Sora's Grand Adventure - Chapter 1

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#1 of Sora's Grand Adventure

Sora decides to go on an adventure of a different kind now that the heartless are gone and Riku and Kairi find a mutual interest in each other.

It had been years since he saved his friends from the heartless and Sora was aching for another adventure. Goofy and Donald went back to their world a while ago leaving Sora behind with Kairi and Riku. They started dating, however, and now Sora ended up by himself more often than not. He was getting older and he desired another adventure. He wanted to see new places or re-explore old ones and he was starting to desire the company of a girl. He had come into puberty a couple years ago and while he knew what sex was, he had yet to experience it. When he thought of all the amazing girls he met on all his adventures through the different worlds, he knew he should be out there with them, not stuck here on his boring world alone.

One day he finally decided he would get back his Gummi ship and get back out to see everything. Chip and Dale had left him a way to contact them in case he ever needed the ship again. Up until now he didn't want to disturb them but he had to leave this world. He also knew that the ship had had some close calls while traveling before with all the heartless attacks he endured and he worried that once he was out traveling it would finally break and he wouldn't be able to get back. But the lonelier he got and the more envious he became of Riku who he knew was getting very close and friendly with Kairi, he decided he didn't care if he got stranded anywhere but here.

He got out his communicator and looked at it. It didn't seem to have a speaker or anything to talk into or receive a message from. It looked more like a remote with just one large button. He hoped it would still work. He pushed the button and waited. He looked outside and after a minute started to feel stupid. What would he do if it was broken? If he waited all this time to try to leave only to find out he couldn't actually get back on his ship and leave this world. No, he didn't want to think about that. He waited a few minutes more and then decided sitting in his room staring at the sky would drive him crazy. He went outside and decided to take a run around the beach. Anything to keep his mind off his ship.

He started to jog about when he heard voices coming. He didn't even know why he did, but before thinking, he hid behind a nearby bush. Awkwardly he realized there was no reason to hide from anyone who would be coming, especially since it was most likely Kairi and Riku. It turns out he was right.

"I love you so much Riku" Kairi said in her girlish voice. She still had the presence of a young innocent girl, but she certainly didn't have the looks of one. She had developed into a beautiful teenager with all the curves a guy could want in the perfect places. Her chest filled out as well and she was no longer that cute androgynous girl she used to be.

"Well if you really love me, you could show me" Riku said with a wicked grin. He grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him and kissed her hard. She returned the kiss for a bit but then pulled back from him.

"Not here on the beach! Besides, Sora's house is right there, what if he looks out his window and sees us?"

"Fine, then we'll go back to the docks. It's nice and shaded under there and no one will see us. We'll do it right on the edge of the water like you like."

"I don't know; it's still the middle of the day."

"Come on, it'll be worth it" he pleaded. "I'll race you!" He took a quick step as if to start the race and after only a second of hesitation she giggled and ran with him. As they raced down the beach, away from where he hid, Sora came out of hiding. 'I really need to get out of here' he thought to himself. No sooner had he finished the thought when he saw a twinkle out in the sky over the water.

At first he thought a fish had jumped and the sun had simply reflected off its wet scales, but suddenly the twinkle became a large shape and then he knew exactly what he was looking at. Before long the Gummi ship sat on the beach before him and two familiar faces came to the door.

"Hello Sora!" Chip and Dale said simultaneously.

Sora couldn't help but smile at seeing them and his ship and he almost forgot to greet them before rushing aboard. "Hi guys! How is everything on your world?" He asked. He wasn't even entirely interested but was excited by the thought of any world other than this one so he needed to get on that ship and take off.

"Great. What's wrong here? We weren't expecting to hear from you? Are we going to get Donald and Goofy?" Chip inquired.

"Oh..." he started, realizing they would expect a problem."Well, there isn't actually anything wrong."

"Why'd you call us then?" Dale asked.

"I just..." I just have no excuse, Sora thought to himself. "Just wanted to visit old friends and old worlds. I wanted to make sure everything was still good out there."

"Oh." the chipmunk replied, looking to his brother as though unnerved by this response. "Well we can take the ship out then, but we need to stop home first and let everyone know everything is ok. We thought there was an emergency when you used the controller to call us."

"Great," Sorry responded a little too enthusiastically. "Let's go!"

After a moment's hesitation the chipmunks scampered back into the little control room and started the ship up. They launched away from the beach shortly and Sora looked out the window at the beach he was leaving behind. He smiled as he flew away from it and in the distance he swore he could see the two bodies writhing together under the dock.

They arrived at King Mickey's castle before long and Sora was excited and disappointed all at once. He did miss his friends in the castle, but at the same time he knew that one thing he really wanted was a girl of his own. He wouldn't find that in the castle and knew that having Donald and Goofy with him might make it harder to find one elsewhere. When the chipmunks opened the door the only person waiting to great them was actually a mouse. The chipmunks cried in unison "Gadget!" and ran over to hug her. Sora remembered hearing them mention her once or twice but this is the first time he saw her. He wondered to himself which of the two chipmunks was with her in an intimate way. Surely one of them was. Or possibly, both of them. As strange as that thought was, it kind of excited Sora to think of both of them having sex with her at the same time. The chipmunks ran off, most likely to tell the other Sora was here and he just stood there waiting.

Then he had a thought. 'I don't have to wait here. I can take the ship myself and just leave.' He knew this was a bad idea, especially because then he'd have no help if something went wrong but he wanted to meet a girl for himself and right now that was his main concern so he wasn't using the best of logic. He always did seem to think more emotionally than sensibly. He ran back onto the ship and started it up. He took off shortly and luckily saw no one outside when he saw the courtyard of the castle shrinking in the distance behind him.

'But now where should I go?' Sora thought to himself. He knew he wanted to go to see the other worlds, but he hadn't thought of which ones. He didn't know whether to go to a world he had been to before or find a new exciting world. He decided that for the first world he went to, he should find some place familiar. See someone he knew. Actually, he soon thought of a girl there that he hoped he could maybe find. He knew she had a guy, but he also knew she was an adventurous daring girl so maybe he could find a way to get her to have some fun with him without letting her man know. Sora decided that he was certainly going to visit her and set the ship on the course to Aggraba.