To Tame The Soul, 5

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#5 of To Tame The Soul

Well here is chapter 5, I hope you guys like it.

As always, comments, votes and faves are much appreciated!

To Tame The Soul 5.

By Wolfie Steel.

We arrive back at Stephen's place to begin emptying it of whatever he wishes to keep; I notice a large limousine is parked directly in front of the house and I see Stephen sink down into the passenger seat of my car.

"Let me guess, this is trouble right?"

Stephen nods his head meekly.

"T...that is Felix Mason's limo, he's no doubt here to collect the rent that I don't have"

I find a parking space just behind the limo and I lean over to the passenger side of the car and open the glove compartment. Inside I find the object that I was looking for, a large and heavy brass knuckle duster.

"Lance, what the fuck are you doing?"

I let out a steely giggle as I answer.

"I'm going to get your stuff out from your house"

I unfasten my seatbelt and then exit the car, I head towards the front door of Stephen's home and I see a large and imposing looking Pit-Bull standing guard, as I get a little closer the Pit-Bull begins to growl.

"There is no one home, so take my advice and fuck off"

I can now hear the sounds of things being trashed inside the house and so I make my reply.

"Well this place is the home of a friend of mine, and I know that he isn't in, that's why I'm going in there to evict the guy that is in there, because he clearly doesn't have the right to be there, besides I've never been any good with taking advice"

The Pit-Bull widens his stance and begins to crack his knuckles in a show of dominance. I put my right handpaw into my pocket and slip my fingers into the concealed knuckle duster, I withdraw my handpaw and without warning I use it to good effect as it connects spectacularly with the Pit-Bull's muzzle. The dog hits the ground and is out cold, I quickly check him over to disarm him of any weapons that he might have and once I am happy that he won't be a threat to me I enter the house, the blood stained knuckle duster still wrapped around my paw.

Inside the house I find a smartly dressed Dalmatian trashing the interior, I pull out my camera phone and use it to video what is happening before me, the Dalmatian is making so much noise that he hasn't heard me activate my phones video camera. Once I have enough evidence I clear my throat to announce my arrival, the Dalmatian spins around and he sees me standing there, camera phone in paw.

"Well Mister Mason, I know that this crumby shithole is the place that you rent out, but I don't think that gives you the right to trash the renter's belongings"

The Dalmatian stops his reign of destruction and stands before me, his right paw balled up into a fist.

"That dead beat Husky owes me money, and I fully intend to get it"

He then looks down at my right handpaw and sees the bloody knuckle duster, I let out a loud chuckle as I see him start to shiver

"Yes Mister Mason, the blood on my paws is that of your unfortunate muscle god, oh and I think that the police will enjoy watching the video that I have just recorded, a video that shows you unlawfully destroying someone else's property. My friend is hereby serving notice to you that he is vacating, but don't think you will be getting anymore rent from him, in fact I think you can expect to receive a court summons when he takes you to court over the destruction of his possessions"

The Dalmatian turns tail and runs from the building, almost falling over the Pit-Bull as he leaves, he quickly clambers into the driver's seat of the limo and then pulls out of the parking space and drives away from the scene at speed. I look around the room that I am standing in and find that pretty much all of Stephen's belongings are beyond repair, but I notice a framed photograph on a side table with a shattered glass front, it is a picture of Stephen with his mother. While the glass is smashed the picture remains intact and so I pick up the frame and take it back out to the car.

I sit in the driver's seat and hand Stephen the photograph.

"I'm sorry hon, I couldn't stop Mason from smashing up your stuff, but I did rescue this photo, which we can get reframed, everything else that was destroyed we can buy replacements for, but don't you worry about Mason, he is going to have one hell of a dent in his wallet once the courts are done with him"

A smile creeps across my muzzle as a look of puzzlement creeps across Stephen's, I replay the video for Stephen and his eyes go wide as he sees the destruction for himself.

