, I wish I had a body like his, toned with a cool looking tattoo to show off to anyone I want. But that'll come in time. Just have to play my cards right as I grow up more... I let him resume spreading suds all over my little body. Seeing that he was being gentle doing so, I assumed he was being careful with me. I am pretty small and fragile, height pretty much up to his waistline, for someone that's ten years old. I understood why he was taking his time with me. I didn't mind, really. I was enjoying the way he was touching me.

Moments later, my body was covered in soap that gave off a scent of cinnamon. Well... almost. He missed my face on purpose and was now getting to my tail with one hand. I put my arms down and giggled a little more. I returned a smirk, grabbing his free hand to make him grasp my backside. "You didn't get there either", I told him.

"Oh?" Cy chuckled at me and gave my rump and gentle squeeze. After he was done soaping down my tail, he patted my bottom's other cheek, then massaged it with a bit more firmness. Holding onto his shoulders, I moaned deeply, bringing my head in to press my lips on his with eyes closed. It was feeling rather nice. So nice, I was getting excited too early. As my soapy body pressed on him, my member poked him on his belly. That little guy sprung out my sheath quicker than ever this time. It surprised me, too, making me gasp and break the kiss.

Face was getting red out of embarrassment, I wanted to apologize to him from me being aroused so quickly, however, he stopped me with a gentle kiss on my nose. "It's fine, Forest. It happens. And now, I'll take care of that for you." He moved back a little to get a better look at my twitching erection, touching my sac lightly and giving it a nice massage with his fingers. I saw where he was going with this, same as what happened downstairs, but he missed my female half this time.

Just when my lover was ready to place my penis back in his mouth, I grabbed his face, holding his cheeks firmly to get him to stop. His glowing eyes stared into mine with confusion. "Cy, I... I want to do that to you now", I told him. "It doesn't matter if you're... different, okay? Please, I want to give this a shot." He thought about it for a while, then nodded, changing places with me to let the hot water run on top of me.

I quickly rinsed all the suds off me and turned to Cyprus. That fellow mustelid in mouse ears was already sitting with legs slightly spread, waiting for me to get started. He was a bit worried about something though, judging by his facial expression. That something might be my reaction on what his erection would look like. I mean I KNOW he's pretty lengthy. It could be the way it was formed, maybe. I could care less really. I walked over to him and kissed him tenderly on his nose, then looked him in the eyes. "Cy, I love you, alright? And stop worrying. I bet you're just the right size for me."

"It's not the size I'm concerned about; it's... the way it looks." Wow, I got that right without asking!

I giggled and rubbed my wet nose on his cheek. "Now I definitely want to see this!" He chuckled back at me and nodded, shifting his body a little to get a bit more comfortable. Nerves started to build up slightly when I went down on my knees, touching Cy's inner thighs. I stopped and rubbed his sheath with my thumbs, massaging it slow and firm in a circular motion. Hearing him murr deeply, I knew I was doing something right. So I kept at it, rubbing it a bit faster.

Suddenly, I felt something moving inside there. He was finally erecting, but... I was feeling something either than his rod. At the moment, the texture was like bumps of some kind. Whatever it was, I closed my eyes and continued what I was doing. I want to see the whole thing, fully erect and ready for me to play with. I used one hand to hold and gently rub his sac, one of his testicles could barely fit my hand! So I massaged one at a time, back to back, and kept my other hand focusing on that sheath.

I heard my lover breathing deeply, sometimes letting out soft moans while saying my name. That was turning me on for some reason... I smiled and giggled again, as nervous as I was. Moments went by and I think I've finally got his rod up to its max length. I gulped once, then quickly opened my eyes, just to blink and widen them. Cyprus' member was a solid jet black color... and pretty shadowy looking as it gave off its aura. The bumps I've felt were his barbs, a bit sharper than what I've learned about them in sex ed. I observed closer and around it, calculating his length and girth. I've mastered measurement with my mind earlier than Mom did. So I'm certain that he was eight and a half inches long... and about six inches in circumference.

As I looked up at my adult lover, he said to me, "So... weird or what?"

