Through the Horizon: Sex, Love, and Hope

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#19 of Through the Horizon

Here is the latest chapter of the story. A special thanks to my Dasher Kitties! There is lots of gay buttsex so if you don't like it don't read it. I welcome comments, it helps me improve. Keep in mind this is a transition chapter, but I will include more sex. I have a special guest appearance of two very special people. They know who they are! Thanks for reading, and thanks for the support you give me!

Through the Horizon: Sex, Love, and Hope

Bane walked down the deserted beach slowly. Waves crashed ashore, spraying his dark brown fur with the salty mist. His feet sank into the damp sand with each step, leaving a trail behind him, that the waves were erasing to leave pristine sand once more. Would his passing likewise leave as little behind him, in the sands of time, he wondered? This place was where he could think such deep thoughts. He inhaled deeply and drank in the scent of the ocean. Salt and the slight scent of iodine. He paused for a moment and turned to face the open waters, sunlight sparkling on the waves. He took a black leather package from his back pocket. Removing its top, he retrieved a black and mild cigar. Looking at it a moment, he smiled as he placed it under his nose and inhaled. Its deep aroma swirled in his nose causing his maw to water slightly. Black and Mild wood tip Royals were his favorite cigar of all time and all universes, he reflected with a deep chuckle. He placed it in his maw and returned the holder back into his pocket. Retrieving a lighter from his right pants pocket, he pressed the switch and heard the click, flame springing to light. He brought the open flame to the tip of the cigar and puffed, lighting the aromatic mixture of tobacco. Once the cigar had fully lit, he took a large puff and inhaled deeply. The sweet smoke filled his lungs, then left a bluish cloud as he exhaled slowly. It was swept away on the breezes, ephemeral as a passing thought.

Bane smiled as the sun slowly rose on the distant horizon. He sat down on the sand and puffed his cigar slowly. Its smoke circled his head as it floated off into the distant horizon. He hadn't told anybody where he was going, he had simply taken a shuttle and flown it to a small island he had come to call his haven from the pressures of leadership. Of course his security knew of this place and by his orders, the island had been swept for dangers. Even now, patrol boats kept watch out of sight and air patrols kept the skies free of threats but the illusion of solitude remained. It was a decent sized island, covered in thick jungle.

Waves crashed upon the shore and sprayed his body with its fragrant mist. As he watched the sun rise over the horizon and greet the day, there was a flash as Dasher teleported in beside the shuttle. The cheetah looked around and as soon as he spotted Bane, it seemed his blurred to be suddenly standing beside him. Not magic, as the foot prints in the sand showed, just him running at a speed that made it seem so.

The cheetah smiled at his friend and said, "So this is where you have been vanishing too?" Bane nodded and quietly responded, "Yes. I found it in a report on a scan of the planet. It was dismissed as too small for a base and we have plenty of other land for that, so I claimed it as my refuge. I come here when the pressures of being Emperor are just too much." Bane contained to puff on his cigar as Dasher took a seat beside him. He began by teasing, "The superwolfy fortress of solitude, hmm? Much better than some ice covered place for it. Maybe I should get one for myself? *chuckle* Bane, I know things are difficult for you. I know you feel guilty about the deaths of the citizens."

Bane nodded and said sadly, "Dasher, so many died because of me...because I wasn't strong enough to stop this." Dasher sighed and shook his head, then chuckled and said, "Bane, you are using flawed logic. You were strong enough to stop it. More than that, look at what did happen. The citizens stood up for you and themselves. You inspired them to do more than they knew they could do, stand up not only for themselves but for you and the ideals you stand for! Bane hunny, this is war and war is not a nice thing. People are injured, people will die. There is nothing you can do about that."

Bane nodded as he took another puff on his cigar and inhaled the flavored smoke deeply. Smoking somehow slowed time and let his thoughts flow. He considered Dasher's words against his own feelings. Even if this was supposed to be his place to be alone, the wolf was glad for the company of his trusted friend and advisor.

