(un-editted) S under D chapter 4

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#4 of S under D

Working on the edit just taking too much tim.

Chapter 4

Hey it's Jason. I am currently checking the video files Ben sent me from the coach's locker room fun. I knew this was just what we needed to start our mission to take S under D down but now we needed some way of connecting this to S under D. the problem is that they are so hard to track down I have found at least 200 businesses under their control. My hacking skills are unmatched well maybe my father and brothers can match them but still it takes a highly skilled fur to even notice I hacked the system.

It was pretty late when Jake got back. He took his time going to visit Ben but I guess he needed some time alone. He does seem a bit different now. I can't put my finger on it but something about him seems off.

"Hey Jake. Ben came through with the video files we got some evidence."

"Good to know. What is our next step?"

"We have to wait on the drug analysis. Once we get that all we need is someone willing to investigate our claims hopefully they can bring S under D out into the open and we can finally bring them down. Or at the very least make life uncomfortable for them."

"But we still have to prove connection to...what are you doing?"

"Nothing" I was striping myself down naked. I had a bad feeling about this and I would have been caught so many times before if I didn't act on a suspicion.

"You know Jake you seem a little bit off tonight you normally never react to me striping in front of you?"

"sorry but I thought you wanted tonight to be a little bit special now that we decided to be a couple and all"

"I know it is a very weird thing to accept. Especially since your father picked me to be your life partner. Somewhere I still feel like this is accepting what they made us into but I really like you Jake."

"I know you do and I feel the same way" He leaned in and kissed me. I guess it is him even if he flinched at me striping in front of him. But something still feels off. He feels different somehow. I just can't place my finger on it.

We decided to head to bed and take an early night if we could but we surely did not take sleep that night.

Morning came all too quickly for me. I enjoyed the night I had with Jake he was gentle as always but seemed a bit lustful last night. I felt around my neck and found a collar. I was curious as to how a collar got around my neck. I don't remember wearing one last night.

"Man that was some night I guess Jake got a really good cock slut as his partner." I heard Jake say rising from the bed just wearing a pair of Red panties.

"What are you talking about?"

"I guess Jake never mentioned he had a twin brother. Your boyfriend Jake is now on his way to the facility to finish his programming. You and Ben are going to join him shortly"

"How did you get him? He would not have given in without a fight and he would have warned me about you guys even if he got caught!"

"Our dad was in the area. Jake was already programmed to obey our dad without question so he couldn't even resist once he heard our father's voice."

"And you took his place. Dang it I knew something was off about you but I just couldn't place it."

"To be fair our mother had trouble finding the difference between us too. Only our father seems to be able to tell us apart. But now let me show you what that collar can do"

He held out a small remote and pressed a button on it. The collar I was wearing gave me a huge jolt. I grabbed at it trying to get it off. I couldn't get it off but I needed to so badly.

"This collar will make sure you don't get out of line while I transport you to Jeff and his team"


"You have no choice in the matter."

I was still in pain the shock was rendering my limbs numb. I grabbed a bottle of deodorant and threw it at whoever that was. I managed to get the remote knocked out of their hand. I charged in and tackled him to the floor. He hit his head pretty hard and looked unconscious.

I got dressed and grabbed some of my stuff and ran. I used a knife to get that collar off of me. I could still feel my fur tingling from the electricity that went through my body. I had to get to ben and let him know we have to run.

Hey its ben. Last night was kind of weird for me. I mean I never knew I was Bi but then again with all the strange things happening lately I guess I never really had a chance to explore it. But that was last night and this is today. I have to get to school to assist the coach. I may have been hired as the assistant soccer coach but that also means I have to help out in the gym during the school day.

It was lunch time and I was clearing the gym after some furs engaged in a game of dodge ball. I had to wipe off the sweat and of course blood off the waxed wood. The coach came out with his son the 2 foxes looked kind of happy.

"Afternoon coach"

"Afternoon Ben, how are you today?"

"Doing fine. Getting used to working in the gym"

"The school board decided that you could help out at school too"

"Yea, but it is decent pay and the hours are not that bad"

"You seems a bit happier than normal today care to come over to my place for dinner tonight?"

"Um I will get back to you on that one."

"Have plans?"

"Meeting with a friend this afternoon"

"Ah nice that you have friends in the area. I will see you at 7th period gym"

"Later coach"

He and has son left for their lunch break. I decided not to take mine.

Later that day I went to meet Jake at our usual spot but he did not turn up. I got worried and called him

"Jake everything alright?"

"Everything is fine Ben. I and Jason just have a situation to deal with right now."

"What kind of situation?"

"We had an argument over his little stunt and it got out of hand. I have got to get going Ben can we talk later?"

"Sure" and just like that he hung up. I wondered what kind of argument he and Jason got into.

For now I think I will go look around the area. A walk may do me some good.

It was a nice summer afternoon but it was not too hot. I was walking around checking out the houses in the area. Something caught me off guard. But I shrugged it off. I saw a few kids playing in yards quite the nice suburb this place was.

After a while I decided to make my way home but when I got there I had a surprise waiting for me. I had opened the door but heard someone inside.

"Hello? Jake is that you?"

"Not quite Benjamin" Said Jeff from my bedroom.

"Nice place"

"It was a lot nicer before you let yourself in"

"Funny. But I am here on business."