I gave him my honest answer, a sharp shake of my head and a big smile. "Are you kidding? This is the most interesting thing I've EVER seen, Cypy! And I'm not lying." I paused, hearing him chuckle and seeing him grin. I loved that chuckle and that face so much... Now, onto my next part of my curiosity. I smirked and faced down at his manhood. "Now to taste it."

"I wouldn't do that yet, if I were you." I didn't catch that in time. My eagerness got my entire hand and tongue tip, yes at the same time, to get a good feel of his barbs. I eeped and rubbed my palm and fingers while I let my appendage move around in my mouth. MAN they are pointy! I also shed a tear, but wiped it quickly, when I eyeballed him again. He held my injured hand in both of his, rubbing on it softly with a soft smile. It was starting to feel better, faster than ever to me. "I didn't shift my barbs yet."

I tilted my head and blinked again. "Shift your barbs? What do you mean?"

"I mean... I can remove them, extend, sharpen, or soften them as I please. Watch closely." He closed those glowing eyes from me and took in some soft and deep breaths. I assumed he was concentrating. He spectated downward at his crotch, just to see one barb at a time shrink in front of my eyes. I stared with awe, until each vanished from my sight.

"What else can that do", I asked, mouth still gaping from amazement. And I WAS amazed from that.

"Well, that's all I can do, at the moment... with being in this form and all..."

"'Form'", I asked excitedly. "You never told me you had more than one form!"

Cy raised a brow. "You never asked me about what I can do overall, just about my dick here."

"Oh yeah... that's right." Well, snap.

I was just about to ask what his forms were. What stopped me was his shadowy member hitting me on my nose once he pulled it back slightly, just for it to spring forward and back in standing position. "I usually don't tell a lot about myself, but I will another time and do my best to answer as many questions you can throw at me." I nodded and quickly jotted down some of the questions I should have asked him in my mind. But after we get out, I'll have to write it down, either on my netbook, notepad, or something. "But hey, now you got me aroused, what are you going to do? I'm just curious what it is."

"Right... Um..." To be honest... I don't know, what to do first that is. I had to think it through for a quick second to get my ideas in order. Once he let go of my hand, I got started, placing my finger and thumb on his member's tip to let them move around there. My first choice was to test his sensitivity. A very soft murr came out as a result. Unlike me, a loud gasp and high girlish moan after... so he's less sensitive than me. No big deal.

Now the taste test. The texture test already ended in the result I like as expected after grabbing the base with both my hands, nice and rock hard. In addition, I can easily stroke it without the need to add some kind of lubrication. Interesting... I then gave it a long and slow lick with my entire tongue on the entire shaft. I ended up blushing more and my body felt hot. It taste just like his tongue's slime that got me acting like this. No wonder...

My lover's adulthood was too big for my little mouth. I would just love to take this thing whole. Right now, I can only place the tip in, rubbing my tongue all over it. I steadily bobbed my head to try and move a little bit more in me. I had my focused and determined look on while I was at this. I calmed down a little from Cypy rubbing my ears. "It's fine, Forest", he said after some moaning a few times. "Just do what you can do without hurting yourself."

I muffled, "Okay, love!" I pondered a little on his kinks. He said one of them is biting, playful like nibbling, to a normal bite. Like, ouch on the last part, but his pain tolerance can take it. I decided to give it a try. I began nibbling on his member as I lap my tongue at it. It made Cypy gasped and shudder with delight, then briefly giggle. I looked up and saw his head against the wall, breathing and moaning deeply through his open mouth with that interesting tentacle appendage slightly hang out. I felt my ears being rubbed more firmly with twitching fingers. That was a good sign that I'm doing something he really enjoys.

I kept up my pace of bobbing my head and stroking his rod while nibbling as fast as I could. Long minutes went by, I did not stop at all, no matter how tired I was up with shut eyes. I knew he was finally getting close, grasping the back of my head and back began to arch. I braced myself for that moment once he moaned loudly, "Forest, I'm about... to...!" He then groaned deeply, his claws grasping my head while he shot his powerful load down my throat in multiple bursts. I tried swallowing as much as I could, but I had to break away. I gasped for air and coughed a little, letting his member give off more of his juices on my face, some getting on my eye.

