(Un-editted) S under D Chapter 1

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#1 of S under D

Working on the edit but it is taking too much time.

Chapter 1

My name is Benjamin, Benjamin Ville a Black wolf. I am 22 years old and right now let's just say my life is ... well I can't really find the words to describe what my life is right now. To understand what I mean you have to hear what happened to the life I once knew. You see I am the son of a wealthy businessman and was trained all my life to be in business but around my fifteenth birthday my life went haywire.

It was a normal day for me returning home from school with my eight year old brother at the time. Our dad had recently divorced our mom and has given sole custody of us. It caught me off guard as there was no reason for it but I guess that is part of life. After the divorce I noticed a change in my dad's behavior he and my little brother had started going on these 'outings' together while I was left at home. It didn't bother me until one day I saw my dad donating some clothes to a charity when I looked through the bag I noticed it contained all and I mean all of my brother's underwear. It caught me as strange but I thought nothing of it then. The next weekend I was doing laundry and went into my brother's room to get his laundry even though my dad said he would do his laundry I decided that I would take on that responsibility myself. I noticed that nothing strange except my brother's laundry contained some clothes I had never seen before mainly a few colored briefs that had some weird markings on it. On the front it had a calligraphic S and on each side there was the symbol SD inside two circles I was wondering if this was reason all the underwear was thrown out I knew I was just over reacting but I decided to explore my brothers dresser and in them I found that all the underwear he had before were replaced by these new briefs. I knew my brother preferred boxers over briefs so I wondered what could have made him change over to briefs like this. I then decided to ignore it and go do the laundry. When I started throwing all the clothes into the laundry I observed some stains all over the briefs I have a hunch of what they were since from time to time I would get the same kind of stains on my clothes from when I pawed off. I wondered if my brother could really... no he was too young I must have been paranoid. The next Monday I had to go into my Father's room to retrieve a book I left in there. when I got in he was getting dressed still in his underwear. I noticed his underwear had the same pattern that my brother's had so I guessed they had bought them at some sale. My dad just smiled and let me get my book. After I retrieved it I looked back at him and saw instead of an S his had a D on them. 'Must be some new trend or something' I thought to myself. After school that day I went to pick up my brother and I saw him talking to a few cubs I never saw him with before. I asked him he said he made some new friends. I was glad he did seeing how he didn't have many friends at all.

A few days later I was fully prepared for bed in my pj's. Yea I still wore them at my age but never mind that. I walked past my father's room and heard him on the on phone with someone I would have ignored it completely but one line caught my attention. "So what is Josh's status?" "An Initiate still? When he be finalized as a full-fledged member" "Saturday?" "The breaking in party for the initiates?" "I will be there how many more members in the area are going to be there?" "eight? Sounds fun. Also when will Benjamin become an applicant?" "sixteenth birthday? Good can't wait for him to join. He will make a great sub". I was troubled by that conversation what did he mean I would make a great sub? What was Josh an initiate of? What the hell was going on this Saturday? My mind was abuzz with questions but again I just shook it off.

Saturday came; I had plans with one my friends so I left around five just before my dad and my brother left to go to whatever party they were going to. I met my friend a normal brown fox same age and height as I was, at the mall at around Five thirty we went to a movie and then had dinner at a restaurant later. I was still troubled but what I had overheard my father say but it did not prevent me from seeing my friends watch as he paid for dinner. His watch was some hi-tech digital watch but when I got a good glimpse of the face of it I saw in the background was the SD symbol. I asked him where he got that watch he said it was a present from a youth program he participated in a while back. I didn't want to ask about the underwear though so I asked about the party. He said his little brother was going there with his dad today and he went to one when he was younger but he didn't give me all the details. Then he asked me if I was an initiate. I was caught off guard but answered not yet. When he heard that his ears perked up and he smiled as said as soon as I became one he would show me a few perks of being one. I had no idea what he meant so I asked him what was I going to become an initiate of. My friend gave me a weird smile and said my dad would tell me soon. After that we parted ways.

