Sticking out like a sore thumb

Story by Meiko on SoFurry

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This is a very old story I found while browsing through my FA page. This was written back in 2007 when I was still young in the fandom. I always admired Kaa and his stories so I decided to make a spin off from one of his written works. The story is based of "Snake eyes" and tells of my characters misfortunes of trying to make a living as well as having an amazing talent of getting into trouble.

Rated adult for some nudity


After being pushed around by creatures twice his size, Meiko finally decided to take life on the road. But even that had its ups and downs. Meiko was walking along a dirt road that connected two capitol cities, each belonging to a different species. One belonged to the warmbloods, the other to the snakes.

Meiko was 20 years old and was anthro orca. He was 5' 6" and very slim. He was a nomad, seeking work where ever he could find it. Most often, work fled from him where ever he went and trouble came after it.

Meiko began his nomadic life when his family was killed off from a dragon named Havoc when he was only 11. He learned to do prostitution for the first time but gave it up quickly as he hated the concept. He then became a laborer for the very same dragon who killed his family. He worked for a few days then went before the great dragon and told him what was on his mind. He said he resented working for him and felt that it would be best if he left. Havoc applauded Meiko's humble action of coming before him with his concerns and agreed to release him.

When he turned 14, Meiko worked in a farmers market. It was good until he was caught making a lunch out of a grower's product. So he hit the road again for new work. It would be two long and hard months until he found one. However, Meiko had the feeling he was being watched.

His suspicions were confirmed when he saw a hooded figure with white wings following him along a dusty road. The figure followed him for a great distance before disappearing.

Meiko was leaving the capitol of the Warmbloods. He had been found in the most interesting places. Once he was on top of a roof and fell in, while a meeting was being held. Another time, he had entered the governor's house, which he didn't know about, and was thrown out. The last time he screwed up was when he was running from the guards and fell in the street, which caused a driver of a gun powder wagon to swerve and spilled some barrels into the street. That's when Meiko knew it was time to leave. He left in a hurry. Not even the guards could stop him. Now he was going into another territory, the one that belonged to the Snakes. He hoped that he would be able to make a living there.

As he walked towards the capitol, he noticed that the locals were different, very different. They had the body of a snake but also had the upper body of a man. The males sported muscular chests and arms. The females were often covered in clothing. Still, he kept on walking. The town was just like the Warmblood's, but snakes lived there.

The locals looked at Meiko with interest. The first thing Meiko did was find a job. He went to the local tavern. It was easy to find with a large sign in front of it. He entered the building to find it crowed. The patrons were all snakes of various sizes and in different states of drunkenness. Meiko wormed his way through to the counter and ask the person working there.

"Excuse me sir," said Meiko. "But are you by any chance the owner of this tavern?"

The owner, also a snake, turned and looked at him. "Yes, why do you asked?"

"I'm looking for a job." Meiko replied.

The owner laughed. Meiko watched as the buff snake's muscles flexed as he laughed.

"You think that we have any need for an anthro orca?" the owner asked.

"I thought that you could use a worker." Meiko replied.

"Sorry, but we're not taking anyone," said the owner.

"Thanks," said Meiko. He walked out. "Well, there goes one option."

He went through the whole town looking for work but found none. He even went to the town hall looking for a job, but was showed the door. The night was coming fast; he had to find a place to sleep, preferably one that was not on the streets. He found that the only place that would be of use were the roofs.

"I just hope they can support my weight." Meiko told himself.

He climbed to the top of one building to discover the roof was much to steep. He went to the next one. It gave a little as we stepped on it. The next on was what he was looking for. Nice and firm, with a slight tilt. Meiko lay down on the straw and looked up into the night sky now sparkling with stars. He had just closed his eyes when he heard the sound of two snakes talking.

"Did they say where he went?"

"No, they only said that he ran off before they could catch him."

"Well keep watching for him. He must be thrown out before he can cause any trouble here."

Meiko knew who they were talking about. Him, and now he was on the roof of the governor's house. He lay there, wondering how he would get off the roof without alerting anyone. Then, to his horror, the roof started to crumble. "Oh, darn it." he said.

The roof gave way and he fell through, hitting the floor hard. He looked around quickly to see if anyone heard him. He wasn't in a room that had the officials of the town. Instead, he had landed in a kind of lobby. The floor was made out of round stones. There was a stair way that led up to another floor. Meiko was about to get up when he heard the sound of a sword being removed from its case. He turned his head and saw a snake pointing a sword at him.

"Sorry to drop in uninvited," said Meiko.

"Who are you," the snake asked.

"If I told you, you would have cut my head off." Meiko replied.

"Who is it Vrekkaar?" someone asked.

"It's an anthro orca boy." Vrekkaar replied.

Meiko didn't hear the sound of foot steps; instead, he heard the sound of scales rubbing on the stone stairs.

"Well, well, what have we here," said the snake.

"Don't know sir," said Meiko.

"You are a clever boy aren't you," said the snake.

"Well I don't mean to brag," said Meiko.

Meiko weighted his options on escape. They didn't look good. There was no way he would be able to out run the snakes let alone dodge that sword.