Panting heavily, I gazed up at Cyprus' face with my other eye, seeing how red his cheeks were. Such a cute look... He eased his grip on me and began petting me on my temple, exhaling deeply and smiling with satisfaction. "That was excellent, Forest", he said to me. What's excellent was his sperm taste. It was a little on the spicy side, so thick and creamy, too. Combining my love for spicy things, It was an addicting taste... couldn't get enough of it! I licked my lips and began cleaning his member off.

Once I was done, I smacked my lips and rubbed my tummy with a smirk. I slowly got up on my feet and stretched a little. As I finally caught my breath, I pressed my hands on his chest and gave him a brief kiss on his lips. Cy got the rest of his seed off my face and eye, using that appendage to easily wipe it away clean and contracting it back. That piece is really amazing... With no need to look down, I noticed he was still erected, didn't go limp not even a little. The twitching thing was just touching my tailhole. That was a good thing; I still had energy to spare and time left. Cy chuckled from noticing this quickly, me holding onto his shadowy rod and placing the tip on my wet and vaginal area. I was so wet and sensitive, letting my female half's juices leak in his tip as it rubbed onto its lips. I end up moaning with a bit lip, laying my face on his torso.

I thought I could take him another way. It really look like I could from my point of view. I was ready to move my body down to get him to penetrate me for the first time. I slowly pushed myself downward, just to wince and stop. Some of his member was in me already, but I felt something being torn in there. To me, it was like it meant to be broken like that for me to continue making love with him. I looked down to the source of that brief pain, just to see my blood trickle down his ebony rod. "It's okay, Forest", Cyprus told me with a sly wink once I faced him. "You just popped your cherry, so it's nothing serious."

"I... I see." I guess it's nothing to worry about, believing what my lover told me. Whatever that "cherry" was, it was blocking my process! Now that it was gone, I resumed my motion on his erection, and stretching myself to fit that in me as much as I could. Strange it didn't hurt me. I stopped in place, best I've done was insert half of it in my vaginal region. It's better than nothing I guess. Now... a question comes in mind: What do I do now...?

I know I'm new to this, but I didn't want to tell Cy that I don't know how to please him from here. He gently grasped my sides and grinned, showing me how to move on him by making me go up and down slowly. That simple motion had me moan deeply. Something that easy felt so good. I nodded at him with blushed cheeks and held onto his shoulders, going the same pace he placed me in. Seeing that, that demon lets go of me and watched me work, moaning with me as he gazes in my eyes.

Like I said before, I was pretty sensitive. My moans upgraded to gasping and whimpering in and more overly excited and high pitched tone as my pace sped up a little. I didn't care, so did Cyprus. I made his cheeks more red, almost as bright as mine, and he locked lips with me. I held it in place by releasing my grip on him to wrap arms around his head. Our love making noises were muffled from here, but it sounded so sweet, combining his low and deep moans and my high girlish noises.

That feeling from before was building up inside me again, getting me to shut my eyes tightly. It came quicker and more fierce than last time. I wanted to yell out loud again, however two things stopped me from doing so: me not letting go of him, obviously, and his tongue coiling around mine, making sure I don't release the kiss. I ended up pulling myself off his shadowy bit and groan in my current voice pitch, shooting my sweet tasting seed on his abs with my twitching male half. My female half squirted its own juices on his lower limbs and all over that shaft. I moved my head a little to separate our lips briefly, just enough time to get me to pant sharply and look at my mess with our tongues still holding onto each other tightly. No matter how slimy his appendage has gotten, it held on nicely.

About my mess... it was quite a lot. And he just cleaned himself off, too... I faced him with concern, only to get his nose to rub on mine with a chuckle. He didn't mind at all it seems. Grabbing his member, he positioned it on my midsection's wet lips again, giving me the okay to continue. I nodded and did just that, and a little faster than before, getting that thing in me to get my tight vaginal walls to rub against it again. As his hips moved with mine, feeling him thrusting into me, I gripped onto his shoulders again, but a lot tighter than before, looking like my claws were about to pierce him, then went back to kissing him deeply. His hands held onto my red cheeks so softly as we began moaning back and forth, my girly tone versus his more manly one.