I was getting a little suspicious I mean I know it is probably just something to help fathers deal with divorce I mean My friends parents divorced around the time he went to his first party. Then I remembered something. My father did not know I had installed a gps app on Josh's phone so I could find him at school. I pulled out my phone and tracked my brother's cell wanting to get a peek at this party. I found that he was at a cabin on the outskirts of the town. It took me a while to get there but I had arrived at the cabin late in the night luckily they hadn't left yet. When I approached the netted walls of the cabin I heard some weird moaning noises coming from it so I approached silently. Words could not describe what went through my head when I saw what was going on in that cabin. My father was butt fucking a fox while my brother was being butt fucked by another fox. Then I realized that they were my friends Brother and Father. I looked around and saw a few of the cubs my brother hung out with earlier this week along with their fathers. There were two canines standing guard at the door as I peered through the netted walls of the cabin. No one saw me so I was safe for now anyway. My brother was moaning and groaning as my friend's father was going in and out of my brother tail hole. I thought my brother must be so scared and in pain but then he told the fox to go faster and that he is taking it too slow. When I heard that I was stunned and began to wonder what the hell did they do to my brother? What the hell was going on here? Then it clicked some of the parents and cubs still had on their underwear and on them were the same patterns that I saw on my dad's and my brothers. The guards and the other adults had D on their while the subs had S on theirs. I got my mind together when the two pairs stopped and let a new pair come to the middle of the cabin. I saw my brother and father put their underwear back on and started to enjoy the show put on by the new pair.

I finally realized I had to do something. I moved away from the cabin making a little bit of noise as a rushed through the bushes. I made my way back to main road where the cab I took here, dropped me off. I got out my phone and called the police then another cab. I went home and just dropped into my bed not knowing what happened to my family.

I was woken up that morning by Josh he was as energetic as ever but he only had his briefs on. I was confused by him being here he should have been in a hospital or at least at the station. I was even more confused when I heard my father called me down for breakfast. What happened? The cops should have arrested them what happened after I called the cops last night I know they got there because I saw the police car drive up to the cabin while I got into the cab.

My brother ran down the stairs before me and when he got downstairs he met with my friend's brother. The same fox that I saw my father molesting the night before. He was not alone my friend and his father were also here. They were all in their underwear. I knew something was up.

"Morning son" He said to me like there was no problem at all.

"Morning dad what time did you get home last night?" I asked trying to hide my nervousness, did he know I saw him molesting a kid or that I called the cops on him?

"Late but that was because someone called the cops on our little get together last night" he said clearly taunting me with the fact that he knew something. I felt butterflies in my throat. Had they finished up before the cops got there?

My father then grinned at me as my brother and everyone else started to stare at me. "They gave us the recording of the person who made the call"

I felt my heart go into my stomach he knew I saw what happened last night and that I called the cops on him. He played the recording and it replayed my exact 911 call. How the hell did he get his hands on that? That was a breach of privacy!

"I couldn't believe you followed us out there so I check the gps app. And sure enough you were there outside the cabin." His tone got serious now and then suddenly the two muscular canine guards from the party were behind me and held both my arms. They lifted me off the ground with great ease and no resistance.

"The rules of S under D state that if a non-initiate discovers one of our gatherings he should become a forced initiate immediately. I had planned for you to join on your sixteenth birthday but that is no longer going to happen. I must warn you though forced initiated aren't treated as nicely as regular ones. Your body no longer belongs to you it belongs to S under D." My dad lectured to me as I became very aware that I was just about to be kidnapped by my father.

the guards started dragging me outside, I couldn't believe it my dad was part of something called S under D and they were about to make me become a member.


"Sex toy can be used on Josh but not on you. I would say slave would be what you are going to become. Maybe if you're lucky they may let you comeback and live with us." Just looking at that grin on my father's face made my stomach churn.


He just shrugged at me! "Around your brother's age when I became an initiate. My father made me join and it was the best time of my life. I had so much fun getting my little ass pounded by those older guys, it was amazing. Your friend here went through the same thing and he enjoyed it too. And soon you will enjoy it as well" My friend nodded and smiled and so did the others. My head was messed up again. My dad enjoyed being molested? My friend enjoyed it? My brother enjoyed it? What kind of sick bastards were these people? Are they really the same ones I knew and cared about?

