Roop's Botanical Mishaps

Story by Kusaragi on SoFurry

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This story is written for a Contest that was hosted by TheRoop. The only criteria he offered was "Eat me" I decided to go above and beyond with a few things I think he would like, and I know I DO like. This is written with an Adult audience in mind, if you are under the age of 18, or if Soft Vore, oviposition, and Pregnancy offend you, turn back now. I am not responsible for any material you read and find offensive. Read the tags carefully and enjoy the fun times.

Written by: Kusaragi

Edited by: Kusaragi

For: TheRoop

Deep in the ancient jungles there was a magical place, a place where Life mana is in constant bloom and constantly changing. The unpredictable flora runs rampant and stifles the animals. There is one village, high in the mountains that manages to survive. The populace an odd mix of Anthros each of them marked by the Jungle. They sustain their lives by the trade of rare and potent ingredients from the every changing fruits and seeds of the magical Jungle.

Roop couldn't stand the heat of the place, his grey fur was always matted from the humidity. Despite being high in the mountains, the heat from the accelerated growth made it several degrees hotter then everywhere else. The only reprieve he had was his electric fan with built in mister... but his last battery died not two hours previous. He sat panting, tongue lulled out of the side of his mouth, back agaisnt one of the thatch huts of one of the villagers, a muscular panther. The feline's muscular body was on full display, his thick sheath and balls swaying with each of his steps. He seemed immune to the oppressive heat his black coat shined in the afternoon sun. "Yo, Wolf. You said you could work. If you want to stay you have to Work. "

"How can I work? I'm going to pass out just sitting here. I can't take the heat." The Wolf replied, his eyes slightly glazed from it all.

"Timani can give you something to beat the heat." The Panther replied, shaking a vial in front of his chest. Roop didn't want to think too hard on where he was keeping that. He accepted the vial and took a tentative sip of the odd blue tinted tincture. He cringed, the bitter taste burning down his throat and settling in his gut. "Gods it's HORRIBLE!" He gasped.

"Tis a lotion, crazy wolf." The panther laughed as he turned and flicked his tail at the Canadian wolf, teasing him more and more with glances of his pucker and thick balls. It was the same with everyone in the village, none of them were concerned with the heat, or the humidity. They each were devoid of clothing and seemed to tease the poor canine with some hidden inside joke. Often giving him "cures" for his troubles, only to laugh at him when he takes it wrong. It was wearing on his patience, and as he rubbed the potion over his body he grumbled and muttered under his breath.

He could feel the bottle doing something, the heat he was suffering seemed to have less and less sway over him and he slowly got to his feet. His back popping twice as he stretched his shoulders. He grabbed his pack that had his water skins, shears, machete, and food rations. The arrangement he made with the villagers was, he had to collect specific plants to pay for his stay here. But it was well worth it. Every time he went out into the jungle he learned a little more about the plants, and the villagers were helpful enough to tell him which plants to stay away from.

Roop still had his clothes on, the thick underbrush too thick for him to do it bare. He often wondered how they manage to work in such an inhospitable area. He knew they were keeping something from him, something important that would make it much easier for him to finish his research and go home... but that information was always just out of reach, dangling like a lure just beyond his grasp. Even the Jungle taunted him. He swung the machete and sliced through three vines that were hanging from a huge tree.

He spotted one of the pods that he was charged with collecting. Setting his pack down he fished out his shears and a roll of wax paper from his pack, before starting to cut the vines and leaves away. He was so preoccupied with his task and his ruminating that he didn't notice as the vines around him started to pulse and twitch, reacting to something in the area... To him.

The green tendrils slowly wrapped under and over the canine's legs, the surprisingly strong limbs dragged him backwards, away from his supplies before he could grab his machete. His Hips were gripped by the mutant plants and he was dragged across the ground. His claws dug furrows in the soft dirt, as he was pulled towards The source of the freakish things. More flexible vines wrapped around his chest and his arms, just as he was about to howl out for help the thing squeezed the breath out of him the only sound was a pained wheeze. Next his clothes were stripped from him, torn apart like tissue paper.

His legs were bound together and he could feel a rumbling behind him. like a mini earthquake and looking behind him that was accurate term. There was a purple-black pod wiggling it's way out of the ground. It was HUGE, easily as large as the wolf himself The triangular bulb spit open with four petals, revealing the bright red interior, the plant opening up like some mock maw. But as Roops feet were lifted from the ground, his face pressed into the soft dirt, he realized that's JUST what it was. His struggles gained new life as he was lifted above the plant, but the strong vines held firm on his hips and stomach, slowly feeding his feet into the plants orifice.

Even with the potion to quell the heat of the jungle, the warmth of the plant's maw flowed into the panicking wolf. His legs kicking at the soft insides of the plant as he tried to pull himself away from it's giant maw and grasping limbs, but it was no use, it was just too strong and had too good a grip on him. In a matter of moments he was fully encased in the plant's petals, which slowly closed around his head and sealed off what little light came down from the canopy.

Roop felt the restraining tentacles release him, their job already done now that he was fully devoured, he could feel a thick sirupy gunk seep in through the walls of the chamber. He feared the worst, that he would be nothing more then sustenance for this twisted plant. The only proof he was even there was his backpack in the middle of a cursed jungle. And as his legs began to tingle he closed his eyes and accepted that it was his own fault. But the tingle didn't intensify like he thought, there was no searing pain as if he was being digested, only the gentle pulse of his own heart, The tingle spreading up his legs and spreading over his rump, making the canine blush as his sheath disgorged.