Plenty of minutes went by and I was getting tired again, feeling my stamina depleting away, but I won't stop until my demon reaches satisfaction again! It wasn't too far away now as my climax was in reach again, in synch with his. We both released our lips and tongue off each other, however my string of saliva connected with his slime, not planning on breaking at all. We didn't notice; we were just too busy calling our names with each moan we gave out, one getting louder at a time. We couldn't hold on much longer.

Our string broke instantly when both our heads went back to get our sights up at the ceiling with wide open eyes as we yelled from our orgasm simultaneously. He filled me up rather nicely, feeling that hot and powerful load shooting in me. I was tightening myself around his rod so much, trying my best to not let a single drop escape. It ended up making that thick residue go right up to my tummy, getting it a little big. It was a strange feeling having my lover's seed go that deep me... but why does it pleasure me so? The little sperm I had I shot onto his chest, pretty much emptying myself of what I had left.

My orgasm ended quickly and I laid my little body on him, using the remaining energy to had to grasp him for a hug around his chest, breathing fast and heavily on his neck. He returned the arm wrapping around me and rubbed the back of my head after his climax ceased. I heard his soft pants while I started drifting off to sleep from being so weak.

"That was amazing", he whispered in my ear. He pulled his shadow member out of me, causing me to let out a tiresome groan. I sighed deeply and smiled softly, letting our combined juices just flow out of me. So warm and it felt so good... It lowered the bulge in my belly that got me to rest on him better. Gosh... the both of us are in need of washing once again. "Rest now, Forest", he continued to say quietly in my ear. "You did an excellent job."

I was successful, he was now satisfied. As proud as I was, I nodded softly and fell right to sleep on him. "Love, you Cypy..."

"I love you, too, Forest..."

I came to and groaned, feeling the bright sunlight coming from the left of me shining onto my eyes. I had to shield them with my arm to open them and see who separated my curtains. It was my mother in her big rounded glasses, smiling down at me. Our fur patterns and colors were the same, amber and green. Her hair was a more lighter green, also long and tied back. Studying body figures and... breasts sizes of women, she had a pear shape to her and C cup size. She was only in her nightgown, one strap off her shoulder, and going barefoot. "Morning, sweetie", she said to me. She was in a good mood this morning. I'm glad.

I moved the bed coverings of Ratchet and Clank off me to stretch a little and yawn, then my body twitch from minor pain I was feeling strangely. "M-Morning, Mom." Struggling to sit up, I spectated my orange room, as small, but tidy it was. My dresser had all my hygienic things, like my body wash and deodorants. But how come the bottle's lid to my body wash was still open? I looked around some more to see a poster on the wall right above the dresser, showing me a large group of super villains I liked from Marvel vs Capcom 3. The nightstand on my far left had my little lamp with a digital clock, giving me the time of 8:15, and a few handheld gaming devices neatly placed by it.

The one picture I adore the most, and I had to get a huge frame after blowing up the picture a lot, was the one on the right side of my room. It had that demon mouse eared mustelid, giving me that huge plushie replacement at the mall two months ago with that unconscious jerk on the corner picture that got my first plushie destroyed. I found that picture from a newsletter a few weeks back, titled, "Mercenaries can be Sweethearts, Too!". It had some very nice things to say about Cypy... except the fact he called him a rodent. He had the ears of one, but he's NOT what you call a rodent! It had so many likes and favorites, plus comments about him. Some called him handsome, cute, and want to get with him. Too bad, though. He's all mine and they can't! I smiled softly from that picture, wishing that day would come and that great dream I had was true. Then I felt that soreness all over my body again, especially my jaw and midsection.

"So, son", Mom said happily, only to giggle after, "how was your night with your... night with your crush?"

Noticing my two piece pajama set, I thought back when I jumped in his arms on the sofa downstairs before I drifted off. "Well, it would be fine, if I hadn't fell asleep on...him..." I finally caught up to what my mom just said to me. My face gotten red from her figuring out that I was in love with an adult! Embarrassed as I was, I placed my hands on my face, hiding it from her.