I started to struggle but those canines held me firmly. "I will not! I am not becoming some sick bastard like you. I don't know what you did to Josh but no kid would enjoy what you did to him! You should have been jailed last night."

"Your mistake was acting without thinking. You called the cops all they did was join the fun."

My eyes went wide as I heard that. The cops I called didn't stop it they just joined in

"They were going to capture you last night but after we found out it was you I said wait until morning and let us make this quick and painless"

"You ...!" I stuttered unable to believe this.

"Ben you should have waited to become an initiate it is super fun" Josh said smiling and giggling. Did he not know what was going on? They were going to take his big brother away from him.

The canines moved to leave but were stopped when my dad said he had one last thing to show me. He went into the kitchen and retrieved what looked like a glass bottle. Very small and it had some orange liquid in it. Josh and my friend's brother saw the bottled and started trying to grab it from my dad they acted like they had seen a new toy.

"Calm down you two. Jeff want to show Ben here the kind of fun he will be having with his brother once he becomes a full-fledged member" Jeff my friend retrieved the bottle from my dad and then brought his little brother over to the couch. He removed both their briefs as his little brother was ripe with anticipation. He then took the cap off the glass bottle and let his brother drink the entire thing. He then caught another bottle his father threw at him and drank it himself. The effects were immediate and I saw something I never thought imaginable. Both of the foxes became instantly aroused and their dicks came out of their sheaths. Jeff was a good size for his age and so was his brother. Then before I knew it his brother instantly climbed into his brother's lap and aimed Jeff's dick at his tail hole. Jeff then penetrated the young fox and started thrusting fast. The pair groaned and moaned as they yiffed each other with a passion. Jeff just kept a fast and furious pace humping his brother like there was no tomorrow. Everyone in the room except ben was turned on by this. I noticed even the guards started to get bulges in their pants. I was disturbed by how the adults in the room had been turned on by this and even his little brother was watching on with great excitement.

"Ben this is the kind of fun you could be having. I am sure Josh would love it" my Dad chimed in and direct it towards me. Josh nodded furiously in agreement.

"I want to try this with Big brother Ben I know ben will be fun to play with" Josh tail was wagging furiously he was really excited about having me fuck him? Really?

"Josh! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! BROTHERS SHOULDN"T BE HAVING SEX WITH EACH OTHER!" I wanted to cry so hard. This was really what my Life had become?

"But it feels so good Ben. I hope you enjoy it when you comeback" Josh turned away from me and walked towards my friend and his brother who were going at it hard.

"Guards take him now we want to enjoy the perks of having the 'heat' juice." My father had finally had enough of trying to convince me was right now he would do it by force.

The guards just nodded and carried me outside. There was a van in front of our house marked Teen mental health services. 'So that is they are going to tell everyone I went crazy and they are sending me away to get help. Dang it how did this happen'. I was thrown straight into the van and trapped in the back. I tried to scream out but they closed the windows and the inside was completely sound proof. It was over they were going to brainwash or torture me into turning into a sex slave or sex toy. What the hell did I get myself into?

It was a long drive probably taking me across the country luckily they failed to tie my hands and feet so I was still free to move around but I was totally locked in the back of a truck driving me to who knows where. But somehow I got real lucky the truck got into an accident and the door was unlocked. I was shaken up a bit by the accident but I ran from the scene. I used my knowledge of outdoors and business to survive for a while running from town to town, city to city, state to state.

It has been 7 years since then. I still have to keep moving and hoping that I don't run into anyone who can recognize me. I have been caught 2 times since I escaped. The first time I was 17 and didn't know my manager was a member of S under D. He turned me in but I managed to get away. The second time someone helped me get away but they managed to get him. I have been nearly caught countless other times by mysterious furs with the SD symbol on their clothes. I can't keep this up much longer I know they are closing in on me especially now since an investigation revealed that I lived the accident. They had found the body of a wolf in the woods near the forest so they assumed it was me. But SD knew better so they continued to track me discreetly. Last week they released my picture to the news and now law enforcement are actively looking for me.