"Look babe, I know it hurts to see your possessions being trashed, but as I said before, you will get new stuff, and you will be getting quite a bit of money from our friend Mister Mason"

I lean over to my glove compartment and open it again, I take a Kleenex from a pack that is inside and wipe the blood from my paw and the knuckle duster, I then replace the weapon back inside the compartment and close it up and dispose of the bloody Kleenex in the cars ashtray, with that done I put the key in the ignition and start the engine, I fasten my seatbelt and begin the journey home.

We have been on the road for five minutes when I suddenly notice a shop that sells and repairs picture frames; I pull into a parking lot and shut off the engine, I then take the photo from the Husky and head into the store.

I come face to face with an elderly and kindly looking Horse, he greets me with a deep and raspy voice.

"Welcome to Frame-It sir, my name is Eugene and I am the proprietor, how can I help you?"

I hand the Horse the frame and make my reply.

"Is there anything that you can do to save this picture?"

The Horse looks at the frame and the photo that it contains; he places a hoofed hand against his chin and rubs it in thought.

"The frame itself is pretty grubby and the glass is smashed, but I believe that we can have it looking as good as new in about half an hour"

I nod my head in acceptance and the Horse disappears into the back room to hand the photo off to his repairer, the Equine then returns and I pay him for the work, I then take a seat and wait for the work to be completed. Twenty five minutes later the Horse walks towards me holding a parcel wrapped in thin paper and cotton wool in his hands, he stands before me and opens the bundle.

Inside the package is a beautiful shining frame with a new piece of glass, I can see that the work that has gone into the restoration is considerable, the Horse then re-wraps the parcel and hands it to me, I thank the Horse and his repairer for the work and head back towards my car. I slip back into the driver's seat and hand Stephen the package, he opens it up and instantly tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"Oh Lance it is wonderful thank you, I was afraid that I would lose the frame and the picture, they both mean so much to me"

He leans over and places the sweetest of kisses on my left cheek, I start the engine again and we once again continue our journey home, as we make the journey Stephen looks back at me with a slightly sombre expression.

"As a rule Lance I hate violence, I know that the job you do will at times call for it so I guess that I am going to have to get used to it, all that I ask is that I don't become a victim of it again like I did at school, you see while it was not a direct cause of my life turning to shit, it certainly didn't help matters, you see I never did have much in the way of confidence but when you broke my nose, what little confidence I had vanished. Slowly my grades started going downhill, and while I did graduate I was nowhere near as good as I started out to be"

A stray tear falls from my eye as he continues.

"The only jobs that I could get afterwards were shit pile jobs like shelf stacking or cleaning jobs, but none of them lasted very long, before the incident I had been trying to get a law degree. I don't know, maybe if I had struggled my way through training to be a lawyer, maybe that would have toughened me up, I guess now though we will never know"

The guilt started bubbling up inside me again and I found that I couldn't look at the Husky beside me, and so I just kept my eyes trained on the road ahead. Stephen knew deep down inside that what he had just told me was eating me up and so he gently placed his paw on my leg and squeezed.

"Hey Lance, please don't feel guilty, at the end of the day you have turned your life around, you now help people in need, hell you have just helped me in more ways than you can ever know, for the first time in a long, long time I feel that I am no longer alone, you have apologised to me and I know that most people would say that those were just words, but you said them with such conviction I could tell that they were heartfelt, and then you rescued the one thing that meant anything to me and made it good again. The truth is though I now have two good things in my life, the photograph of my mother, and the love of a very special Doberman, and that is all that I need"

By now we had pulled up to the parking space outside the front of my house, the stray tear that had begun was now a small flood. Suddenly an image of the Husky filled my mind, but this was different, in this image he is smiling, he has his arms wrapped around someone's waist, that someone is me. I guess that modern technology has a lot to answer for, many people use it to hurt and kill, but I for one am glad that it can also be used for love and to heal.