Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#18 of Through the Horizon

Here is the second part of the chapter. I think I missed uploading this, sorry guys!

Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two

Looking at the smoking corpse of the human attacker, Bane made a decision. He said to his friends, "Ron, you and Seamus will make your way to a control room and see if you can take control of the central computer, or at least lock it out. Dasher and myself will go and draw their attention. If they're after us, there will be less of them to go after you."

Ron and Seamus nodded that they understood and Seamus said, "Be careful my love. Dasher? If anything happens to Bane, your fuzzy butt is in trouble!" Dasher cocked and eyebrow at the green fox and gave an amused grin as he chuckled and replied, "Sounds like fun but the admission price is too high. Don't worry. The only way they will get to Bane is after they have killed me." Seamus looked a little embarrassed at that and added, "Sorry, I know. You be careful too."

With that the two excused themselves and made their way down the hallway into the black abyss. Dasher chuckled and looked to his friend and leader to ask, "What of us?" Bane smiled his death grin and said firmly, "We gonna split some wigs and bust some caps." The cheetah smiled, knowing he didn't need to remind Bane of his importance to everything but agreed with his friend. The citizens came first. Dasher handed his friend a flashlight that Ron had retrieved from his safe room and the two made their way to the door.

Bane rounded the corner and activated his light. The hallway was clear, but he held his blaster at the ready regardless. Bane jumped as he heard Dasher activate his claws. The blades made a metallic clink as they expanded fully. The dasher grinned from ear to ear as the duo heard footsteps ahead of them. They both switched off their flashlights. As the footsteps grew closer, Dasher rubbed his earring, readying himself for the battle. As both friends prepared to attack, a human rounded the corner, his light revealing the two friends. In seconds he had drawn a rifle to full attention and had centered the sights on Bane's forehead. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing?", demanded the human.

Bane chuckled, recognizing Jonathan Drago. He was a human scientist who had been placed as the head of research and development, under Ron's department. Dasher snarled at the human and tensed, waiting Bane's signal to attack! Bane raised his paw and said calmly, "Dasher, this is Jonathan Drago, or JD as he prefers to be called."

Hearing the name of the Minister of State drew his attention off Bane and onto the hackle raised cheetah. JD instantly lowered his rifle and said nervously, "Your majesty, I apologize. I didn't recognize you." Bane smiled and said as JD walked over to them, "No harm done. What are you doing out?"

JD chuckled and told them, "I was working in my lab and some bastard blew up half the city. My blast shield saved me until some asshole kicked in my door. After vaporizing them, I gathered up some more arms and headed out. I've taken out several soldiers already and was trying to make my way to you actually."

Bane nodded and clapped JD on the shoulder. Another one he could count on being loyal. Bane told him, "We are heading the lobby." JD blinked and said, "Mind if I ask why?" Bane gave a short bark of laughter and said, "I don't like waiting for the enemy to come to me. I prefer to hunt them down." The human smiled, looking the pair of battle ready leaders and said dryly, "I can see that."

Dasher cleared his throat and asked, "Bane? I wasn't aware there was a weapons lab in this building." Bane chuckled back, "Of course not, only myself and Ron are. We placed it here as it would be the least likely place for it. JD is in charge of developing weapons to defeat the Scavangers. We wanted his work kept as tightly under wraps as it could get. He is the one responsible for these blasters." JD nodded with pride as he added, "I have developed several weapons, including this rifle."

As the three talked, an enemy soldier rounded the corner. The masked figure brought his weapon up and fired a round directly at JD. The energy shot impacted a previously hidden shield and was harmlessly absorbed. JD spun around and fired with his rifle. The round impacted the figure directly in the chest. The figure went stiff, then fell limply onto the floor. JD smiled and patted his rifle as he told them, "Quite simply, it overloads the victim's nervous system and fries them." Dasher nodded in appreciation. Like a tazer on steroids!

JD smiled as the turned back to Bane, "Wait a sec. Got something here you need more than I do." JD pulled a small object from his pocket and handed it to Bane. "This is my latest invention, it is a personal shield." Bane nodded, wondering at how such a small device could work but slipped it into his pocket. The trio then made their way down the hallway.