Dasher chuckled and asked, "Since when did you start smoking?" Bane laughed softly back and told him, "It's an old habit I picked up at the academy back home. Scott got me started on them. Mind you I have to replicate them now but they are just as good." Dasher nodded and looked out of the corner of his eye with a little smile as he said, "It kind of makes you look more dashing too. I actually came to talk to you about business, if that's alright?"

Bane chuckled and said, "Go right ahead. One of the benefits of this island is that it is made of a composition of iron and certain rare isotopes. It gives off a radio-magnetic field that prevents spying from space or even the city. We can talk freely here without worry." Dasher nodded and became serious as e began, "Alright, I believe the individuals behind the attack call themselves the Earth Trust. They have a small fleet of ships and from what I understand they are decently advanced but not a threat for any of our ships." Bane nodded and asked, "Do you think they will try to attack the city from space?" Dasher shook his head and answered, "No, I don't think so. They know of our technology and that we can easily blast them out of orbit. After the defeat we handed them, I doubt they would be stupid enough to try that again. The past has shown that while in public or in travel is the easier ways to get at a highly protected target, such as yourself. I think they will try attacking you the next time you take a trip."

Bane thought back and remembered how a President Kennedy in the past had been assassinated in a public motorcade and nodded once more as he said, "Alright then, I just don't take any trips I can avoid." Dasher shook his head and gave a predatory grin as he said, "We need to confront them on our terms not theirs. I believe we need to draw them out of hiding. Force their hand and make them strike. That way, we will be ready and can deal THEM a crippling blow" Bane nodded, liking the sound of that. He was a wolf of action. Sitting and waiting for the next strike to come was not his style. It also had the advantage of keeping innocent civilians out of harms way. Bane's tail wagged slightly and he said, "Go on."

Dasher paused a moment and said, "Our newest ship is ready to launch. I suggest we take it for a little 'test' spin. Send a message to your secretary on an open channel that we are going for a little trip. I am sure they will intercept the message, as I am sure they have spies among our ranks. Let it be known that we will be going to an empty quadrant of space to test it. Then we warp off in the new ship and they pounce with us ready for them. The temptation to remove you and you pet Demon Cat in one strike will be too great for them to resist."

Bane nodded impressed and asked, "Wow, you actually thought this out?" Dasher laughed and said modestly, "Well that and I spoke with Lucian about it. He is our Minister of Defense after all." Bane paused to consider and said, "We need to have all of us on that ship. Make it as enticing as possible." Dasher nodded and cautioned, "That is a risky gamble Bane." Bane nodded agreement and said firmly, "I agree but we cannot afford to fight a war on two fronts. All our efforts must be on the Scavangers. We cannot afford this distraction and must get it dealt with as soon as possible. The bigger the bait, the more we can lure into the trap" Dasher nodded as he thought about it and said, "Well, when you put it that way I agree with you. However I still don't like it. What if we are all killed? Plans seldom survive meeting with reality. Have you thought of who to put in charge, if things go wrong? Your dream must survive beyond you, if we don't make it out alive."

Bane chuckled and looked aside with a grin as he teased, "Gee thanks Dash, I love you too." Bane playfully shoved Dash as the two chuckled. Bane smiled at his friend. Dasher had been there by his side through good and bad alike, since that day he had popped up in the elevator of the hidden research base Admiral Bill had directed him to. He owed the cheetah more than he could ever repay. He would like to leave the cat out of this and in charge, if things did go wrong. Emperor Dasher had a nice ring to it but Bane knew Dasher would refuse the job and fight to be at his side during this operation, so he dropped that idea. Bane smiled, "Dasher I know your worried about this. However as you said we need to do this on our terms and not theirs. I think it needs to be you, me and Seamus." Dasher nodded in agreement and said, "I will agree to that. Ron is a gentle soul, compared to us. You can tell him he doesn't need to come and take part in the killing with us. Tell him his work here is too important to be put on hold. That should do the trick. Then, if worse comes to worst, he can step into your place and continue to rule in your stead, It won't be quite as tempting but still should do the trick."