"My name is Seken. What's yours?" the snake asked.

"Meiko," Meiko replied.

"Is your last name Megal?" Seken asked.

"Yes." Meiko replied, feeling his doom before him.

"Fear not my son. Your entrance was a bit informal, but you show no evidence of that would make you a threat," said Seken.

He motioned Vrekkaa to put his sword away.

"You have a very smart mind. I like that. But I have to ask. What brings you here?" Seken asked.

"I was looking for a job, but all I caused was a mess and angry people putting prices on my head." Meiko replied.

"Sounds terrifying, but I assure you, we do not kill those who make errors. We forgive them. Only then can we live in peace," said Seken. "I've always wanted a sunroof, and now thanks to you, I now have one."

"Well, I wouldn't call it a sunroof. There's no glass," said Meiko.

"True, but I can fix that. You look tired. Why don't you stay here," said Seken.

"You know, you're just about the first person who offered me that," said Meiko.

"You mean you never had been offered a place to stay?" Seken asked with surprise.

"Never, I'm use to sleeping on coble stones. Don't ever try it, its not pleasant." Meiko replied.

Seken took Meiko to a room that was empty. The halls were narrow, but wide enough for Meiko and Seken to pass through.

"This will be your room," said Seken.

"Thanks," said Meiko as he entered his room.

The room was big; it had a queen size bed, a mirror on the wall, and a dresser chest. Across from the bed was a good size fire place with a fire in it. The whole building was made out of wood. Meiko looked about the room until there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," said Meiko.

Behind the door was a servant, about half the size of Seken. It was a male, still even though the servant appeared to be very young, he was no means weak. His body was packed with muscle.

"Sir, I have your sheets for you. You want me to but them on the bed for you?"

Meiko was shocked. Bed sheets, for him? Surely, he was dreaming he thought but it was all real.

"Okay," Meiko replied.

He watched as the snake work, taking the old sheets off and putting the new ones on in a short time. He also noticed how the servant smoothed out the sheets as he worked.

"What is your name?" Meiko asked.

"Malonga," the snake replied.

"And have you been here for a while?"

"No sir," Malonga replied. "I started this week."

As the snake finished his work and began to leave, Meiko spoke up.

"Please stay, I've never had anyone to talk to."

The snake turned and smiled. "I'll come by when I'm done with my work."

"Thanks," said Meiko.

The snake left the room and closed the door behind him. Meiko climbed into bed and pulled the pillow up so that he sat up facing the door. He sat there for what seemed like hours, listening to what was happening inside the house. He heard the sounds of other guests and the movements of the servants. The fire crackled and cast a warm glow in the room. A few hours later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Meiko said.

Malonga entered the room and closed the door before crawling across the floor to Meiko's bedside. He then crawled up onto the bed and coiled next to him.

"Thanks for coming by Malonga, I appreciate it."

"My pleasure, to be honest I am interested in you. I was hoping you could tell me about yourself."

"Okay," Meiko said. "I was born in a small village by the sea. Life was difficult there; we all fought for our lives and often lost. When I was about 11 years-old I lost both my parents. I was then cast from the village to fend for myself. I spent many years searching for work and a place to live."

Meiko sighed and then continued.

"Life was very cruel to me. No one would accept me and often wanted me dead for no reason. I often slept in the streets and traveled by foot to different cities. I went into one where I saw a beautiful tigress named Kakani. I tried to ask her for a job but she had none. I left that place quickly and then I eventually worked my way here."

"Sounds like you had it pretty rough," said Malonga.

"Yes I have."

Meiko let out a big yawn and slumped down in his bed.

"Tired?" Malonga asked.

"Yes," Meiko replied.

Malonga smiled and slithered off the bed. He tucked Meiko in and quietly left the room, leaving Meiko to rest. Malonga crawled away to his quarters and lay down on his bed. He smiled to himself before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Meiko was up very early. He felt hot and decided to go outside to cool off. He climbed out of bed and left the room. The hallways were empty at this time of day and Meiko made sure not to make a sound. He walked out the front doors and stood there to breath in the cool morning air.

He then looked to his right and saw a ladder. He pondered about climbing up to the roof and laying there to watch the sunrise. Then in the back of his mind, he decided to do just that.

Meiko climbed up the ladder quietly and carefully moved over the roof toward the east where the sun would rise at any moment and laid down. His dorsal fin pierced through the roof, however, he did not notice.

Meiko then observed that the governor's mansion was on a hilltop that over looked the city below. Off in the distance were the mountains with their snow covered peeks. The sky was black with stars dotting it.

Meiko lay there with his hands behind his head as the sky above the mountains began to turn a golden shade. He watched as the snow began to sparkle and shimmer from the morning sun. As the sun rose higher, it cast warm rays of light over the mountain tops and spilling over into the valley.

Then there was a blinding light as the sun rose over the mountains. Meiko shielded his eyes and marveled at how beautiful the morning sunrise was. Then he felt something move behind him, however before he could figure out what it was, the roof opened up and swallowed him up. He fell into a bedroom with a muffled thud as he landed on the rug. Meiko laid there for a moment to allow his mind to account for what happened before sitting up.