That brings me to the reason I am where I am today outside a local bar. I am going to meet a certain fur. Someone who saw my picture and contacted me saying he knew about SD and that he was willing to help me. SD would have already come for me if they knew where I was so I am going to take this risk and meet with this fur.

I entered the bar and there he was. The one who contacted me a fox around 18 years of age I am wondering what the hell he knows.

"You must be Jake?" I ask him tentatively

"And you must be the famous escaper"


"You probably don't know this but you are one of the only 3 persons to ever escape S under D's control"

"Control what the hell is S under D?"

"You don't know? How have you gotten away for so long?"

"Luck and some skills"

"Lots of luck then I escaped that prison they were taking you to. 5 of us did 3 of us have already been caught. I need your help"

"Help with what?"

"Taking down SD"


"S under D is an old organization that takes control of the lives of boys and turns them into play things for old guys"

"I know that already th-"

"What you know is just the tip of the ice berg. First off did your dad get a divorce?"


"SD dictates how members should live. When a person joins they become an initiate and goes through some brain washing. After a while they dawn on a few indicators to show that they are members. Most of the time it is a watch and bracelet but they always have the indicator on their underwear"

"That is why my brother suddenly changed out all his undies?"

"Yep. The watch can tell when someone is wearing the underwear. Cubs don't get a watch because they are only used as sex toys by the adults. You probably noticed someone around you with one"

"My friend he was my age when he had one"

"Strange normally cubs don't get promoted from toy until they turn 18."

"What happens when they turn 18?"

"They turn into recruiters. They spend the next part of their life going to college and building successful lives under the guidance of S under D. They are supposed to find a good mate and bear many children but S under D intervenes. They always bear boys. And once they get 2 or 3 they divorce their mate and get sole custody of the kids."

"What the hell? How do they do that?"

"Lots of connections and control. Around the kids 8th birthday they are initiated and become members and start the cycle all over again."

"My dad started taking my Brother on these weird outings after his 8th birthday so I guess you are right"

"I am. S under D is always surveying for potential additions. They mainly target fathers in the middle of divorces who only have boys they don't consider those that have girls. Once a father joins all of his decedents will join no turning back"

"You're talking as if S under D has been around for years"

"Years? Try centuries"


"S under D is over 300 years old."

I was startled by this news.

"I found someone who is on the verge of joining S under D if you are interested I need some help getting to him. He shouldn't know our faces since he hasn't joined yet but I can't do this alone can I count on you?"

"If it means I can save my brother and father then count me in"

"Good, meet me in one week at this location" He handed me a slip of paper with an address on it

"I look forward to working with you"

The fox walked out of the bar. I was glad I took the risk and met him. I learned more about the group that has been hunting me for the past 7 years and what they want from me. Now I had a mission take down S under D break their brain washing of my family and hopefully get my life back. Or so I wished.

As I was exiting the bar I was stopped at the door by 3 furs. Two of them wolves were extremely strong and had me pinned against a wall very quickly. The other one was someone I never thought I would be so angry to see. It was Jeff the fox had become a recruiter for S under D.

"Finally caught up to you Ben. You should have been turned 7 years ago but I guess you are really stubborn."

"Stubborn yes. But at least I still have my freewill"

"Not anymore. You have annoyed the higher ranking members so much."

"So they sent you to capture me"

"Yes I know what you would do seeing as how I know you all too well. Enough talk it is time to join us"

Jeff drew a bottle from his pocket. It was the same kind that I saw him take before but this one was a purple liquid. He popped off the cap and had the other 2 furs hold my jaw open he was going to force me to drink this liquid. I was struggling not to try and over power my restrainers but to release a special surprise. Eventually I managed to free enough to kick my foot and release a bomb of tear gas that I kept in my pants. The tear gas stunned all my captors so I used that chance to make my escape. I ran away knowing I had to keep a low profile so I did not go home I went to motel in the area. But then I realized something. Jeff had splashed all the liquid from bottle on me and some of it landed on my muzzle and I had licked it off by accident. I knew ingesting that small amount would do no harm to me but I would soon be proven wrong.