Bane smiled at Dasher, his affection for the cheetah was greater than even he understood. They were worlds apart, even universes, yet they shared a connection deeper than any he had ever felt. The cheetah was loved by many who had been allowed to know the cat behind the Demon legend, yet had never taken a mate of his own. Bane could tell that there was something in the cheetah's past that bothered him greatly, even tho he had never spoken about it. Bane wrapped his arm around Dasher and held him close. The two friends sat and watched as the waves crashed onto the beach. Nothing was said because nothing needed to be said. Their bond was beyond friends and beyond mates. Bane needed Dasher, and Dasher enjoyed being needed.

Bane stood up and walked over to a basket that he had set out when he had arrived. He retrieved a blanket from the basket and spread it out on the beach beside where he had previously been sitting. Bane took off his shirt and began removing his clothes as Dasher watched a moment, smiling. Before Bane was fully nude, the cheetah stood and followed his friends lead. Once in the fur, Dasher lay down on the blanket, his member beginning to poke out of its' sheath. Bane laid gently on top of his friend and kissed him. Bane moaned as he felt his member rub against Dasher's warm furry sheath and its' growing contents. The cheetah smiled as he held his friend closely against him. Dasher shifted himself slightly and wrapped his legs around Bane, allowing his lover access to his rump. Bane moaned as he pressed his meat into Dasher's tail pucker. Dasher moaned as he felt Bane's shaft slide into his depths and fill him. Bane quickly pressed his meat into Dasher and was soon balls deep into his friend. Bane kissed Dasher passionately as he began pounding into the Cheetah. Bane moaned as he made love to his friend. It was too exciting and his knot quickly expanded. Bane shoved it deep into Dasher as both friends tensed up and came. Bane filled Dasher with his seed as Dasher spewed his seed all over his and Bane's chest and stomach. The two friends lay holding each other, locked together by Bane's knot and united by an unbreakable bond.

Ron sat at his desk looking over reports. The rebuilding of the city had taken top priority, meaning that all available resources had been directed into it. The drones had done most of the work, but there was still much work for the population to do. The drones could build to a plan but it took living minds to create and make beautiful. It would take a long time before things really returned to normal. There had been many lives lost in the attack, many innocent citizens killed by those who sought to do Bane harm. The fox knew his friend well enough to know that deep down Bane still blamed himself for the attack. Ron shook his head as he thought of his secretary lifeless and pinned against the wall. He sighed deeply, knowing he was affected as much as anybody else had been. He looked back at the data-pad in his paw. He was planning a memorial park in remembrance of those lost in the attack.

As he made a few last additions to his blueprint, Seamus walked into his office. He smiled as he looked up and greeted the green furred fox with a bright, "Good evening Seamus! How are you?" The fox chuckled, "Well Bane is off somewhere with Dasher and I am trying to direct the medical effort by myself. There are so many that have been hurt that we just don't have enough room for them all. We have converted several buildings into makeshift hospital units but we are managing as well as can be expected." Ron nodded acknowledgment and asked, "Do you need any help? Is there anything I can do?" Seamus shook his head as he answered, "No, the drones have already repaired the medical facilities so we have full access to them. The only thing I can see is that we need to look at placing medical clinics in the heavily populated area's for less urgent needs. When we first found the city, a central medical facility made good sense but now it really doesn't. We also need to look at improving transportation between area's of the city. One thing I am noticing is that we have no fast mean's of access or travel between area's and its slowing down the recovery effort on my end."