The smell of burned flesh and melted electronics filled the building. Bane growled as he stepped over body after body. So many had lost their lives and for what? The trio stopped as they finally reached the buildings central stairwell. It led directly to the balcony overlooking the main reception hall. JD sighed as he examined the door and turned to report, "Well it looks like we have a dead end, the door has been sealed shut. Seems somebody's activated the city's emergency protocols." Dasher blinked and said, "It is too soon for Ron and Seamus to have reached the control room. What does that mean? JD chuckled back, "It means that all doorways to central stairways are sealed shut. Any blast doors and watertight hatches are also sealed."

Bane nodded and growled, "That means that anybody that is in a part of the city that is on fire is also trapped. We MUST deactivate this protocol before we lose everything!" JD nodded and retrieved a blaster that resembled Bane's out of his bag. He leveled it on the doorway and fired. The door was blasted against the far wall of the stairway, in quite a dramatic fashion! JD said happily. "Fortunately, I have a universal key to any doorway." Bane laughed as the trio descended the black stairway.

Seamus and Ron made their way cautiously down the darkened hallway. Ron paused turned to Seamus and whispered, "In case we get separated,you know where are we going exactly, right?" Seamus chuckled and swished his tail slightly as he answered, "There is a control room in the basement of this building for security. If we can reach it, then we can tap into the central computer. We might not be able to restore the city but we can be damn sure nobody else has control either." Ron nodded as a energy blast narrowly missed Seamus' tail. He turned and crouched as he fired his weapon.

The shot missed the attacker, impacting the wall behind him. The wall gave way as the roof collapsed onto their attacker. Seamus laughed at that and said, "Nice! Almost as good as a shotgun." Ron gave a half grin and shook his head as he consulted his computer. Looking up and around to make sure there were no other attackers lurking nearby he said, "We need to get to the maintenance elevator at the end of this hallway. It leads directly to the basement where the security room is. Its almost a straight shot." Seamus chuckled and quipped, "Which means we will fight the entire way there." Ron nodded with a sour laugh and agreed, "Yeah, basically."

Bane stepped out of the stairwell and onto the grand balcony. His eyes and ears constantly scanning for the next threat. The floor was covered with glass and below him could be heard shouting voices. He walked to the edge of the balcony and carefully peered over it to see a heavily armed attacker holding a young female fox hostage. As his own guard pointed their weapons at the masked attacker, the figure shouted, "Do you not see? Can you not see he is leading you all to slaughter? All we want is his life, the rest of you may live if you give us him."

The young vixen trembled in her abductors arms as the one holding her laughed. He was a wolf, and had seen much battle. The thought of slaughtering innocents bothered him not at all. Tho frightened, the vixen said bravely, "Friend, you have no idea who you are fucking with. I have fought side by side with the Emperor. Anybody in this city would gladly give his or her life for Bane!"

Bane felt himself blush as Dasher and Jonathan smiled brightly at their leader. Dasher gazed with admiration for her grit at the young vixen. Tho Bane might deny his importance, all those around him understood perfectly his role.

Bane smiled and walked around to the grand stairs that led down to the bottom floor. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, the attacker turned his attention to Bane. He motioned with his hand for his guards to not acknowledge him, a very bad call of judgment. Bane smiled and said easily, "So you are looking for Bane?" The attacker nodded and growled back, "Yes we are." Bane nodded smoothly and asked simply, "And why?"

The attacker growled slightly in a threatening manner as he proclaimed, "He has taken over everything! He is planning to destroy earth and my employers do not want that to happen. Besides, why should you protect him? His city is under attack, parts of it are burning and many are dead yet he hides in his offices! Where is your brave hero now?"

Bane laughed as Dasher appeared beside him and snarled back, "You're looking at him." The attacker tried to bring the blaster he was holding against the vixen's head and JD fired. The attacker's weapon was blown in half by JD's rifle. Dasher rushed the attacker and with his great speed, took him by surprise. In seconds the cheetah had the attacker disarmed and the young vixen freed.

Bane held his gun on the attacker as Dasher stepped back and he said, "Alright, you've made your point, now I get to make mine. I say you are a coward, and a liar! The majority of your men are dead, some by my own hand! My city is on fire, many of its citizens dead and I am FURIOUS! Earth will be restored to the lush garden it once was and was meant to be. It is all of our ancestral home! Do you think I want this? Hell no but it has been thrust upon all of us. The Scavengers were the ones who did that, not I." Bane turned to his guards and ordered, "Get this man out of my sight!" They nodded and dragged the defeated attacker away.

