Gap Year: Food, Food, Food, and More Food

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#2 of Gap Year

Next chapter of Gap Year, featuring some character development and getting closer to plot.

A few hours later, I woke with Jake smiling at me.

"Morning, beautiful," he said.

I gave his arm a firm albeit playful punch, leaning up in my seat as the plane tilted for a turn. "We landing?" I asked.

"Yup. Good ol' Edinburgh." He drummed the seat in front him, beaming white canines at me. "This is gonna be so much fun, dude."

"You'll end up being more help than me though," I said.

"Why's that?" he said."Well, you actually speak some languages here, I don't."

"And you made fun of me for taking both French and Spanish in high school," he laughed, putting some of his stuff in his bag.

"Don't forget your German. How else would you speak with Nana Heine?"

"Pinafore," he deadpanned.

"Like what sailors use on boats?" I asked.

"Yup," he smiled at me.

"You're the craziest son of a bitch I ever met."

"Don't forget the best-looking son of a bitch you ever met."

Part of me agreed with him there. It was hard to pull your eyes away from the mop of black headfur or those cold grey eyes that just... Made me feel...

* * *

I wish I could say we did anything cool or exciting but after we landed, we pretty much didn't do much of anything. A fan at customs wanted me to sign an autograph for him, and afterwards we went to our hotel and sat on the single bed that lay in the room as we watched TV.

When we got hungry the first day, we knew the right thing to do: put on the most mindless action flick that HBO had to offer and ordering as much as we could eat. As much as we could eat ended up being two sausage & pepperoni pizzas, four cheeseburgers, and an order of haggis that turned into three more-each. What started as a dare led to a possible obsession on both ends. The spicy meat with the mashed potatoes was oddly delectable.

After our food binge, we passed out, once again with the other right next to us. In the middle of the night, I woke up briefly and lay awake, thinking about everything that had happened the past few months.

Jake and I grew closer to one another after our broken hearts left us with no one but each other. Haley moving away crushed me, leaving me vulnerable like you wouldn't believe... If it weren't for Jake I probably would've become horribly cynical, but he kept me going.

During the spring of Junior year was the first time Logan and Jake broke up. But it wasn't long before they got back together. Things were fine for a few weeks until they broke up again, got back together and then broke up once more. I told Jake that Logan was no good for him. You can still feel fine while being poisoned, I had said at some point. It took a lot of convincing, but finally, Jake agreed with me that I was right. The next time Jake and Logan got back together was for a theatre event. It's where Logan drove the last nail into the coffin that was their relationship.

I told you this before... But what I didn't say was that night, when he come over to my house and we forgot our troubles, I watched him while he slept. And when he started crying in the middle of the night, I pulled him to me and held him. And...I mean... I never felt so content and happy in my entire life. It's been bugging me for so long.

Do I like him? Am I gay? Is there something wrong with me! And even... When he called me beautiful... I felt a surge of life. Ugh! What is wrong with me? He's my best friend, I can't fall for him! It'd be too weird. He's... He's like family.

I lay in bed that night, trying to figure out what was going on with me, and with me head, when... He rolled over and pressed his body against me, leg and arm sprawled over my body.

Ohshit. Oooooohshitohshitohshitohshit.It felt so wrong, the guy I considered to be family... The guy that stayed by my side even as the world turned against me. _Could I like him? Could he and I...Could we...? _

I turned over and went to sleep, but not before pushing him off of me.

* * *

"Fire!" a voice cried, jarring me out of my sleep. I grabbed and put on my glasses and jumped out of bed, seeing nothing.

"Gotcha!" Jake said, giggling loudly.

"Ass." I threw a pillow at him and he ducked, leaping over the bed and grabbing me, throwing me to the bed. He threw his arms up in victory and I shoved him so hard he lost his balance and fell off the bed.

We had to stop as we were laughing too hard, faces flushed with color. "I'm starving," I said.

"Let's go find a place for donuts!" Jake said, pulling his shirt off and reaching into his bag for a fresh one.

It's a good thing he turned around so he couldn't see the huge blush I had on my face when I said,"Y-yeah, that sounds great."

* * *

When we finally got to the nearest bakery, which was only at the bottom of the building and across the street, we cleaned them out. Crullers, donuts-both glazed and sprinkled- and danishes.

"Dude, we need to cool it with the food or we're gonna blow all our money." I took a bite of a donut, letting the sugary dough fill my mouth and cover my palette with its goodness.

"Not to worry. Luckily for you, I happened to 'borrow' the pin number of a certain horse's bank account?

"You stole from Logan?" I was stunned. It didn't seem like something he could ever do.

"He told me once that if he ever hurt me, I had to tell him so he wouldn't ever make that mistake again. I think I sent him a pretty big message." He gave me the same goofy grin he'd give me if we were just joking around in class.

"You are evil," I said, giving himthe same grin.

"He deserved it. Douchey MacGee should have known not to mess with me."

"You're lucky I don't report you."

"You're lucky I don't post a picture of you in a skirt when you were twelve to facebook."

"You son of a bitch." I threw my napkin at him and we threw our trash away before heading out the door.

Gap Year: Planes and New Beginnings

"But, Brent... I don't want you to go." "Soph, I have to. Our plane leaves soon. Besides, I told you that this was happening." My kit sister sniffled and nodded, wiping her eyes. She had grown a lot since everything that happened two years ago. We...

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Jason was used to coming into this tattoo shop; he wasn't covered in tattoos by any means, unless you counted the spots on his light fur. The cheetah sat in the chair, waiting for Chad to finish up with his current client. It was a simple job and...

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"And what's your name?" the voice from behind the camera said. His lips turned up into a cruel smile. "Fuck you!" I spat, glaring up at him. I was on my knees in front of a large wolf, his shirt was on the ground and the paw not on the camera was...

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