Ron nodded as he took notes while commenting, "You're right, we do need a fast means of transportation. I have considered various systems but I cannot seem to find one that will fit into the city with minimal effort." Seamus cocked his head and asked, "What about a teleport grid?" Ron's ears perked up in interest and he asked, "What do you mean?" Seamus paused and continued, "We could set up teleport points all over the city. Arranged in a grid at intersections. Walk onto one and you arrive at the end of the street without having walked down it. If you want to go on, walk to the side of the intersection you wish to go down and step on the next pad. Or avoid them and just walk to you destination on the street. With minimal effort, you can be across town in minutes or anywhere you need to be. The teleporter pads are only tied into the one at the end of the next intersection and cannot send anybody out of the city. Also they will not accept transport from outside the grid, so no one can just teleport into the city from outside."

Ron smiled up from his notes and said, "It's a very simple yet very effective answer to the problem. Elegant really and we avoid the noise and clutter of vehicles too. I like it! I'll get started on it as soon as possible. Thanks Seamus."

Ron looked at a clock on his desk and mentioned, "It's getting close to time for the memorial service. Bane is having a memorial service for those lost in the grand hall. It will be broadcast to the entire empire and beyond. He wants all of us there on stage with him so we need to get dressed up and looking our best." Seamus grinned and said casually, "First, we need to get you undressed now don't we. . . ?" Seamus walked around Ron's desk and sat in his lap. Seamus looked deep into his friends eyes, he then leaned forward and kissed Ron. Ron opened his maw and accepted his friends affection freely. Seamus ran his tongue into Ron's maw as his paws explored the fox's chest. Ron moaned slightly as Seamus's paws rubbed his nipples. Ron quickly unbuttoned Seamus's shirt as his sheath quickly expanded with the attention his friend was giving him.

Seamus stood up and began removing his clothes. Ron quickly stood and undressed himself. Once in the fur, the two friends kissed once more. Ron pressed his sheath against Seamus's as both friends meat poked out of their furry homes. Seamus smiled as he dropped to his knees. He pressed his nose into Ron's crotch fur and inhaled the musky scent. Seamus's mind swam with pleasure as he ran his tongue over the head of Ron's shaft. Pre leaked freely from the quickly expanding member as Seamus massaged his furry orbs. Ron moaned under the attention Seamus gave him. Once fully hard Seamus stood back up and bent over his friends desk with tail raised. Ron stood behind his friend and gently ran the tip of his meat over Seamus's love hole. Seamus moaned and stroked his own shaft as Ron pressed his meat into Seamus. Seamus moaned as he felt the head of Ron's cock slip past his rim and into his warm depths. He moaned as Seamus's warm insides caressed his throbbing meat. Ron gently pressed his member further into Seamus. Seamus moaned softly as his friend filled him with his foxhood. Ron hilted in Seamus and held his position for a moment. His hips pressed firmly against Seamus's rump. Seamus murred and reached down to quickly stroke his own throbbing erection. Both knew the other wouldn't last long but that didn't matter.

Ron pulled back and slammed into Seamus, his knot quickly expanding. Seamus howled with pleasure as Ron pounded into his ass. Ron growled with pleasure as he held Seamus's hips firmly, increasing the speed of his assault. Seamus's mind swam with pleasure as his friend humped him in the way only Ron could do. Ron groaned as he shoved his knot deep into Seamus. He wrapped his arms around the fox's chest as his entire body tensed up. Seamus's anus pulsed around Ron's member as Seamus emptied his load onto Ron's desk and Ron bit into Seamus's shoulder as he came hard into Seamus's depths. Both friends moaned loudly their minds swam with pleasure. The two panted as Ron carefully sat them back into his chair. The two knew they would be locked together for some time, and there was no need to rush the parting. As the two friends sat panting, enjoying the afterglow, the door to Ron's office opened and in walked Bane and Dasher.

Dasher closed the door behind him, both looking in slight shock at the two tied friends. Seamus blushed through his fur and Ron moaned as the rump tensed up around his knot causing the fox to cum again. He clung tightly to Seamus as his hips bucked with pleasure. Seamus moaned as his hard member began leaking again.

