(Un-editted) S under D chapter 5

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#5 of S under D

Working on the edits. Just taking too much time.

Chapter 5

Hey its Jake. I am currently at the facility that I broke out of a few months ago. They resumed my programming. Some furs like me have bad reactions to their programming so we have to be monitored when they fully programmed. Right now I could care less about what they are about to do to me. Jason is who I am worried about. If they are right and he is already on his way here he is doomed. I lost that thought was the finally removed the VR helmet from my head.

I feel like I have been awakened for the first time. I feel renewed and refreshed all those doubts and reservations I had before were gone. The hate I had for S under D turned to total admiration. Does every member feel like this. God this is so great. Now the only thing is to feed my new appetite for sexual pleasure. My dad would be happy to help me with that. ON cue he walked in to congratulate on my new found membership of S under D.

"Jake my boy are you yourself now?"

"Yes father I am myself. I was foolish to run."

"Yes you were acting like a fool. Because of your behavior you have lost the privilege to call me father until you clean up the mess you created."

"Yes fa- master"

"Good your friend Jason should be arriving soon"

"I will make sure he is re-captured and that I stop Ben"

"Jeff does not have the skilled guards needed to bring in Ben. He is proving to be more resourceful and cunning than we could have ever imagined. I still don't know how he escaped last time"

"He is a very good chemist and survivalist. He thinks quickly on his feet and prepares for many different situations"

"Jeff said the same thing. He must be a very smart wolf. I want you to help Jeff track him down. Do you know where he would go?"

"We have a way to contact each other. There is a woman in Florida we leave messages with when we need to. I can check her to see if any messages came in"

"Good now all that remains is your friend Jason" on cue there was an explosion.

"He is here" The boss said as he smiled and walked out with me.

Hey it's Jason. I have finally made my move and I am not leaving here without Jake. I came here for him and I am determined to get him back.

I used some C4 on the wall on the other side. Hopefully that will provide enough of a distraction to get me into the building. I heard the guards running to investigate and put out the fire that had started. I had also rigged a nice little firebomb to cover my escape. I just hope I am not too late to save Jake.

I managed to enter the building unnoticed thanks to the commotion. This place is huge and feels like a hospital. The basement was my goal. I managed to get there without anyone noticing. This was becoming easy a bit too easy. Once I reached the holding floor I checked each cell. The place was relatively empty they must have just finished the programming of most of their prisoners. I finally found Jake in cell 17. He was the only one on this floor which made me even more cautious. I tried to shake him awake when the door behind me closed. I was locked in and watching through the window was the boss himself.


"Hello Jason"

"Don't hello me!"

"Still feisty as ever I see but that was why I choose you as his partner. Of all the candidates I knew you would be his perfect match."

"You are a manipulative bastard! You take lives and ruin them"

"Ruin them!? Don't make me laugh boy. I perfect them. I show furs what they really meant to be."

"You make them perverts and prediditators. You take away their freedom and you dictate their lives. "

"I just ensure they adhere to certain principles"

"Those aren't principles! You are just a sick old guy who thinks the world is his"

"The world is mine to do with what I please"

"You destroy happy families you deceive and betray. You are horrible. One day I will take you down!"

"Nope from now on you will serve me completely"

"I refuse. I know Jake did as well!"

"Jake couldn't resist anymore"

"How could you do that to your own son!? You turned him into a mindless slave"

"Correction I turned him into a respectable and obedient trip"

"He is no longer respectable by any means"

"Do not fret for you will be programmed the same son-in-law"

"Beg your pardon?"

"I guess you don't remember you 2 were married the day the both came in."

"What!? How did you pull that off?"

"I can do many things that you can't possibly imagine. But I am afraid my time for talk is over."

"According to your file the reason you were sent here is because you had a bad reaction to the VR part of the programming. We have a new machine that should be able to program you cleanly but it is a pain to get on since you have to be fully awake and aware for this one to work well."

"Guess that machine is of no use to you then since there is no way I will let you get it on me without a fight!"

"But it is already on you my boy"

"What!?" I then realized I had collars and few straps wrapped around my arms.

"How did-"

"I know how sensitive you are Jason pretty easy to get something on you without you knowing"

"Jake!? What the hell are you doing?"

"Correcting a mistake."

"What. No I am too late? They got you?"

"They freed me and now they will free you"

"NO I refuse..." that was the last thing I managed to say when the machine activated. Now I was going to be a member of S under D. At first the idea disgusted me but soon I realized it would be the best thing that could have happened to my life.

Hey its Ben. I am currently with my mom. She kept me sheltered for 2 days. I don't think S under D knew she lived here. She just moved here to take up a job opportunity she had been offered. I was preparing to head out to Chicago when I heard about an arrest and an escape. Rashard managed to get away from the police. He was accused of trying to molest some boys on the team. I knew in my gut he had been burned by S under D. he was to be taken to a mental facility. I didn't have time to find him though. I had to get to Chicago. My mom bought me a plane ticket and was going to drive me to the airport. I couldn't walk with my weapons so I left them with her. Hopefully I could stock up on them again.

We were in the car driving to the airport.

"Are you sure about this Ben?"

"Yes mom I am sure. But I am glad I got to see you again after all these years"

"I have been worried about you. When I heard you went mental and had to be sent to a mental home. Then the accident and they never found you"

"As I said before dad staged all that. But I am still wondering why?"

"What do you mean? I thought you knew why? You said he sent you there after you found out his secret"

"Yes but something seems off about the whole thing. Jake explained some of their methods to me and I wonder why they sent me away when they could have just drugged me then and there and convert me."