"What kind of business?"

"Obviously I am here to take you back to the facility to complete your programming"

"Like you can do that by yourself Jeff"

"Who says he is alone?" said the coach coming inside the apartment

"The landlord is a member so he was glad to hand over a key to your place"

"Dang it is every guy a member?"

"Soon they all will but you are getting our way"

"I am so sorry coach but I am going to not only get in your way but take down S under D"

They both laughed at me. And Jeff responded

"That is quite a laugh. You think because you are one of the handful of furs who escaped you can actually bring it down. You are full of yourself. Even if you manage to take down a group of ours you will never be able to connect them all or prove the group even exists."

"I may not be able to but I have help"

"You mean those 2! We already have those 2 in custody they are on their way to the facility"


"You are coming with me right now Ben. Our dads have been waiting 7 years for you to return and it is about time you gave in to your destiny"

"This is not my destiny!"

"Yes it is and now there is no escaping grab him coach!"

The coach made a move to grab me but I managed to push him backwards. Jeff came up and pulled out a rag wish I know contained a knock out agent. I Ran towards the couch and pulled out a small canister and a gas mask.

"Be prepared I always say" I threw the canister and it exploded while I put the gas mask on.

I managed to run out the apartment with a backpack I kept in case I had to run. Glad I was prepared to run and quickly. I managed to get to a few blocks when I met up with Jason.

"Ben! Glad I found you"

"Jason? They said they caught you!"

"They did well Jake's twin brother had me caught but I got away"

"Jake has a twin?"

"Yes and they already caught him. They got him last night."

"Dang they got Jake?" "They did"

"What about the plan?"

"We are going to have to put it on hold. Right now we have to get out of here."

"Where are we going to go?"

"I have a friend who I sent our findings too"


"A reporter who I became friends with a while ago. She believes what happened to me."

"She could help us"

"She can and will but she will help you not me"


"I already contacted her she will be waiting you for you in Chicago"

"What about you?"

"I am going to the facility. I am going to break out Jake before he gets programmed"

"Break him out? Have you gone insane? They will be expecting you to try and break him out"

"I can't just let him get caught not after what happened"

"What happened?"

"I can't say"

"This is a terrible idea. How am I going to even find this girl if you aren't there?"

"She will find you. I have got to go I need to get some supplies"

"Jason Wait!" I screamed as he ran away and got a cab. I had no idea what to do next. Then I saw Jeff and coach. I started running down a suburban street. As I turned a corner I nearly got hit by a car getting out of a driveway.

"Hey watch where you are go- Benjamin!?"

"Mom!" there she was my pink furred wolf mom.

"Benjamin what are you doing here?"

"I am being chased by some guys they aren't far behind me"

"Get in the car and stay down"

I obeyed her orders and got in the car just as Jeff rounded the corner looking for me. My mom drove out of her driveway. When the coast was clear she gave me the signal to climb into the front seat and buckle in.

"Ben what are you doing here?"

"Running from those guys"

"Who are they? That fox looked like your friend Jeff"

"That was him. Dad has him chasing me"

"What the heck happened to you anyway? For the past 7 years I thought you were dead"

"I been running from Dad and his crew"


"I caught dad molesting Josh and called the cops on him. When I did I found out he is part of a group of child molesters and that he wanted to try it on me. When I refused he sent me to a facility to be brainwashed. I managed to escape but they have been chasing me for 7 years now."

"... Are you serious?"

"Yes! Jeff is part of it he finished college and is now coming after me personally"

"Ben this is hard to believe. I visit Josh every holiday and every time I am in New York and he seems very happy about his new family and his new dad"

"You know?"

"Kind of. Ben the one thing Josh is the most upset about was that you weren't there he misses his big brother"

"I am trying to save him from Dad and his friends. I can't go back to dad not until I can prove what dad really is"

"Ben you are making no sense! I refuse to believe your dad is a child molester."

"Let me explain mom there is more to this"

It took a while but I explained things to mom now all that is left is to find out if she believes me.

Hey it's Jake. It has been nearly a full day and my dad has already made arrangements for me arrive at the facility tonight.

I am currently being escorted to the facility by a few guards and my father. This is the one place in the world I was hoping to never see ever again.

"I know you have some mixed feelings about coming back"

"I was hoping to never see this place again"

"I know you were but soon you will lose those feelings"

"You're lucky I can't disobey your order"

"And if you could? Your friends are already on their way here your little stunt is now over"

"Jason will continue-"

"He won't we already destroyed the lab you hired. We already deleted your video file and all the information you gathered. I must say I was quite impressed at Jason he will be a great asset to us once he is brought in"

"He won't be caught!"

"On the contrary he is about to be caught after all he is coming to save you"


"I know about your relationship. He feels connected to you and refuses to let you become what you were meant to be. He will be coming to personally break you out. We already have everything in place"

The car pulled up to the security gate and my father showed him his id and the guard let us in. the car pulled up to the white building and my dad ordered me out of the car.

"Hello Dr. Gustav"

"Hello Julius what brings you to our north American Branch?"

"I am here to oversee my son's programming"

"We are honored to have such a high ranking member grace our facility with his presence"

"I am also here to make sure no one else breaks out"

"We have increased our security to make sure no one else escapes. Now let us get your son prepared for programming"