Bane looked at dasher with a grin and the two quickly removed their clothes, locking the door to Ron's office. The friends walked over as Ron and Seamus shakily stood up, unsure what to say about being caught this way. Dasher moved them back from the desk and laid himself over the edge. Reaching back, he took hold of Seamus' cock and pulled the green fox forward till the tip was in place under his upheld tail. Seamus's meat slid into his rump as Bane took position behind Ron and pressed his growing erection into the red furred fox's tail star.

Seamus and Ron moaned at the added pleasure. Bane held Ron's hips tightly as he went balls deep in one savage thrust. Ron howled with pleasure as the thrust pushed Seamus's meat deep into Dasher's awaiting rump. Bane grinned as he hammered into his friends ass, and his thrusts was translated into Dasher's ass. The four friends moaned as they became one mind and one body. Bane wrapped his arms around Ron's chest and gently pinched his nipples as he sucked on Ron's neck. Ron groaned as he came once more into Seamus and Seamus's growing knot was pushed into Dasher. Bane pushed his knot deep into Ron and all four friends howled as they each came hard. Bane bit into Ron's neck as Ron bit into Seamus. Seamus wrapped his arms and legs around Dasher. As their orgasm's subsided the four friends panted gently.

Dasher smiled to himself as he considered what had happened. The three friends had needed this time together. This was bonding to them, on a level that many others could not and would not understand. He smiled as he felt Seamus licking him gently. The three friends loved him greatly, and he was comforted by that.

As soon as the three with knots untied from their respective partners, they used Ron's teleport pad to go to Banes rooms and clean up from their fun. It wouldn't do to come to the service, looking like they had just come from an orgy. They HAD but as long as it didn't look like it... Appearance was all that mattered. Ron tried to duck out for his own rooms but Bane grabbed his arm and pulled the fox into the big shower with him. Seamus and Dasher followed, knowing it was big enough for them all.

As the water wet them down, Bane gave a wicked grin and pinned Ron against the wall. Looking down at the smaller male, he growled, "So! You think it is alright for you to take my mate and screw his sexy tail off, do you?" Ron was not sure if Bane was serious or not. Wolves could be VERY territorial about things and he hadn't exactly asked if it was alright.

Seamus was about to protest that it had been him taking advantage of Ron, when he was pulled against Dasher. The cheetah kissed him, silencing the fox and then Dasher whispered, "Hush. Bane is playing with Ron. See? If Bane were angry, his tail would be raised in a dominance display. Let's watch and see." Seamus suppressed a giggle and leaned back against the larger feline, wrapped in his strong arms and the pair listened.

Ron was focused on Bane and the fox's tail was tucked between his legs, ears down and nervous. Bane hid a chuckle from Ron and said sternly, "I think it is time to teach you a lesson about who is in charge here. On your knees fox. Show me who is the alpha." Ron gulped and dropped to his knees, looking up at his friend who now seemed much bigger, standing in front of him. Bane gabbed his sheath, pulled it back and bared his cock. Ron looked at it, the smell strong in the humid air and the fox licked his lips. He would happily suck it for Bane and thought that that was what the wold had in mind. It was not.

Bane held himself and released a muscle, letting his piss free to stream forth, over the surprised fox! Bane covered the stunned Ron's chest with it, soaking the red fur and aimed lower. He could have gone up to the face and its open mouth but this was an alpha, dominating his lower ranked pack mate, not in a shaming way but in a way of marking him as his! When the stream hit Ron's erect penis, Ron shivered and stiffened, then he howled as he began spraying semen into the air!