As Bane shook his head and considered what to do next, the power was restored. The city's systems came back online,crisis management drones already being dispatched to repair the considerable damage. Ordering the city swept for any of the invaders who might remain, he told them to get the medical and rescue teams out to save what lives could be saved.

Hours later Bane sat in his office, the damage there already repaired. He could thank Ron for making his office a high priority. He looked out of his window onto the city and sighed deeply. Repairs were underway, the dead and injured were being taken care of. The empire had been struck from within and wounded but they were far from defeated. Bane had given his secretary the day off to recover. Bane was due to make an announcement to the empire about the day's events. As he brooded about the situation and the information they had managed to get out of the ones they had captured, Bane wanted to run away, he wanted to hide. So much death, so much destruction. He sighed as Dasher walked into his office.

The minister had been busy reassuring the other planets and allies of the Empire, who had likewise been shocked by the brutal sneak attack. He had set his department to creating broadcasts of the events, showing how Bane had once more beaten back the threat to his Empire. He made sure they used security footage of Bane facing the attackers and rescuing the young vixen. It never hurt to let the people know their leader had earned his place and would continue to do so. It was reassuring to know their leader was strong and capable. Dasher chuckled to himself. He knew Bane was going to be upset at being held up as a hero but also knew the immense public relations value it had with their people and their enemies. He made sure the Fox worlds were shown Bane standing up for the vixen and saving her. That should show the foxes who to trust. He didn't give the Fox Emperor a week before he was thrown out of his position and the Fox worlds asking Bane to let them join. The pics and story he had put out was not only going to boost the moral of the Empire's citizens, it was going to draw more support from outsiders and weaken the opposition.

The cheetah was quite pleased with himself as he stepped into Bane's office and saw the wolf brooding at his desk. Dasher walked over as he said, "Do not blame yourself for the actions of others, my friend." Bane chuckled sadly and retorted, "That's easy for you to say Dash. You're not the one they wanted dead!" Dasher nodded and laid his paw on Bane's shoulder comfortingly as he admitted, "True. You are due to make a speech and I want to appear beside you, if you will allow me to." Bane nodded, looking up in surprise and asked, "Alright but why? You hate giving speeches." Dasher nodded in acknowledgment of that and said, "Yes I do but I care for you. We are all in this together. Seamus and Ron wanted to be here as well but they are busy with repairs." Bane nodded gratefully as Dasher walked around behind his friend's chair and stood at attention. Bane pressed a button on his desk and a camera lowered from the roof, the lights dimmed as the recording started.

Looking serious he began, "Greetings my friends and fellow citizens! Today I come to you with disturbing news. Accendo City was attacked hours ago by an as yet unknown group. We have sustained extreme damage and there are many are dead and wounded. In short we have been struck below the belt and while we are hurting, we ARE not out! I sit here today, alive and well because of the actions of the brave citizens of this city. I give them full credit for the success in defeating the attackers. Now to business! I will not sit by and watch the citizens of my empire be attacked or threatened. I know who you are, and why you did this. I will not stop, will not rest, will not cease in my efforts to bring you to justice for what you have done."

Bane growled the low growl of an angry wolf and continued, "I will hunt you down like the cowards you are and destroy you! Now, that aside I would like to speak to the humans that remain. My deepest sympathy goes out to you for your loss. I cannot begin to understand your pain and I will not insult you by saying that I do. I will say only this. You are welcomed in my empire as friends and brothers. Though wars have divided us, the Scavangers have united us in a way we never thought possible. At this very moment I am working with both the wolves and the dragons to assist them in the betterment of their people. Ask them yourselves and see what they have to say about me. I value free speech and personal freedoms. So long as they do not harm others. I offer you this . . . If a leader among you will step forward, I will assist you in building a colony. Choose wisely for I will not suffer a fool, nor will I deal with a committee of squabblers who can't find their asses without a vote. I pledge my support to helping you find a new planet and rebuild your civilization. The Earth will not be habitable for some time, tho I pledge to renew her to what she once was. Earth will be a lush, living world again, open to all citizens to visit and see. "

With that the recording ended and was transmitted across the empire, as well as beamed to the worlds who were not members. Dasher smiled brightly at Bane. He understood how much effort it took to pledge his support to his former enemies. Both of them knew full well that the humans were behind the attack. But Dasher also knew that reaching out to them could make the difference between war and peace. Between more lives needlessly being lost and the better life Bane was striving for.