fox and mistress

Story by solidersgirl on SoFurry

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So its the next morning about dawn, I wake up looking for my fox and he isn't around I say to my self I wonder where my fox is, So i deciede to go back to bed for a few hours. I wake up again because of another noise so i wake up from the noise sit up in bed and look on my floor it was my fox I had finally decieded to give my fox a name when i realized what he looked like and so his name was Mydjet. I thought he looked so cute sleeping on my floor. I get up and try not to wake him but he is not a very heavy sleeper he hears me get up and says Mistress where are going I say its time to get up i have a better question for you why are you sleeping on my floor he said that is where I belong he said. I lifted his faced and said no you do not belong on the floor you know you should not feel ashemed for sleeping with me in my bed. I ask why do you always feel ashmed after you are allowed to sleep in my bed? He says I don't have a good answer for that. I say well don't do it again Mydjet......... He says yes mistress what are you gonna do today, i say prolly just hang out with you all day unless you don't want to hang out with me, He just looks at me and says your crazy mistress i would love to hang out with you. I said good come back to bed and i know something we can do i wink at Mydjet

fox and mistress

Well one night I hear a noise and I look my fox is scratching at the door wanting to come cause it is raining, I go over and let him in and he says thank you mistress i ask him how long has it been raining for and he says not really long mistress. He...


Second part of the first free write hope you like it

Tails says to me I need a bit of time to think probobley take out some agression on a few mile long targets, he puts on his pants and a old fox hound pc and says I'm sorry.... I should of told you... I just didn't want to make you change he says to me....


first part of free write. More to come in this free write.

I wake up and look into your eyes and say good morning sunshine how u sleep, Tails says to me umm I have a massive hang over i pull my arm out from under you and I sit on the edge of the bed holding his head in my hands. I say to him that I am sorry...
