(un-editted) S under D Chapter 6

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#6 of S under D

working on edits.

Chapter 6

Hey its Josh. Yep Josh Ville. Ben's little brother.

I am in the northern part of Illinois right now. Me and Henry are visiting his uncle. Henry is Jeff's little brother and also my boyfriend. We are just walking around the small town. Dad and pops are sending someone to pick us up tomorrow so we are going to take in the sights. We are currently on our way to a warehouse in the area.

"Joshy do you really want a picture of this place?"

"Not just a picture dad arranged a tour for us"

"Which one?"

We both laughed.

"C'mon we are going to be late"

He nodded and we ran off. Once we got there we were greeted by a guard.

"Hello boys. You must be Josh and Henry"

"Yes sir. That is us"

"Welcome to the shipping facility! What brings you here?"

"Just in the area, thought we would take a look at this place"

"Not much to see but I will give you a tour"

"Thanks." The guard escorted us in and showed us all the things they shipped and to who. Their most recent shipment was to the academy. There would be a slew of new recruits coming from there and they needed to be properly suited up. I was amazed at the different indication devices they had. Most of us could be found by our underwear or watches. But they now had necklaces and bracelets. They also had enforcers and recruiters uniforms.

"That concludes the tour of our facility. Hope you liked what you see"

"I liked those new necklaces. How about you ... josh?"

"Hey can you lock me in tonight?"


"I smell someone. Someone I know is going to break into this place"


"Ben. I got a small whiff of him"


"Josh here has very sensitive smell. He can smell a person from a mile away"


"Hen can you call your brother. Ask him how far out is he."

"If someone is going to break in here what are they after?"

"I don't know. Ben is a mystery to me right now. I just wish he would come home already"

"The runaway huh? I guess I will honor your request. "

"Good I know he will be here tonight"

"I will leave it to you then"

The warehouse security let me stay in the warehouse. At around 10 I heard a noise in the office. I quietly sneaked up on the person in the office. And over heard his conversation.

"Thanks Cindy. I have the information we need now"

"Yea. I know. Rendezvous outside in 20"

"You are not leaving big ben"


"Hello big brother"

"Josh what are you doing here?"

"Stopping you"

"Josh you! You are here to stop me?"

"Ben why did you runaway?"

"Because this is not right Josh. What dad did to you was wrong"

"What dad did was wrong. What you are doing was far worse"


"I waited for you to come home. You never did"

"I couldn't if I came home dad would. He would have brainwashed me like he did to you"

"Dad saved me. When mom left he saved me. I looked up to you then. You were strong. But then you betrayed dad and tried to have him arrested!"

"He was molesting you. How could I stand by and let that happen?"

"He was not. I wanted it. I could have said no"

"You didn't have that choice Josh. No one they recruit does"

"They do more than you know. You know little about S under D and the good they do. I know you are trying to destroy it"

"I am saving my brother"



"You are delusional! Ben you have hurt us not helped us!"

"I am trying to get you back to you Josh"

"I am me Ben. I have always been me I have never changed."

"Then what happened those nights that dad initiated you?"

"He... He freed me. "

"He did no such thing. He turned you into his sex toy. Not just his. He pimps you out and gets power and wealth for it"

"I am glad to help dad any way I can. We could have used your help. Dad really struggled once you left to keep things in order. Henry and his dad and brother helped us out"

"You are trying to blame this situation on me then you are crazy Josh but I should've expected this> I promise one day I will find a way to reverse whatever they did to you"

"No you won't. I am putting an end to this right here right now" I took out my brass knuckles

"Josh! Are you really going to do this?"

"Yes I am!"

I charged in and threw a punch. He caught it with his paw. He was way stronger than I am. I couldn't believe it.

"I am sorry about this josh but you leave me no choice." He punched me in the stomach. I dropped to the ground and could cry and watch him walk out the door.

Once I recovered I followed him. I managed to see him get into a car that drove away.

I ran out tears streaming down my cheek and I watched by brother disappear.


I broke down there. I cried a bit as Henry came over.

"You okay Josh?"

"Yea I will be anyway"

"What did he take?"

"He took some info of the computers"

"I am going to call Jeff"

"No let me do it"

I pulled out my phone and called Jeff.

"Josh!? What happened?"

"He was here and he got away"

"Which way did he go?"

"He drove towards the bridge in a black sedan. License number 8-E-R-T-2-k

"Thanks Josh. "

"Jeff do me a favor"


"Bring him home. Please!"

"I will. Don't worry Josh"

He hung up. Henry hugged me from behind

"Everything will be fine Josh" "I hope you are right"

Hey its Ben. I am in my getaway car with Cindy. A black Siamese cat that helped me hack into the warehouse computers.

"Are you crying?"

"No! It's just"

"Just what?"

"My brother was back there"

"Nancy mentioned him. He is the one you are trying to save right?"

"Yes. But he thinks I am the one hurting him"

"You are"


"You ran away without him. He must have felt hurt. He must have felt alone"

"I know he must have felt that way but what good would it do for me to be caught"

"What would happen if you were caught? Is it really that bad?"

"It's the control the gain over me. I can't let that happen. I have to stop them."

"And if you can't are you going to run your entire life"

"No I am done running. I am going to fight them now"

"I like that answer."


"My name is not Cindy"

"What? Then who are you? Are you one of their members?"

"No. I am like you in some ways. I work for the NSA"


"I have been investigating an organization. It might be the same one you are"

"You have been investigating S under D"

"I didn't know their name but I know their work"

"Care to explain?"

"I was a paper pusher. I noticed a rash of divorces where the fathers got sole custody. Then I stumbled on a closed investigation we had a few years ago. Some men started acting weird all of a sudden. Brain damage and cancers. They weren't natural. They developed quickly. We first thought it was biological but found nothing. Once they stopped occurring we stopped investigating."

"What does this have to do with S under D?"

"The men were found to have some unknown chemicals in their bodies. They were minute traces of them but not enough for a full analysis but we did find a chemical breakdown of it"

"Is it similar to the one on my clothes?"

"Yes. The same chemical used by S under D was used 30 years ago"

"They were perfecting it. If they only started using those chemicals what did they do before?"

"I don't know what they used before. But I do have an idea. There is a plant that secretes something similar to it. It is very rare and almost impossible to find."

"If they had access to that they could control anyone. But wait. Jason never got the results from the lab"

"He wouldn't. The lab caught fire we only got an analysis thanks to the sample on your clothes. Not much but when dealing with these guys we have to take whatever we can get"

"What. How would they know about... dang it. I totally goofed"


"I left a message telling them to details of my assignment."

"So what?"

"If Jake was already under their control he would know about how we exchange messages. He would know all about my rendezvous with Nancy"

"Better buckle up then."

"Better hurry. I will call to warn Nancy"