My reaction got her to sit on the side of my bed. "Hon, it's fine. I haven't set you up with him to just watch you for the night, you know."

I removed my face from my palms and turned to her. "S-So you knew this whole time?"

Mom smiled and rubbed my head fur. "It wasn't that hard to figure out, with you saying his name and giggling in your sleep a few times ever since you came back from your trip. But there were times you were moaning his name, too while squirming... I wonder what you were thinking, mister."

I stammered a little and my face got even redder. "Some... things... here and there..."

She raised a brow. "Must've been some nice things... But yeah, I pretended that I didn't know who he was when I was searching on the IMG site. Think about it, Forest... why in the world would I hire a random merc to look after my son for an hour? I could just get my friends to look after you instead."

Mom had a point there. I was too excited and filled with joy to see what she was really up to that day... "Plus", she continued, "I was giving him information about how much you love him for over a month. He found you really cute and wanted to see if this was true info or not for himself. I was going to pay him, but he watched you for free. Nice guy he was... Lastly, I've written a to-do list for him, the last thing on there to give you as much attention as you wanted for so long on that index card."

I blinked from that. So THAT was on that card that made him chuckle... and those "clues" were from my own mother! It was nice of him to watch and love me with no cost as a mercenary... I rubbed the back of my neck and gave her a goofy grin. "I... I see... I'm glad you did that for me, Mom. Thanks."

"Not a problem! Anything for my boy. You needed some boy time for once, too. It was hard, but I finally did it and it turned out great." Mom paused. "And besides, he was very handsome for a demon..." Then a sly looking grin was on her face. "Tell me... how was he?" I blinked at her and looked clueless. "You know... since the two of you were having a lot of fun in the shower and all." I gasped loudly, then groaned briefly from the minor pain. It wasn't a dream after all. This really happened and why I feel so sore...!

"How... h-how did you know?"

"I got home just in time to hear you guys have sex in there. I didn't want to disturb you." Mom giggled softly. "Must've felt amazing for you to be all messy and pass out after... You being in pain now shows you were at it for a while." She saw how scared I was, ready to cower under my blankets and afraid to look her in the eye. She gently pat me on my head and tenderly kissed my red cheeks. "Son, it's okay. I'm just surprised you got him to do such a thing."

"So... you don't mind, huh?" Mom shook her head and smiled. She can't tell a lie like me, so I believed her. "But... I turned him into a..."

"Nah! Well, kinda. His first time doing so and he didn't mind, saying it would be just for you and you alone, not for any other minor. He also called you a courageous guy to come forward like that with him." Seems he likes it when someone's direct and bold with him... She sighed happily and rubbed my head some more. I calmed down a lot, then began to close my eyes and murr from feeling her soft hands on my head fur. "After he cleaned you off again, he dressed you back in your pajamas and tucked you in bed, giving you a kiss goodnight and saying he loves you before leaving. It was so sweet from my point of view..."

She stopped gliding her hand on my temple and I opened my eyes. "I love him, too, Mom... You don't mind if he comes over again, right?"

Mother ended up raising her brow and grinned. "Someone like that, he could visit anytime, any day, and anywhere, if he's available to do so. But..." She got off my bed and slowly walked out my room, leaving me to slightly tilt my head. Peeking back in my room with the same sly look, she continued with, "In order to do that, you have to get your sore little self up and downstairs for breakfast, then tell me everything that happened. Oh and... don't leave any small details behind, okay?"

I nodded sharply at her, which got her to smirk and disappear from my sight. Hearing her footsteps going down the staircase, I heard her sigh and saying, "My little boy's growing up so fast..." I smiled to myself and grabbed my pillow, hugging it tightly and muffling happy and joyous giggles in it. He's finally mine and Mom likes him as well! That day went so well! I can't believe it was a dream come true!

My giggles instantly stopped... I ended up wincing, me ending up groaning softly and flop back on my mattress. "Ow..." I took the love making too far for my short, lithe self. I'll take it easy the next time... if only I can move my legs to the right to get out my bed... It's going to take me a while...

The End