He looked around and saw that he had fallen in someone's bedroom. In the large dresser were clothes he had never seen before. They were beautiful and adorn with jewels. He looked over to the bed and he immediately froze.

There sleeping in the bed was a black leopardess. She was a beautiful creature; her fur was soft and silky. She had long black hair that shimmered in the fire light. Her body screamed sexy in many ways. He gazed at her sweet face and could not help but notice that the face seemed strikingly familiar. He looked at her and felt something in his heart flutter as he suddenly realized she was looking at him with a smile.

"Hello Meiko. Or should I say Orca."

Meiko sat there gawking at her. His eyes widened when she sat up causing the covers to slide down her body to reveal a light blue corset with two thin straps running across the top of her breasts. Her beauty seems to magnify as more of her body was revealed. Then her words brought him back to reality.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Meiko asked.

The tigress giggled. "My name is Shadow and I've been watching you for a long time."

Meiko began to feel uneasy at what she just said. He wondered if she really had been watching him and if it was true, why? Then he heard a voice in his head say, "It's because I fell in love with you. I want you to be my pet." Meiko shook his head as if he was shaking off water. Shadow giggled again as she got out of her bed and come to kneel in front of him. She smiled and gently stroked his cheek.

"I've been hoping to meet you face to face Orca. You have been a treasure to me, and now here you are."

She wrapped her arms around him in a tender hug and kissed his cheek. She rubbed his back softly and purred. Meiko held her in his arms and began to cry. Shadow cooed softly and whipped away his tears. She smiled and stroked his head as Meiko was pouring out his heart.

She rocked him in her arms and hummed a soothing tune that her mother once sang to her. Then she closed her eyes and her wings appeared. Two black feathery wings sprouted from her back and folded around them. Shadow laid Meiko's head on her chest and gently nuzzled the sobbing orca.

After a while, Meiko's crying stopped and he was murring as he felt Shadow's warmth. He looked up at her to see her beautiful eyes looking at him, her face bearing a broad smile. She licked his head and scratched his chin.

"'s alright hun, everything is going to be okay. Your mistress is here to take care of you. Hush now. Let my warmth sooth you. Dry your tears on me." Shadow said softly.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Shadow said.

The door opened and there was Malonga.

"Sorry for the intrusion miss, but the governor would like you to join him in the dinning hall."

"I'll be there in a minute."

Malonga left, leaving her alone with Meiko.

"Shadow," Meiko said.

"Yes my pet."


"Shhh, it's alright. Its okay, it's okay. You're safe in my arms."

Shadow remained silent for a moment, tenderly stroking the orca.

"The governor is waiting for us my pet," Shadow said. "We should not keep him waiting."

"If it would be alright with you, I would like to stay here for a moment." Meiko said.

"Alright then, you can stay. I'll be back shortly."

Shadow left the room and headed for the dinning hall. Along the way, she saw some of the snake servants look at her, some even blushing as they became aroused at her figure. Shadow smiled and paid no attention to their need.

When she arrived, she saw Seken sitting at the table waiting for her. There was a chair for her next to him. The hall was large with a high ceiling. Shadow took her seat next to the snake and began to eat. Seken smiled and turned to her.

"So, how are you enjoying your stay?"

"Very well sir. I must say your staff has never ceased to amaze me with their kindness."

Seken nodded and took a drink of his wine.

"I had no doubt that they would not show hostilities. I made it clear to them that all guests are to be treated with the utmost respect."

Shadow smiled at Seken as she took another bite of the seasoned beef she was eating.

"Have you been visited by Meiko yet?" Seken asked.

"Yes I have," said Shadow.

"Please forgive him..."

"Oh no, it's quite alright. I believe I have finally found my pet after all these years."

Seken looked at Shadow as if she has just proposed to marry him. His face was stunned and confused.

"Your pet?"

"Yes Seken, my pet. Meiko has another name. Orca, he is my pet."

"How, I do not understand."

"It would be better if I did not explain it to you." Shadow replied.

Shadow finished her wine and stood up from the table. "If you will excuse me, my pet needs my attention. Good day Seken."

Shadow walked back to her room to find Meiko in her bed. She smiled and entered, closing the door behind her.

"Hungry my pet?"

Meiko nodded and Shadow walked to the bed. She untied her corset and took it off. Her breasts were full and her nipples were erect and ready. Meiko looked at her and panted. Then he felt her paws on his face as she brought her nipple to his mouth. He instinctively wrapped his mouth the nipple and suckled. His mouth was soon filled with her milk as he sucked.

Shadow purred as she nursed him and stroked his head. He had a very good mouth for her nipple and drank like a thirsty whale. Then when he finished he kissed her cheek and smiled.

"Thank you, your milk was most satisfying."

"I'm happy that you think so. Would you like to come home with me?"

"Yes mistress, I would be thrilled to live with you."

"Then let's depart for home."

And so with Meiko at her side, Shadow walked out of the room smiling happily. They caught a carriage and rode off into the distance. - The End

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