Dasher chuckled softly, hugging Seamus to himself as they watched and smelled the acrid scent of wolf piss and fox semen. Seamus was quiet and still, his own cock re-swelling and Dasher said in a whisper for only the green fox to hear, "Ron is a dominant fox but he knows who his alpha is. The comfort of knowing his place under Bane and having it re-affirmed was stronger than any of us knew it would be. Ron needed this. You have no reason to be delouse, Seamus. Bane will do it for you, if you want him to. You are his beta and mate after all. This was just Bane taking care of his friend and pack mate." Seamus shivered in reaction. He knew his wolfy was also his alpha and would take care of him ever more because they were lovers and mates. It felt good to know that his alpha was in control of them all and cared for them so much.

Bane pulled Ron up to his feet and they kissed deeply, the fox snuggling against the wolf, showing he was accepting of his place and happy to be there. Dasher nibbled Seamus' ear and hugged the fox in his arms, then spoke up, "While we would all prefer to continue or fun, time grows short. Ron, Seamus and I don't mind smelling of you Bane but perhaps it would be best if we got cleaned up quickly?" All four males laughed at that but also knew it was true. They set to work shampooing their fur and getting clean.

An hour later, Bane stood just off the stage of the meeting hall. The crowd had filed into the seats as the time neared. Seamus, Ron and Dasher stood behind him. They would walk out onto stage in a show of united force. Bane turned to his friends and blushed slightly. Their previous enjoyment had been the first in a long time. They had taken a shower together but the scent of each other was sill very noticeable. The others nodded their support to him. Bane took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage followed by his friends.

Bane stood at the podium,the others standing slightly behind and to either side of him. He surveyed the crowed and cleared his throat, then began speaking in a strong voice, "Friends, I am here before you today to remember those lost in the recent attacks on the city. I know that most of us have been touched by loss in this event. The attackers were after me and the citizens of this city caught in the crossfire. My government is working hard to bring those responsible for this to justice. However, I am very aware that this will not bring back those we have lost. Nothing I do will make this any better for any of you. What I will say is this. They died hero's and will be remembered as such. My government is also working hard to establish better screening procedures for staff and an early warning system. We are also reviewing events that led to entire portions of the city being cut off from each other, leaving many trapped in the rubble until rescue could arrive. I cannot promise that this will never happen again but I will promise that I will do my best to prevent it. Remember those we have lost and never forget their sacrifice. This park will be a spot of memorial to them, for as long as the Empire shall stand. I am proud of you all, the dead as well as the living . . . My People!" With that Bane walked from the stage as the crowd stood and applauded their leader wildly.

As Bane walked off stage, he saw two guys in the front row holding paw and smiling softly at him. As the crowd filed out of the room, they stayed behind. Bane paused and pointed them out to Dasher. The cheetah went out and brought the pair back to speak with Bane. As they approached, he surveyed them. One of was a wolf, the other a dragon. The wolf was the color of a timber-wolf, with ice blue eyes that seemed to be endless in depth. The dragon was red with a black stripe down his back. The couple smiled at him, and bowed slightly as they politely said, "Good evening your majesty." Bane smiled slightly and said, "Good evening to you as well. You seem to know me but I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

The dragon smiled and responded, "My name is Drake and this is Brasen. It is a pleasure to meet you sir." Brasen smiled gently, looking modestly down as he said, "I am a soldier here and Luke is a contractor, helping with the communications network that you ordered established." Bane nodded and said, "It is a pleasure to meet both of you. I have to be going but I felt an urge to say hello to you both." Brasen bowed in respect and said, "We are honored and glad you did." Bane paused before asking, "Are you know?" Drake chuckled and answered, "Yes, we are engaged to be married. Your government has opened the way for us to finally be together as we have always wanted to be. We have been mates for years but had to be careful to hide it. Now we are free to be with each other openly and we wanted very much to thank you for this freedom." Bane nodded graciously and smiled as he said, "It is important to me that all citizens in my empire be equal, not just some of them. I wish you both well. Now excuse me but duty calls." With that Bane walked away. The two had made an impression upon him, but he had no idea why. The two smiled, they knew they would be seeing more of Bane, he just didn't know it yet.