"When you were 8 you did have a pretty bad sickness"

"When I was 8! Wait that is it!"


"I had an allergic reaction to the chemicals that is why they were sending me there"

"Your father did seem very concerned when you took ill he even sent you to a special doctor"

"Dad was not a recruit then he was a lifelong member probably since he was my age"

"What are you getting at?"

"Mom dad used you. He used you just to get me and Josh. Once he was finished with you he got rid of you. I am sorry to say but that is what they do to women. They find them breed them and then dump them."

"Benjamin! Your father would never do such a thing. We got divorced because we grew apart. It happens your father was very uncertain about the divorce but didn't expect him to want custody of you 2 and now I am sorry I let things get out of control"

"Not your fault mom"

"Still if I had worked things out that wouldn't have happened to you"

"No matter what you did mom it wouldn't have mattered"

"Enough with the depressing conspiracy theories! How about we talk about something else"


"How are the girls treating you?"


My mom just giggled. Even after 7 years she was still the same mom I knew and loved. I wondered how S under D treated the women they breed but I guess they are only interested in men.

She dropped me off and we said our goodbyes. I boarded the flight and was now on my way to Chicago to meet with Nancy Lu. My last hope. After a few hours on a plane I made it to Chicago and made my way to meet Nancy Lu and the Marina café. She was a coyote very determined when she got wind of a story and she has shown much interest in our plight.

I waited for her. It was not long before she arrived.

"You must be ben. Where is Jason?"

"He went to rescue Jake. "

"That would explain the explosions"


"They had an explosion at a mental health facility recently"

"Wow. I didn't think he would be that brazen"

"Those 2 are definitely insane but I do hope they escaped. They did report one or 2 patients are still missing."

"I better leave a message for them then"

"Jason said you guys made a breakthrough in finding evidence?"

"We did but they already covered it up"

"The recent child sex scandal claim?"

"Yes that tiger is innocent. The coach was filmed and I have still had the video of it. Here"

I handed her the flash drive with the raw video feeds. I still haven't looked at the third feed but I am sure there is nothing on it

"Jason sent me the financials he found. He was building a nice connection. There was something forming but he still lacked enough physical connections to prove anything"

"S under D is so careful they only mention their name by word of mouth. But they do have their symbols. He was trying to find out where they have their watches and underwear made"


"That is the closest thing to a full connection we can find."

"I think I may have a lead on that. One of the businesses Jason highlighted had warehouse that is supposed to be out of business but it clearly has been shipping things. That might be a good place to start"

"It would be a good thing. It would at least warrant someone to consider investigating. But I would need more videos of their gatherings."

"If we only knew the names of their bosses"

"I know of one. Well a soon to be one. My dad Lavincent Ville."

"Lavincent? He is... He recently sponsored an all-boys academy! That could a way in. I will investigate that"

"Really? I guess I will get the warehouse where is it located?"

"In a northeastern part of the state. But can you do it?"

"I am not a hacker but I am pretty good at sneaking around"

"Well you need a hacker and know just the girl! She lives in the area as well. I will give her a call"

"Will she help us out?"

"Definitely. If this story pans out it will make my career. I shall be in touch"

"I will leave a message for the guys."

"Good! You should be on the next bus out of town."

"Yes ma'am"

Hey it's Jeff. I am pretty mad Ben managed to get away from me. And now I have to report to my father well Ben's father. I don't know how he got away. He couldn't 't have gotten out of town but he did. He used withdrew money from his account 2 towns over the next day. I have no idea what he did to get away from me. It makes no sense. I managed to get some info on any locals that would have helped him.

I discovered I made a huge over sight. His mom! She had just moved into town. And she lived on the block where I lost track of ben. She would have helped him! Damn how could I have not seen that before. But she will be of use to me. Ben probably thinks we only program men but he would be wrong.

I paid Ben's mother a visit.

"Hello Mrs. Ville"

"Jeff my, what a surprise!? What brings you here"

I held up an orange glowing rod

"You know why I am here SB34523"

"Yes Sir"

"Did you help ben a few days ago?"


"Where did he go?"

"He went to Chicago to meet with a reporter."

"Did he say where?"

"At a marina café"

"Good now finally did he say anything important that I should know"

"He said something about finding someone named Rashard and leaving a message with a woman in Florida for Jason and Jake to find"

"Good. Thank you for your co-operation Mrs. Ville"

"You're are welcome sir"

I put away the control stick. 'This is good'

I had a few calls to make. First one to Robert

"Robert. I am going to need you services. Ben is in Chicago. He will be happy to see you"

"I am happy to be of service"

"Good. Meet me at Julep Street at the intersection with Yuen ave"

"Be there in 15"

I then dialed my Father.

"Pops it is me"

"Jeff! I am very disappointed with your recent failure! Because of you the facility was bombed by Jason! And ben is still on the loose"

"I am sorry dad. They are more clever than I expected and Jason was the fault of tommy! He let him get away"

"Even so! You had ben cornered but let him get away!"

"He got help from his mother sir"

"Sheila! Did you make sure to deal with her?"

"Yes I programmed her already she will forget everything that happen in the past 5 days"

"Good. The big boss has determined that Benjamin is too much of a threat and with the information Jason and Jake gave up on him he has become concerned."

"How concerned?"

"He sent out 2 agents to help you capture ben. He wants it done quickly because Ben has drawn interest that would be detrimental to us"

"I will step up my efforts. Who are these agents"

"They should be right behind you by now"

I turned around and saw them. Jason and Jake in the S under D enforcer uniform.

"This will be good"