He gasped as a thin smooth tentacle teased his tailhole, the surprisingly gentle touch made him inhale the pheromone rich air of the sap below him. His heart raced and his body sent wave after wave of pleasure through his confused mind. The plant took the chance provided and a thick appendage slid smoothly into his mouth and down his throat, the creamy texture trailed across his tongue and he swallowed on instinct. the slim vine sliding clear down into his stomach before it started to fill him up with it's sweet sap. The vine near his rump didn't wait at all, it started to wiggle and worm it's way into his tight pucker.

His whole body felt like it was on fire, but not from the heat, or the skewing he was reciving from this kinky plant. It was from his feminine sex. The sensation of being encased, stuffed from both ends, and stroking his shaft (when did that happen?) Caused his feminine slit to start swelling with need. he whined around the tentacle in his throat, the need of his box overriding his previous fear of being eaten. And just like before the plant had another limb poised to penetrate it's captive prey. The slimy, sticky, smooth appendage flicked his clitoris before slipping smoothly into his cunny, spreading more of the tingling sap into his body. His stomach gurgled as it was filled with pure fuel, the strange sap mixing with the 'Lotion" he ingested, and made his whole body go limp. The tapered psudocock pressed cleanly into his cunt, going inch after unbearable inch into his feminine channel. When it meet resistance with his cervix it wiggled and pressed more, pressing firmly against that muscular ring.

With a muffled gasp and a deep moan Roop's womb was penetrated by the tapered shaft, his cunt clamping down around the intrusion. He didn't care what this plant was doing to him anymore, he just didn't want it to stop. And the vine passed a solid foot into him, the thickness more then 2 1/2 inches across, it finally stopped it's inward push. The entire length of all three tentacles started to vibrate. The wolf's paw was a blur over his own shaft, his knot swollen and sheath matted with sap as he tried to bring just as much pleasure to himself as his captor was. But it just wasn't enough. He gulped down mouthful after mouthful of the feed provided to him, his head swimming in his lust-filled fog. Then he felt it, a thick round object pressing up against his rump and puffy slit, The plant's egg traveling up the vine and right against his twat. It pressed and twisted, stretching him further then ever before, the baseball sized lump wedged against him until the vine brushed against his clit again. A shudder ran through the Canadian Wolf's body and his pussy yawned open, the smooth taper of the egg slid into his body and brushed past his G-spot before it rocketed forward.

Just as the first round object slammed into his cervix, there was already another egg pressing insistently against his outer labia, Roop whined as every sense he had was focused on the unyielding pressure on his backside, he came again, feminine honey squirting out around the thick vine as the second egg breached, was drawn into his birth canal and slammed into the first, there was no clack of hard shells inside him, the orbs seemed to be soft to each other, but completely firm to his body. As they bumped into each other the first egg spread his cervix that much wider, but not enough to enter his deepest chamber.

The third egg had an easier time with his outer lips, sliding in much faster, but only hit the line of eggs outside his womb harder then ever. The first egg finally slipping in, along with a third of the next. The plant continued just like this, forcing more and more eggs into the helpless, although pleasantly aroused canine's womb. Each egg spread his stomach just a little more and his cervix put up less and less resistance. He had no track of time, only the constant pulse of life within him as his stomach was pumped full of food, his bowels cleaned by the vine back there, and his womb packed more and more firm as he tried to get his male half off.

When the vines were finally done with him, his stomach looked 9 months pregnant with a full litter of pups, his 6 teats were convinced he was pregnant and they started to dribble milk on their own, adding to the mix of fluids around him, mostly it was the plant's arousing sap, but more and more of it was his own female cum, and his male preseed. The tentacle embedded in his womb slowly withdrew, secreting something that caused his cervix to clamp down on the huge load that was stored there, a pleasant feeling of wholeness and completeness washed over the dual sexed canine. and he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

His whole world was nothing more then brief moments of ecstasy in the haze of his confinement, he would wake up one day, the tentacle buried in his womb, checking on the orbs still in his midsection. others he would be roused by pencil thin vines worming their way down his shaft to relieve the pressure of his bladder. And each time he took stock of his body he was surprised to find he was even bigger then the last, the constant pump of nutrients into his system let his female aspects bloom, his tiny teats swelling to C cups with his unorthodox pregnancy, his belly hugely distended by his growing plant prodigy.

Three months were spent like this, the Villagers well aware where their guest was, The purple pod was swollen with it's captive pup and the petals were a bright blue hue similar to the salve Timani gave Roop just before his expedition down it's gullet. Every day at dawn, a mixture of sap and orgasmic fluids would ooze out around the pod's base, which the villagers would collect and refine for sale. It was the secret that they shared with this forest, that they were part of a symbiotic relationship that kept both the villagers and the plants alive and vibrant. When Roop was released from his "Prison" He was in a daze, 4 villagers had to carry him back to his camp, dripping thick beads of goo from his sex as the eggs slid from his slack hole, birthing the eggs easily as their shells gave to his internal contractions. Only one or two of these eggs would take root and sprout as new pods for the next season, the rest would be used as a base for the villager's food and medicinal salves.

From that day, Roop never worried about the heat of the jungle, his fur and skin always felt cool to him even on the hottest of days. His breasts eventually returned to normal, thanks to the help of his Panther friend, and everyone else in the village. He never wore any clothes while in the village, his body always hungry for something inside it. He found out later that each member of the community was a Herm, either started that way before they were inducted, or that the Pods altered them to it's needs. But any way he looked it it, it was still the best arrangement for all involved, and promised himself that he would visit the rather friendly plant again... and again.

Mark's Training

Written By: Kusaragi January 4, 2012 Disclaimer: This is an adult story intended for people 18 years and older. It contains scenes of graphic sexual content, including oral sex, urethra sounding, tail sex, extreme stretching, cock fisting, bladder...

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